Three Mates for Judith (9 page)

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Authors: Cara Adams

Tags: #Romance

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Just as he’d thought, from the brief glance he’d had of the kitchen as they walked past it, the area was set up as a full-service catering zone. He wondered if Judith liked to host dinner parties. There was everything anyone could want to cook a three-course meal for half a dozen people here. He looked at the dining table. It seated eight. Okay, for eight people.

He found the drawers, and as he’d expected, the top one held cutlery. The second drawer was what he was looking for. It was stocked with gadgets. He took out a wooden spoon, a pastry brush, some chopsticks, and two different sized spatulas. It took him a while, but he found a baggie filled with rubber bands. That was enough for now.

By the time he returned to the bedroom, Judith’s legs were spread wide apart and tied to the footboard of the bed with a messy tangle of belts. He hoped whichever brother had done that could untangle it properly. But now wasn’t the time to worry. He dumped his haul onto the nightstand and saw a jar of lube sitting ready there, along with a box of condoms.

They didn’t need condoms. Panthers weren’t fertile until after they’d mated their woman. But likely his brothers were right. Spoiling the atmosphere by having the conversation now was probably not the best idea.

Besides, his woman was spread out on her girly-pink sheets, waiting for him to join his brothers and make love to her all night long. Their aim needed to be to wring as many orgasms as possible from her delectable body. It’d been quite a traumatic day, and the best sleeping pill ever invented was orgasmic sex.

“Has anyone ever spanked you, Judith?” asked Naftali, picking up the larger spatula and swatting her ass lightly with it.

She looked back over her shoulder at them, grinning. “I guess you don’t mean the time when I was six and I rode my bike along the just-laid and still wet concrete path?”

Nelson snorted and shook his head. “I was thinking a little more recently than that.”

She looked at them seriously now. “I’m twenty-five, not eighteen, and I’ve graduated college. I’ve never been promiscuous, but I’ve been to a lot of parties over the years. I’ve never been anyone’s sub, but I have engaged in some play times.”

Naftali spanked her ass several times with the spatula. “Did you like being spanked?”

“It’s sexy. But I expect you’ll do it much better. I’ve never had three men before. Actually I’ve never had more than one man at a time.”

“You’re about to find out that three men are a lot more than three times better than one,” said Nelson, kissing her ear and then biting the shell of it lightly.

“I’m ready. Show me.”

Chapter Five


It seemed to Judi as if this day had already been going on for at least a week. She’d been ready for them to kiss and touch her for what seemed like a month at least, even though it hadn’t been that long really. But today had delivered so many new experiences, along with shocks and surprises, that all she could think about now was a long sleep in the arms of these three men, preferably prefaced by a damn good orgasm. A much better one than in her dream on the bus.

Even that seemed as though it was at least several days in the past instead of only hours.

Well, it had been a clear directive from her body to get up close and personal with these men, so here she was, naked, tied up, and waiting for the party to begin.

She didn’t have to wait very long.

Naftali spanked her ass hard with one of her silicon spatulas. No, with two of them. Two different sizes. Each one gave a slightly different feel as they landed on her ass.

Then he wiggled to the side, and Nelson spanked her with a wooden spoon. It was a very different sensation from the spatulas. When Nahum lined up for his turn, her ass was already hot, and her cunt filled with cream. She was ready to be fucked and didn’t need any more spankings, but she supposed she couldn’t deprive Nahum of his turn. She had about a second to wonder if maybe three men wasn’t always going to be the best number, and then he teased her skin with a pastry brush.

She’d thought she was already very aroused, but the feathery strokes of the brush were just as enticing as the spankings simply because of their difference. She’d never even thought of that before.

Nahum crawled up the bed and teased the pastry brush along her neck. Then he lay beside her and ran it over her side, working the bristles across her breast. Judi gasped at the incredibly erotic sensations and watched him as he played the brush over her skin. Then both the wooden spoon and the two spatulas were being tapped on her shoulders and her back. Judith turned her head the other way to see Nelson using her body as a drum while he tapped out a complicated beat on her skin with the kitchen utensils.

She was watching him, trying to moderate her breathing and not beg for something more when Nelson’s slippery finger entered her ass and began coating the rim both inside and out with lube.

Judith closed her eyes and pushed back on his finger, accepting it and ready for more. But he maintained the same steady pace, thickly coating the rim with lube before adding more to the inside walls and softening and stretching them. She supposed that was from BDSM as well. The Master made the decisions. The sub was supposed to relax and trust him to know what was best for her and what would give her the most pleasure.

She had to admit the cool gel inside her hot ass felt damn good, much better than it would have felt without the spanking first. The outer heat amplified the sensations of the inner coolness. The spanking had not just made her ready to be fucked by arousing her fast and thoroughly, but it made her think about having a Master of her own to demonstrate his awareness of her needs and his ability to heighten her desire.

Not that she needed any convincing that these men would give her great sex. She knew that absolutely already. Her problem was more about what would happen afterward. When her criminal father was safely locked up in jail, what would happen to her romance? Would the panthers go off to woo and win another woman on their next assignment? They certainly made it very clear they wanted her now. She wanted them as well. But would they still want her next week? Next month? Next year?

Ah fuck it. Who cares? They want me, and I want them. This is for tonight. I’ll enjoy it for now.

Almost as if her thoughts were a signal to the men, Naftali began to spank her ass again very hard. Then Nahum and Nelson untied her and rolled her over.

Nahum slid a finger into her cunt. “You’re hot and wet. Are you ready to be fucked by all three of us now?”

“I am. It seems like I’ve been waiting for hours. Hand me the box of condoms, and I’ll get you ready.”

“We’ll wear them because it’s what you want. But a panther can’t impregnate anyone but his own mate.”

“I’m on the Pill anyway. But there’re a lot more things to worry about than just babies. Besides, I want to fuck now, not talk scientific theory.”

Naftali kissed her gently. “For now we fuck, but soon we’ll talk.”

Well, that definitely sounded as if they planned to be around for a while, although maybe only until her father was removed from the scene. Right now Judi didn’t care. She was very aroused and ready to learn all about ménage sex. She also desperately wanted to kiss and touch these men who filled her with desire by their actions as well as their stunning good looks.

She pulled out three condoms and gloved each man, paying close attention to their cocks. Physically, Naftali was a fraction taller and wider. She thought if she measured their cocks, his would be a tiny amount longer and wider. The twins were identical, of course, but she studied their cocks and then looked at their balls and knew she’d identified the clue. Nahum’s hung a little lower.

Nahum was also cuddlier than the other men, more inclined to pet and touch her casually. She liked that difference between them. Each was a distinct individual, his own person, and she knew it’d be very easy to fall in love with each of them for different reasons.

Nahum lay flat on his back beside her and held his arms out. “Ride me, cowgirl.”

“Who could resist that invitation?”

Judith scrambled over his body, rubbing her hands over his abs and then pinching his flat little nipples and watching them stand up. Nahum grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down for a long, tender kiss that made her sigh with lust as it ended.

Unable to wait any longer, Judi set Nahum’s cock at her pussy entry and slid down over him, taking him deep inside her in one long, slow push down onto him. She refused to stop until she was sitting flat against his body, his balls lodged hard against her skin.

“Damn that feels good,” she said.

“It’s mighty good from where I am, too,” Nahum teased her.

He pulled her body down to lie on his chest, holding her pressed against him, skin to skin from hips to lips. She couldn’t resist flicking her tongue over his nose. He wrapped one hand around her back, and with the other, he held her head while he slid his tongue into her mouth. He kissed her deeply, tongue fucking her slowly as he did. She was so focused on Nahum that she was almost surprised when Nelson pressed his cock at her back door. He pushed inside her very slowly, and she tried hard to memorize every moment of this, her first ever, double penetration sex.

But it was difficult to concentrate on Nelson gradually forcing his cock deeper and deeper inside her dark channel when Nahum was kissing her so thoroughly and delightfully. That was an aspect of being with three men she hadn’t considered before. That so many things would be happening simultaneously it was almost impossible to concentrate on just one at a time. Well, women were known to be the queens of multitasking, so she’d do it. She’d enjoy every touch and taste of tonight.

By the time Nelson’s cock was completely inside her ass, Judi was desperate for her orgasm. Her cunt was stretched wide and full with Nahum’s big cock and coated with her hot cream ready for the fucking. Her ass was just as full with Nelson, her tissues gripping his length and every nerve ending alight with the need for more.

Finally Naftali kneeled by her head, holding his cock ready for her to suck. She took the condom off him, letting it drop onto the bed. Technically, she supposed it wasn’t fair to make his brothers wear a condom when he didn’t, but she was willing to suck him without one.

Naftali rested his hands on the back of her head to guide her mouth. She cupped his balls in one hand and measured their heavy weight. Then she opened her mouth wide and sucked the head of Naftali’s cock.

“Oh, yes. So good. Like that,” he murmured.

Judi concentrated on sucking him deep into her mouth and rubbing all around his cock with her tongue. She paid close attention to the ridge where his cockhead joined his shaft, and then she licked over the head of his cock, stopping to dip the tip of her tongue into the slit and taste his pre-cum. It was salty and sweet, just like him.

Judi sucked him harder, taking his shaft a little deeper into her mouth, and this time played her teeth very lightly over his cockhead. She was just starting to get a nice rhythm going when Nahum and Nelson pulled their cocks out of her body. Her eyebrows raised, and her mouth opened in shock at the sudden experience of total emptiness. Of loss. For a few brief seconds, she’d almost forgotten there were four people here in her bed.

Then Nelson and Nahum slammed back inside her cunt and her ass, filling and stretching her to the limits once more, and she almost swallowed Naftali’s cock in shock. Judi forced herself to concentrate and got back to work licking down one side of his erection and up the other side, all the while rolling his balls in her hand.

The twins were pumping in and out of her body in a slow, steady rhythm. In, pause, out, pause. Judi wasn’t sure whether she wished they would speed up and slam into her fast and hard, or whether she wanted the slow, sensual fucking to go on forever. Since she couldn’t decide, she thought she’d better concentrate on her own task. That of bringing Naftali to his orgasm.

Although it was difficult. She wanted to just lie there and experience all the sensations. The sweaty body of Nelson lying over her back like a rock-hard, heavy, hot blanket. Nelson, underneath her, sliding his hand up and down her body, petting and stroking, teasing and touching her all the time. Never in a predictable pattern. Always somewhere unexpected. And Naftali. Holding her hair, guiding her head, helping her know what he liked best.

Deep inside Judith, the world’s biggest orgasm was building. Just seeing these men naked was almost enough to send her into climax. After all, simply dreaming about them had made her come. Now, clasped between their bodies, with three cocks inside her and six hands petting and stroking her, guiding and directing her, plus a hot ass from the spanking and an even hotter cunt filled with cream, her mind was ready to explode at the myriad sensations.

“You’re so beautiful and desirable. Having my cock inside you like this is like being transported to heaven,” whispered Nahum.

“Yes. You’re everything we ever wanted and better than anything we ever imagined,” added Nelson.

“Times three,” added Naftali, massaging her scalp with his hand.

Love for these three men burst through Judith’s senses. Their words were far sexier than even their amazing bodies and incredible cocks. She took a deep breath and sucked Naftali harder, wanting to show him how much their words meant to her.

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