To Love and Obey (Boundaries) (9 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Obey (Boundaries)
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Suddenly the sounds of the club became muffled and her vision blurry as her arousal took on a new dimension. She was about to be punished, in public, whilst tethered to a desk by her imaginary boss. Not only that, but she was to be punished for a real crime by her real boss, bringing an exciting, but dangerous dynamic into the mix. Suddenly the reality of the situation hit home. Was he going to hurt her? Would he whip her till she begged for mercy? He had after all said he was going to push her boundaries. Her breath caught in her throat and her body stiffened in panic. Oh, God, she couldn’t do this.

She immediately felt Adam’s hand, firm yet gentle, rub her back. He leaned down, kissed the back of her neck and whispered in her ear, “Rachel, I won’t harm you. What’s your safe word?”

Safe word. Oh yes, she had a safe word. “Red, Master,” she whispered back.

“Good girl. Use it if you need to.”

But she knew he wanted to push her limits and that he would be disappointed if she took the easy way out, and besides, she deserved the punishment. Her acknowledgment sent fresh shocks of lust through her body. God, what was it about being punished that turned her on so much? She resolved not to use her safe word, no matter what. He must be getting pretty fed up with her, not only because of what had happened with the lunch, but because she was being such a wimp about committing to him. Well, she’d take her punishment and make him proud of her, then he may be more understanding when they had their ‘chat’ later.

The first thing she felt was the soft fronds of a flogger caressing her back.
She relaxed a little as the fronds kissed her skin with light flicks. This was more like a massage. She knew she could take the sting of a flogger, even when he hit her quite hard with it. So she closed her eyes and sighed contentedly as the flogger progressively got harder.

She didn’t know how long he flogged her for, but when he stopped, she moaned in disappointment. Her skin was warm and tingly and her head felt very similar. She was on the edge of subspace again, the pleasure of the flogger mixed with the excitement of being punished, pushing her to the delicious heights she had only recently discovered. Then she felt two fingers push through her opening and she purred like a kitten as they probed her throbbing, wet pussy.

But, to her disappointment, the fingers withdrew all too quickly and instead something cold and hard ran along her back. Her eyes snapped open again and she saw that Adam had walked to the side of the desk so she could see him. She swallowed nervously when she saw that he was holding a thin stick in his hand. His eyes were gleaming with excitement and his lips curled into a dangerous grin when he must have seen the recognition in her wide eyes.

“Now, Miss Porter, let’s get back to the matter of your punishment. Naughty girls get their bottoms spanked, but you’ve been very naughty so we’re going to go one better. You’ll receive ten strokes of this beautiful rattan cane and you will count each one. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. She’d heard that canes could be more painful than some whips. A flashback to Amelia’s backside, criss-crossed with angry red welts brought tears to her eyes and she shut them tightly as she braced herself for impact.

The first stroke was so light she barely felt it. “One.” Was that it?

The next one was also fairly light, leaving only a little sting in its wake. “Two.” She let go of her trepidation a bit as she waited for the third stroke which, although harder, still didn’t really hurt that much either. She grinned to herself as her body relaxed some more. Was this really all there was to it? The fourth stroke, again, was fairly gentle and she frowned. Amazingly she actually wanted a bit more pain, something to send her into the lovely headspace she’d been in before. She groaned in the hope that Adam would get the message.

“Argh,” she gasped, as the fifth stroke came down much harder than the others. Her arse stung.
Shit, that really hurts

“Count, Rachel,” growled Adam, and slapped the sore spot on her arse.

“Ow. Five,” she cried, just as the sixth came down.

At first it didn’t seem that bad, but a split second later, a line of fire seared across her skin and she cried out in shock as the pain gripped her by the throat. She tried to move her body, but she was so securely restrained that her attempt was futile.

She couldn’t speak, the muscles in her throat tightened so much that she could barely breathe, let alone utter any words. Fuck, this was too much.
she thought to herself,
I need him to stop, I can’t take anymore,
but the desire to please him was stronger, and she remained silent.

“Count, Rachel, or we start again.”

Adam’s voice found its way into her brain and she just about managed to gasp, “Six.”

Then number seven hit and she screamed in agony as fire exploded across the back of her thigh. She raised herself onto her tiptoes as if that would take away some of the pain, but of course it didn’t. Enough, she couldn’t do this. She needed him to stop,
. “Red,” she gasped, through her tears, but to her horror nothing came out. Her vocal chords seemed to have stopped working and all that came out was a raspy croak which she knew Adam wouldn’t hear. Oh, no, she wouldn’t survive another one, but Adam didn’t respond and lifted his arm again. “Red, red, red,” she cried, as she braced herself for number eight.

Chapter Seven

Rachel looked up into Adam’s face as he carried her upstairs, away from the sounds of the dungeon. She couldn’t read his expression, but it didn’t look good. His eyes were dark and the frown that had narrowed his brow earlier seemed even more deeply ingrained now. Was he angry? Disappointed?

She had so wanted to make him proud of her, to show him that she would take whatever punishment he chose to dish out, to prove her submission to him. But she’d failed, safe worded at the very first hurdle. Thank Heaven, he’d stopped when he had though, she couldn’t bear to think what it would have felt like if he’d continued hitting her with that cane.

She closed her eyes and savored the comfort of being in his arms—it probably wouldn’t last for much longer. When she opened her eyes again, she found they were in the aftercare lounge, her favorite place. Adam placed her gently onto a plump cushion, making sure she was on her side.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, as fresh tears sprung from her eyes. Why hadn’t she held on just a little bit longer, she’d only had three more strokes to take—three!

“You shouldn’t be sorry. Come on, rest now.”

Adam’s voice soothed her. Her eyes felt heavy, she was so sleepy. No, she’d screwed up enough lately, the last thing he needed was for her to fall asleep on him. She forced them open again and saw Adam leaning over her to inspect her backside. “You’ve got a couple of pretty pink stripes across your ass,” he said solemnly.

Was that all she had to show for her agony? She didn’t have the energy for words though, so she just smiled weakly up at him and closed her eyes again.

“Luke’s going to come and sit with you while I sort a few things here and then I’m taking you home.” Although there was no anger his voice, she was devastated at his words. She didn’t want to go home—she wanted to stay with Adam. She nearly begged him to let her stay with him, but she’d already learnt that antagonizing an angry Dom wasn’t the cleverest thing a sub could do, so she remained silent.

She was barely aware of Luke sitting with her. The last two nights had been tough. She had been fretting about Adam ever since the board meeting on Wednesday and had lain awake for hours, unable to get to sleep. When she had eventually managed to drop off, her restless dreams had woken her soon after, leaving her feeling more drained than before.

She was exhausted and, without realizing it, she drifted off to sleep briefly. When she woke a little while later, she found Luke’s handsome face smiling down at her. “You all right?” he asked.

She nodded and managed a smile. Luke was such a lovely guy, every bit as dominant as Adam, but with a slightly softer side. Why couldn’t she have fallen for him instead of Adam? Life would have been so much easier.

Fifty minutes later, she was snuggled up to Adam as Rob made his way through the gloomy, wet London streets. Her head was resting on his shoulder and they traveled in silence, but Rachel’s thoughts were anything but silent. They were spinning furiously around her head, tormenting her for being such a pathetic wimp. He must be so disappointed in her. She closed her eyes in shame. “I’m sorry I safe worded,” she said suddenly, her voice barely a whisper.

Adam stiffened and pulled her closer to him. “Hey, never be sorry for using your safe word, it’s there to stop anything that gets too intense or painful. You were right to use it,” he said quietly.

She lifted her head to look at him, but it was too dark to see his expression.

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” he said, his voice now heavy with regret.

“Oh, Adam, it’s my fault. I’m so sorry,” she cried. “Please don’t take me home, I want to be with you.”

“Who said anything about taking you home?” he said with a frown.

“You did. Before, in the club.”

“I didn’t mean take you back to your home,” he laughed, “I meant

When they arrived back in Hampstead, they were greeted by Thor and Freya. Adam led Rachel through to the kitchen, put some milk on the stove and fed the hungry cats whilst the milk warmed.

“You’re going to drink this hot chocolate and then you’re going upstairs to bed. To
,” he added with a grin as her eyes lit up. “Don’t worry—I fully intend to fuck you senseless in the morning. And then we talk, okay?”

She nodded mutely and took the mug of hot chocolate he held out to her. Yes, sleep was what she needed right now. After a good night’s sleep, she would hopefully be able to think a bit more coherently when she woke. She barely acknowledged Adam pulling the duvet over her or kissing her softly on her lips, for within about a second of her head hitting the pillow, she was asleep.

* * * *

The first thing she became aware of as she slowly emerged from her sleep the following morning, was her arms being raised above her head. Then, something clicked in her left ear followed by one in her right ear. Her legs were spread open, her right ankle secured to the corner of one side of the bed and her left leg to the other side. She still had her eyes closed, but she knew exactly what was going on—she was naked and spread-eagled on the bed, tethered so there would be no escape. A surge of heat warmed her body and she opened her eyes to look into Adam’s smoldering eyes.

“Good morning, sexy,” he said, his voice husky from sleep. “I’m about to worship your body and all you have to do is lie back and think of England.”

“There are other things I’d rather think about,” she giggled.

“Sssh, you don’t have permission to speak or to come until I tell you otherwise.” Adam’s voice was deep, sexy and so very commanding.

She was already wet and could feel the subtle breeze in the room tickle her naked, exposed pussy.

Adam straddled her and placed a blindfold over her eyes. “I don’t want anything to distract you,” he murmured.

He started by nibbling her ear, making her giggle as his warm breath tickled her. Then he planted lots of light kisses over her face and neck, the kisses slowly becoming hotter as his lips were replaced by his tongue. He licked his way down to her breasts, smoothing over the goosebumps that covered her body with each delicious shiver he induced.

“Hmm,” she moaned as his tongue found her nipple. It hardened in his mouth as he sucked on it, and little shivers of electricity rippled through her body in response. He focused on her breasts for a long time—sucking, licking and nibbling until her nipples were so tight she almost couldn’t bear it—almost!

She tugged slightly on the restraints and a surge of excitement charged through her when she couldn’t move away from his touch. The low, gentle buzzing between her legs notched up a level to a delicious throb and she sighed happily as there was nothing she could do except lay back and enjoy every moment.

His tongue eventually left her nipples and trailed down her stomach, sending a fresh trail of goosebumps to the surface of her tingling skin.

She missed his fingers though. Up until now he had only used his mouth on her and she was starting to feel strong urges to have something inside her. His cock would be perfect, but his fingers would do nicely if he wasn’t ready to fuck her just yet. She arched her pelvis slightly, hoping he’d get the message, but his fingers remained frustratingly elusive and her pussy remained wet, but empty.

His tongue moved farther down, over her soft, shaved mound then, finally, down to her pussy which was, by now, screaming for attention. His fingers gently pulled her labia aside before he ran his tongue over the soft, velvety flesh around her opening to her vagina.

“Oh, please,” she whimpered, although she wasn’t sure what it was she was asking for. Was it more of this wonderful, slow teasing, or was it because she needed him inside her? Both, she decided. She wanted both, she wanted it all and she wanted more.

When his tongue finally found its way inside her, a feeling of such delirium filled her that it actually brought on the beginnings of an orgasm. She felt beautiful, safe, adored and she never wanted it to end. The feelings intensified and she couldn’t stop herself from clamping onto his tongue, but then, just before she reached that point of no return, he pulled away.

“Ohhh,” she groaned, in frustration. “Please don’t stop.”

“Did I say you could come?” he asked, his voice sounding hoarse.

“No, Sir. Sorry.” Damn him, she had been so close.

He waited until her body settled down a bit before starting again, this time paying more attention to her clit. He flicked it with his tongue, over and over until she didn’t think she could bear it any longer. She needed release. “Oh, yes,” she whispered as the telltale waves started building again. He carried on, ruthlessly bringing her back to the brink and, once again just as she was about to come, he pulled away.

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