To Kill a President (25 page)

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Authors: By Marc james

BOOK: To Kill a President
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“Listen I understand how you feel but I’ve tried to stop this.  Surely you heard about Jim Garrison?”

“Yeah I heard.  So why did you have Faraday spying on me?”

“I didn’t.  Your barman offered him a job, he took it.  He was only here because we wanted to know who the Hidell ID was for.”

“I heard he got pretty banged up.”

“He did it was Derrick and Gerry Hemming.”

“So what you’ve given up then?”  Ruby asked.

“I’ve seriously done everything I possibly could.  I’ve spoken to Hoover, Lansky, and Garrison.  We even tried the Kennedy’s directly, nothing has worked.”

“We haven’t tried Oswald.”  Ruby stated.

“We can’t Hoover told me he’s CIA, for all we know he is the assassin.”

“I’ve got it! Why don’t you go to visit Jim Garrison and see what he knows and I’ll go and see Guy Bannister, he’s a friend he’ll tell me what he knows.”

Bobby considered this it wasn’t a bad idea but he couldn’t.  “Listen Jack I’ve told you, we tried our best and we failed.  Faraday nearly died, I don’t want a repeat of that.”

“Why don’t we go and speak with your friends, one last shot?”

“Come on Bobby it’s the President, you can’t just let him die.”  Gail interjected.

Suddenly Bobby felt he couldn’t say no, not to Gail.  “Fine let’s go.”

As the three of them stood up they heard a crash coming from outside the office.  “What the fuck was that?”  Ruby yelled.  He ran out of the door followed by Gail and then Bobby who struggled to keep up.  As Bobby exited the office he saw Ruby screaming at a woman he didn’t recognise.  She was a haggard looking woman, she had bags under her eyes and matted blonde hair.

“What did you hear Rose?”  Rose looked terrified, she said nothing.  All around her were broken glasses, she had clearly panicked when she heard them leaving the office.

“Rose I swear to God I will kill you! What did you hear?”

“Jack, calm down.”  Bobby tried.

“Rose this is your last chance.”  Ruby stated.

She eventually replied.  “You’re going to kill the President.”  She stuttered as she spoke.  Bobby had never seen anyone look so scared.

“You junkie whore!”  Ruby screamed as he grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.

“Jesus Jack, leave her alone.”  Bobby interjected.  He managed to get himself in between Jack and Rose.  But Ruby just threw him aside.

“Jack what are you doing!”  Gail screamed.

“Gail get Mickey here now!”  Ruby yelled.

Gail rushed to the office.  Bobby managed to get to his feet once more.  “Jack what are you doing?”

“You think we can let her leave and spread the word Bobby!  I don’t fancy jail much do you?”

“Mr...Mr Ruby I w..won’t tell anyone.”  Rose whimpered.

Jack Ruby showed her no pity.  “I know you won’t Rose, because you won’t get the chance.”

She began to cry.  “Please I’m sorry I didn’t hear nothing.” 

Gail entered the bar once again.  “He’s on his way Jack.”

“Good, you’re off on a long ride Rose.  I don’t think we’ll be meeting again.”

Bobby knew he had to do something but his gun was at the condo.  Sheba was trying to jump up at Rose wagging her tail.  Bobby knew he needed to act before Ruby’s friend arrived he wouldn’t be able to take two of them on.  He looked down at the cane in his hand and knew that was his best chance.  He raised it over his head and swung it at Ruby, the eagle hit Ruby on the back of the neck.  But he didn’t go down.  He ran at Bobby and tackled him to the ground.  As Ruby got to his feet he snatched Bobby’s cane and began hitting him with it, it snapped after the fifth hit.

“Fuck you Bobby!  You know I’m right.”

Gail was kneeling beside Rose trying to comfort her as she wept.  Bobby managed to pull himself onto a barstool.  When Mickey entered the club Ruby barked at him to get rid of Rose.  Mickey was joined by another man.  They pulled Rose to her feet and hauled her out of the club. 

As soon as she was gone Jack went behind the bar and poured himself a whisky.  Bobby sat silently whilst Gail wept where Rose had once been.

“I had to do it.”  Ruby stated to no one in particular.  He did not receive a response.

Bobby had no idea what to do now.  He could not work with this man after seeing what had just happened.  The only sound in the room was Gail crying and Ruby slurping his whisky.  The silence was finally broken by Bobby.

“Gail, can you please take me home.”  Gail nodded and helped Bobby from his chair.  Ruby said nothing.  He knew he was on his own now.

Gail managed to get Bobby down the stairs without his cane and put him into the passenger side of the car.  As they drove Bobby didn’t know what to say.

“Why are you with him Gail?”

She was silent for a moment.

“Seriously Gail.  Why?”

“I’m not with him.  He’s more like a friend.  He’s not usually like that it’s just because he’s under pressure.”

“Gail he sent her off to be killed.  It doesn’t matter how much pressure he’s under.”

“I know.”  Gail conceded.  She drove on in silence, as she parked beside 1505 Elm Street she had one question for Bobby.  “Are you going to do anything to stop this?”

“What can I do?”

“You can speak with Jim Garrison.  Jack can still go and see Bannister.”

“I’m not helping Jack Ruby, not now.”

“So because you don’t agree with what he did you are going to let them assassinate the President?”

“Let them assassinate the President?  You make it sound as though I can actually stop this.  It can’t be done.”  Bobby shouted.

“Okay, will you manage to get back inside or do you need my help?”

“I’ll manage just fine Gail.”

As Bobby struggled from the car, Gail had some parting words.  “Bobby I know you will do the right thing.”

He shut the door and she drove off.  He struggled into the lobby.  He had, had no idea how much he needed his cane until now.  As he struggled into the elevator he had no idea what he would tell the others. 





















Chapter 53

When Bobby made it to the couch his hip felt like it was on fire.  He took the weight off and it was David that began the inevitable question time.

“Who hit you Bobby?”


“What were you doing with Ruby?”  Jane asked.

“Gail was waiting in the lobby for me.  She took me to see him, he has only just found out about what’s really going on.”

“So what did he want?”  David asked.

“He wanted our help to stop the assassination.  What’s strange is that I was actually considering it.”

“So what happened?” 

“Some woman, Rose.  She overheard what we were talking about.  Ruby hit her then got some guys to get rid of her.  So I went for him.  He broke my cane by hitting me with it, and then Gail brought me home.”

“So what he killed her?”  Jane asked.

“She was still alive but I’m guessing that’s what’s going to happen.”

“Another innocent victim.”  David commented.  “So are we just going to leave it?”

Faraday who had been silent thus far decided he could let this go no further.  “We are not getting involved!  It’s over.  What more will it take for you to give it up?”

“I wasn’t saying I wanted to do anything Faraday, it just doesn’t feel right sitting here doing nothing.”

“We’ve all agreed David, what can we do?  I nearly died for Christ sake.  I have one eye!  I look like a bloody pirate!”

David was silent now.  Jane grasped Faraday’s hand.  “It’s okay, we’ll be okay.”  She said.  “I don’t really think we had many options left anyway.”

“Well we do have a couple but Faraday’s right it’s too dangerous.  The mob has made it pretty clear I’m on my last chance.  I couldn’t do anything even if I wanted to.”  Bobby said.

“I’m not getting involved again.”  Faraday stated.

“What options do we have?”  Jane asked.  Faraday glared at her but she ignored it.

“I can only think of two.  The first is that Odio woman, we never met with her.  The other is going to see Garrison to find out what happened.”

“I am not getting involved.”  Faraday stated.  “And neither are you Jane.”

“I could do both.”  David interjected.  “I really think we owe it one more shot.”

“David don’t be daft.  You want to end up like me?”

“Faraday, who is going to attack me for speaking with two people.”

“Maybe the mob, the CIA or the FBI.”  Faraday answered.

“Faraday we have blood on our hands already if we sit here and do nothing there will be more.  That’s going to be on us.  On all of us even you!  Do you remember the first day you arrived here?  I said to you that you were special.  I said that you were our last hope.  Nobody ever said it was going to be easy and it hasn’t been I understand that.  Yes you’ve had it worse than anyone but...”

David was interrupted as Faraday shouted back.  “Yes David I’ve had it much worse than you.  What have you even done?  You’ve had a conversation with Bobby Kennedy, big deal.  I’ve been out there risking my life.  You want to risk your life then fine.  I’m not losing Jane again.  I thought you wanted Sharon.  How can you do that if you’re dead?  What about your kid?”

There was an awkward silence in the room.  David was visibly taken aback by Faraday’s words.

“I think we should just leave it there.”  Bobby advised.

“I agree.”  Jane said.

“Faraday if you hadn’t just had your eye removed I would kick the shit out of you right now!  You don’t want to lose Jane?  If it wasn’t for me you would have lost her that day you proposed.  I told you how to find her, I saved her life.  Because of me maybe one day you will have kids.  What about Jim Garrison’s kids Faraday?  What about Jack Kennedy’s kids?  Come to think of it what about Lee Harvey Oswald’s kids?  I’m not suggesting we buy guns and try and take them on.  I’m suggesting we find out what is going to happen and see if there is a way we can change things.”

“David I’m..”  Faraday began.

“I’ve not finished Faraday.  Have you ever thought that maybe there is a reason we are here.  Think about it, Bobby arrived the day that Lincoln died.  He was alone for years and ended up befriending one of the most important members of the mob.  Because of that he became the lawyer who will represent Lee Harvey Oswald.  I’m a forensic pathologist, because of that I will be in the hospital when Kennedy arrives and because of that I knew about Marilyn.  But clearly we never stopped it without you and Jane.  We are here for a reason I know we can do this.”

“But what if we can’t what about Sharon?”

“I can’t wait thirty years to find out if I might be able to save Sharon!  If we do this I’ll know we can save her.  I know your both Scottish but we can’t let this happen, Kennedy’s assassination sent this country into freefall.  Vietnam, Watergate, the Gulf War.  Kennedy wants peace, if he lives and pulls out of Vietnam think how many lives we will save.  If Bobby Kennedy can crack the mob think how many lives we can save.  This isn’t an opportunity this is our responsibility.  I’m not sitting on the sidelines watching people die.  I thought we had to stop when I saw what had happened to you but by stopping we let them win.  We let the Director of the FBI knowingly allow the President to be killed.  We let the mob and the CIA destroy Democracy.  If Bobby Kennedy is right we let the most corrupt man in the country into the Whitehouse.”

The room was once again silent as everyone took in David’s impassioned speech.

“I think we need to try.”  Jane agreed.

“I agree with what you said David but they will kill Nancy.  I can’t let that happen.  They probably have people watching us, if I step out of line I’m done.  I just can’t.”

Faraday remained silent.  David on the other hand had more to say.  “I get that too Bobby.  But we can do this quietly without anyone getting suspicious, we just need to think about what we know.  We already know Oswald will be at the School Book Depository and we know he will be arrested at the theatre.  We also know that between the time he is supposed to have killed Kennedy and get arrested he will return home and then kill a police officer.  We know that Jack Ruby will kill him two days later.

We also know there is definitely a conspiracy that involves the mob and the CIA.  We know Hoover knows and some members of Dallas PD know.  We know your friend Chauncey Holt is involved and we therefore know there is more than one gunman.”

“But how do we use that?”  Bobby asked.

“I think we need more people.  Why don’t we get Ruby to help?”

“Because he’s a lunatic!”  Bobby stated.

“You didn’t think that until today Bobby.  You know how he feels they are doing the same thing to you.  He’s frightened and obviously he’s a bit of a head case but we need more information.”

“I’m not working with Ruby.”  Bobby stated.  “I don’t even have a cane because of him.  Faraday do you still have the top of my cane, I can get it put on the top of a new one?”

“Um, no.  I’ve not seen it since I got back.”

“I can get you a walking stick from the hospital.”  David stated.

“Thanks David.”

“So are we going to do this?  We have two people we can speak to, we can’t just leave it.”

“I don’t mind going to see Garrison, he knows me so it would make sense.”  Jane suggested.

“I’ll go and see Odio and then go and get you a stick.”

“I’ll go with Jane she’s not going alone.”  Faraday stated.

“Fine, find out what you can and we can discuss this later.”  Bobby said.


Chapter 54

As the door opened David was met by a pretty woman perhaps in her late twenties.  She had long brown hair and she looked to be from Cuban descent. 

“Hi sorry to bother you I am looking for Miss Odio?”

“Which one?”  She replied.

“Miss S. Odio.”

“That would be me can I help you?”

“Yes I was rather hoping you could.  May I come in?”

Miss Odio looked suspiciously at David.  “What is this all about?”

“It is rather difficult to explain.”  David responded.

“Well I’m not letting you in until you tell me what’s going on.”  She replied.

“Apologies Miss Odio I am here with regards to President Kennedy’s upcoming visit to Dallas.  I was told that some gentlemen may have come to see you recently about this.  I was hoping you could fill me in on what happened.”

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