Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (32 page)

BOOK: Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Ben held her hair back out of her way, lovingly stroking her nape as his low panting increased and his cock grew even harder and hotter. Quinten caressed her hip and leaned forward to rub her clit in a circular motion between two fingertips, sending her arousal through the roof. Slight, mewling sounds came from her throat as she pumped her hips, taking his cock in rapid downward thrusts until she lost control and her body took over, grinding hard on him as each wave of her orgasm cascaded into the next. Ben and Quinten whispered triumphant, affirming words to her.

“Good girl.”

She maintained her pace with Ben somehow, sucking him until his whole body shook as he came, fighting to remain silent. He threw back his head and gasped, openmouthed, as his hot seed spurted into her mouth, and she swallowed each pulsing stream until his body went slack. Quinten gripped her hips tightly, finding his release almost simultaneously with Ben, burying his pulsing cock deep and growling quietly as he pressed his lips against her shoulder.

She gave Ben’s cock one last, loving lick and then sat back against the rock-solid chest of the lover who held her. Ben looked ready to collapse back on her desk, his face a mirror of relief and satisfaction. Her cheeks warmed with pleasure, not only from her orgasm, but also from satisfying him. If this was what working with them would be like, she was ready for it. The thought made her chortle softly, and Quinten hugged her from behind.

“Our woman,” Ben whispered, looking very pleased with her. That glowing look in his eyes spoke to the deep place in her heart. The part of her that needed so badly to be understood.

“Perfect for us,” Quinten replied. He checked his phone when it vibrated on the desk. “That’s Ethan. He and Grace are on their way to Morehead right now. They’ve got Rose Marie with them.”

Blinking her eyes to clear the blissful haze in her brain, Camilla sighed as Ben wrapped his arms around her and helped her off of Quinten’s lap. “It’s a good thing I got plenty of sleep this morning or I’d need to go back to bed after that orgasm.”

“Tell me about it,” Ben replied, shaking his head, trying to revive himself as he put his clothing back in order. He helped her with hers, catching her rhinestone belt buckle before it clanked against her desktop. He brushed her lips with his and whispered, “Thank you, sugar. That was good.”

Thirty minutes later, they greeted their visitors and invited them back to a table in the restaurant, which was currently empty of workers, so they could talk in peace.

Little Rose Marie clapped her chubby toddler hands and squealed happily when Camilla made a kissy face and reached out for her. The precious blonde-haired angel hugged Camilla’s neck as the men began talking.

Grace smiled as she looked on and quietly said, “Well, it looks like things are progressing well with the three of you.”

Camilla patted Rose Marie’s back and stroked her long honey-gold curls, so much like her mother’s, and such peace came over her that it brought tears to her eyes.

Speaking over the lump her throat, she said, “Amazing.”

Grace nodded in understanding. “Overwhelming?” At Camilla’s nod, she added, “Then they’re treating you right.” She tilted her head as she gazed at Camilla thoughtfully and smiled. “Something has changed about you, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.” She looked like she wanted to say more but refrained as she glanced at the men.

Steaming-hot, naughty sex must make a difference in my appearance.

The meeting went pretty much as she’d anticipated. The bears had already told Ethan they’d be happy to double up from that point forward anytime she was at the club, especially if she was otherwise alone in the building.

“I still think it’s overkill, but I’m not arguing about it.”

She’d quickly learned that there were “hills she was willing to die on” in their partnership, while there were others that it helped if she gave in. They put their foot down on any question concerning her safety. If the issue was a matter of preference in making decisions about how the club was run, they usually left the choices to her after giving their input. In short, they “walked” what they “talked.”

When they were about done, Ethan said, “I had a bit of bad news today. Tom Barton passed away last night.”

Camilla gasped. “
?” Tom was one of her favorite regulars. All he had to do was walk in The Pony and hold up two fingers, his signal for a double bourbon, neat. She’d never be able to chat with him again. She recalled proudly sharing her successes, based on his investment advice, with him the last time they’d talked, just the week before. He’d told her he was very proud of her, and it had meant almost as much as if a father figure had said that to her. “I’ll miss him so much. Was he sick?”

Ethan replied, “Bill Duggan told me that at a regular checkup, his MD became suspicious of some symptoms. He got checked out and they discovered an aortic aneurysm. Bill may have been the only one he talked to about it. I had no idea.”

Camilla frowned in confusion. “But that can be treated if found in time.”

“He refused surgery.”


Ben shrugged and squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. “I’m sure he had his reasons, sugar.”

She might never know.

Ben looked sad as he said, “He was a good man.” He and Ethan shared a long look, and Ethan nodded in agreement.

Quinten asked, “Have they made funeral arrangements yet?”

Ethan shook his head. “Not yet. With the holiday, I imagine it’ll be sometime early next week. I’ll let you know.”

Camilla made a mental note to check the local paper so she could arrange to be there. She’d never met any of his family members, but she could go and pay her respects. She hadn’t really given it much thought until right then, but Tom had been one of the few men whom she’d trusted who had never let her down. His role in her life hadn’t been a huge one, but she’d thought of him as a sort of father figure partly due to his age and also because of the wise advice he’d given her in the last couple of years.

Someone said a holiday. What holiday?

As they prepared to leave, Grace turned to Camilla and said, “I know you and the guys are really busy with preparations for the club. Have you made any plans for this Thursday?”

“Oh. Um…” Camilla looked to her men. “I forgot. Shoot.”

Ben smiled and shrugged. “We can do whatever you want, sugar. I don’t have any obligations.”

“What about you, Quinten?”

“Mom and Dad called today and said they’ll be in Colorado at my sister’s house over Thanksgiving and they want to spend the first weekend in December with us, if that’s okay with you.”

That gave her a little over a week to prepare. She’d never met his parents before. She nodded affirmatively at him and then smiled at Grace. “Nope. No plans.”

“Good. Then you’re invited to our house for Thanksgiving.” She accepted the invitation, and they discussed what Camilla could bring to the gathering. Gesturing at the large expanse of dance floor as they walked back through to the main room of the club, Grace said, “And now I really hope you’ll consider offering striptease lessons on that huge floor. Did you ever hear from the belly dancer?”

Camilla regretfully shook her head. “Not a word. I’m disappointed, too.”

With Rose Marie tucked to his side, Ethan and Grace bid them good-bye and went on their way home.

She turned to Ben and Quinten once they were back in her office. She looked around its interior, recalling their earlier tryst, and thought how precious what the three of them had was to her.
You never know how much time you have. Grace is right. Seize the day, baby.
She licked her lips like a cat that had gotten into the cream as she looked from one wonderful man to the other.

Quinten eyed her hungrily, his inner horndog never far from the surface. “What, baby?”

“Well…I may have adjusted my opinions slightly about having you both underfoot.” Both men groaned at her obvious reference to the earlier events in the office.

Yeah, I could definitely get used to them being underfoot, on top, on the bottom. Just so long as I’m in between.


* * * *




Camilla felt full to bursting as she followed Grace into the living room with Rose Marie in her arms, jabbering a mile a minute. They joined all their men, who were sitting on the couches around the crackling fireplace. A chill had been in the air all day, and Grace had decided a fire was just what they needed now that they were stuffed with turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberries, and pumpkin pie.

Ethan handed them both glasses of a fruity red wine he’d just poured for them to enjoy while the men drank beers.

Rose Marie roamed on the floor, going from man to man to be held, eyeing Ben flirtatiously while playing peek-a-boo with Quinten. She’d been around the two of them all her life, so she treated them no differently from her family.

Ethan took a seat on the floor next to Jack, who was closing the mesh fireplace screen so that Rose Marie wouldn’t get burned by stray sparks as she played. She crawled up Jack’s legs and into his lap before turning to him.

She placed her chubby little hands on his cheeks and in a piquant voice said, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.”

Camilla chuckled softly with the others as Jack responded, “What-y, what-y, what-y?” as though they’d played this game before.

Rose Marie puckered her little rosebud lips and said, “I need kisses.”

Jack chuckled and kissed her face and bussed her cheek, making funny sounds against her chubby neck as she giggled happily.

Camilla didn’t even have to ask if the thrill of a foursome had waned for Grace over the last couple of years. All she had to do was watch the way Grace looked at her men, the way she smiled indulgently as Jack showed affection to their little daughter. Despite all the challenges they would face in the years to come, the fact that it was worth it was clearly painted on Grace, Jack, Ethan, and Adam’s faces.

Grace interrupted her musing when she said, “So how did it go yesterday?”

Camilla slipped her shoes off and tucked her feet under her on the couch as she leaned toward Grace. “It was above and beyond what I’d expected, Grace. I’m still not sure they understand how much it meant to me.”

Grace smiled happily and knotted her hands together. “Tell me from beginning to end.”

“They came with me to the storage place where I’d kept all of my mom’s things. All I was going to do was go through boxes until I found what I needed and then leave.”

Camilla thought back to the looks on Ben’s and Quinten’s faces the day before. They’d stood outside the door of the small storage unit where her father had hired movers to take all their stuff when he’d come to “collect” her. She’d received the key to the storage unit in the mail from her father’s lawyer years before, after the move had been completed.

Both of her men had stood there, hands on hips, surveying her small collection of boxes from the house she’d shared with her mother.

“Quinten left and came back with the truck and the flatbed trailer. They unloaded it all out of the storage rental and put it on the trailer, we turned in my key, and they brought it all home with us.”

Her past meeting her future.

Grace put her hand over her mouth and whispered, “Oh my gosh,
what men
.” Her simple compliment was voiced in awe.

“Once we got it all home, they helped me sort through stuff I hadn’t seen since I was sixteen.”

Grace patted her forearm, her expression filled with concern. “Was that hard?”

“A little…at times. I hadn’t touched any of it prior to yesterday because the painful memories and feelings had been so strong. Then as the years passed, I just paid the bill for the rental every month and relegated sorting through it to the back burner.”

Grace nodded, understanding in her eyes. “Yeah.”

“My mom had this pretty red-and-white china teapot that she loved. It was an antique passed down from her grandmother. She used it all the time. We found it, still in perfect condition. After we were done with all the boxes, Ben and Quinten sealed the spout closed and…”

Her voice broke as she recalled the tenderness in Ben and Quinten’s eyes when she’d opened the old cardboard shoe box.

Grace took a deep breath and sniffled quietly.

“We transferred Mom’s ashes to the teapot and they sealed it closed. I don’t know why I resisted doing it so long.”

“Maybe you needed someone special there with you when you finally did it?” Grace asked as she quickly swiped a tear from her cheek.

“I think so. It didn’t make me sad. I was happy to have her settled, and I think she would’ve liked being put to rest in her favorite teapot. At least I hope so,” she said with a chuckle. “Ben asked me if we could put her teapot on the mantel in the living room. He was worried that might make me feel sad or uncomfortable.”

Grace sighed softly. “What a great guy.”

Camilla let a tear slide down her cheek and smiled as she nodded. “Yeah. So she is at home on the mantel.”

“I think she would be so thankful and happy for you. To know that you found such wonderful men who love you so much.”

BOOK: Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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