To Love & To Protect (3 page)

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Authors: Deborah R. Brandon

BOOK: To Love & To Protect
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Chapter 7

Ethan arrived at the hospital; he spoke to the FBI agents who were posted at the door, and offered the men coffee. He walked into the hospital room after giving a brief knock at the door. He offered Trenton and Kimberly coffee.

Jasmine was still resting peacefully. He gave Trenton and Kimberly an update from his end of things and received an update from their end. Jasmine had had no more issues through the night.

Michael came in with Donna closely behind, everyone spoke. Ethan offered them the last two coffees. Donna collected information necessary for her charts.

Ethan asked, “Michael who is coming in to relieve you?”

Michael responded that he was staying on to monitor Jasmine, as he was her primary care physician. He slept off and on in one of the on call rooms then showered in the resident’s locker room. He assured Ethan that he was fine.

“Donna how about you?” asked Ethan.

“I am fine, and I will be staying on as well. Dr. Blake-Moore allowed me to leave earlier to see my son off to school. I have slept on and off as well. I assure that I am on top of my game as well,” Donna finished.

“How much longer will Jasmine have to be hospitalized?” Ethan asked.

“At least another day,” Michael said. “When she is released she will need care as well as physical therapy. Why?”

“I don’t know how much the person that ordered the hit on Representative Jasmine wants the job finished? Here she is a sitting duck. She is separated from her girls, so they too can become a target. It is a good thing that you and Donna are committed to giving her excellent care,” Ethan responded.

“Donna, are you married?” Ethan asked.

“No why?” Donna asked.

“I do not wish to alarm you. I asked because you and your son can become a target as well if you will be the primary nurse administering medication for the Representative.”

“What should we do?” asked Donna tentatively.

“Would you be willing to do the home care for Jasmine if we could get her set up in a safe house?” Ethan asked.

“Yes, but what about my son?” Donna asked.

“He would come along to and be home schooled for the time being, along with the Representatives daughters. We will place an agent inside the home with you all, and install an updated security system,” Ethan reassured her.

“Okay, that works for me,” Donna said.

“I already messaged Kennedy, and he is coming to the hospital. He will drive you to the school to pick up your son and take you home so that you may pack a bag for you both,” Ethan finished.

“Am I in danger too?” Michael asked.

“It is a possibility, Ethan responded. The parties responsible for this have made a big mess. I don’t know how far they are willing to go to clean this up. Anyone who got in the way of the clean-up process is a direct threat and therefore in danger,” Ethan finished.

“I agree with Jasmine, I want this over as soon as possible. Where will she go? It’s obvious that she can’t go home,” Michael asked.

“I am going to meet with Trenton after Jasmine has lunch with the girls. I will disclose that information as it becomes available,” Ethan responded.

“Okay thanks man, we really appreciate all that you all our doing to keep her and her girls safe,” Michael said. 

“We haven’t done anything yet,” Ethan responded. I am going to get ready for Alena to come by this morning as well as Jasmine’s executive assistant,” Ethan said as he walked away checking his notes.

“Oh by the way, that reminds me, Antonio Favero arrived this morning via his private plane, to lend support to the family in their time of need,” Michael added.

Ethan paused, “Antonio Favero?”

“Italian Millionaire, whose family owns and operates an export company that specializes in olives, grapes, wines, cheese, and pastries. They also have a few restaurants that specialize in traditional old world Italian dishes. His parents were really good friends with Renee and Jasmine’s parents before they passed away in the accident. I think he is here to honor that friendship, out of respect for his parents. He and Renee were very close when she was working the International Business Circuit. He tried hard to stay in her life after she became ill, but she forced him out,” Michael informed Ethan.

“Okay, thanks for the heads up, “Ethan said.

“One last thing, Mom and all the rest of them are coming over shortly with breakfast and a change of wardrobe for Jasmine. Mom insists on family bathing her and all, to minimize the embarrassment,” Michael finished.

“All of them,” Ethan asked?

“Yeah ALL of them,” Michael responded with a sheepish smile.

“Something tells me that Jasmine is not going to be pleased with all the pampering and fussing over her,” Ethan responded.

“Nope, but she needs the help now so she is just going to have to accept it. She was raised right, she will just say thank you and suck it up, as not to offend my mother,” Michael chuckled good naturedly.


Chapter 8

A short time later, Ethan was sitting in the corner of the room, near the window, looking through some of the files that he had brought with him.

Jasmine began to stir, and come awake. She smiled faintly over in his direction. “I would like some water please,” Jasmine said softly.

Ethan put his files down immediately, and jumped up and half-filled a plastic cup with ice water before placing a straw inside the cup. Ethan told her that he was going to change the position of the bed so that she could drink more easily. “Please let me know if you experience any pain or discomfort,” Ethan encouraged.

She nodded and smiled with her eyes this time. It surprised her that this man was so tender with her. He was an inactive Marine that had been wounded in Operation Freedom, but she could not see any visible wounds. She started to look him over from head to toe. He was indeed tall, dark and handsome. Dirty blonde hair in a short professional cut, a well-shaped up goatee, thin pink lips, even rows of prefect white teeth, and Caribbean clear blue water eyes that a woman could drown in. He stood about 5’11 with a lean, athletic muscular physique.

Jasmine closed her eyes as she took in the first sips of the water. Water had never tasted so good. Also she couldn’t remember the last time she appraised a man’s body like she had just did Ethan’s. Her cheeks burned with a slow heat of embarrassment as she realized that he probably noticed her taking him all in.

“It’s okay,” Ethan said. “You were trying to figure out what my injuries are from the war?” he half asked and mostly stated with one raised eyebrow.

“Forgive me,” Jasmine said.

“I will show you,” he said as he unbuttoned his navy blue dress shirt.

“It’s really not necessary,” Jasmine began to say, but it was too late. Ethan removed his shirt and turned where she could see a red angry scar snaking its way from his lower right lumber region across his back to his right shoulder. She cleared her throat, “I am sorry I was really being rude.”

“It’s no big deal, I have thought about getting a snake tattoo or something to cover it, I just never have,” Ethan said trying to keep things light.

Just as Jasmine was about to respond, Michael knocked on the door before walking into the room, followed by his mother, sister and a host of friends.

Nicole responded in a hushed voice, “Thank you Lord, you didn’t have to do that but you did.” She walked off as if she was about to catch the spirit or something.

Michael cleared his throat, and mumbled, “I am not even going to ask.”

Renee moved further into the room with Antonio following behind her. She eyed Jasmine and Ethan curiously. “I am glad that you are feeling better. Antonio flew in as soon as he heard the news,” Renee said as she hugged her sister.

“Good morning, Antonio, you know that you did not have to do this? Jasmine said with a watery smile. But I am so glad that you did.”

Antonio kissed both of her cheeks before replying, “There is nowhere else I would rather be. You are family, we care about you all and we worry,” Antonio said with a voice full of emotion.

“Thank you,” Jasmine said.

She greeted everyone, and noticed Ethan slipping from the room.

Michael gave an update on her condition. Donna helped her out of the bed, removed her bandages then helped her into the shower. She allowed the hot water to run from the top of her head all over her body. Her limbs were so heavy and weak. Donna helped her to put soap all over her body and rinse off. Then Donna gently towel dried Jasmine’s body for her. Donna then repacked her wounds before allowing her to get dressed in a beautiful, red satin and lace nightgown.  Nicole applied some moisturizer to her shoulder length hair, and then pulled it up into a neat ponytail.

She sat up in the bed and ate breakfast; a waffle, with warm apple slices drizzled with cinnamon and sugar, topped off with whipped
cream, and a glass of orange juice.

Eleanor Blake-Moore kissed her forehead. “That was quite a scare you gave us yesterday. You are looking so much stronger today than yesterday. Michael said that you would be, but I had to come see it for myself. Now, I have to head back to the house, but don’t wear yourself out before your girls get here, okay?” Eleanor advised.

“I can see my girls today,” Jasmine asked.

“No one has told you?” Eleanor asked shaking her head. “Yes, Ethan arranged it. He really does think of everything?” Eleanor said a little too sweet.

“Yes I guess he does?” Jasmine said.

“Listen, you just went through a terrible traumatic situation, try to keep your clothes on around him and have him do the same, you hear,” Eleanor said in a motherly tone.

“Yes ma’am,” Jasmine said with a blush. “I promise it wasn’t like that though.”

“Maybe it needs to be like that,” Nicole spoke up. How long has it been for you anyways?”

“To damn long,” Claire teased. “Excuse me momma,” she said.

“Leave her alone,” Renee said. “Seriously, she has been through something and we aren’t even sure if the danger has passed. I know she is not thinking about getting freaky with the bodyguard. Besides Trent is not going to have one of his team members getting busy with a person who he considers family,” Renee finished.

“You really know how to kill a good time,” Nicole said to Renee.

“You do sis,” Jasmine said, “But, she is right. For the record, I wasn’t thinking about getting freaky with Ethan or anyone else. I want to get well and go home, be able to spend some time with my girls, complete whatever therapy is necessary so that I can go back to doing work for the great state of South Carolina,” Jasmine said.

“Can I quote you on that,” Claire asked.

“Please do,” Jasmine responded.

“Where did Alena and Alexis go?” Jasmine asked. “Where is Antonio?”

“Alena is being interviewed by Ethan along with your executive assistant Ms. Sasha Jeffcoat. Alexis had to get to work. Antonio went into the waiting area, while you were bathing, and fell asleep in one of the chairs. I am sure he is jet lagged and needs his rest, so I didn’t bother to wake him,” Renee answered smiling a little to herself.

“Oh,” Jasmine said, a bit uncomfortable. “Leave no stone unturned, I guess.” She suddenly felt nauseas at the thought that someone she was close to could be responsible for this. A wave of sadness crossed over her features.

“Don’t assume the worst,” Nicole said. “They both may provide information that you didn’t think about or didn’t think mattered. They both were eager to help find whoever was trying to hurt you,” Nicole finished. 

Jasmine smiled and nodded. “I think that I am going to take a nap before the girls get here?” Jasmine stated to the room at large. “Thank y’all for everything.” Her room was starting to look like a florist shop with all the flowers and get well balloons.

“Claire please include in the press release that in lieu of sending flowers, that I would be pleased for everyone to make a donation to their local Boys and Girls Club,” Jasmine said as she settled against the pillows.

“Will do, honey. I love you and will see you a little bit later,” Claire said as everyone began to file out, except Nicole?

“Nicole, are you coming?” asked Claire.

“No, I promised Ethan that I would stay if everyone else had to leave,” Nicole responded.

Standing with her hands on her hips, Claire responded, “She has two FBI agents outside the door, and if they get passed them what are you going to do?”

“Everyone knows that I still carry my blade and Vaseline in my pocketbook. I am always ready for whatever,” Nicole said laughing. “But seriously, find Ethan and let him know the coast is clear now, please.”

“Sure will do,” Claire said closing the door.

As sleep began to come over her body, Jasmine said of prayer of thanksgiving. She was blessed to still be here, happy that no one was injured. She was blessed that Trenton, who had not come home since returning from Afghanistan, had come home with a host of trained professionals who were willing to help find the person responsible for all of this.


Chapter 9

Jasmine slept for three uninterrupted hours. Ethan had returned to the room as soon as Claire had said the coast had cleared out. Nicole sat watching television, while he reviewed notes from his interviews with Alena and Ms. Jeffcoat. He also read over reports that various team members had emailed in.

Michelle had reported with a sad heart that Courtney’s three children had been taken into protective custody. There were several health concerns for the children, but Courtney had been using drugs in the home while the children were present. Courtney hates Representative Jasmine with every fiber of her being. She also blames her for everything that happened to her. Not only today, but a few months back when DSS had visited while the representative and Ralph Jefferson where fighting their custody battle. Lastly, it was during that initial home visit that Courtney’s half-brother Christopher Knight had been arrested for possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, possession of  crack cocaine with the intent to distribute, distribution near a school/or park, possession of medication that was not prescribed to him, and several unregistered gun charges. The guns were “blood guns” meaning they had bodies on them. Since he was unwilling to cooperate he was now facing several murder charges as well. Courtney was adamant that she did not have anything to do with the shooting of Representative Anderson, but she wished that the S.O.B. had had a better aim. As a result of Christopher’s arrest the gang that he is affiliated with, lost a lot of product, therefore lost a lot of money, and are at risk of being tied to several unsolved murders. It is my opinion that this was a retaliation shooting.

Ethan let out a pent up breath. Unfortunately, Michelle was probably right.

Trujillo reported in that, in regards to Christopher Knight, he had remained silent. He sat in his chair with an expressionless face, drawing pictures as he was questioned. This young man had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He wasn’t sleeping and wasn’t eating. He was dangerous, because he was a man with nothing to lose. Trujillo had actually felt sorry for him.

Ethan mused that Trujillo never felt sorry for anyone.

Townsend had reported that Ralph Jefferson was indeed a smart dummy.  Ralph thinks that since he has spent so much time on the wrong end of the law, which he had spent a lot of time in courtrooms, that he himself was a lawyer. Everything that came out of his mouth was designed to run game. At one point he had even went so far as to cry. In further news, the FBI had reviewed all surveillance video from the school and surrounding area, and had not been able to find anything that would lead to an arrest or to finding out just who their fourth man was.

“Dammit,” Ethan mumbled under his breath.

He responded to Townsend to have copies of the surveillance videos copied and forwarded on to Michelle for further analysis. If something is there, she will find it.

Lastly, Marisol had responded that she, Kimberly, and Trenton would be at the hospital within the hour with the “packages”. Renee was staying behind to get some sleep, she was visibly exhausted. Alena should arrive a few minutes before them to set up their picnic lunches. Michael will give them access to the service elevator so that the girls can stay out of the media spot light as much as possible.

Donna walked in as if on cue. She handed Ethan and Nicole each a cup of coffee, then removed her clipboard from under her arm.  I am going to wake Representative Anderson up, allow her to freshen up and change her bandages before her girls arrive. Donna checked all of her vitals and recorded them. She gently woke Jasmine up. She spoke in a gentle calming voice.

Jasmine attempted to move, but stopped wincing in pain.

“Be easy,” Donna reminded her.

Tears sprang to Jasmine’s eyes. She was still in pain. Her body had stiffened in pain.

Donna continued to unhook the tubes from her body.

Ethan hated seeing her in pain like this.

Nicole looked on with what Jasmine read as pity in her eyes. That she hated most, people pitying her.

Ethan walked over to the bed and said to Donna that he would help get Jasmine up out of bed.

“Be gentle,” Donna responded.

“I will be,” Ethan said softly.

He slid one hand behind her back and the other under her knees. She settled into his arms as if she had always belonged there. There was some kind of energy between the two of them. She could feel his warmth through his shirt.

She couldn’t conceal the shiver that ran through her body.

“You are okay, I got you,” Ethan mumbled.

Jasmine nodded her head then said, “I trust you.”

He placed her, in the bathroom near the sink, so she would have something to help her keep her balance.

“Thank you,” Jasmine said not making eye contact.

Ethan walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

“Did you ever say whether you had a brother?” Nicole asked teasingly.

“My only brothers are my Marine brothers,” Ethan responded. Why do you ask?”

“You are well mannered, you have a way of putting people at ease without really trying, and I think it is just your way. You are handsome, and quite frankly a knight in shining armor. Ladies dig that,” Nicole said chuckling.

“Thank you, Nicole,” Ethan said, realizing that teasing and having fun was kind of Nicole’s thing.

“No thank you,” Nicole responded in turn. Nicole started to change the sheets and pillowcases for Donna.

Alena walked into the room followed by a little toddler; a handsome little boy who reminded Ethan of someone.

Nicole looked up, from making the bed. “Trevor,” she called out to the little boy. “Oh my, he has gotten so much bigger since the last time I saw him.” Nicole was now hugging the little boy tight. She kept talking in happy tones, but asked of Alena who was busy setting a small table, “You know that you are playing with fire don’t you?”

“Yes. But I am going to set this table and Trevor and I will be out of here. Now is not the time, I know he doesn’t need any distractions. So I won’t distract him. Please finish with that and help me get the table set and the food displayed on the plates please. Then I will leave and be back a little later,” Alena said.

Ethan looked hard at the little boy, who reminded him of his friend and brother Trenton Jamal Blake-Moore.

He looked from each lady then back to the little boy. Then he asked, “How old is your son?”

“He is three years old,” Alena answered.

This was Trenton’s son. He had been conceived, the night before they had left for Afghanistan, when they had had too much wine. Oh my goodness. Ethan’s mind was racing, there is no way that Trenton knows he has a son and wasn’t taking care of him.

“When are you planning on telling him that he has a son?” Ethan asked accusingly.

“Change your tone, Ethan,” Alena said curtly. “I wrote Trenton, I tried to call, but he didn’t respond. He wasn’t interested in me or our child apparently. This is the first time that he has returned here since you all were deployed. He barely calls his own mother and father or his siblings. I was stupid enough to be his good time girl before he left, and we made a beautiful child. I stepped up to the plate and did what I had to for myself and my child since Trenton Jamal Blake-Moore was clearly uninterested in doing so. So I do not give you permission to look down your nose at me,” Alena said clearly irritated.

“I am sorry Alena, but you got to believe me when I say that Trent doesn’t know,” Ethan pleaded.

“I wrote him letters, they weren’t returned. I tried to call but it’s not the kind of thing you leave on a voicemail message. How can he not know?” Alena asked.

“We didn’t open mail over there. It just made us home sick and sometimes if we were too homesick we weren’t focused. Some of us never received mail over there because we didn’t have anyone back home that was waiting for us. So we just didn’t open them. It was a team decision. When all were pretty messed up when we got back home, physically, emotionally and even a little mentally if I am to be completely honest. Trenton is a good, honorable man. He wouldn’t want his son to be raised without him. You need to tell him,” Ethan said matter of factly.

“I will,” said Alena, “When the time is right.”

“No, today or tomorrow, or I will,” Ethan said.

Alena knew that he would by the look in his eyes, she nodded.

Jasmine, walked out of the bathroom. She had heard the latter part of the conversation. She walked over to where Nicole was holding Trevor. She used her good hand to run her fingers through his curly hair. She smiled lovingly up at the little boy. She had changed into a black night gown. Her color had returned.

“Do you need help getting back onto the bed,” Ethan asked.

“No thank you, Donna will assist me,” Jasmine answered a little frosty. Donna placed a small pad on the bed, Jasmine sat down gently onto the pad. Donna pulled both ends of the pad which dragged Jasmine across the bed. Then Donna walked to the other side of the bed. She carefully placed one leg on the bed then the other one. Donna checked her bandages to make sure everything had stayed in place then covered her up with a light comforter. The last thing she did was move the portable tray in front of her so that she could eat her lunch.

Jasmine was in pain but was too proud to admit it besides she wanted to be completely lucid when the girls got there.

Ethan knew she was in pain, but didn’t say a word. His phone beeped indicating that he had a message. He moved to get the phone, when there was a quick knock on the door, and Trenton allowed himself in.

Alena let out a deep breath, reached for Trevor, and made a hasty exit.

Trenton said, “The girls are on the way up. Will you all excuse me?” he said then retreated in hot pursuit to catch up with Alena.

“This mess is better than my soap’s,” Nicole said.

“What do you mean?” Jasmine asked feeling a little salty.

“You mad at Ethan because he was being loyal to his friend as a display of loyalty to your friend,” Nicole answered. “Donna probably would have appreciated some help from Ethan getting your heavy behind into the bed. Your wound is aggravated needlessly, for what?” Nicole asked before she continued. “Trenton caught Alena here with his son anyways. Now he will be receiving the news that he has fathered a child that he has failed to take care of or support in any way shape of form, in his three years of life. So, he will be distracted while trying to figure out who is responsible for shooting you. Renee is noticeably exhausted, but it’s probably from finally taking a tumble between the sheets with that tall dark Italian, Antonio. She is also glowing like a woman who has been made love to good and properly. Soap Opera?” Nicole finished.

Jasmine stared straight ahead, not responding, partly because she knew Nicole was right. Yet she refused to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was. “Where are my girls?” Jasmine asked.

Soon as the question was asked, there was a light knock on the door before Kimberly escorted two beautiful little ladies into the room. They ran over to their mother’s bed.

Alyson began to cry.

“No Alyson don’t cry, please be strong for me, okay,” Jasmine encouraged.

Amber sniffed, but didn’t allow a tear to fall.

“I want to go home mommy,” Amber said, trying to get up into the bed. Jasmine patted a place beside her and encouraged her to do just that.

“I know honey, me too,” Jasmine said as she hugged Amber to herself. I am so happy to see you both. Amber moved to give Alyson a turn. Jasmine kissed her forehead, and hugged her as tight as she could.

“I am glad you didn’t die mommy,” Alyson said.

“Me too baby, me too,” Jasmine said. “The doctors and staff have taken great care of me. Our friends and family have come by to offer support and take care of us. We have some highly trained people who are going to help us stay safe. It’s going to be okay,” Jasmine said to encourage the girls.

“Now let’s eat the delicious food Alena prepared for us,” Jasmine said.

The girls hopped over to the table that had been set, eager to please their mother. Ethan held out the chairs for all of them. “Enjoy ladies,” he said as he prepared to leave the room.

“Ethan, aren’t you going to join us?” Jasmine asked.

“No, thank you, I need to take care of a few pressing matters,” Ethan offered.

“Oh, well please take your plate. I don’t recall seeing you eat anything today,” Jasmine said.

“No,” Nicole confirmed, “He has just been drinking cup after cup of coffee.”

Ethan grabbed the plate from the table, “Thank everyone again,” and exited the room.

Kimberly asked, “Did I miss something?”

Nicole responded, “Nothing and everything.”

Jasmine kept up light conversation with the girls throughout their lunch, but an hour into lunch she was in desperate need of some pain management.

Trenton still hadn’t come back and neither had Ethan.

“Girls,” Jasmine called. “I have to take some medicine to help to get better so I can come home, but the medicine will make me very sleepy. So it’s probably time that you guys get ready to go back to Blake-Moore Estates.”

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