To Kill a President (40 page)

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Authors: By Marc james

BOOK: To Kill a President
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“Do you mean the Federal Reserve?”

“Well partly James.  The Rockefeller’s gave the order to Lyndon Johnson to kill me.  He is just a pawn, a pawn like I was.  But I stood up to them and that’s why they got rid of me.”


“The men that rule the world James they will not relinquish their power.  It was the same families that ruled the world when Lincoln was President.  He tried to oppose them and was assassinated.  No President since then has dared to oppose them until I did.  And they killed me too.  My brother is the only hope for the country.”

“But doesn’t your brother die too?”

“Well that’s how it happened last time.  But last time we didn’t have you or Jane.  Bobby and David could do nothing to stop them.  But with all four of you, I believe you can stop them.”

“So who do we stop?”

“Well we have mentioned Rockefeller but you already know who these people are.  The Rothschilds, the Bushes, the Blair’s, the Clinton’s.  It is these types of people that rule the world because they have the money to do so.”

“The Blair’s and the Clinton’s?  I don’t believe that.”

“They are pawns just as Lyndon Johnson is.  Cherie Blair is the great great great Granddaughter of John Wilkes Booth, the same man who killed Abraham Lincoln.  He was just another pawn.  They have to do as they are told or they will never get into power.”

“But what about you, how did you get into power?”

“We played along we sucked up to the right people but we turned on them.  Bobby tried to wipe out the mob.  I took on the CIA, I took on the Federal Reserve, and I took on the oil barons.  And we both tried to take on the FBI.  We wanted to end the war in Vietnam.  But we overestimated our abilities.  You and your friends are the key to changing history.  You are the only ones that can save Bobby.  You are the only ones that can save democracy.  You are the only ones that can save the freedom of the press.”

“The freedom of the press?”

“Yes the media are under governmental control, perhaps not officially but they are instructed on what to report.  You will see when you wake up.  I can’t imagine you’ll be able to do much just watch the coverage of my assassination.  There are very few people who are willing to stand up against the might of the Rockefeller’s and the Rothschild’s and even if they do they too will be killed just like Abraham Lincoln and myself.  That is why you and your friends must help people like my brother and Martin Luther King.  Without them history will repeat itself, I mean look at the Patriot Act.  It basically allows the FBI to monitor everyone’s phones and emails.  It allows the police to hold people indefinitely without even charging them.  It is extending their powers just as the Federal Reserve Act did in 1913.”

“How can we change any of that?”

“My brother must become President.  You must make that happen.”

“But how?”

“That is for you and our friends to discover, I’m afraid my part in history has come to an end.  But yours has just begun.  It’s time to wake up James.”






Chapter 83

Faraday struggled to open his eye.  When he did the room the room was a blur.  The first thing that struck him was the blinding pain in his stomach.

“He’s awake.”  Nancy said.

“Faraday how are you feeling?”  Jane asked.

“Not good.  What happened?”

“You’ve been shot.”

It suddenly came back to him.  Billy Beane had shot him in the stomach.  Lee Harvey Oswald and that cop Roscoe White were there.  They had killed Tippit, they said they needed him but why?

“It was Billy that shot me.”  Faraday felt a searing pain, as he spoke he put his hand to his stomach.

“Can we do anything?”  Nancy asked.

“Maybe we should call the nurse.”  Jane suggested.

Nancy ran from the room and came back moments later with Samantha, the nurse that had called Jane. 

“How are you feeling Mr Faraday?”

“My stomach is agony.”  He gasped again as he spoke.

“It’s to be expected, I’ll let the doctor know you’re awake and he’ll come see you.”  Samantha turned and left the room.

“Try not to talk baby.  Just try to rest up you’re going to be alright, we won’t leave you.”

“Love you.”  Faraday managed writhing in pain as he did so.

“I love you too, I thought I’d lost you I was so scared.”

Nancy watched Jane as she spoke to Faraday.  Tears were streaming down her face.  Her thoughts turned to Bobby and how she would feel if Bobby was the one that had been shot.  She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if Bobby had died and she had never made it up with him.  Her thoughts were interrupted as two men entered the room.  One of them she didn’t recognise and the other was the love of her life Bobby.

“I came as soon as I heard.”  Bobby hobbled over to Jane and gave her a hug.  As he turned he noticed Nancy for the first time.  “Nancy?”

“I came back to help you.”

“Thank God you’re alright.”  Bobby struggled towards her and gave her a hug as well. 

“I’m sorry I left you Bobby.”  Nancy was crying now too.

He pulled away from her and held her arms.  “You have nothing to be sorry for.  I’m just glad that you’re safe.  How is he?”

“Sore.”  Faraday writhed again and let out a whimper.

“Who did it?”  Bobby asked looking towards Jane.

“Billy.”  She replied.

“The son of a bitch, I’ll kill him!”  Bobby yelled.

“Get in line.”  Jane replied.

“Is he going to be alright?”  Bobby asked.

Jane didn’t answer and Nancy looked away.

“Yes.”  Faraday said this time avoiding the agony.

“You’re a tough kid Faraday.”  Bobby said.  “Listen you are all going to be okay.”  Bobby gestured towards the other man in the room.  “This is Clint Hill, he is going to stay with you and make sure no one get’s near you.  Bobby Kennedy sent him.”

“How’s David?”  Jane asked.

“He’s absolutely fine.”  Clint reassured her.

“Thank God.”

“I need to go and see Oswald, I’ll be back tonight.”

“Look after yourself and just call here if you need me.”  Clint said.

“I’ll be fine just make sure no one gets near them.”

“I will.”

Bobby hobbled from the room and headed for the exit.  He glanced down at his watch it was 13:00 on Saturday 23








Chapter 84

They had driven through the night.  David had no idea what the time was now.  It had been dark for a while and it had started to get brighter.  Whenever he had asked any questions he received a punch, his jaw was now too sore to ask any more.  He was still handcuffed to Sibert.  As he looked out the window he realised they were no longer on a road, they were now in the middle of a heavily wooded area travelling along a dirt track.  They were obviously planning on disposing with him.

The car continued along the dirt track for around ten minutes, he was now deep in a forest somewhere.  As he looked ahead he could see an opening.

“Where are you taking me?” 

He received another sharp blow to the jaw as his answer.  His shirt was now covered in blood.  He spat some blood from his mouth onto Sibert.

“You disgusting fuck!”  He yelled before punching David in the face again, this punch sent his head backwards towards the window as his head hit it hard he lost consciousness.


















Chapter 85

When Bobby arrived at Dallas Police Head Quarters it was 13:30.  He was taken led straight in to Fritz’s office by James Hosty.  As they entered the office Fritz was already sat behind his desk.  Today he had chosen a navy blue suit and he still wore the cowboy hat.  Bobby had not managed to have a shower or change his clothes.  He had fallen asleep in the chair and had been woken by Clint Hill banging on the door, Clint had told him about Faraday and they had headed straight to the hospital.  Bobby was delighted that Clint had come to help them.  Someone needed to watch over Faraday, Jane and Nancy.

Bobby took his seat beside Oswald who still hadn’t been given any clean clothing, he looked exhausted.  “How are you feeling Lee?”

“I’m okay.  They took me out of my cell three times during the night to take more fingerprints.”

“Why did you do that Fritz?”  Bobby asked infuriated.

Fritz remained stony faced.  “We are working with different agencies, everyone needs the information.”

“Have they been interrogating you again?”  Bobby asked.

“No, I had a visit from my wife and my mother.”

“How are they taking this?”

“Not so good.  Marina said that the FBI have been pressuring her to make a statement saying that I am guilty.”

“Don’t worry I can represent Marina too.  They won’t force her to sign anything.”

“Thank you Bobby, you are a good man.”

Fritz cleared his throat.  “Firstly we want to ask how you managed to take the rifle into the School Book Depository.”

“I didn’t take a rifle into the School Book Depository the only thing I took with me was my lunch.”

“Well we have a witness who told us that you carried a package wrapped in brown paper into the building.  He said that you claimed they were curtain rods?”

“No sir.”

“So he’s lying?”

“Yes sir the only thing I had with me was a sandwich and a piece of fruit.”

“So why did you kill the President Lee?”  Hosty asked.

“I will not answer any of your questions you have interrogated me on multiple occasions in the past.  You have used your hard and soft interrogation techniques and I am familiar with all of these techniques.  You have been rude and abusive to my wife, you have frightened her.  I consider you to be obnoxious so I will not be making any statements to you.”

Bobby was impressed by Oswald’s answer, Hosty began to blush.  Fritz took over the questioning once again.  “We received a call from Michael Paine telling us he thought you killed the President, why would he think that?”

“I don’t know sir.  I considered Michael to be a friend.  It was he and his wife Ruth that got me my job at the School Book Depository.  I can only guess that he is trying to frame me for the murder of the President.”

“Why would he do that?”  Fritz replied.

“Well he works at Bell Helicopter and he told me that people there hated Kennedy because he was planning on pulling out of Vietnam.  That would have lost them millions of dollars as they provide the helicopters for the military.”

Fritz laughed.  “You think they would kill the President for money?”

“Well sir it is the only motive I can think of.  Michael Paine’s boss is a Nazi war criminal so I would assume that one man’s life doesn’t mean an awful lot to him.  They have more of a motive than I do.”

“I don’t believe you Oswald.  You killed him because of Cuba didn’t you?”

“No sir why would I?  With Kennedy dead President Johnson will take over and I don’t think his policy towards Cuba will be any different.  In fact I imagine it would be more aggressive if anything.”

“You’re a good liar Lee, I’ll give you that.  So you don’t own the rifle we found at the School Book Depository?”

“No sir.”

Fritz opened his desk drawer and took out a photograph.  He placed it on the table between Oswald and Bobby.  The picture showed Oswald standing holding the Mannlicher Carcano rifle in his left hand and some Russian newspapers in his right hand, he was wearing a black polo shirt and black trousers.  Bobby knew these must have been the photographs Chauncey had worked on, but they looked perfect.

“Is that you in the picture Oswald?”  Fritz smiled as he asked the question.

“No sir, I have never seen this picture before.”

“Really?  Why don’t you turn the picture over?”

Bobby turned the picture over and on the back it said “Hunter of Fascists hahaha.”  Beneath those words was a signature.

“Is that your signature?”  Fritz asked.

Oswald looked stunned, his jaw was agape.  “Yes sir but I did not sign this picture.  I have never seen it before in my life.”  Oswald turned the picture back over.  “This is a fake, I know about photography, this is my face but it has been superimposed on someone else’s body.”

“You have an answer for everything.  We found this in the Paine’s house so who put it there?”

“I don’t know sir.  This is not me, I have never seen this.  I don’t believe you found this at the Paine’s house because I know this picture was not there.”

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