This Time (10 page)

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Authors: Ingrid Monique

BOOK: This Time
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Chapter 9
View Coast was a tourist paradise. It was a five-mile stretch of white sand beach with three of the best resorts in St. Pala. There was another three miles of private homes and cabins on the beach. They were staying at the Dawn Resort, which was hosting the Appleton Rum Festival. The place was buzzing with activity as the staff set up the first party that night.
Kelee's room was next to Lori and Allan's on the fourth floor. From her room Kelee could see the beach and the massive pool below. A stage was set up on the beach and sound checks were being done. According to the itinerary, a number of local artists were performing tonight. Tomorrow they had a few American well-known hip-hop artists along with locals on the list.
Kelee dressed in hip hugger jeans and a silver satin tank. Then she went to check on Lori, only to find her fussing with Allan over her not liking anything she had bought to wear. Allan was trying his best, but Kelee could see the frustration in his face.
“Why don't yu' go secure us a table? I'll finish up here,” Kelee told him. Allan gave her a thankful look and left in a hurry.
Kelee gave Lori a scolding look.
Lori rolled her eyes at her and said, “Don't yu' start with me. It's his fault.”
“Stop bitchin',” Kelee told her.
“I am not bitchin'!” Lori pouted.
“If yu' say so.” Kelee picked up the sexy maternity tank with its flared end. She moved to help Lori put it on.
“Thanks,” Lori mumbled. Kelee kissed her cheek, smiling at her. Lori smiled.
“Yu' think Sean's goin' to be here?” Kelee asked. She hadn't heard from him since yesterday and he'd promised he'd call before they left the house. He hadn't. She longed to see him, even though it had only been a few days since they'd parted. They had spent at least an hour talking on the phone last night, but it just wasn't enough; she wanted to see him.
“Don't worry, he'll be here,” Lori reassured her.
They joined Allan in the grand ballroom where a fashion show was in progress. Kelee scanned the room; no Sean. To combat her anxiety Kelee focused on the show of local designers. The clothes were excellent. There was a lot more talent in St. Pala than she realized. She enjoyed the fashion show. Afterwards they were informed that the buffet and bar were open by the pool. The buffet offered a wide variety of local and gourmet foods. The live show was scheduled to start an hour later.
Kelee was working on her second plate and still there was no sign of Sean, so she decided not to think of him and enjoyed what the festival had to offer. Allan got them a VIP spot, with lawn chairs. The first band was called Suns. They were a reggae band that played mostly classic reggae tunes. The band was in the middle of their second song when she sensed him. She didn't know how, but she did. She gazed over her shoulder to see him making his way over to them. He smiled at her and her heart skipped a beat. He was dressed in loose khaki slacks and a white T-shirt. His eyes remained fixed on her as he came to a stop at her side.
“Hey,” he said, crouching down, looking at her.
“Hi.” She smiled. She was happy to see him and she couldn't hide it.
“Lori, Allan,” he said, gazing at them briefly.
“'Bout time yu' showed up,” Lori told him and Kelee glared at her in disbelief.
“Forgive me?” Sean asked, looking at Kelee. She smiled and told him, “Forgiven.”
“Care to join me?” Sean asked with a smile that made her jump out of her chair. She was ready to go with him.
“Don't stay out too late,” Lori teased.
“Yes, Mother,” Kelee threw back and heard them laugh.
Taking a hold of her hand, Sean led her away from the party and down the beach. The minute they were clear of the crowd that had gathered on the beach for the show, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kiss. His mouth gently possessed hers with an urgency that spoke of his passion for her. It made her heart sing; it also felt wonderful to be in his arms again.
“Miss me?” he asked, gently breaking their kiss.
“I thought yu' weren't coming,” she said, caressing his stubbly cheek.
“An' leave yu' here alone, yu' mad?” he teased. She smiled.
“So why are yu' late?”
“I'm glad yu' here,” she told him, pulling his head down to hers. This time she kissed him as if she wanted to possess him. She heard him moan and it pleased her.
“Let's go to yu' room,” he whispered in her ear.
“Do yu' have protection?” she asked and he grinned, pulling a condom from his pocket. They left the beach and headed up to her room. Once inside they were all over each other. They kissed and stumbled across the room as they undressed each other. Sean lifted her and took her into the bedroom, where they fell onto the bed in a heated kiss. Sean's lips left a trail of hot, moist kisses down her body, turning her into a quivering mess. She reached for him, pulling him over her, kissing him deeply. He pulled back, put the condom on and drove hard and fast into her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, moaning his name as he moved against her. She bit into his shoulder as her body tightened with pleasure and burst into the ultimate release.
Kelee lay in Sean's arms, running her hand over his sleek chest muscles. She loved his body and the pleasure he gave her; she wished she could have him forever.
“Let's go for a walk,” he suggested. She looked into his face.
“We could just stay here.” She smiled, kissing his nipple.
“There's some'ting I want to show yu'.” He ran his fingers through her hair, pulling her towards him, kissing her lightly.
“OK.” She smiled, caressing his lips with her tongue.
Fifteen minutes later they walked down the beach, stopping here and there, kissing and playing like kids.
Tyce watched Sean and Kelee. They were locked in a lovers' embrace on the beach. He had been watching Kelee since she arrived at the hotel with her sister and her brother-in-law. For a moment he didn't think Sean would show, but to Tyce's disappointment, he had. Minutes before Sean had arrived he even contemplated approaching Kelee. He was glad he hadn't, because Sean would have seen him, which he didn't want. He watched them kiss. They really couldn't get enough of each other, which was a good thing. He could see just how much Sean was into Kelee; it would work to his advantage. He watched them as they strolled down the beach. The closer those two got the better. He walked away, returning to the concert to enjoy the rest of the show.
“There's some'ting I need to show yu,” Sean told Kelee as they passed a private cottage on the beach. The part of the beach they were strolling was lined with small cottages, some owned by the hotel, some private.
“What is it?” she asked, excited.
“Yu'll see,” he told her, gazing down at her. They continued down the beach. The cottages brought back memories of a wild summer Kelee had spent on this same beach. Most of it was a blur still. At that time she had smoked way too much marijuana and was too high half the time. But that was her past, one she wasn't all too proud of.
Sean started to lead her towards a cottage that was very familiar. It was still painted that cool blue color and the coconut tree was still there to the left of the house, hanging over it like an umbrella. Nothing about it had changed. She paused and Sean turned to look at her.
“Wha' is it?” he asked.
She'd been here before when she was younger. This was where she'd lost her virginity. She wanted to be with Sean, but not here. She wanted to tell him not here, but then he'd want to know why, and that, she couldn't tell him.
“Come on, it's all set up for us,” he said in a too-cool voice. Kelee swallowed her past and smiled at him. He held a hand out to her and she placed her hand in his. He led her towards the cabin. At the door he pulled out a key and opened the door. Kelee hesitated. It didn't feel right. It felt strange. Sean pulled her inside, switching on the lights.
“Don't worry, yu' gonna' love it,” he said. Kelee stood in the small living room, looking around the cottage. It was exactly how she had remembered it, cozy and welcoming. The furniture, she noted, was different; more modern pieces now accented the room. She could see that the kitchen/dining area had been remodeled. A flood of memories came rushing back at her. She felt uncomfortable; she couldn't stay here.
“Don't tell me yu' don't remember?” Sean whispered in her ear. A cold shiver raced down Kelee's entire body. She jumped away from him. How did he know? He couldn't know. She looked into his eyes, noticed the wicked grin on his face. And for the first time she could place his eyes, his mouth . . . it was Mark.
“Oh, my God!” she exclaimed and covered her mouth, shocked. He knew exactly who she was.
“Mark?” she whispered. He nodded. It couldn't be. The Mark she knew back then had dreads and a full beard. No wonder she didn't recognize him. Suddenly her anger took over. He knew who she was and had played her for a fool.
“Sean Mark St. John,” he said with a slight smile. He thought it was funny, playing with her the way he had. He knew they had been together, right here. She felt sick to her stomach. He had made love to her knowing who she was.
“Yu' son of a bitch!” she screamed. “Yu' knew an' yu' didn't say anything?”
She felt used and stupid. She had made love to him, told him how familiar he felt to her. He must have been laughing at her when she said it. Humiliation filled her, making her boiling mad. She recalled the look in his eyes then; now she knew why. He'd played with her in the worst way possible. The thought of them just making love only served to infuriate her even more.
“Come on, Kelee, yu' can't be mad at me. Yu' have to admit it's funny. I mean, we spent five nights here together, how could yu' not remember me?” he asked, amused. He really thought it was funny.
“Go to hell!” she screamed and ran out of the cottage. She heard him calling after her as she ran all the way back to the hotel. She got to her room, locking the door behind her. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest. And then the tears started to roll down her cheeks. She threw herself across her bed and cried. A few minutes later she heard a knocking and Sean asking her to open the door. She didn't answer. She hated him for what he'd done to her.
Sean had made a big mistake, he realized as he walked away from Kelee's door. He just didn't think she'd react the way she had to his revealing who he was. He recalled the hurt in her eyes and it tore at him. He had played it all wrong. He should have told her. His cell phone rang. It was Jack.
“We found Adams.” By Jack's tone, Sean knew it wasn't good.
“Is he alive?”
“Barely,” Jack informed him. Sean breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was alive. Adams was tough; he knew he'd survive.
“Where is he?”
“Kings Hospital. Sean, he doesn't look too good,” Jack said desolately.
“I'll be there in an hour,” Sean told him and ended the call. He headed back to the beach where the concert was in full swing. He made his way to where Allan and Lori were. Lori looked up at him, concerned when she didn't see Kelee with him.
“Where's Kelee?” Lori asked, worried.
“She's in her room,” Sean told her, feeling guilty about what he had done. Lori looked at him, concerned.
“What happened?”
“I have to go,” he said. Lori looked at him.
“Some'ting wrong?” Allan asked.
“They found one of my men an' he doesn't look good.”
Allan nodded at him, understanding.
“Tell Kelee I'm sorry an' I'll call her,” he told Lori and left.
Kelee heard Lori calling her name. She dragged herself out of bed and went to the door. She had a headache from crying. She opened the door and Lori gasped when she saw her. Kelee knew she looked a mess from crying.
“What happened?” Lori asked, moving into the room and closing the door behind her. Kelee walked over to the sofa and dropped into the plush cushions. Lori sat beside her.
“What happened with yu' an' Sean?” Lori asked.
“He can go to hell!” she said, and she meant it.
“What happened?” Lori insisted.
Kelee took a deep breath and told her everything. When she was done, Lori stared at her, stunned.
“I can't believe he'd do that to yu',” Lori exclaimed.

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