To Love and Obey (Boundaries) (8 page)

Read To Love and Obey (Boundaries) Online

Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Obey (Boundaries)
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“Before I got together with Jack, I was in an abusive vanilla relationship for two years. Colin was the complete opposite of Jack—sweet on the outside but a hard, vicious bully on the inside.” Amelia lowered her voice as she spoke, as if she didn’t want to taint the positive atmosphere of the club. “He made me feel worthless and completely destroyed any confidence I’d had before we’d got together.”

“Oh, Amelia, that’s awful.” Rachel took Amelia’s hand and squeezed it. It was hard to imagine this wonderful, vibrant woman being made to feel so bad about herself.

Amelia shrugged and smiled. “Jack is the opposite. He looks rough and tough on the outside, but he’s the most caring and supportive person I’ve ever met in my life. He makes me feel like I’m the most special woman on the planet. He values me and treats me with complete respect, even when I’m on the floor, screaming as he beats me with a crop.” She chuckled. “Funny, eh?”

Rachel shook her head. She understood completely and now knew exactly where the sparkle had come from. “I think it’s wonderful that you’ve got such a special relationship.”

Amelia smiled. “Yeah, he’s pretty cool. Talk of the devil.”

Rachel looked up to find Adam and Jack approaching them. She looked at Jack with a newfound respect. Suddenly he didn’t seem so scary anymore. Amelia slid off the chair and knelt on the floor ready to greet her Master, and his hard features softened ever so slightly as he towered over his willing slave.

She looked up at Adam and smiled. Would she ever be able to surrender to him so completely? She really wished she could, because then she would truly make him happy.

“Sorry I was so long,” he said, softly. Had she just imagined it, or had his own stern features softened slightly as he’d spoken?

“That’s okay. Amelia and I were dancing for a while.”

He grinned. “I know, I was watching. You’re very sexy together.” He looked up at Jack and winked. “Maybe we should arrange another scene with the two of them soon?”

Jack laughed and ruffled Amelia’s hair. “You’re on.”

“Come on, sweet thing. I’ve got plans for you tonight.” He took Rachel’s hand and pulled her up to stand by him.

Her legs wobbled slightly, but it wasn’t from sitting too long. Adam’s words had somehow managed to ingrain themselves into the part of her brain responsible for sexual arousal.

She looked at him and grinned. “Yes, Sir.”

Back at their table, Adam sat down on the sofa and indicated that he wanted her to kneel by his feet. She slid as gracefully as she could down without hesitation and felt a flutter of excitement as she did so.

Adam leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. “I’m taking you down to the dungeon tonight and I’ve got a funny feeling you’re going to enjoy it,” he said, his voice low and husky.

The bottom dropped out of her stomach as fear took a firm grip on her. She’d forgotten about that place.

Adam chuckled. “I’m going to push your limits a bit tonight. I want to banish your demons before our little chat later, but first I think we need to re-establish your place.”

Her brain picked out certain words and kept them spinning around in her head—‘dungeon’, ‘push limits’, ‘chat later’.

He grabbed her hair and forced her to look up at him. “Stop thinking, Rachel. You are mine to do with as I see fit, do you understand?”

Despite her nervousness, she found herself responding to his words and the worry slowly started ebbing away to be replaced with that lovely gooey feeling she always seemed to get from being in a submissive headspace.

He jerked her hair slightly, waiting for her answer.

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

“I’ll expect you to follow strict protocol when we go down to the dungeon. You will not have permission to speak unless I ask you a direct question.”

The gooey tingles started swirling around in her stomach now and she relaxed further into her submission. Oh yes, this was what it was all about.

“If I require you to speak, you will address me as Master. You will keep your eyes lowered at all times and, above all, you will obey me without question.” His voice was in full Dom mode, firm, commanding and uncompromising.

The swirling in her tummy now reached her head and her whole body melted as she gave in to the dizzying effects of her submissive desires. She groaned as the tingles made their way down to her groin and teased her pussy, which started pulsing with need.

“Rachel, look at me.”

She managed to focus her eyes on him and smiled. God she loved this man, who took everything he wanted from her, demanding her complete and utter surrender. Was this what it might be like as his slave? A shiver ran though her body at the thought.

“I need to warn you about the dungeons. Edge play is permitted down there, and there will be scenes going on that may disturb you. Don’t forget that no matter how extreme things may seem, the same rule applies as up here—safe, sane and consensual. You will need to trust me not to harm you, but I will push your boundaries, do you understand?”

She was about to make a joke about Adam using the word ‘Boundaries’, but the warning in his voice sent a fresh shiver of fear through her instead. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered again.

Adam reached down between her legs and stroked her along her labia. His fingers slid easily into her pussy and there was a wicked glint in his eyes as he held up the glistening finger and said, “I can see that I’m going to have fun with you tonight. Now, listen carefully. We’re going to do a bit of role play downstairs. I seem to remember a discussion we had about you enjoying the act of being punished.”

A bolt of lightning shot through her body and hit her clit so hard she actually jerked slightly from his words. Adam grinned and returned his hand to her pussy. Her face burned when he held up his saturated fingers.

“You will be the secretary and I will be your boss, sound familiar?” His eyes bore into hers, as if seeing every spark of arousal igniting with each word. “I will punish you for something you’ve done wrong. Now, let me see, what can you have done?” He put his finger on his chin and pretended to have a hard think. “Oh, yes. Let’s pretend you’ve forgotten to order lunch in for a board meeting.”

Shit, shit, shit.
He was going to punish her for what had happened on Wednesday.
He must be seriously pissed off for him to wait until he can get me into the dungeon.
Images of whips and other terrifying implements of torture flashed through her mind and she swallowed nervously as she realized that this would be no role play. This was for real.

“Does that sound like a realistic scenario?” he asked with an evil grin on his face.

She couldn’t stop her voice from faltering as she answered him, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Remember, once we’re downstairs, you must observe protocol. Come on.”

He yanked the leash and she quickly stood up and stretched her legs which had gone slightly numb from her sitting on them for so long.

He led her to the top of the staircase and she stared down into the depths of hell with trepidation. It looked just as intimidating as it had before, only now even more so because she knew that this time she was actually going down there. With each step down, her pulse quickened as the sounds of the dungeon gradually grew louder. The screams and cries of pain, which merged with the sounds of Marilyn Manson, had a different quality to them, darker and way more intense than upstairs in the playrooms.

At the bottom, Adam pushed open a heavy wooden door and she found herself in a huge room. It was dark with only minimal lighting, mostly from red bulbs hidden in the ceiling. She held her breath as she gazed around, trying to take it all in. It was packed full of people in various stages of play—some people were strung up and being whipped by their Doms, and some poor subs were trapped in medieval looking stocks, whilst others were locked in cages. There was a massive wooden wheel against one wall with straps attached to it as well as several St. Andrew’s crosses and spanking benches.

The sounds and smells were similar to those upstairs, but more intense. The smell of sex still hung heavily in the air, but there was something else, a smell of fear. Rachel jumped as an anguished scream reached her ears and she turned to see a mean-looking woman dressed head to toe in latex, hitting a man with a stick. Each time the stick made contact with the man’s skin, the sound of electricity buzzed through the air and little sparks actually flew off his body. Rachel shuddered as the man howled and jerked, then quickly looked away.

On the other side of the room, a woman was strapped to a long table. She was writhing in agony as a large man poured burning hot wax over her nipples. Although there was no doubt that the woman was in a lot of pain, the look of pure ecstasy on her face told her that she loved every minute of it.
Rather her than me
, she thought with an uncomfortable shudder.

Adam pulled her leash and she followed him across the room. A large archway led through to a narrow corridor which was lined with rooms, similar to the ones upstairs, each with a theme. They passed a medical room, a prison cell and a school room, all buzzing with activity, until they came to an empty office and Adam stopped.

“Wait here until I call you to come in,” he said in her ear, then left her to walk over to a large desk by the back wall.

As she watched him sit down on the office chair, images of their real office sprang to mind, and reminded her that she really was his secretary and he the boss. Whatever he wanted to do to her tonight was clearly something he couldn’t do at the office. She swallowed nervously. Why would he wait until he had her in the dungeon? Was it because she might scream too loudly? F

She considered turning and getting the hell out of there, but just as she battled with her conscience, she heard Adam’s familiar voice. “Miss Porter, get in here,

Her legs were trembling so much that she couldn’t move for a moment, but one look at Adam’s impatient face thankfully brought them back to life and she stepped slowly into the realistic looking office.

“What happened to our lunch today?” he barked, not dissimilar to the way he sometimes spoke at work.

“I…er…” She didn’t know what to say. Was he talking about what really happened or did he want her to make something up?

“Speak up, girl,” he shouted, losing patience.

“Er, sorry. I forgot to confirm the order, Sir,” she stuttered.

Adam’s face darkened. “Who?”

. “Sorry, I mean, Master.”

“You forgot?” he drawled.

“Yes, Sir… Master.” She wanted to remind him that she’d heroically saved the day, but she had a feeling he wouldn’t be interested in that little detail.

“Oh dear.” He smiled darkly. “You naughty, naughty girl.” He stood up and walked around the desk to stand in front of her. “On your knees,” he snapped.

She immediately sank down, her heartbeat quickening as she did so.

“What happens to naughty girls, Miss Porter?”

Ohhh shit… She grew weak as desire flared inside her. She hadn’t thought she’d get involved enough with this to get off, but damn it if she wasn’t getting hornier by the second.

“They get punished, Master,” she said, through a shiver.

He towered over her, but she kept her eyes lowered as he’d told her to. Shit, what was he going to do?

“Yes, Miss Porter, they do.” He grabbed her by the hair and yanked it back so she was forced to look up into his face. A deep shudder went through her body again, tightening her stomach muscles and quickening her pulse. There was a dull ache between her legs, an ache that needed to be taken care of, and she unconsciously let her hand wander to the sensitive area.

Before she could even blink, Adam slapped her hand away and yanked her hair harder. “You will
touch yourself, is that clear?” His voice boomed in her ears, angry and authoritative.

“Yes, Master.” Her voice came out as a whimper, and the ache became stronger.

“Get up,” growled Adam, stepping back and crossing his arms.

She quickly scrambled back onto her feet and stood facing him, waiting for him to order her to do whatever he wished. Despite her reservations about coming down to the dungeon and her fears about Adam’s motives for the impending punishment, Rachel couldn’t deny the fact that she was enjoying this sexy role play scenario. She was so horny she would gladly have humped his leg if he’d let her, and the promise of a spanking or flogging filled her with such anticipation that she couldn’t stop her body from trembling with excitement.

“Strip!” he commanded, not taking his eyes off her. She started fumbling with the buttons on her blouse, but something about the look in his eyes scared her a bit and her trembling fingers became clumsy as she awkwardly tried to undo the remaining buttons.

“Let me help you,” growled Adam gruffly. He reached forward and ripped the blouse open.

A couple of buttons flew across the room and Rachel jumped as he roughly pulled the offending material from her body and threw it on the floor. He stepped back and nodded at her skirt. She quickly unzipped it and let it drop to the floor, leaving her completely naked.

Adam stared silently at her, devouring her body as she stood helpless and uncertain in a room where anyone passing could look in. She didn’t dare turn around to see if she had an audience—and anyway, she’d rather not know. She focused instead on Adam, who was still staring at her with that same look that sent shivers of fear and excitement through her body. There was something wild, almost animalistic, about the deeply intense look in his eyes, the lust merging with something dark and slightly sinister.

Then he broke the gaze and nodded toward the large wooden desk. “Lean across it,” he ordered, firmly taking hold of her arm. He marched her up to the desk until she stood flush against it then pushed her roughly down so she was leaning across it the way she had in the boardroom, her head turned so her cheek was resting on the cool wood.

He grabbed both her wrists and pulled them over her head until they were completely stretched out, then attached her cuffs to chains secured to the end of the desk. With her legs pressed against the edge and her body firmly against the top, she was completely immobile, but Adam nevertheless attached her ankle cuffs to more chains so that she was securely restrained.

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