Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel) (13 page)

BOOK: Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel)
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Chapter 26


I skipped the main door and followed his instruction, going around the side of the building to a little shack. The door was standing open and I pushed inside, finding a small desk, an old computer and a phone.


Whoever had used it last had turned the computer off when they were finished, which was just as well. From the looks of it, the damn thing was about a thousand years old. When I sat down and turned it on, the fan inside cranked up with a sound much like that of my trying to yank the cord on an outboard motor.


While I waited for the computer to boot up, I picked up the phone. There was a dial tone, at least...


For a little while I thought about calling David. I still felt awful about how I'd left him behind like that, and I knew he'd be worried sick.


But first, I had something I needed to write for someone else I'd abandoned. I'd done worse to Gina Huxley then simply ditching her. I'd written her out of a book, which was probably a lot closer to murder on the scale of terrible things to do to fictional characters then I was comfortable with.


I thought she'd like Stinger though, and I didn't think the threat of having to go at it with he and his badass biker buddies would put her off one little bit.


So I wrote something dirty, and made Gina the main character...




Riding his cock was a dream come true. Stinger held me tight, my body bent over the hood of the car like a common criminal being arrested by the police. He was incredibly strong, and not for the first time it occurred to me that even if I wanted to get away, to stand up straight and make a run for it there was no way that was going to happen.


I had no wish to escape, but as I felt his thick cock begin to plunge even deeper, stretching my tight pussy out in ways I'd never felt before, a tiny thrill of fear ran up my spine and made my nipples even harder against the cold metal of the BMW.




That wasn't the start of all of this, of course.


This is:



"It was just an idea," Greg said. We'd been married for too long for me to pretend that the hurt look in his eyes and the wounded expression on his face had come about simply because I hadn't been receptive to an 'idea'.


No, it had been a plan. A scheme. I could tell just by looking at him that the reason he was so deflated was he'd thought I'd jump at the opportunity and, simply put, I wasn't.


"Is that really what you want?" I asked. "To see other people?" The very idea made me sick to my stomach. I was loyal, and talk of open marriages and swinger clubs had always felt, well, slightly disingenuous to me. Stay with the person you married or don't, I'd always thought. But don't fool around and pretend it doesn't hurt the union.


Greg shook his head quickly, trying to head off my line of thinking. He was desperate for me to go along with this, and I had to admit, I was intrigued. "Not see other people," he said. "It's nothing permanent like that. They just have this house party. Invitation only. People go and drink and dance and have fun, and if you find someone you want to have sex with, then sometimes that happens to."


"Out in the open?" I asked.


Greg's eyes twinkled ever so slightly, and I realized my mistake. Someone who has no interest in an idea doesn't ask a whole lot of questions about the intimate working of said plan... "If they want to, sure," he said. "Or if not, they find a quiet place. Maybe they only let a few people watch."


"Maybe only one, you're saying..."


He nodded. "Or maybe one couple finds another couple, and the four of them disappear for a little while. They put on a show for the one they came with, and give and receive some pleasure with the one they found."


Greg left it at that, and I pursed my lips ever so slightly. I wondered about that. If I tried hard enough, I could even imagine it. Greg was still a handsome man, and he was a decade older than me. I knew from the looks I got that the opposite sex still found me attractive, and I didn't think it'd be all that hard for another couple to share the same views.


And if we felt the same, then maybe one thing would lead to another, and...


"I'll think about it," I said, holding up my hand to stop him from saying anything stupid in his excitement that would almost certainly burn the bridge he was trying so hard to build with me. "But if I decide against it, that's it, okay? No more pushing, no more innuendo. Agreed?"


Greg nodded his head so hard I was worried he'd pull something, though when he reached for me and brought my hand to his lap and found him absolutely, stunningly erect. His cock was hard enough to hammer nails.


Obviously, the idea turned him on. His mind was made up, which meant it was all up to me...


But then his mobile went off, and I could tell by the look on his face that it was work. Greg was on call this weekend, so I tried not to be too disappointed when he kissed me gently on the lips and mumbled an apology as he answered it and shut the bedroom door behind him, moving out into the hall so that I could get some sleep. He was a software engineer, and there was always some line of code somewhere in the system eating someone's credit card details, or refusing to send them a confirmation email.


I rolled over, trying to ignore the firmness of my nipples or the suddenly slick heat coiling in my pussy like a snake woken from slumber. There was a vibrator in the top drawer of the nightstand, but I'd never used it without Greg in the room. It was a toy for us, even though it only ever buzzed pleasure into my flesh. He'd always loved to watch me cum, and I realized that maybe, just maybe, this plan of his had been on his mind for a very long time.


I should get it out and use it to get myself off, I thought. Being left out would serve him right; getting us both all worked up and then wandering off when the phone rang.


But I didn't. Instead, I drifted off to sleep, and in my dreams I felt another man's cock brush against my mouth.



There was more. There must have been, because when I woke up I felt as if I'd run a marathon. Worse, from the look Greg gave me on his way out the door to work I was certain that I'd been vocal. I often was, at least I always had been. As our sex life had begun to become more of a chore and less of a thrill, I guess my cries of lust had gone away too.


But not last night. The more I thought about it, the more I could remember; the slide of my own hand up my bare thigh, which meant I'd let my nightgown ride up. The husky vibration of a moan escaping my mouth.


What else? A sexy, dark voice in my head told me that if Greg had been smart he'd have taken advantage of the situation. It had been years since we'd woken up in the middle of the night and made love. Whatever had come over me the night before, I'd have probably devoured his cock without a second thought, then ridden him to an orgasm that would have left us both shuddering, drained of...


I shook my head as if coming out of a trance. What was happening to me? I guess, if I let myself be honest, Greg's suggestion really was something I was honestly considering. I mean, why else had I suddenly become this person, more eager for sex than I had been in what felt like forever.


That was the moment. Looking back on it now, as I listened to the garage door slide closed and Greg's car pull out of the driveway as he headed out to work, I'm sure of it.


I was ready. If my husband was so interested in the idea, then maybe it had merit. Besides, I didn't think I could kid myself anymore that I wasn't more than a little intrigued by the idea myself.


I felt a wicked smile make its way to my face. I felt young again, sexy again. Dare I say it, I felt desirable again, and I knew that feeling would only grow once Greg and I were in a situation that meant another man was putting his hands on me.


Would I like it? Would I be able to let myself go?


And, the naughty voice piped up, would this stranger make me cum?


A chill went up my spine, and I looked down at my arms, surprised to see goose bumps springing up along them. Greg had fucked me to orgasm before, but it had become such a rare thing that I'd settled for just faking it, not interested in making him feel bad.


It wasn't his fault, I told myself. Lots of women don't come when a man pushes his cock into them, no matter how hard either party wants her to.


Decision made, I felt like laughing. My first instinct was to run out the front door and try and catch Greg. He'd be over the moon, and knowing him he'd already have planned out the next few steps. No doubt he'd already contacted whoever it was that hosted this adult house party, or whatever he'd called it when he'd been trying to sell me on it.


Normally I'd have restrained myself. I wasn't, after all, used to giving in to such flights of fancy as running out the front door like a fool, but today was different. I felt freer. Lighter. I felt like the world was one little moment away from being something totally new and exciting, and so I yanked open the door and raced out after Greg.


I managed to catch just a hint of red tail light as he slowed at the stop sign at the end of our street and made a left.


I'd missed him. No matter, I said to myself. There was already a plan of my own hatching in my admittedly newly devious brain. Greg worked for a small law firm, and I knew for a fact they'd be lightly staffed today. If I went in and surprised him at lunch, maybe a quickie and whispering to him that I'd agreed to try his little swinger idea right as he was about to cum, that'd certainly start this new chapter of our lives off with a bang...


What's that they say, about the best laid plans of mice and men? Whatever it is, I'd say that it's true. Nothing ever goes the way it's supposed to, I guess.


I'm not so sure about the men and the mice, but the Rolling Stones sure knew what they were talking about. You can't always get what you want. It's true.


But I got what I needed, in the end.




A couple of years ago we'd gone to a Halloween party as Inspector Gadget and Penny, and I'd found the trench coat fairly easily.


It was clean too, which was a definite bonus. Not having to worry about throwing it in the washing machine and then the dryer meant that I could concentrate on what really mattered; getting as drop dead fuck me now gorgeous as I possibly could...


Shower, makeup, a skimpy bra of black lace and matching panties that left practically nothing to the imagination. I'd bought a pair of fuck me boots a while ago. They were languishing in the closet, and I swept them up and slid them on, feeling like a high-priced hooker.


When I pulled up in front of Greg's law office a few hours later, I was dressed to kill. That is, I guess I should say I was undressed to kill. I parked around the corner, out of sight of the front door. They had a rear entrance as well, and I had to come in and pick up files every now and then on his behalf, which meant that I had the key code.


I punched it in and opened the door. I knew they were understaffed, but I was surprised to find that the inside of the law firm was far closer to a ghost town than a bustling business.


I opened my mouth to call out, maybe to just say Hello, anything to at least put my voice out into the stillness, so that Greg would know I was here.


And then I heard it. I know in the movies or on TV there are people who hear the sort of thing that reached my ears and wonder what it is, perhaps mistake the carnal moans and passionate groans for something else entirely.


That's not how it works. I knew immediately what I was listening to, and with every quick step I took toward corner Greg's office the noises got louder and louder. As I got closer I saw that he hadn't even bothered to close the door.


And why would he? As far as he and the skinny blonde bimbo on her knees in front of him knew, they were the only two there. I watched them, my heart thudding in my chest and my hands tightening into useless fists of frustration as he wound his hands through her hair and bucked his hips at her face.

BOOK: Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel)
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