Three Hundred Words (12 page)

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Authors: Adelaide Cross

BOOK: Three Hundred Words
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Taking him
completely in my mouth turned me on more than I’d been expecting. Mr. Lane
released a long, low groan when his cock hit the back of my throat and my pussy
twitched in response. Hearing him need me so intensely was the biggest turn on
I could think of.


Before long, it
became too much for him to handle. He’d been balling his fists in the sheets
whilst I dragged myself up and down his length agonisingly slowly, but he was
getting frustrated.


His hands took my
head into their control and there were no more slow movements, he dragged down
my head until my nose was smushed against his pelvic triangle and held me there
until I could barely breathe. His moan was so loud I was relieved I didn’t know
anyone in the rooms next to me.


He pulled my head
up before he’d cum, though, taking in my flushed face, and rubbing his cock
with his hand instead.


I was rolled onto
my back, where Mr. Lane pinned my arms behind my head and brought himself
between my legs. I arched my back and spread my legs further, urging his cock
closer to my slick entrance. I gasped when it touched, feeling the waves of
pleasure begin to ripple through my body just from that slightest contact.


Mr. Lane sent me
over the edge. I brought my hips forwards as much as possible with my hands
stretched above my head and sent him a desperate look. He was getting me back
in the most unfair way. He began to move his hips, just putting his tip in,
before taking it away. I squirmed and cried, not ashamed to beg.


My mind was lost
to unbearable desire as Mr. Lane brought me to the edge. He dominated my
emotions in the most intense way, preventing me thinking about anything but him
when we were together.


When he finally
couldn’t take it anymore, Mr. Lane pushed himself completely into. We both
cursed, revelling in the feeling of finally being joined, before Mr. Lane began
thrusting at an erratic pace. I wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing him
even closer and wishing I had access to my hands to drag nail marks down his
toned back.


Even when Mr. Lane
took in my writhing, whining figure and knew I must be close to the edge he
didn’t let me touch him. He was strong enough to keep one hand wrapped around
my wrists whilst the other dipped between us to caress my clit.


I arched my back
until it was painful, my nipples just rubbing against his chest and proving too
much for both of us.


My climax rocked
through me, a cry falling from my mouth and my hands clenching so tightly they
went white. I panted, trying desperately to catch my breath, as Mr. Lane
finally released my wrists. He collapsed so the side of me, equally out of


I grinned, unable
to stop myself. He just made me feel so


“Wow, that was…
good. Really good.” I felt around on the bedside table for a drink as I said
it, resisting the urge to cough.


“Yeah,” he
admitted, fingers reaching up to trace patterns on my back. “Damn, I’m going to
have a very hard time staying away from you for the rest of the year, even if
we can meet every now and then. I could do this every day.”


I handed him the
drink and admired his naked body. He was so lean that I wanted to run my
fingers up and down his skin all day. “I definitely could, too. I’ll really try
my hardest not to text you and beg to meet up, but I can’t say I’ll be good at
resisting. We’ll have to sext instead.”


When I came to
think about it, the next few months would probably be the equivalent to living
long distance. We could only meet up every few weeks or so, but we always had
text and Skype to keep us going in between.


Maybe long
distance was a possibility.


“Besides, I’m up
to one thousand two hundred words, even if you’ve already given me the A. I’ve
still got a debt to pay off.”


Mr. Lane laughed.
“That’s a debt I definitely want repaid. We’ll have to arrange something. Hey,
can you put the light on? It’s getting kind of dark.”


When I flicked the
light switch on it came with the realisation that Mr. Lane was going to have to
leave. He’d pushed his luck already, fucking me in a hotel room on a school
trip. “I should probably go back to my room.”


“Yeah, I know,” I
needed a shower, too. Fucking with a condom was nice, but having to deal with
the sticky patch between my legs wasn’t the most pleasant thing. I couldn’t put
my clothes back on without getting them grubby, so went as retrieved a towel
from the bathroom instead.


I needed to check
the corridor to make sure no one from school was around when Mr. Lane snuck
out. He shrugged back into his clothes, slowly covering up the body I loved so
much, with a regretful expression on his face. “Sorry I have to go, I’d stay if
I could.”


“Some other time,”
nothing was going to drag my mood down for the rest of tonight. He’d made me
happy and I was going to cling on to that. “Thank you for coming to cheer me


Mr. Lane wrapped
secure arms around my hips and pressed his lips to mine. I grinned, reaching up
to play with his hair and causing towel to pool around my ankles.


We broke off our
kiss and I blushed heavily, picking back up the towel as Mr. Lane chuckled. “I
really have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”


We kissed once
more before I cracked the door open and checked no one was around. “You’re all


He slipped out of
the door and I was left alone. A smile still dominated my face.


This was one way
to keep me propped up for the rest of the tournament tomorrow.




When we huddled
the next day to discuss strategies, I was fully included. Lorna actually gave
me something to actively do in the matches and I nodded eagerly. We were a
proper team at this point.


And this was where
the competition got serious. Our first quarter final was against a team we’d
already played, as it happened. Played and lost to. We were allowed to pick
which pairs played which matches, so it was likely Millie and I would play
together, whilst Lorna and Rhianne took on the other pair.


Millie and I
shared a smile before the match began and for a change, I handled the coin
toss. We might have lost to them before, but it had been a close game and I’d
been playing with Lorna at the time – we still hadn’t had great synergy on the


With a different
teammate, we definitely had a chance. And I was feeling good today. I still had
an afterglow from the evening spent with Mr. Lane and he was stood on the sidelines
now cheering me on. I shot him the most subtle grin I could manage before
serving up a winner.


The rest of the
match was much the same: Millie and I decimated the other opponent and finished
the match with a hug and a big smile. Lorna and Rhianne struggled more, but
they still pulled through. It was a clean victory.


The semi-final was
a disaster.


The girls opposite
us were just better, at everything. They served better, they returned better
and they made plays on nearly every point. We didn’t stand a chance.


And so it was all
down to the third place match.


The girls we were
against were glaring towards our side of the court without a hint of remorse.
They were quite clearly pissed about not having gotten to the final, which
probably meant they were good. Either good or over-confident. I hoped it was
the second.


Millie and I, on
the other hand, were completely in awe of having gotten this far. We were
playing badminton on a national stage this year, when we’d only come second in
the local tournament the year before.


It was a dream
come true.


And so we played
like the pressure wasn’t on. We were expected to lose, there was nothing on our
shoulders, and it showed. We took the risks and played like maniacs, really.
Making plays that never should have worked.


And we won.


By a long shot,
too. Dropping our rackets as soon as the final point was over, we hugged tight
and cheers echoed around the room. People were cheering for us.


The other match
had finished, too, but we’d blocked out their cheering and focused on our own
game. Now, the four of us could hug and jump up and down and wave to the crowd.


Because we were
going to Malta to play in the Commonwealth badminton tournament.



Chapter Ten


I’d almost missed
the plane. My mother had never been a good driver – dad always did it – but
since she’d decided she was coming to Malta at the last moment and that meant
she was giving me a lift to the airport.


It hadn’t gone


First of all we’d
missed the motorway turn off. I’d
her multiple times, but she was
flustered and didn’t believe me. She’d never driven on a motorway before.


And after that it
was a complete mess. Instead of just going back on the motorway and taking the
correct junction, my mum had insisted she was never going on the motorway ever
again. So we’d had taken a horribly long back route to the airport that had
been almost an hour longer than necessary. I’d tried to get the satnav up on my
phone, but, as always in the middle of the countryside, my signal was


My mother was
perfectly fine. The last minute flight she’d booked took off two hours after


I, however, was
forced to sprint through the airport
have an argument with the air
hostess at the boarding gate to even let me on the flight.


I’d taken my seat
with a heated face and everyone had been looking at me when the pilot
apologised for the slight delay due to a late passenger arriving.


The only redeeming
factor was that my seat had been allocated next to Mr. Lane. We couldn’t talk
about anything because my teammates were on the seats in front of me, but it
was still reassuring to have our knees bumping together every now and then.


“That was close.
What happened?”


“My mum doesn’t do
driving. I never realised quite how bad it was, my dad used to drive us


He chuckled.
“Well, I guess at least you made it eventually. I hope it wasn’t too


“It was horrible. Most
embarrassing thing I’ve done in a long time.”


Mr. Lane opened
his mouth, about to question exactly what the most embarrassing thing I’d ever
done was, no doubt, but closed it again. That perhaps wasn’t teacher
appropriate. Instead, our teasing smiles faded slightly and I pulled my
headphones out of my bag. That was probably going to be the best way to stop
anything bad happening.


I waited until
they’d gone through their safety procedures to stick them in, wanting to talk
to Mr. Lane about my mother choosing to come and watch me, to tell him all
about who was getting the house and how my life was going to be playing out the
next few months, but I resisted. I’d save those conversations for a later date,
I supposed.


I accepted a sweet
from him when he offered with a polite smile, something else I’d forgotten in
my rush this morning. At least now my ears wouldn’t suffer – the first time I’d
ever been on a plane I’d had that awful deafness where you can hear your own
voice and heartbeat for a week. I never wanted to repeat that experience.


It had been a cold
day and I’d wrapped up warm in a jumper and skinny jeans, but stepping out of
the airport into the Maltese sun I could feel myself sweating. They weren’t
insanely hot temperatures, but enough to not need a jumper and I grinned. I’d
always loved the heat.


A coach took us to
our hotel and it was right on the beach. Everyone at the tournament was staying
here and they’d clearly given us something a bit classy as a treat. I couldn’t
wait to see my room, even if I was going to be sharing it with Millie.


Grabbing my small
suitcase, I trawled it along behind me and tried not to meet Mr. Lane’s eyes.
If we kept giving each other big grins it was definitely going to give
something away.


Mr. Lane and the
coach handled the check-in and I admired the lobby. It was nothing special,
really, just a slightly better than average hotel, but it seemed fantastic to
me. I’d never stayed in a hotel before.


My team gathered
around me and we started off with some excited chatter. “I can’t wait to go to
the beach,” Lorna gushed, straining to look out of the big glass windows and
towards the sea. It was barely a two minute walk. “You did bring your swimming
stuff, right, everyone?”


“I did!” I
exclaimed. “Even with all the stress of today I definitely remembered to bring
my swimming stuff. Better hope I remembered my racket now.”


We all chuckled
and my heart soared.


Mr. Lane and the
coach approached. “Here are your keys. Make sure you don’t lose them, please.
You’ll be the one’s paying for them, not me.”


“Thanks Sir,” we
chorused, heading off towards the lift without a backwards glance. I was very
tempted to glance backwards.


In our room we
ditched our bags after rifling through for a swimming costume. “Hey,” Millie
called after heading into the bathroom to change. “Do you reckon Mr. Lane will
be wearing swimming stuff, too? Do you think that’s allowed? Because I’ve
definitely been wondering what’s underneath that shirt.”


My stomach twanged
uncomfortably, but the other part of me smirked. I knew exactly what was under
there, I’d run my fingers over said toned chest many a time. I wouldn’t mind
seeing it again right now, either. I’d have the school girl excuse of staring,


“I’m not sure. I
hope so, though. I’m definitely in the wanting to see his abs column.”


We shared a giggle
and I slipped into my bikini. It was pretty revealing – I hadn’t used it in two
years, but I’d been sure I hadn’t grown very much. It turned out my boobs must
have gone up a size, because they were straining against their confines now. My
cheeks burned, Mr. Lane was definitely going to have a field day looking at


“Changed?” Millie
checked before exiting.


“Yeah, I’m done.”


She practically
bounced with every footstep as she hopped out. “Oh, that’s such a pretty
bikini. I bet you’re going to be attracting some attention out there – you and
Mr. Lane would probably look very good next to each other,” she winked in the
most cheesy manner and slipped into a sundress.


“You too,” she was
wearing a costume rather than a bikini, but it had cut-outs and it definitely
ranked highly on the sexy scale. “Now we just have to hope he’s actually going


“Wait,” Millie
grabbed my arm. “Before we go down, I just, I kind of wanted to apologise about
what a bitch I was. I mean, I don’t know what happened between you and Luke,
but it really wasn’t any of my business, and we definitely couldn’t have come
this far without you playing on the team.”


I hung my head. I
did deserve to be shunned for what I’d done to Luke, but I was beginning to
come out of the self-loathing period, and so it was really the last thing I
wanted to talk about. “That’s cool, it’s not a big deal. I’m just glad to be
here. Now let’s go and spy some sexy teacher.”


We made our way
down to the beach in flip flops and practically see-through sundresses, our
eyes sparkling in the sun. I ignored the goose bumps on my skin from the wind
and decided I at least had to show off my outfit to Mr. Lane before I ran back
upstairs to get a jumper.


The other girls
had already set up their towels and were sunbathing, headphones plugged in and
eyes shut. Mr. Lane was sat, in a t-shirt and shorts, a few metres away. I
lamented and shared a disappointed expression with Millie. There was still


I peeled off my
sundress, still stood up, and Mr. Lane stared outright. I really tried to keep
my expression under control, sitting down and reaching my arms behind my head
without giving him a second glance.


It was probably a
good thing he was wearing his shorts judging by glint I’d seen in his eyes.


Millie had done
the same and I didn’t check to see whether he’d ogled her, too. I wouldn’t have
blamed him for doing.


“Well, I feel like
he owes us to strip off after watching that. He couldn’t get enough of you.”


I rolled my eyes.
“I’m sure. We’ll just have to bide our time, he’s bound to want to go swimming
eventually.” Doing this was fun. Getting to admit that I fancied him without
any of the angst that would have come with discussing our actual relationship. Millie
was nice and I had fun with her. Emma would have liked her, too.


I managed to relax
after that, my body getting used to the temperature and my music sending me
into a sleepy daze. I hadn’t realised how much I apparently needed a beach
holiday. I wished I’d brought a book with me – now was the perfect time to get
lost in someone else’s story.


After an hour, the
sea was calling to me. I’d never been somewhere on the Mediterranean before and
I was dying to know whether it was as pleasant as people claimed. The cold
English seas weren’t much to write home about.


Only when I sat
up, I realised Mr. Lane had just started walking towards the water, shirtless.
I jabbed Millie in the side. It was almost showing off to her, even if she
didn’t realise he was mine.


She made a noise
of approval. “Better than I expected.”


“Yeah, I’m
definitely a fan of that. You don’t think it looks weird if I go and swim now,
do you? I really was just about to.”


“Nah. He’s the
only teacher here, anyway, so it wouldn’t matter if it did, would it?” Our
coach was absent, probably sorting something actually related to the


“That’s good
enough for me.” I stood up and brushed off the sand which had inevitably
covered some of my skin. I might have felt self-conscious wearing this before,
but Mr. Lane worshipped my body so much that it made it difficult not to feel
confident in myself.


The tide was in,
so it wasn’t a very long walk down to the waves. When I got half way there, Mr.
Lane submerged himself in the water and began to swim. After a few moments he
stopped and treaded water, watching my approach to the water. My body became
flushed under his gaze and I found myself glancing over my shoulder, checking
we were far enough away that people couldn’t pick out the expressions on our
faces. They definitely wouldn’t be able to hear us talk.


“It’s warm,” Mr.
Lane assured me as I approached the edge of the sea, tiny waves brushing
against the golden shore. “Although I’m quite happy for you to stay standing
with your boobs out of the water.”


I grinned, dipping
in my toe. “Wow, that’s so weird. The sea has only ever been cold for me.”


“I’ve been to the
Mediterranean before. I love it. Come on, get into the water so I can talk to
you properly.” He was doing the quietest shout possible now and I was
struggling to hear a few of his words.


I strolled in
easily, welcoming the warm water lapping against my bare skin. It wasn’t
boiling, just a comfortable temperature that didn’t make you flinch like the
Atlantic did. I kicked off into breast stroke when I got to my hips and made
sure to stay a reasonable distance from Mr. Lane. As much as I wanted his
fingers on my body, our figures were easily visible from where my teammates
were sitting. “It’s really good.”


Our conversation
stopped for a moment so that we could both do some actual swimming, but I
didn’t go very far out. I loved swimming in the sea, but I always got a little
bit nervous when I got to the point where I couldn’t stand up. I’d heard far too
many horror stories about strong currents.


When I started to
worry that I was going to wear out my muscles before the competition started, I
swam back to somewhere I could just stand up. The lack of seaweed was
definitely my favourite thing about this beach. I knew it was harmless, but I
was completely squeamish about it touching my feet.


Mr. Lane stopped
as well, a fair distance away so it didn’t look suspicious. “I wish we could
spend more time together.”


There’d only been
a week between the national and commonwealth tournaments, so we’d definitely
not spoken outside of school time. “Me too. It sucks, but I really have been
busy practising this week. Coach even got us out of some lessons to make us
practise more.”

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