This Love's Not for Sale (16 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

BOOK: This Love's Not for Sale
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“Can you tell me what this is?
For every item you get right, I’ll give you an orgasm in return,” Tucker whispered as he touched something wet to her lips.

Lilliana’s nerves prickled with anticipation.
She wanted all the orgasms she could get from Tucker. Lilliana opened her mouth and Tucker pushed something round into it. It was firm and smooth, about the size of a large grape or olive. The taste was heavenly and nothing she had tasted before. She bit down slowly and the food in question popped and a gush of juice filled her mouth. It was a cherry tomato, but the herbs coating it gave it a whole new flavor.

“Tomato,” she mumbled out, chewing on the vegetable. “With something else,” she continued.

“Saffron,” Tucker laughed richly.

“It’s so delicious.
More, please?” she asked, wiping the corner of her mouth.

Lilliana could hear a plate being placed on the island behind her
, and the sound of Tucker’s jeans as they swooshed with his movements. Warmness glided over her mouth and she opened it and leaned forward, but Tucker pulled away. He was teasing her. She sat back and waited. Again, she felt the heat of the food and inhaled deeply. It was salty with a hint of spice. She poked her tongue out quickly to get a taste and Tucker laughed as if sincerely amused.

I forgot how impatient you are.”

“Give it to me,” she demanded politely.

“Oh, I’ll give it to you, pet,” he growled. “Open wide.”

Lilliana opened her mouth like a hungry bird and Tucker laid a thin strip of meat onto her tongue. Lilliana rolled
it around in her mouth before sinking her teeth into it. It was tender, lean beef with a spicy kick. The slight tang of blood on the rare meat turned her stomach slightly. She liked her meat well-done, but she pushed back her inhibitions and focused on the herbs and spices.

“Beef, medium-rare with a kind of pepper, but not quite. It’s something like pepper. And lemon.”

“You have a good palate. It’s braised veal with cardamom and lemon preserves. And that’s two orgasms for you.”

Lilliana smiled and licked her lips. She had only eaten veal twice before. It wasn’t her favorite
, but it was soon becoming a special treat given the circumstances.

Tucker reached for the plate again and Lilliana
could hear the clink of the plate as he laid it back down on the counter. “If you get the next one right, I’ll be surprised.”

Lilliana sat up and squared her shoulders
. She liked a challenge. “Double or nothing?” she asked.

Tucker snorted,
“You’re feeling bold, aren’t you?”

Lilliana grinned but hoped she would get the answer right.

Tucker’s finger was felt across her lips and she opened her mouth, but sat patiently waiting. He dipped his finger in, allowing Lilliana to suck it. She had to concentrate on the flavor and not the fact that his digit was in her mouth, but he pulled it out, only to push it back in, then out again, mimicking the motion of his cock in her mouth. Lilliana’s core temperature began to rise with his seductive movements.

“Tell me what it is,” Tucker stated with a hint of
laughter in his voice.

“You’re making this difficult. One more taste, please?”

“Okay, but only because I’m feeling generous.”

Tucker’s finger could be
heard squeaking across the porcelain as he picked up more of the sweet and salty liquid. He slipped his finger back into her mouth, his thumb this time. Again, he pushed it in and pulled it out, teasing her.

“God damn, that’s sexy as fuck,” he whispered.

As turned on as Lilliana was, she tried to detect the flavors floating around in her mouth. She knew the bitter flavor, but she couldn’t name it. She thought and thought, the seconds ticking by slowly.

“Time is running out, Lilly.”

“Just one more taste, please?” she begged.

Tucker’s breathing quickened
. “I do love the begging.”

One last time, he poked his finger into her mouth.
That taste, what was it? Something familiar, along with the salty taste of Tucker’s skin.


tore off her blindfold. The bright overhead lights made her squint. Her eyes immediately found Tucker’s and his burning stare held her still.

“Close, but no cookie,” he sh
ook his head. “It’s ginger.”

Lilliana was heartbroken.
She sighed loudly and pouted. Leaping off the stool, she stalked around the kitchen in her bare feet, irritated with herself. What the hell was she thinking by doubling down like that? Damn it to hell. Suddenly Tucker was on her, backing her up to a blank spot on the wall. He pinned her arms high above her head, holding on tightly to her wrists. His mouth was on her throat and his other hand up her dress, pushing her panties to the side and clutching her pussy.

At the end of the CD, the music stopped and the only sound in the room was of the sizzling vegetables and their frantic breathing. Tucker pushed Lilliana’s legs apart with one
a foot as he buried his fingers completely inside of her, making her squeal out.

Lilliana was in
heaven as Tucker forced himself on her, pressing her body to the wall and taking complete control of her. Her thoughts were bleary, her blood was humming through her veins and her mouth unbearably dry.

Tucker sucked at her neck ferociously. It was painful and brought tears to Lilliana’s eyes but she allowed his passionate kiss and
pleaded for more.

“Don’t stop
,” she mewled out.

Tucker let go of her wrists and lifted her off her feet by her waist. She wrapped her legs around him and her arms around his neck as their mouths smashed onto one another’s. He wobbled over to the island again and plopped her down onto it and tore her panties off, shredding the fabric. It, too, was painful and Lilliana’s eyes well
ed up again from the sudden harshness.

Tucker dug into his back pocket and pulled out a condom, and with the ease of a man who had
clearly done this a thousand times before, he had it on in a matter of seconds.  Pushing her legs open as far as they would go, he sunk into her, slowly pushing the head of his cock past her velvety glistening folds.

her dress up and over her breasts, his hand outlined the circle of her breast, then tugged her lacy cup of bra down underneath her tits, revealing them completely. Tucker buried his face in them, his tongue caressing her sensitive swollen nipples. Slowly he began to sink into Lilliana little by little which caused Lilliana to clench down unintentionally. Her body wasn’t used to that kind of manly intrusion and resisted the initial penetration.

“Fuck, Lilly. When was the last time you were with a man?” he panted out as he looked up into her eyes.

Her cheeks brightened and his movements stilled. “Relax, pet,” Tucker grunted out.

na slowed her breathing and arched upwards against Tucker’s rigid shaft. He smiled and began to push further into her. He stood back up and pulled her to the edge of the counter and dove deeper and deeper into her. As Tucker’s hands explored her soft flesh, Lilliana focused on Tucker’s movements, trying to predict his next move. Tucker’s eyes flicked from her pussy to her mouth to her eyes, and back. Lilliana writhed beneath him and gasped when jolt of electricity shot through her lower abdomen. Lowering himself onto Lilliana, Tucker’s eyes became languid.

it… right there…” he grunted.

look on his face was entrancing and his tormented groan was a thrilling invitation. Lilliana reached up and gripped his gorgeous face and pulled herself up to suck on his deliciously perfect lips. Tucker rested his palms on the counter as their tongues danced inside each other’s mouths and his cock twitched violently inside of her. A timer buzzed and Tucker pulled away without warning, leaving Lilliana sitting on the edge of the island with her legs dangling, her dress around her waist, and her pussy dripping wet. Tucker held onto his pants as he stirred the vegetables, his stiff dick pointed skyward. He replaced the pan lid and reset the timer as if nothing had happened, and walked back and plunged right back into Lilliana’s pussy, thrusting rapidly.

She was so close to
coming her body screamed for release. Her pussy muscles bean to contract at a rapid rate and Tucker swiftly pulled out and glared at her.

“No coming. That was the deal, remember?”

Lilliana lay gape-jawed, panting and with her chest heaving. He couldn’t be serious. Could he?

“But, Tucker,” she started in.

“Shush,” Tucker barked as he gripped the back of her neck and pulled her into his mouth.

Again, he
shoved his cock in her and began to drive into her over and over, pushing her to the edge. Just as she felt the warm chill of an orgasm building, Tucker grunted loudly and his movements ceased. He had come and now she was left without release. Tucker gently pulled out of her and slipped off his condom, tied the end and tossed it into the kitchen trash. Lilliana lay back on the counter, catching her breath.

She turned her head to the side and watched as Tucker bent down and picked up the condom wrapper and tossed it away. He proceeded to wash his hands and stir the vegetables once more
before addressing Lilliana.

“The bathroom is that way. Get cleaned up for dinner,” he inst
ructed nonchalantly and pointed towards the door.

Lilliana sat up and stared Tucker down. Tucker’s eyebrows went up and he chuckled.

“Again with the evil eye?”

er you get my evil eye than my sharp tongue.”

Tucker stepped back and pla
ced his hands on his hips. “Oh, really? Better for whom? You or me? You shouldn’t have made a bet like that if you didn’t plan on keeping it.”

Lilliana didn’t need to be reminded of her ridiculous decision. Lilliana huffed under her breath and
Tucker rubbed his palms together signaling what was to come if she kept up her attitude. Lilliana hopped off the island before her motor mouth got her into trouble and found the restroom.

pantyless and thoroughly fucked, Lilliana was a complete mess. She eyed her makeup and hair and did the best she could to make herself presentable.

ing her way back to the kitchen, Tucker had the food plated and was heading toward the dining room. She followed and was astounded to see a massive table with an opulent but ridiculously huge chandelier overhead. The room was stunning with lush velvet and leather furnishings and a fireplace with a hand carved mantel at the far end of the immense room. The smell of expensive wood lingered in the air and Lilliana couldn’t get over the sheer size and magnificence of his home. Yes, it was beautiful but it was way too overstated. He was a farm boy from Iowa for fuck’s sake.

As he began to set the plates down Lilliana stated her request.

“Can we eat in the kitchen? The island will do just fine. It’s cozier in there.”

nodded perfunctorily and turned back towards the kitchen.

As they ate, Tucker sat
quietly. The food was delicious and the fact that Tucker had cooked it made it all the more enjoyable. Tucker really was the whole package. Albeit, an annoying, orgasm-depriving package.

“Why so quiet
?” Lilliana asked.

“No reason,” he shrugged, his face revealing nothing.

The way Tucker had suddenly become distant, she wondered if she had overstayed her welcome. They had both gotten what they wanted so maybe it was time for her to leave. “If you’re uncomfortable with my being here, perhaps I should leave.” Lilliana’s voice was soft and a little uncomfortable.

Tucker creased his forehead and laid his fork down. “I thought you were staying
the night. Wasn’t that your plan?”

“Was it?”

“You brought an overnight bag with you.”

Shit, Lilliana had
just assumed that was the plan without discussing it with Tucker. She mentally kicked herself. She sat staring at her plate trying to think of a way to get out of sounding like a jerk.

“I apologize for assuming that. I have a tendency to jump to conclusions.”

Tucker snorted and nodded in agreement. “I’ve noticed.”

Lilliana’s cheeks flushed. Oh, hell. She got some dick, that’s all that mattered. She picked
up her plate and moved to the dishwasher.

Tucker shot her a penetrating look as she rose.
“What are you doing?”

Cleaning up.”

“I see that, but why?”

“Where I come from, we clean up after ourselves.”

After rinsing her plate, Lilliana pl
aced it in the dishwasher,  and reached for her jacket and purse.

Tucker stood
and sighed with exasperation. “I thought we decided you were staying the night.”

“We didn’t
decide that. Anyway, it’s late,” Lilliana continued toward the door.

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