Three (18 page)

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Authors: William C. Oelfke

BOOK: Three
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 Once they arrived in
Switzerland on Sunday evening, Milford and Barry made contact with the two ISIS
agents.  The two agents met them at the airport and gave them suitcases with
uniforms and false identification badges for CERN.  After being taken to a
local hotel where the brothers donned their security guard uniforms, they were
driven to the CERN facility by one of the agents.

 On Monday morning they made
their way into the ATLAS section of the Large Hadron Collider dressed as CERN
security guards.  They prepared to take positions near the control room as they
had been instructed. 

In this room the ATLAS field magnets
were monitored as flux pumps slowly increased the currents in the
superconducting field coils to their highest levels since the final runs in
2012. The virus-infected control computer would function properly, but would
continue to pump up the super-current until it passed the critical value for
the niobium-titanium wires, driving them to their normal electrical
conductivity.  At this point the normal high resistant wires would be vaporized
by the extremely high electric current.  The surrounding liquid helium would
flash boil and cause a violent explosion of expanding gas that would destroy or
disable the massive detector.

 The Smith brothers knew
nothing of this, except that something was going to blow up soon after their
attack.  Their mission was to prevent the person sitting at the current
monitoring station from overriding the computer when it became obvious that the
currents were approaching critical.

At the same time that the
Smith brothers were making their way into the ATLAS facility, Khalil was
meeting his friend and associate, Steven Nash, in Building 40 of the Meyrin
site near the ATLAS detector.  Unfortunately, Elizabeth’s text message warning
him of a possible attack sat unread in his muted cell phone.

Each time Khalil entered this
building with its large circular open floor and looked upward at its splendid dome
some ten stories overhead, he was reminded of the most splendid mosques in the
world centers of Islam, such as the Blue Mosque in Istanbul or the Dome of the
Rock on Temple Mount in the heart of Jerusalem.  He remembered Oliver’s image
of a cathedral upon first seeing Wilson Hall at Fermilab.
What are we worshiping
here in this place?
  He knew full well that he was seeking knowledge of the
universe that would deepen his understanding of the greatness of Allah;
is no idol worship here.

His thoughts were interrupted
by the approach of Steven.  With arms outstretched Steven greeted Khalil with a
hug and said, “I’m glad you’re here.  This test is critical for our run this
coming year when perhaps we can begin to detect the sparticles that super
symmetry says must be there, or the dark matter that astronomy says must be
there.  Either way, the coming months are going to be exciting” 

“If we fail to find them, we’re
all in a theoretical crisis.  The accepted model of fundamental particles, as
well as the theory of the early universe, may both have to be reinvented.” 

“Come down to the ATLAS
control center and help me run the magnet test.  The coils were cooled to
liquid helium temperatures overnight and should be ready to be energized.” 

The two colleagues made the
trip to the underground cavern that was the ATLAS center.  Khalil had been here
as many times as he had been in Building 40 and was equally awed by the
gigantic size of this particle detector. The detector loomed as large as a five
story building within its huge cavern.

The control room, separate
from the detector itself, was down a hallway lined with small offices. Steven entered
the control room and activated the console, going through the various entry
codes needed to obtain access to the central computer.  Once activated, it was
a simple matter of highlighting the magnetic windings on the screen graphic of
the detector, verifying that the temperature was low enough, and entering “energize”.
 Immediately current levels began to be printed in each of the coils as their
flux pumps began slowly building up current. 

Steven said to Khalil, “The
computer runs up the magnet currents very slowly. Our tests will begin when the
fields have reached their final strengths, but that is going to take an hour or
more. While we wait we can sit and talk. Run down to the snack bar and bring us
back some coffees and breakfast rolls.  When you get back you can tell me about
Peter.  I still can’t believe that we have lost him; he was so important to our
work here as well as that at Fermilab.” 

“Don’t expect me to return
right away; you know how crowded the snack bar can get at this hour on a Monday
morning.”  Khalil knew that he would not be able to tell his friend about the
true nature of Peter’s death and was not looking forward to this discussion. 
He planned to describe the hospital trip and the funeral, but avoid any mention
of the FBI investigation and the hunt for Peter’s murderers.

Milford Smith, who had been
watching the hallway during the morning shift of his false guard duty, saw two
people go into the control room and start the scheduled magnet test.  When one left,
saying that he would be awhile at the snack bar, he nodded to his brother
Barry, who had taken up a position at the other end of the hall, and approached
the control room. While Barry stood watch, Milford entered the control room and
closed the door. 

Steven looked around and
said, “You must be one of the new guards that I saw assembled in Building 40. 
Why have you come here to this control room?”  Since Milford had no reasonable
answer, he pulled a long zip-tie from his pocket and lunged at Steven, hoping
to subdue him and tie him to his chair.  Steven dodged his attempt and the two
began a violent struggle.  Steven was somewhat smaller than the Smith brother
but regularly used the CERN Gym and had good upper-body strength.  While the
two struggled, neither noticed that the computer virus had taken control and
was now rapidly increasing the magnets’ super-current.  They continued to fight
more desperately, and throw each other onto the floor or against the wall.  It
soon became apparent to Milford that he was losing the struggle.  Steven
punched him hard in the face and he staggered back, knocking over Steven’s
chair.  The blow dazed Milford, and blood began to drip from his nose.  He knew
that he had to get the upper hand on this operator or he would have failed in
this critical mission for the Reverend.

With some difficulty Milford
managed to bring the large knife out of his pocket.  He hoped that this man
would give up the fight now unbalanced in his favor.  That way Milford hoped to
subdue him and tie him up.  However, before he could threaten Steven with the
knife, he tripped over the chair, that had fallen on its side in the struggle. 
He fell to the floor; Steven immediately jumped on top of him in an attempt to
grab the knife, but instead fell on its extended point. 

The wound was lethal,
puncturing his heart.  When Steven became motionless, Milford rolled out from
under him.  Trembling, and in tears, he pulled Steven’s lifeless body up and
placed him back into the chair before the control panel.  He had not intended
to kill this man, just subdue him and tie him up with the zip-ties he had
stuffed in his pockets.  Now the man was dead!  Still trembling and sobbing,
Milford carried out the last bit of Reverend Spencer’s instructions.  Using the
red marker in his pocket he marked a 616 on Steven’s extended right hand. 

Now sobbing with fear and
grief he ran from the control room, saying to Barry, “I’ve killed him!”

The two brothers, now in a
panic, began to run down the hallway, knowing that if they were not clear of
the underground tunnels, they might be caught in the explosion and possible
cave-in that they had overheard the Reverend describe in Beirut. 

A new guard, the result of
recent stationing of Swiss police in the facility, saw their suspicious
behavior and alerted the police in the direction of their retreat.  They got as
far as the upper level when a general alarm was sounded and they were
apprehended.  Four armed Swiss Policemen held them at gunpoint in the
stairwell.  The two brothers had nowhere to run.  Sobbing with fear and anxiety,
Barry and Milford were led out of the CERN facility and taken to a Swiss Police
station where they were held for questioning.  The United States Homeland
Security Office was immediately informed of the attack and their capture.

Khalil had been waiting to
pay for his coffees and snacks when the alarm went off.  For a moment he stood
holding the tray and listening for any voiced warning of fire or radiation
hazard.  He then realized that since the only work in that area of CERN was the
magnet test, there must be a serious problem with Steven’s test. 

He dropped the tray and began
running down the hall to the control room.  Entering, his first reaction was
that Steven had fallen asleep over the control console, but then he looked in
horror at the magnet current readings.  They had risen above the safe limit and,
in fact, were just beyond the critical level.

With one microscopic
fluctuation of magnetic field or temperature, the current-carrying wires would
be driven normal and the superconducting magnets would explode.  Khalil
desperately worked at the keyboard in order to conduct a manual override of the
computer.   One by one he was able to take control of the magnets and began
slowly reversing the pumping process to bring the fields down to a safe level.

As he was doing this, praying
quietly to himself, other members of the ATLAS team rushed into the room, and
gasped as they noticed Steven’s blood beginning to pool on the floor beneath
him. Only then did Khalil notice the knife and recoiled in fear and horror.  He
now realized someone had attacked this facility with the intent of destroying
it, and in the process had murdered Steven!

The Dark Temple


Lead Kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom,

Lead Thou me on.


John Henry Newman


The Swiss police placed the
Smith brothers under arrest for murder and immediately began to interview all
those who had witnessed any part of the crime.  Khalil was still in shock as he
gave his account of what had transpired.  It was quickly determined by a
thorough scan of the computer files that a virus identical to the one found seven
years earlier in the Iranian centrifuge control system had been introduced into
the magnet control software.

The details of this attack
and murder were quickly dispatched to the A&I office that had alerted CERN
of this threat.  That evening Oliver got a call from Clark describing the event
that had played out only three hours earlier in Europe.  Oliver had just
followed the women from Peter’s lake house back through Chicago to the Newbury
home.  He was sitting in Peter’s living room with Alice, Elizabeth, and Maxine,
when his cell phone rang.  Oliver excused himself and went to the kitchen to
take this call.

Clark gave Oliver the details
of the attack.  “Oliver, you were right to be concerned about the Smith
brothers.  They carried out this shocking attack and left a 616 in red marker
pen on the victim’s right hand.”

“This is again Benton
Spencer’s doing!” 

“There’s more.  We’ve been
going over security camera footage from Beirut looking for signs of Spencer. 
He appears in a few places in and around the old Greek Orthodox section of the
city, and on numerous occasions he met with an Iranian whom we have identified
as Ibrahim Gilani.  Gilani ran the nuclear weapons program in Iran and probably
was the source of the computer virus that infected the CERN magnet control
computer.  He is clearly one of the three conspirators.  We saw him carrying a
peculiar, heavy suitcase which was later seen being carried by Spencer. 
Finally, we had one blurry photo, from the previous week, of what appeared to
be the same suitcase being carried down Saint Nicholas’ Staircase by a bearded
man dressed in black.  Our analysts have assumed that this individual may be a
Greek Orthodox priest, but I suspect he may be the Haredi member of this

“Spencer has to be stopped.”  Oliver
then realized that this second marking of the sign of the beast on a victim’s
right hand, in red rather than white, established a prophetic pattern. “The next
attack may be on the Dark Sector Observatory at the South Pole and might
somehow be marked with a black 616.”  

“How do you know that!?”
asked Clark, astonished at Oliver’s prediction. 

“I believe Spencer may be
reenacting the four horses of the apocalypse in his attacks of the three labs
mentioned in the Pierce letter.  The first is white, representing conquest of
Peter Newbury, the second, red representing war on CERN, and the third, black
representing famine at the third lab.   Since he has attacked Fermilab and CERN
he may now be planning to starve the crew at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole

“Less than an hour ago we
received word from the 47-man winter crew at the station that they found their
food crates filled with cans of motor oil and hydraulic fluid. Behind the bill
of lading for each box they found a 616 printed there with a black marker pen. 
McMurdo has been alerted to fly food supplies to them as soon as possible.” 

Oliver replied, “You need to
send a team to the station that supplies McMurdo.  I’m afraid the supply chain
may be compromised in the Antarctic.”

“I can’t!  All of the agents
cleared for this case are tied down at CERN and Fermilab.” 

“You could send me.  I know I
am not a trained field agent, but I seem to know Spencer’s mind.  If you
approve, I would like to take David Benjamin and Maxine Phillips with me: David
for his background knowledge of this South Pole station, and Maxine for her
skills as a field agent.” 

“Under normal circumstances I
would not allow you to go; but we need everyone in the game right now, and as
long as you have a field agent with you, I’ll approve.  Maxine knows the most
about this case and clearly has gained control of herself as shown in the
apprehension of Forrest Pierce.  I will set up rapid transportation to
Christchurch for the three of you.  We’re spread out thin on five fronts now,
but as soon as more agents are free, I’ll try to send you some reinforcements. 
Initially you’ll be on your own, except for the security officers at the United
States Antarctic Program hangar at the Christchurch airport where you’ll land. 
Be at O’Hare with Max and David Benjamin tomorrow morning at 7:00.  A
government plane will be there at gate 132 to pick you up.”

Oliver finished his call and
returned to the living room.  Maxine noticed his concerned look.  “Is
everything OK?”

“No, Max, it’s not.  Earlier
today CERN was attacked by two of Spencer’s people.  Khalil managed to prevent
the destruction of the accelerator, but his friend was killed by the
attackers.  Now Clark has just learned that the scientists at the Dark Sector
Lab are facing starvation by another attack.  Both of these attacks were marked
by a six-sixteen.  The three conspirators are now fully engaged in these acts
of terror.”

The three women expressed
shock and concern.  Elizabeth finally spoke.  “Oliver, you were right to be
worried about CERN.  I’m glad we were able to warn Khalil.”

Maxine then questioned Oliver
about Clark’s call.  “Swift and his FBI team are only focused on Spencer.  Who’s
going after the other two members of this conspiracy?”

“We are, Max. The director is
sending a plane for us tomorrow morning to take us to Christchurch, New Zealand. 
I’ll ask David Benjamin to go with us since he has made this trip a number of
times and has spent a winter isolated at the Pole.”

 Oliver called David Benjamin
and told him what had happened to the Amundsen-Scott crew.  “David, can you
come with me to Christchurch?  There’s been an attack on the Dark Sector Lab
and I have been asked to join a government agent, Maxine Phillips, to help find
those responsible.  This attack appears to have Biblical markings similar to
those connected with Peter’s murder.”

“I just received word about
the lack of food.  I have many friends there.  I’ll gladly go with you and help
in any way I can.  I know how the flights to the Pole are carried out and the
kinds of supplies needed.  You and the government agent, Phillips, will need to
pack some warm clothes.   The facility at Christchurch can provide additional
artic outer wear sufficient for the sub-zero temperatures there and in the
Antarctic in June.”

“Good, can you be at O’Hare
gate 132 at 7:00 in the morning?”

“I’ll be there.  Thanks,

Max had been listening to the
conversation and after Oliver signed off said, “The clothes I brought with me
are for summer, not winter.  I’m going to have to run out and buy something

“No you won’t,” said Alice. “We
are the same size and I’ve lots of things you can choose from.  Why don’t you
spend the night here with Elizabeth and me and we’ll have you ready for your
trip in the morning.”

Oliver said goodnight to the
ladies and returned to his apartment to prepare for the trip.  He knew the
flight to New Zealand would be long and decided to pack two more Bibles in
addition to the one he had lifted from the motel in Waxahachie. He would
solicit Maxine and David’s help in finding any additional clues in the sequence
of biblical references that Benton Spencer was leaving behind in his trail of
mayhem and death.  Now that the pace of the attacks had increased, he knew he
would have to work hard to stay ahead of Spencer.

Early the next morning Oliver
picked up Max and the two drove to O’Hare.  They met David Benjamin and made
their way to gate 132 pulling their bulky, but light-weight luggage.  They were
met at the gate by the co-pilot, Paul Brown, who greeted them and helped them
load their baggage into the small jet.

The aircraft was a sleek Gulfstream,
G450 with a range of over 4000 miles. As they rose from the runway, the pilot
announced that the flight would take them first to Hawaii for refueling and
then on to New Zealand.  “The trip will be long, but smooth.  We should be
landing in Christchurch in about 17 hours.  You may help yourselves to food and
drink in the galley whenever the seat-belt sign is not illuminated.”

Oliver pulled his notepad and
a Bible out of his carry-on once they had reached altitude, and began to thumb
through the books of Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation, periodically making
notes as he read. 

Pretty soon the curiosity of
David and Maxine got the best of them, and as David looked at Maxine with
raised eyebrows, she asked, “Oliver, what on earth are you looking for in
scripture.  Is there something related to the mark of the beast that we should
know about?” 

Oliver looked up at Max and
then at David. “David, I’m going to have to let you in on this investigation,
but you must not divulge any of its details to anyone.  Max and I work together
as government analysts and are part of a Homeland Security team that’s trying
to stop an international plot against science.  Peter’s death is only the first
part of a series of attacks on Fermilab, CERN, and your facility, the Dark
Sector Lab.   I’ve been working with Max on this plot since Peter’s murder and
must now tell you that there was another murder at CERN that almost resulted in
Khalil’s death and the destruction of the Large Hadron Collider.”

“I heard about a murder at
CERN, but didn’t realize it involved Khalil.  I hope he’s OK.”

“Khalil’s fine.  In fact his
quick actions saved the accelerator from sabotage.  David, you’re now going to
join Max and me in our search for clues that will help us save your colleagues
at The Dark Sector Lab,” said Oliver as he handed him a Bible.  “Here Max, take
another Bible and we can all start reviewing all the End of Days accounts from
the prophets in the New and Old Testaments.  The patterns I’ve seen so far fall
into a set of clues that follow different aspects of the books of Revelation,
Daniel, and Zechariah, each telling of the final judgment.  I’m now convinced
that Reverend Benton Spencer, a biblical scholar schooled at the same
institution that I was, is the leader of this cabal consisting of a Christian,
a Muslim, and perhaps a Haredi Jew.  He’s on a path of destruction that may
reach beyond these three laboratories. 

“While we sit on this 17 hour
flight we need to combine our thoughts and impressions of these three biblical books
from which he’s drawing his justification for these crimes, and try to keep one
step ahead of him.  As Max already knows, I anticipated the Dark Sector food
sabotage based on the colors of the first two marks of the beast.  Spencer sees
himself as a prophet.  He prophesies by leaving behind clues.  If we can read
those clues we might be able to stop him.”

As the long flight traversed
the North American Continent and the sweeping expanse of the Pacific Ocean the
three passengers periodically slept and read.  During the times all were awake
they discussed the peculiar mystic writings in these three books. 

Maxine asked, “Oliver, you
interpreted the three colors of the mark of the beast as representing the
opening of the first three seals and the calling forth of the first three
horses of the apocalypse.  What about the fourth horse?” She then read, “’And I
looked, and behold a pale horse; and his name that sat upon him was Death.’” 

“This is what’s been worrying
me,” said Oliver, “The Iranian member of this group of three, named Ibrahim
Gilani, was connected to a program that was refining weapon’s-grade plutonium. 
We may be running around the world putting out small brush fires while a
horrible conflagration is about to happen somewhere else, perpetrated by one or
more lunatics dressed in pale green.  We don’t yet know where, but clues to its
location are probably hiding in plain sight.”

The dozing, reading, and periodic
discussions continued, even during the refueling stop in Hawaii.  Benjamin, who
had a previous knowledge of the book of Daniel, closed the Bible he was reading
and handed it back to Maxine. “I’ve been trying to understand how a Christian
minister can make such a strong religious appeal to a Sunni and a Haredi, each
devout in his own worship of the holy writings and prophecy, that each would
follow him into a possible nuclear suicide mission.  Perhaps this Reverend
Spencer has convinced them that each of them would emerge from the fires
unharmed, like the three friends of Daniel: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
whom Nebuchadnezzar threw into the fiery furnace along with all the Babylonian
false prophets.” 

“You may well be correct,”
replied Oliver, “but where would they choose to place this fiery furnace so
that false profits and idol worshippers of all cultures would be consumed?  Spencer
did leave a possible clue behind on the marquee of his church before he fled
Waxahachie.  I had at first thought he was admitting responsibility for Peter’s
death, but these words were not taken from biblical literature, but rather from
an ancient Sanskrit poem.  I’m still trying to find some hidden meaning in this
quotation from the Bhagavad Gita.” 

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