Through The Lens (Creative Hearts Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Through The Lens (Creative Hearts Book 1)
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Her mouth twisted as she wondered which model Ale would choose to shoot there today. He hadn’t let her know that yet. She hoped it wasn’t Karina. She didn’t want the memory of their time together ruined any more than it already was.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ale’s confident figure walking their way. He looked good in low-slung shorts and a tee that hugged his muscles in all the right places. His equipment bag was slung low behind his back, and his tan was now even darker, which made his dark hair and slashed brows stand out all the more. In this lush environment, he was starting to look like a rogue pirate.

His eyes connected with hers for the briefest of moments and then he turned, giving the group a steely gaze. “Let’s get moving quickly, people. Obviously Mika had you all take the scenic route, but the light doesn’t wait for anyone.”

Mika’s eyes narrowed. So he was still in his mood from this morning and clearly prepared to take it out on everyone, meaning she’d be pressed into playing the good cop. Well, if it wasn’t for her, he’d still be sleeping off last night’s alcohol-debauched excursion. She gave him a cold smile. “I think you’ll see we’re right on time, boss, but I’ll surely speed things up if that’s to your liking.” She looked toward Karina. “Let's hope none of this precious cargo gets broken along the way.” She then addressed the group with her back to Ale, raising her voice. “You heard the man. Let’s get this party going. We’ve got magic to make happen today.”

And it was magical. The girls, and the gowns, seemed to float in the air as if on wings of silk. The models looked ethereal, despite the uncomfortable rigging and numerous complaints.

“My ass is going to be ruined in this,” Karina yelled down from where she was rigged between two trees, the sky as her background. A billowing white dress floated around her body in the breeze as her hair went wildly around her head. The dress gave the illusion she was resting on a chiffon cloud. Ale’s vision was genius.

“My dear, your gorgeous little behind will be just fine, and it looks perfect from where I’m standing,” Ale said, camera in hand.

Mika bristled as Brian and another crew guy underneath her, plus those holding the ropes, nodded in agreement.

Karina gave the guys a wide smile— she knew they could see right up her dress. “Well it’s doing nothing for the soreness. I swear, Alejandro, I’d only endure this type of pain for you.”

The innuendo was not lost on anyone as they watched the exchange—least of all, Mika. She knew the game all too well but now it pricked way too deeply. She watched Ale quirk a brow at Karina and steeled her back, fighting to hold her composure.

Ale took a bunch more shots as Karina moved with a fluid grace, making the garment dance around her body. Finally, he gave the sign to let her down, as it was time for another costume change.

Tai had sent up a lunch. Mika, true to habit and her many years on the job, gathered some food for Ale. “Here, you need to eat.” She brought it to the station where he sat clicking through images during the break.

Ale blinked away from the screen and looked up at Mika with dark eyes. He grabbed at the sandwich she brought and took a large bite. “And here I thought you didn’t care.”

She pulled a face. “Don’t start. I’m just doing my job.”

He smirked. “So I can assume you don’t care. You’ll only take care of me if I pay you. Now I understand perfectly. I should have doubled your salary years ago.”

Mika’s expression crumbled. “Screw you, Ale. That’s not fair, and you know it.”

“Maybe. But I don’t take too kindly to being tossed aside.”

Mika snorted. “You sure know how to show it. But point taken.” She blinked back the tears she felt pricking at the back of her eyes. Suddenly she was so tired. She knew she couldn’t be like this with him and survive the rest of the shoot. She let out a long breath.

“Truce?” she asked, practically begging him. For what, she didn’t really know.

He blinked, confusion coming to his eyes. But he nodded. “Fine, if that’s what you want. Then sit. I want you to look at these. I really think the work is good. But I want to know what you think.”

“No, Ale,” she protested softly. “You don’t need my opinion. You know what’s good and what’s not. Besides, your work is always beautiful.”

He put a gentle hand on her shoulder, which sent an intense ripple of desire through her body. She fought to push the feeling down. “Sit. I do need your opinion. Always.”

The last word was said close to her ear. Mika could feel Ale’s breath tickle her neck. She sat to keep from visibly shaking. He leaned over her, clicked a few keys on the laptop, bringing images to the screen.

Mika let out a small breath. “These are fantastic. But then you already knew that.”

She reached out to touch the screen, for a moment she placed herself in the tree instead of Karina. Ale reached out, his hand touching hers. She pulled back against the current that went through her as their skin met.

He coughed, clearing his throat. “They’re good, but I wanted you to see them. You can give me your eye and make them better. You always do.”

Mika looked at him, momentarily astounded. She’d never heard Ale voice such compliments out loud. Why would he say this to her now, when he knew she was leaving? Not that it would get her to stay, but it would’ve been nice to hear earlier. Too little, too late.

“I don’t know what to say.”

He shrugged. “You don’t have to say a thing. Just give me your opinion.”

Mika hesitated briefly, then leaned forward, letting the screen fill her view. She couldn’t let his declarations sway her in any way. She swallowed, and he leaned in close to point out what he thought was a flaw in a picture of Paloma sitting perched in a branch like a tropical bird. She gave it a critical eye and offered suggestions on how to correct the small imperfections.

“I knew you’d see what I saw.” He clicked to another photo—this time of only Karina. Mika impulsively stiffened and hoped Ale didn’t notice. But that tell-tale flare of his nostrils told her he did. She tried to recover. “What’s wrong? I thought this one was beautiful.”

Mika looked hard at the screen. Karina floated, a beautiful swan descending on her kingdom. She was all grace, innocence and peace. But Mika could see the glimmer of something more. The restraint of wildness lurking behind her eyes. It was a gorgeous picture, one that would help both Karina and Ale’s career. “This is beautiful. Karina looks amazing.” He’d captured a magical moment of Karina soaring to the heavens with the promise of much more to come.

“It’s all right,” he said harshly.

She was taken aback by his terse response, but that’s how he’d been all day with her. She missed their usual rapport. Mika looked at his strong profile as he studied the screen clicking rapidly from photo to photo. His nostrils flared and the muscle in his jaw ticked.

What a huge mistake she had made with Ale, but still, if she could go back, she knew she wouldn’t take away what she’d shared with him. Not the last three days and not the last three years.

She leaned in to look at the screen, her arm brushing his. They both flinched at the contact.

“I’ll go and see if everything is on course for the next shoot,” she said, moving away.

Ale opened his mouth as if to say something, but she saw the moment that he changed his mind and closed down. She turned and walked away. Yes, despite the pain of this moment, she would cherish it all one day.


The next shoot was a three-shot, and Ale wanted to put all three models partially hidden in the trees. Mika knew their tree would be the right spot. All those branches would fit the models perfectly.

As she mentally prepared herself to say so, Ale suddenly stalked over to Brian who was by the food table. What could have gotten him so riled up? The man was too damned unpredictable. If anyone should be upset, it was her. She hated the thought of rigging their tree for Karina to use, as if the model would somehow be looking down on Mika and laughing.

“You can’t be serious about us going up in that large tree,” Karina whined to Mika as she passed her in the makeup chair.

Mika turned. “Of course I’m serious. Well, at least Alejandro is. He never plays when it comes to a shoot.”

At the sound of his name, Karina softened. “Of course for him, I’d do anything. Isn’t that right, girls?” she asked, directing the question to Ula and Paloma.

Paloma nodded, but Ula’s eye roll was not lost on Mika.

Ava came up behind them and chimed in. “Who wouldn’t? Besides being an amazing artist, he’s also hot as all get out.”

Karina let out a throaty laugh. “Watch it, Ava. You have some competition over here.”

Ava gave the girl a look. “Humph. You may be competition, but back in my day, I’d have men like Ale eating out of my hand. You can take a lesson in subtlety.”

Karina nodded, duly chastised. “Then teach me, oh master, because you know I like to always win in the end.” Her eyes caught Mika’s and shined with a devilish gleam.

“Turn while I finish your lips. All this chatter is making it impossible to do my job,” Robin piped up.

Karina blinked. “Fine. Can we get on with it? I’m sure Alejandro is ready for me,” she said, trumped but not ready to back down.

“Yes, I’m sure he is,” Mika replied, “so how about we focus and get going.”

Karina pulled a face. “We know you’re all about the focus, Mika. You do run a tight ship. What would Ale do without you keeping guard like a good little dog? Ow!” She turned and glared at Robin who had accidentally—it couldn’t have been on purpose—gotten a lock of Karina’s hair caught in her bracelet.

“I’m sorry,” Robin said without sincerity as she pulled her arm back and came away with a hair extension. “It’s just that you keep moving.”

Robin and Mika looked at each other over Karina’s head. Mika bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. This had to stop. It was turning into seventh grade. She regained her composure, looking at her watch. “How about we continue this on set? There is only so much light left today.” She turned to Daniel. “And bring some extra hair please.”

“Will do, boss lady,” Daniel chimed in, a hint of laughter in his voice.


Mika was surprised to find that Ale had changed direction, and they were set up in front of another tree entirely. She gave him a confused look. “What’s this? I thought we were shooting over there,” she said, embarrassingly indicating the tree where they had made love.

Ale’s expression was stone. “I decided to move over here. I had my fill with that location the other day.”

Mika sucked in her breath. It was like a punch to the lower gut. Did he now regret their time at the tree so much that he didn’t even want to shoot there? Or could it be that he, like her, didn’t want to ruin the memory? She looked at him with total confusion.

“Don’t you two look cozy?” Karina said, prancing over on eight-inch stilts.

Ale gave her a look but said nothing.

She wasn’t deterred and looked up at the tree. “Care to tell me how you’ll get me up there without breaking my neck?”

Mika was fine with breaking her neck but turned and looked up at the tall beauty, now even taller. “Karina, you’ll be perfectly safe in the hands of Brian’s crew.”

The model gave Ale a look that said she’d much rather be in his hands, and rested her manicured fingers softly on his arm. “Care to escort me over, Mr. Vargas?”

Ale looked down at Karina, his eyes and tone impassive. “No. I have a lot to prepare and want you up in the tree safely and quickly.” He called a crew guy over to walk Karina to the set, leaving her pouting her pretty lips.

The short exchange stunned Mika. Maybe Ale did want to spare her somewhat. “You don’t have to hide your feelings because of me,” she said softly once Karina was out of earshot. “I won’t make trouble for you. I’ll be out of your hair and off to my new job as soon as we’re back in New York.”

He looked down at her with a steely gaze. “What feelings?”

“For Karina. She never has to know about us.”

They both turned and saw that Karina and the other two models were being led carefully to ladders propped against the new tree he had chosen for the shoot.

“Don’t you dare go telling me about my feelings or think for a minute you know them,” Ale spat out. “You may have thought you had me pegged for the past few years, but you didn’t. You don’t know me half as well as you think.”

“What are you talking about? I’m trying to make things easier.”

He snorted. “Easier? You call this easier? Easier would’ve been if I never kissed you in the first place.” He walked away with a hard determination, leaving Mika to absorb the impact of his words.

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