Read To Refuse a Rake Online

Authors: Kristin Vayden

Tags: #Romance, #Regency, #England, #Historical Romance

To Refuse a Rake (12 page)

BOOK: To Refuse a Rake
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“Would you excuse me, Emma? I forgot something in my room.” Without waiting for a response, Sadie spun on her heel and began to walk back toward the house, and consequently by Lord Longton. Emma paused in her walk, watching her sister as she kept a moderate pace and didn’t even pause to glance at Lord Longton. However, Lord Longton clearly noticed Sadie because he immediately strode to where she walked and bowed, offering his arm.

Emma held up her gloved hand to hide a smile as her sister paused then accepted Lord Longton’s arm. Was Sadie interested in the soon to be duke? Curious, Emma watched as they headed to the house. She’d ask her sister later.

Alone in the gardens, Emma decided to finish her walk without Sadie. She glanced about, searching for a glimpse of Hudson. She hadn’t seen him since the previous night. Emma had slept in and broke her fast quite late, but even when she toured the library with Sadie she hadn’t seen him. Surely he would seek her out, wouldn’t he? With a sigh, Emma noticed a beautiful pond just ahead with a bench beside it. Making her way towards it she noticed a few ducks swimming with their adorable ducklings. When she arrived one of the ducks flapped as if warning her to stay away.

“I’ll not hurt you or your precious ones,” Emma cooed. The duck calmed but herded the ducklings to the far side of the pond.

After patting the bench to make sure it was as dry as it seemed, Emma sat and closed her eyes, inhaling the fresh air.

“May I join you?” Hudson’s voice slid over her like rough silk, raising gooseflesh on her arms.

Emma’s eyes shot open and she turned. Hudson was leaning against the opposite side of a nearby tree, watching her with his delicious chocolate-colored eyes and a wicked grin teasing his full lips.

“Of-of course!” Emma stuttered then collected herself. He had caught her completely off guard.

“Thank you, Miss Kingsly. Have you enjoyed your morning?” Hudson came and stood next to her, keeping the proper distance, yet the way his eyes roamed over her features seemed more intimate than a touch.

“Yes, it’s a lovely day.” Emma scolded herself for having such an unoriginal answer. Her mind was blank as she searched for something intelligent to say.

“I must say I’m warming up to this idea of a house party. At first I was sure it would be quite dull but after last night I’m quickly reforming my decision.” Hudson chuckled.

“You simply like sitting on ladies’ laps,” Emma quipped, feeling more at ease.

“Or simply yours.” Hudson raised an eyebrow.

Emma blushed and glanced away.

“I wanted to thank you… for your letters.” Emma spoke after a second, knowing she had to say something since she never had written one in return.

“It was a joy to write them.” Hudson said softly, his deep eyes serious and searching.

“I truly would have never guessed you to be so poetic.” Emma smiled, trying to lighten the suddenly intense atmosphere.

“There’s quite a bit about me that would surprise you, Miss Kingsly.”

“Oh? May I ask what?” Emma asked, turning in her seat to face him.

“If I’m to disclose secrets about myself, then it is only fair for you to promise to do the same.” Hudson spoke calmly as he circled around the bench.

“Whoever said anything about secrets, Lord Daventry? I was simply curious about your surprising character traits.” Emma’s eyebrow rose and she gave him a smirk.

“Surprises, secrets. Really, Miss Kingsly. They are one in the same.”

“If you insist,” Emma quipped.

“Is that an agreement?” Hudson paused and gazed at her.

“Yes. Question and one answer, then the other person may do the same.”

“Agreed!” Hudson clapped his hands and then rubbed them together. “Hmmm… what delicious secret to disclose first? Hmmm.” Hudson paced, placing his hands behind his back. “Ah-ha! When I was fourteen I composed my first epic poem to a lovely girl. It was eight pages long. I must say I’ve done nothing but improve since then.”

“Eight pages? That’s quite… tedious.” Emma smiled, earning a frown from Hudson.

“Tedious? It was a masterpiece!”

“No doubt… eight pages of… masterpiece.” Emma began to giggle.

“You mock me!” Hudson gave her a shocked expression that quickly turned to a dramatically wounded one.

“Indeed. Tell me. Who was the object of your affection at the time, and did you ever give her the… masterpiece?” Emma leaned forward.

“No, no! Those are not to rules. It is my turn to have a secret from you, Miss Kingsly.” Hudson shook his head and leaned back against a tree, waiting.

Emma twisted her lips as she thought. “I… have a beautiful collection of handkerchiefs from all over the world.”

“That’s fascinating, Miss Kingsly.”

“I knew it would amaze you, Lord Daventry,” Emma said then grinned.

“Now to answer your question.” Hudson paused.

“My question? Oh yes! To whom was the poem addressed?”

“A lovely lady, but I never gave it to her. You see I had a long history of rejection from this young woman. I wasn’t willing to risk it.”

“Pity, as much as I teased you about your poem Lord Daventry, I highly doubt a lady would reject such an earnest appeal for her affections.” Emma spoke sincerely, then narrowed her eyes as Hudson began to chuckle.

“I’m quite certain this young lady wouldn’t have agreed with you… however, the irony is quite hilarious, I assure you.” Hudson continued to snicker.

“What do you find so humorous?” Emma stood and took a few steps toward Hudson as he continued to rest against the tree.

“Ahh, Miss Kingsly, you are quite forgetful today. The rules. Remember? One question, then it is the other party’s turn. If you please.” He gestured with his hand toward Emma and then waited, his lips trembling as if holding back a laugh.

Emma exhaled an annoyed breath. “I’m afraid of mice and once fainted when I saw one, giving me my one and only scar.” Emma spoke quickly, anxious to find out the source of Hudson’s humor.

“Where?” Hudson’s brow furrowed.

“Ah, now it is you who is forgetful, Lord Daventry.” Emma scolded teasingly.

“Indeed.” Hudson narrowed his eyes.

“I once rode an elephant while in India. Now where is your scar?”

“You didn’t answer my question!” Emma responded quickly.

“It was never stated in the rules that I needed to answer your questions, just that I needed to disclose a surprising secret.” Hudson quirked an eyebrow.

“Then that means I do not have to answer yours either.” Emma crossed her arms.

“Touché. New rules. Every other revealed secret must be in response to a question. Is that better?”


“Then it would be my turn to ask you a question, Miss Kingsly.”

Emma opened her mouth to protest then paused, thinking back over her last statement she had indeed not answered a question. Hudson was correct.

“Where, Miss Kingsly, is your scar?”

“On my shoulder.” Emma blushed then glanced down, embarrassed at speaking about something so intimate as a bared shoulder. Glancing up she saw Hudson’s gaze drop to her shoulders and study them, as if he could see beneath her dress.

“Your turn,” Emma interjected, trying to break the feverish feeling his gaze was creating.

“Hmmm…” Hudson pushed from the tree and took a slow step forward. “I believe you must ask me a question, Miss Kingsly.” His gaze was warm and caused her thoughts to jumble.

“Wh-who did you write the sonnet to?” Emma spoke quietly, mesmerized by the way his gaze heated her entire body.

“Oh, a silly little girl, much younger than I and utterly unconcerned with a young man’s tender heart.” Hudson’s lips tilted in a lopsided grin as he continued his slow approach.

“So you’ll not tell me her name?”

“I answered your question… now you may choose to disclose something to me, Miss Kingsly.

“I… I am quite unable to swim.” Emma spoke after glancing to the pond. Her mind was already in such a fog, it was a miracle she was able to put together the truthful statement.

“Interesting, perhaps I’ll educate you later.” Hudson’s gaze dipped down her body then to the pond. “I myself am a very powerful swimmer, Miss Kingsly.”

Hudson was only a few steps away. Emma’s breath caught in her throat as his familiar scent invaded her senses and reminded her with a violent force, the passion and taste of his kiss.

“Miss Kingsly…” Hudson murmured as he closed the distance between their bodies so that her dress brushed against his coat. His warm and spicy breath fanned over her face, mixing with the alluring scent that was already present.

“Yes?” Emma said breathlessly.

“I believe it’s my turn to ask you a question.”

Emma closed her eyes and swayed slightly. Swallowing her fear and sudden insecurity, she asked the one question she swore, so long ago, that she’d never ask. Oh how she hoped she wasn’t making a mistake by daring to ask.

“Lord Daventry…” Emma opened her eyes and found reassurance in the passionate gaze Hudson showered over her. She hesitated, wondering if Hudson would recognize the depth of her next question. Would he remember? Swallowing her fear, she took a deep breath. “Will you please kiss me?”

Hudson’s gaze widened and a devilish grin broke out across his face, but only for a moment, the very next second she found herself swept into his tight embrace while his fierce kiss branded her with his own flavor of desire. As if she weighed only a pound, Hudson carried her, all the while tasting her lips as if they harbored the very manna from heaven. Gently he set her down, never once breaking the seal of their lips.

Emma felt the tree at her back as Hudson’s body pressed against hers, his kiss deepening. Raising her hands to lose herself in the soft texture of his hair, he paused and moaned. Emma tugged slightly on the reddish chestnut locks and suppressed a smile of delight when Hudson groaned in pleasure. Boldly, she pulled down his head and kissed him, caressing his lower lip with her tongue. Hudson’s response was immediate and fierce. The force of his kiss almost stole her breath in its intense administration. Over and over his lips ravaged hers until her inexperienced lips began to ache with a delicious pleasure from his stubble.

Emma’s hands roamed over his broad shoulders, kneading his muscles and memorizing the feel of his body beneath her gloved fingertips. Hudson’s mouth left hers and began to trail kisses across her jaw and just below her ear. Emma wantonly gasped and tilted her neck so he’d have better access. Delicious shivers of passionate delight danced through her body until she smoldered deep within.

“Emma…” Hudson’s voice was thick with desire.

“Emma!” Sadie’s voice called out from nearby, too nearby. Emma snapped out of her passionate haze and glanced around her, noticing the sun had indeed made a good distance across the sky.

Hudson let out a frustrated groan. His eyes locked with hers, conveying more than any words. In his gaze Emma saw love, hope… and freedom from all her fears. Tenderly, she reached up and caressed his face with her fingers, memorizing the sensation of his slightly whiskery cheek as it teased her glove.

“Hudson…” Emma murmured.

“Emma!” Sadie called again, this time even closer.

“Will you meet me later? In the orangery?” Hudson murmured against her lips, before placing a lingering and tender kiss to the very same place.



“Are you endeavoring to make us the scandal of Lady Linden’s party?” Emma teased as she gently tugged on his hair once more.

Hudson chuckled. “No, although there could be very specific benefits—”

Emma smacked the back of his head even as her heart thrilled with his implication.

Hudson grinned at her unrepentantly.

“Midnight, then. But if I get caught I’m blaming you!” Emma said softly as she began to move away from Hudson.

He grasped her arm and pulled her in tightly once more.

“I’ll gladly take the blame, Emma. Though I must admit whatever results from us being caught would certainly not be a hardship in the least—”

“I’m here, Sadie!” Emma called out as she covered Hudson’s mouth with her hand. His eyes danced with merriment and desire.

“Now, go before we’re caught right now!” Emma let go of his mouth and pushed his shoulders.

Hudson chuckled and sauntered off slowly, ducking around the corner just as Sadie came into view.

“There you are! I’ve been searching for you near a half hour! What have you…” Sadie paused as her eyes narrowed in regarding her sister.

“The ducks are lovely, aren’t they?” Emma gestured to the ducks that were still luckily, swimming nearby.

“Indeed.” Sadie’s eyebrow rose in disbelief but she didn’t question. “It’s time for tea, are you ready to come in?” Sadie asked after a moment.

“Tea sounds lovely.” Emma began to walk back to the house with her sister, all the while counting down the hours until midnight.

Chapter Eleven

Hudson whistled a merry tune as he made his way back to the house. How everything had changed! Earlier he was simply hoping for Emma to have warmed to him, however slightly. For her ask him for a kiss was beyond anything he had hoped! Surely she remembered their conversation so many years ago and her adamant rejection. Was that her way of telling him that he had a chance at capturing her heart?

Possibilities soared through his mind as he made his way back to the house. As he entered, he found Hewett waiting for him.

“Where have you been?” Hewett huffed.

“Outside.” Hudson spoke skeptically, eyeing his friend.

“I searched outside. Did you attempt to walk back to London? You were nowhere to be found!”

“Perhaps I didn’t want to be found.” Hudson quirked an eyebrow.

“Oh, well. Then. I… nonetheless, I need to speak with you!” Hewett shook his head and pulled Hudson’s arm until they were out of the main entryway and in a small alcove.

“Wanting me to yourself, Hewett? You should know I’m not the—”

“Quiet. And wipe that ridiculous smirk off your face! This is important! Here I’m trying to help you and I’m forced to deal with the immature side of your personality!”

“Forgive me.” Hudson regarded his friend while trying desperately to hide his grin.

BOOK: To Refuse a Rake
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