Through The Eyes of A Hoodrat (4 page)

BOOK: Through The Eyes of A Hoodrat
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, I thought to myself. I knew I was good, but not that good. I
had him ready to move me and my three bad ass kids in with him. I
had already went out on a limb by even telling him I had three
kids, but surprisingly he wasn’t fazed by it. He actually wanted a
big family.

“Dock baby, are you sure? That’s a big

“I know babe, but I’m tired
of seeing you on weekends.
, I’m tired of meeting you in
hotels. I want you to be wifey and I want you to move in with me. I
want to wake up to you every morning,” he said

“Let me think on it ok? That’s a big
decision,” I said. However, my mind was made up.


My intention was to tell Dock I
couldn’t move in with him, however, after extreme pressure from
Tato, I told him yes. You would’ve sworn Tato had just won the
lottery when he realized we would have access to Dock’s house as
well as his safe.

Truthfully I knew Dock had a lot of
bread and we would definitely come up after it was all said and
done. I didn’t realize how much it was until I had access to his
home. It wasn’t unusual for him to have shoeboxes and duffle bags
full of money lying around the house. We would easily come out with
several hundred grand. With the thought of money once again
invading my thoughts, all the feelings I had for Dock went out the
window. I would find another nigga to love. I decided to focus my
mind on the new Benz I was about to cop once I got the fuck outta

I didn’t know how Tato planned to pull
it off, but I knew that before he ran in the house, I was going to
break the lease on my condo and make plans to move down South
somewhere. I was going to disappear altogether. This robbery was
going to be different.

It was too risky staying around
pretending that I had nothing to do with the shit. I was probably
going to be the first person he suspected. Even if I wasn’t, I
wasn’t going to be able to keep up the false persona anyway. We had
never robbed anyone in their home before.

A week later I found myself at Dock’s
home, pretending to move in some of my stuff. Ladaya had my kids
since I didn’t want my mother to know I was out in Delaware. She
would’ve had so much to say. In order to pull off the job I had to
spend quite a bit of time with Dock. He was very attached, as well
as demanding.

“You think it’s big enough for the
kids?” he asked. He was talking about his Delaware condo we were
standing in. The four-bedroom unit was nestled in a quiet community
in Bear, DE, about a 20 minute drive to Wilmington.

“Absolutely. They are going to love
it,” I said. Too bad they would never see it.

He leaned over and gave me a kiss on
the lips. Dock was very affectionate and I could tell he got it
from his mother when I met her. She showered him with love and
affection. That was the hardest part of the job for me. I had to
fake damn near everything. I wasn’t raised with an abundance of
affection so it was hard for me to show it. Hugs, kisses, and terms
of endearment were all forced when interacting with Dock. I
deserved an Academy Award after this heartfelt

“Listen boo, I have some things to
handle back in DC. I’m going to have to leave for a few

“Damn, bae, I thought you took care of
everything?” he whined.

“It is a process Calvin,” I said,
calling him by his government name.

“How many times I gotta tell you,
don’t call me that?” he joked, before wrapping his arms around my
waist and kissing my cheek.

“You gon be alright until I get back?”
I asked. Dock was a man’s man, raised by a domestic and attentive
woman. If Dock had his way, I’d be stuck in the house, barefoot and
pregnant. Since I had been at his place, all I had been doing was
cooking, cleaning, fucking, and sucking.

It’s not like that wasn’t
what I was doing in Philadelphia, but he wanted a lot. Dock was a
neat freak and wanted everything in order, at all times. He wanted
big meals like his mama cooked damn near every night after he came
in from hustling.
the nigga wanted a whole damn, hot breakfast in the morning,
every morning. One time I tried to slide him a bowl of cereal and
he laughed like I had just cracked the funniest joke in the

“Yeah, I’ll be ok, as long as it’s
only for a few days. But you know what you gotta do for me before
you leave,” he grinned mischievously.

“Ya mind is always in the gutter,” I

“My mind is always on Sierra,” he
said, before planting gentle kisses on my neck. I rolled my eyes,
and kissed him back.

Dock was one of the worst
fucks of my life. I always thought black ass niggas had long woods,
but he proved that stereotype wrong. He was whipped because I threw
it on him and drained him in five minutes. Any bitch could whip his
ass if she fucked him good, cooked and cleaned. He was lucky he had
a great personality. That’s the
reason I liked him.

“I’m on my cycle baby, I can’t right
now, but I got you,” I said before slipping onto my knees and doing
what I did best.


“Lying ass bitch!” Rahdee screamed
into my phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear, and

“It still went on your
child though,” I said with a smirk. Rahdee was mad because he had
stopped by my house and Todd happened to be there waiting on the
bed to be delivered. Of course Todd had to open up his trick ass
mouth and tell him he was waiting on the bed
bought for RJ. Now, I had to deal
with petty ass Rahdee screaming on my phone whining about how I
played him out of a measly $400.

“Aint shit go on RJ. I been to Ladaya
house and saw RJ. He was clean but his shoes and shit weren’t up to
par. You’re a bum ass mother Sierra. How you walk around with $300
weaves and your kid’s shoes turned up?”

“Well if ya sorry ass see that RJ need
some shoes then why the fuck won’t you buy him some?” I said,
answering the question with a statement.

“You don’t get it do you bitch? I just
gave you $400 for a bed for my son and he had on some old ass
Nikes. What the fuck did you do with the money…You know what it’s
no point of even arguing with you. You won’t get another dime from
me bitch, and I’ll make sure my son has everything he

“Well you do that clown,” I snarled,
before hanging up on him.

I couldn’t stand Rahdee questioning
how I raised my kids. I was going to get them some stuff but I was
waiting for my checks. That was one of the reasons I had to drop
into Philly. Besides, Ladaya was getting tired of watching all the
kids. The job was taking longer than we had anticipated.

I picked up my phone and called

“Hey Avery,” I said cheerfully, once
he answered.

“How you doing Sierra. I have been
calling you for several weeks. Was something wrong with your
phone?” he asked. He always tried to give me the benefit of

“Yeah, I had actually lost it,” I
lied. “But I called you for a reason. I just started a new job and
I am going to be working this weekend. You think you can keep the
girls?” I asked. The job part wasn’t a total lie.

“Yeah sure. I am off this weekend, but
I will be working next weekend. If you don’t have any care lined
up, Andrea will be at the house, so they can hang out with

“Ok Avery, and thanks.—Oh, the girls
need some clothes, so it would be really helpful if you could pick
them up a few things while they are with you.”

“Of course,” he quickly

I hung up the phone and headed to
Ladaya’s house to pick up my kids. I was going to definitely have
to pay her for keeping them. Dock had given me $500 to give to my
sitter, after I complained that I had to pay someone to watch them.
I was only giving her ass $300 though. That bitch surely wasn’t
getting no $500.


“Why you ain’t tell me Rahdee stopped
by here to see RJ,” I asked. I had just gotten to Ladaya’s house to
pick up my kids and she still had failed to mention that he had
come by.

“I didn’t think it was important. He
just happened to stop by,” she said with a shrug.

“Oh, was Quay here or something?” I
asked suspiciously. It seemed odd that Rahdee was popping up to her
and Tato’s house. Tato wasn’t big on company, and although him and
Rahdee were cool, Tato didn’t trust a soul.

“Naa, and why you looking like I’m
lying or something. Don’t nobody want you babydaddy. And I did know
him first. Shit, you met him through me,” she said with an

“I didn’t say you wanted him. I just
asked why he was over here and you didn’t mention it….Let me find
out you taking sides,” I said jokingly.

“Girl bye. Ain’t nobody choosing
sides. That’s my homeboy and will always be my homeboy. Y’all need
to start trying to get along with one another,” she

“Fuck Rahdee,” I spat.

I proceeded to gather up my kids and
take them home to spend a little time with them before I headed
back to Delaware in a few days. I paid Ladaya her $300 and decided
I’d use the rest to pick the kids up a few outfits from the King of
Prussia Mall. My checks had finally came and I planned to head out
there anyway to go shopping for myself. Lord knows I needed

Over the next few days I paid some
bills, went shopping for myself and made arrangements to break my
lease. I ended up dropping the kids off early, the girls to Avery
and RJ to Ladaya. They had given me a headache the first day and I
needed some “me time” to relax.

Tato seemed to be in a rush about
finishing the job within a week. I told him that wasn’t going to
work. I already wanted to have my shit packed up and in route to my
new apartment in Norfolk, VA. I had a buddy from high school who
was stationed there in the Navy. She told me that Norfolk was the
place to be and they had too many lonely, single men looking for a
bitch like me. I was sold.

I had already contacted movers and
planned to make the drive out there to do a walk-through of a
luxury apartment I had gotten approved for. Of course that was
going to have to wait since Tato was adamant about going in the
house soon. According to him he had a source that said Dock was
going to be going out of town soon to check out some new places to
set up shop. There was no telling how long he’d be gone. We had to
move, and move soon.


“Damn bae, that was good as shit,”
Dock said, licking his fingers. He had just eaten a plate of beef
ribs, shrimp rice, and broccoli I had made him. He had only been
home a little more than an hour but I wanted to get him as relaxed
as possible. Tonight was the big night.

The night would go a little bit
different than other nights we took a niggas money. Since I was in
the house we had to come up with a plan. I would relax him and Tato
would come through the door I left unlocked at a specific time. The
first thing he would do is hit Dock with the gun and grab me. I
would pretend to bite, kick and scream, and somehow manage to get
away running out the door to safety. I would count to 300 and call
911. By the time 911 arrived, Tato would be long gone. I hope it
worked since I was usually not present when the robberies occurred.
The robbery at the pool hall was one of few.

“Glad you liked it,” I responded in
regards to the meal. “Now I’m gon go put these dishes in the
dishwasher and take a shower. I have something special planned for
you tonight since I haven’t been home in a few days,” I winked,
before sashaying out of the room in his black polo button up. He
liked when I wore his shirts around the house. He thought it was

“Ok! That’s what I’m talking about
bae!” he clapped, being silly.

I glanced at the clock. It was 7:03
and Tato was supposed to be there by nine. I was extremely nervous
and was doing my best to play it off. I quickly loaded up the
dishwasher and took a hot shower. When I stepped out I heard Dock
on the phone, so I tiptoed and decided to eavesdrop.

“Why can’t you just tell me over the
phone nigga,” Dock asked to whoever he was talking to on the other

“Aight, cool. Just come to the crib.
Where you coming from tho?” he asked.

“Damn nigga—Aight. Yeah, yeah, I heard
you the first time…And Ay, you better have some merit behind this
shit nigga,” he said, before hanging up the phone.

, I thought. I waited 30 seconds and walked into the bedroom,
pretending I didn’t hear anything.

“Can you dry my back bae?” I asked,
while handing Dock the towel.

He took the towel and proceeded to dry
my back but remained quiet.

“You okay? Something bothering you?” I

“A little, but I don’t want to talk
about it right now. I’ll tell you about it later,” he said softly.
I stood up and turned to face him. He wrapped his arms around my
waist and looked into my eyes.

“You love me?” he asked.

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