Through the Dom's Lens

Read Through the Dom's Lens Online

Authors: Doris O'Connor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Through the Dom's Lens
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Copyright© 2014 Doris O’Connor



ISBN: 978-1-77130-749-9


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry









WARNING: The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All
names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






Love the body you're in. It's
the only one you have.

To all of you who struggle
with that, myself included, and the men who love us.





Doris O’Connor


Copyright © 2014



Chapter One


another tissue and winced in sympathy.
Allergies were a pain in the ass, but she didn't think she had ever seen such
an extreme reaction before.
beautiful almond-shaped
eyes were swollen so badly she could hardly see out of them. Red blotches
marked her usually flawless skin, and Sally had lost count of how many times
her much prettier sister had run to the bathroom since Sally had arrived with
emergency antihistamine subscription.

was pretty
however, that
would have to miss this photo shoot, which was a shame, because
had talked of little else for weeks.

Frederikson, or Master J, as he was known, was
bondage photographer,
it seemed. Well, Sally knew that. She'd been secretively following his work for
the last year now, ever since she'd discovered the world of BDSM Erotica, and
had taken it upon herself to do some research into the subject.

even to her sister would she admit that, though, or how the hot poker of
jealousy had stabbed at her insides when
landed this job. To be tied up and photographed by the expert in
work—her panties flooded at the mere thought—it
would be all her secret fantasies wrapped up in a neat little bow.

smiled at the thought, until
wheezy statement

me?" she asked.

coughed again, and Sally passed her
the glass of water her sister could only sip through a straw.
rolled her eyes and tried again. "You will just
have to go instead of me. It's too short notice to get anyone else, and you
just don't stand up Master J."

you forgetting one important thing, here?" Sally slapped her sister on the
back as
choked on the last mouthful of water,
and Sally squeezed her thighs together. This was ridiculous. The mere thought
of meeting Master J and her clit throbbed like crazy and arousal hummed through
her veins. Thank goodness
was too doped up on
her allergy meds to notice.

I would I be forgetting in this?"
"People always comment on how alike we are, so he'll never suspect you
aren't me. Please, Sally, I wouldn't ask, but I need this job. If I turn him
down, I may never work in this field again."

Sally rolled
her eyes. "Folks have been able to tell us apart perfectly well since high
school. For starters I weigh at least twenty pounds more than you do nowadays,

Sally's impassioned little speech off with a wave of her hand.

Nothing a trip to my stylist won't cure,
and besides I was
supposed to gain weight for this job. He's looking for a model with much more
curves than I normally have. That's how I got into this mess in the first
place. I've been eating non-stop to gain some weight, and clearly that didn't
agree with me." Her wheezing got heavier, and for the umpteenth time Sally
wondered whether she shouldn't take her sister to the hospital.

well, about that, are you sure those meds are enough? You don't need a shot or

shook her head.

I'll be fine now that you've got me my meds. If you really want to help me,
then do this for me. He might not even pick you. This is an audition, and he is
so fussy with his models, you would not believe, but
need to make an


unobtrusive plaque on the wall simply read
Frederikson Photography.
in a side street off London's West End no-one would have guessed this simple
solid oak front door would lead to Master J's home.
had explained that he lived at the studio when in London, and the butterflies
that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in Sally's tummy since her
incorrigible sister had talked her into this insanity took off like a flock of

pressed the intercom button and waited.

I help you?" The melodic voice sounded oriental, and Sally hastily cleared
her throat.

Wood here.
I have an appointment at 11:00 AM."
The lie stuck in her throat, but it had the
desired effect. The heavy door buzzed open, and Sally faced a narrow staircase.
Decorated in neutral colors, the hallway held prints of Master J's work, and
Sally wiped her clammy hands on the sides of her clingy silk dress. The
aquamarine fabric clung to every one of her generous curves, and Sally had had
to admit that she looked good in it.
an overly camp individual called Bernard, had rolled his eyes and waved his
perfectly manicured hands.

course you do. You look just like
would if she
ate like a horse."

hadn't known whether to laugh or be offended at that statement, so she'd simply
kept her mouth shut and had endured being a human dress up doll. The end
result, however, had given her the courage to go through with this insane plan.
Her long auburn, and usually so unruly tresses had been tamed into an elegant
up-do, and with the much heavier, smoky eye make-up and glossy lips, she did
look more like
than she ever had done.

door at the top of the stairs was left open, and Sally followed the arrow to
reception. The narrow corridor opened into a plush looking waiting room, in
which several stick thin models waited. Sally suppressed a sigh, and waved good
bye to her newfound confidence. As per usual she was the fatty in the room, and
the way several of the models looked her over and immediately dismissed her

read and sign this release form, Ms. Wood."

forced a smile on her face and approached the tiny oriental girl who sat behind
the wide desk. At least she read nothing but genuine friendliness in her
even if the thick leather collar she wore around
her neck gave Sally shivers of anticipation. It proclaimed ownership, and she
couldn't help but wonder whether she was Master J's slave. The thought made her
a little sad, and Sally mentally shook herself.

doubt she wouldn't even get to see the elusive Master J.
much for him looking for a curvy model for this photo shoot.

name is
, and if you need anything, all you
have to do is ask."
smiled at her, and
Sally couldn't help but smile back. "Likewise any questions, I'll only to
be happy to answer them."

you," Sally said. She took the offered pen and clipboard and slid onto the
first available seat.

J is running behind this afternoon, but he will see you soon."

that open smile that made Sally feel as though everything was going to be all right
after all.
She ignored the murmurs of dissent from the
assembled crowd of stick insects and concentrated on the release form instead.
As well as the standard permission to use her image, it held a long list of
personal questions that made Sally's head swim.

medical questionnaire was easy but how exactly was she to answer hard and soft
limits, or her particular fetish? Surely this wasn't normal for a simple photo
shoot? But then what did Sally know, really? She had been too chicken to check
out the local munches or to speak to anyone in the lifestyle in person, and
there was only so much you could learn on-line.

was so engrossed in answering the questions that she hadn't noticed the room clearing
out until she heard raised voices—well, one screeching female voice.

can't get away with this. Wait until my agent hears about this."

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