To Kill a President (23 page)

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Authors: By Marc james

BOOK: To Kill a President
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Bobby interrupted.  “He seems like one don’t you know?  Don’t the FBI and the CIA help one another?”

“Bobby the CIA is no match for the FBI. We are skilled at what we do.  We do not need CIA help for any operation, of that I can assure you.  Even if I did trust the CIA, I don’t know who all their agents are.  But it’s pretty clear he is not a regular citizen, no one would have been able to get back in the country after defecting.  I have assigned James Hosty to Oswald, he has tried to garner some information from him but none is forthcoming which again leads me to believe he is CIA.  He then moved to New Orleans and attempted to start a Fair Play for Cuba office, the commy bastard.  He then goes to meet with Carlos Bringuier and says he wants to help in the fight against Castro.  But you are aware of that already I gather.”

How the hell does he know so much?  “Yes.”

“After he was arrested another FBI agent went to talk to him, again he gave us nothing.  He and Carlos then went on the radio to debate the Cuban issue.  After this we have information suggesting he travelled to Mexico City and tried to defect once again to the Cubans.  But I don’t believe that, Hosty tells me he never left the US.  He then returns to Dallas and gets a job at the School Book Depository courtesy of Michael Paine, who is another person of interest.”

“I was actually going to ask, Derrick or whatever his name was told me that Paine works for Bell Helicopter who provide the helicopters the military use?”

“Well at least something he told you was the truth.  Yes however they have been dealt a blow recently with the news that Kennedy plans to withdraw from Vietnam and let it fall to the communists.  As you can imagine this has not gone down well with the right wing and Bell Helicopter could have made a fortune over the war in Vietnam so it does seem slightly curious that a Bell Helicopter employee got Oswald the job with the perfect position to assassinate the President.”

“You said you didn’t know the route he was taking, how do you know it’s in the perfect position?”

“Bobby I don’t want to keep repeating myself knowledge is power.  But since you mention it the people who should know the route are the Secret Service and the Vice President.”

“Bobby Kennedy told David he thought Lyndon Johnson ordered the hit.”

“That is a possibility like I say he knows the route, he has a motive.  The first rule of any murder investigation is to find the motive.  He is going to be removed from the ticket for the next election, Jack never even wanted him as Vice President and there’s a possibility he is facing prison time.  Quite a strong motive I would suggest but he is not alone.

“What about the CIA, why are they so involved in this?”

“Bobby please that’s an easy one.  The CIA and the Mafia worked together to plan the Bay of Pigs.  They trained the Cuban exiles, they expected a full on invasion and Kennedy gave them nothing.  No support.  Then he had the nerve to blame the whole thing on the CIA and declared that he wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces.  Then he fired prominent CIA operatives.  That is not the kind of thing that wins many friends Bobby, although I must admit I found it amusing.  He then made sure that Bobby Kennedy was in charge of all plans for bringing down Castro.”

“Is that Operation Mongoose?”

“I believe so.  They ordered a halt to these plans when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened.  But not everyone listened that is why William Harvey the man from the Carousel Club was sent to Rome.  The CIA and the Mob want Castro out so they’ve been working on ways of eliminating him that leave no trace, like poison or exploding cigars.”  Hoover chuckled.  “I’m guessing you of all people know why the mob hates Kennedy?”

“Yes because of all the money they’ve lost in Cuba since Castro chucked them out of Havana, obviously the disaster at the Bay of Pigs and Bobby Kennedy trying to crush them.”

“Very good Bobby but one last reason is that Joe Kennedy, Jack and Bobby’s father used to run with the mob, he made his fortune during prohibition and then used his contacts to get Jack into the Whitehouse.  Then poor Joe has a stroke and can hardly speak let alone advise his sons.  Then they go after the mob.”

“Jesus Christ Edgar this is half of America, how will this help me?”

“I didn’t say I wanted to help you, I don’t care if he survives but I want to give you the chance to stop this.  But I’m not finished Bobby, good old Jack has pissed off people in your home town of Dallas too.  I’m not just meaning the right wing with his communist appeasing actions and his ridiculous insistence on helping Martin Luther King.  I’m talking about the people who can get things done the oil companies.  When he was elected he stated he was in support of the Oil Depletion Allowance.  He’s in office for three years and he changes his mind and now he wants to get rid of the Allowance that could cost the oilmen around three hundred million dollars a year.  Something tells me that the Vice President from Texas may take different action.

Now think about what has happened since Kennedy has been in office Bobby, tell me which other countries may take an issue with Kennedy.”

“Well obviously Russia, Cuba and Vietnam.”

“That is correct Bobby he was on the brink of nuclear war with the Russians one year ago.  Oswald lived in Russia, he could be the assassin sent by the Russians, his wife’s uncle is actually a member of the KGB she could be too.  Then you have the far right here that believe we should have nuked them.  Then you have Vietnam we are waging war on them because of the spread of communism another good motive.  Lastly you have the Cubans, he has repeatedly tried to kill Castro so he has an enemy there but he hasn’t gone far enough so anti-Castro Cubans hate him too.  Then as I mentioned earlier his ridiculous alliance with Martin Luther King and his attempts at furthering Civil Rights have irritated the KKK, they’re quite big in your home state Bobby.”

“You’ve left one suspect out Edgar.”

“Who’s that then?”

“You have as much of a motive as any of them.  Everyone knows you only care about yourself, your free food and holidays and the FBI.  You lose the FBI, you lose your power.”

Hoover chuckled arrogantly.  “Well I suppose that’s the trick isn’t it, misdirection.  Make everyone look one way and then go the other.  It doesn’t matter to me if you think this is my doing because you can’t hurt me Bobby.  I told you I’ve got enough to put you in prison forever.”

“Do you know something Edgar? You are a piece of shit.  What good does any of that do me?  You have listed three separate nations for Christ sake not to mention the CIA, Mafia, Oil Companies, Weapons Manufacturers, angry Cubans, the Vice President and the KKK.  What am I supposed to do with that?  You said yourself I have Nancy, David and Jane left to help me.  I’m being watched by the CIA, they nearly killed Faraday and I’m about to go and see Lansky, God knows what he’s going to say.  Why don’t you just do your job?!”

Hoover grinned again.  “My job is to look after the best interests of the FBI.  I am doing my job Bobby.  I’m afraid I must be getting back to the office.”  Hoover stood up.

“Wait!  Who is Hidell?”

“I’m afraid I’ve given you all you’re getting.  Good luck Bobby.”  Hoover walked from the restaurant and left Bobby with more questions than answers. He noticed that there was no bill for the food or drinks.  Hoover’s a cheap fuck he thought, before leaving the restaurant.
















Chapter 47

As Bobby returned to the airport he found Nancy sitting where he had left her it was 14:00 and the flight was at 14:30.  “Do you want a coffee Nancy?”  She nodded.  Bobby went to the counter and ordered them both a coffee, as he came to sit with Nancy he could see that she had been crying.  He put an arm over her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.

“He’s not worth your tears Nancy things are going to be fine, you’ll always have me.”  Nancy’s tears began once again.  She turned and leant her head into Bobby’s chest and continued sobbing.

“It’s okay Nancy you are going to be fine I promise.”  It broke Bobby’s heart to see the woman he loved more than anything in the world so upset.

“I’m pregnant Bobby.”  Nancy said it in a whisper.

“Is it his?”  Bobby asked.

“Of course it’s his, what am I going to do?”

Bobby could feel her tears soaking through his shirt.  “It’s okay Nancy I can look after you and the baby.”

Nancy began to move her head up towards Bobby’s and tried to kiss him, he turned away quickly.  “What is wrong with you Bobby?  I know you love me, why are so scared?”

“Nancy I do love you but not like that, I’ve told you before you’re like family to me.”

“Bobby I need more than that, we can raise the child together.  I know you want to be with me.”  Tears were still streaming down her face.

“Nancy I don’t want to be with you, I will help you with the child but as a friend.”  He could tell that he was breaking her heart as she had once broken his on the night she died.

The tears stopped suddenly and Nancy began to dry her face with a napkin.  “Bobby we are done.”

“What do you mean, don’t overreact.”

“I can’t do this anymore you have known how I felt for a long time and then I met Derrick, I was happy and he was just using me to get to you.  I can’t be happy whilst you are in my life, I’m not coming to meet Lansky you can go by yourself.”

“Nancy please you are just emotional you can’t do this.”  He pleaded.

“Yes I can and just so you know you and your little gang of friends are going to get yourselves killed.  Don’t try to contact me.”  Nancy got up and walked out of the cafe, he didn’t watch her go he knew this was supposed to happen.  That was why she had never spoken of his grandfather and that was why she had apologised for not being there for him.  It all made sense now.



Chapter 48

As Faraday awoke his entire body was in agony.  He tried to open his eyes but his vision was blurred, he could just about make out Jane sitting beside him.

“You’re awake, thank God.  How are you feeling baby?”

Faraday tried to speak but his jaw gave him a shooting pain.  He could hear a man’s voice which he recognised as David’s.

“You’re going to be fine, don’t try to speak whoever attacked you broke your jaw.  Was it Derrick?”

Faraday nodded which caused his neck great pain.

“I’ll kill him!”  Jane yelled.

“Try not to worry Faraday you are safe here, Jane and I won’t be leaving your side until your back on your feet.  We have had a chat and we are giving up on this whole Kennedy thing it is not worth any of us losing our lives.  Jack Martin has already died.  We don’t need any more casualties.”

Jane squeezed his hand tightly and lent in to kiss him on the forehead.

He managed to make a sound “oby”.

Jane replied.  “We don’t know about Bobby we came here with you last night, its 15:00 on Thursday now, he must be away meeting Lansky.  I’m sure as soon as he gets back he’ll be in to see you.”

Faraday closed his eyes once again and fell asleep.  Jane began to sob.  David put his arm around her.  “He’s going to be fine Jane.  We have to be strong for him.  No one is getting near him.  I’ve already told you he has a strong heart, he won’t leave us.”

She continued sobbing.  “How are we going to tell him about his eye David?”

“We just need to cross that bridge when we come to it.”










Chapter 49

As Bobby arrived in Lansky’s office it was just after eight.  The flight had felt like it had gone on for days, he couldn’t believe Nancy would leave him.  She was the only real family he had ever known and she said that she couldn’t be happy if he was in her life.  He knew who was to blame that bastard Derrick or Billy or whatever his name was.  If Nancy was pregnant it meant that he could kill the man that ruined his life.  The well being of Jack Kennedy was no longer a concern.

As Lansky sat behind the desk Bobby could feel him studying his movements.  He looked smart as always in a grey suit and black shirt.  He gave nothing away his expression was blank.  But Bobby was not scared, not anymore he had nothing left to lose.  The silence was broken as Lansky began the interrogation.

“Where is Nancy, I told you to bring her?”

“I don’t know she has left.  Derrick hurt her. She couldn’t bear to be around me anymore.”

“Do you expect me to believe that?”

“It’s the truth Meyer, she’s gone.”

“Is this Hoover’s doing? He told me that you had lunch.”

“No it isn’t Meyer.  I promise you it was her decision.”

“Not to worry I’m sure we’ll find her.  So what happened in New Orleans and before you lie Marcello has told me about your meeting with Bannister and Ferrie.”

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