Read Tolerance (Heart of Stone) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tolerance (Heart of Stone) (16 page)

BOOK: Tolerance (Heart of Stone)
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A couple of hours later we were enjoying coffee while I
waited for my photos to be developed “What do you thinks gonna happen with
Mason and Rebecca?” Courtney asked and I sighed “To be honest I’m not sure but
there’s no way I’m letting him marry that bitch” they both nodded at me
solemnly “It’s such a mess” I said, rubbing my face with my hands.

Courtney stroked my back “There must be something we can
do” she said angrily “That family needs sorting out” she said.

The whole family
is just... wrong!!’
My eyes snapped
to hers “What?” she asked and I grinned widely “I fucking love you Courtney
Williams” I kissed her fully on the lips as an idea formed in my brain.

I needed to contact William Jackson when I got back, but
I was determined to enjoy my first Christmas with Mason before the shit hit the

I was still beaming as we drove back to the cabin “Don’t
say anything to the others about my idea, I mean it, Mason will kick off and
try and stop me” I warned Courtney and Marcy. They nodded “Are you sure about
this Ava?” Courtney asked; worry marring her pretty face but I nodded
determinedly “Shit yes! I love that man and I will risk my life for him”
Courtney pulled me in for a hug and we both pulled Marcy in “Girl fucking
power” Courtney shouted and we all laughed.


“Wow baby” Mason breathed on the nape of my neck as I was
putting the finishing touches to my make-up in the floor length mirror. I was
wearing the dress I had bought this afternoon; a simple little black dress with
spaghetti straps but it had a deep ‘V’ down the back and front and the whole
midriff section was a sheer see-through material that started just above the
lowest part of my breast, so you could determine the outline of them and it
finished across my navel, the skirt part was made of flowing segments and knee
length. I couldn’t wear a bra with it so I was hoping Mason wouldn’t kick off
at the risqué style but, it seemed he liked it

“You like it?” I asked him, locking his gaze through the
mirror “You look stunning” he whispered in my ear as his finger traced the
contour of my breasts over the gauze. “You look hot” I told him huskily as I
took in his appearance.

He was wearing black fitted trousers that clung to his
strong hips and thighs and a simple fitted black shirt that showcased his
powerful chest and arms and his hair was its usual messy but short style and
his designer stubble was trimmed a little bit shorter than normal; he made my mouth
dry and my insides throb.

“Wow” I sighed back to him as he pushed his erection into
my back. I groaned and pushed back against him “Fuck, I don’t think I’m gonna
be able to watch you all night without bending you over and fucking you raw” he
growled now nibbling my neck and sweeping his thumb over my erect nipple. I
closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side, giving him better access to my
neck as I slipped my hand behind me and cupped his erection, Kneading lightly.

“Ready guys?” Greg shouted and tapped on the door “That
fucking man” I snarled and Mason chuckled “Come on baby”, he took my hand as I
slipped into my black heels and led me downstairs as the others were already
waiting for us.

“Sorry” I grimaced as they tapped their feet impatiently
two been
at it again?” Courtney laughed “No” I
said affronted “We would have been if Greg hadn’t come a’knockin’ ” Mason
laughed as he kissed my blushed cheek and we all piled into the waiting limo.


The nightclub was hot, heaving and loud. We found a
corner booth and the men went to fetch drinks. Almost immediately me, Courtney
and Marcy were approached by a couple of men in suits

“Hey ladies” a
tall blonde haired guy grinned and slid in beside me as his eyes swept over us
and settled on my chest. I rolled my eyes “Up here!” I groaned as I pointed to
my sarcastic fake smile.

My mood had darkened on the way here; I was tired, my
swollen feet hurt and I wasn’t relishing a night out with no alcohol. Mason had
frequently asked what was wrong but I shook him off and he was frowning at me baffled
by the time we entered the club.

The bloke’s eyes rose to my face “Sorry gorgeous, your
friends just caught my attention there” he smirked, gesturing to my chest and I
pulled a ‘What the hell?’ expression and shook my head in astonishment “Piss
off!” I growled at him and he held his hands up “Whoa hot stuff, I’m only
saying hello” he defended “Saying hello to me or my tits?” I scoffed and
Courtney sniggered and leaned into Marcy “Here we go” I heard her say

“Well aren’t you a fiery little thing” he said huskily as
he swept a finger down my arm. “Fuck. Off” I snarled slowly as I took his
finger in my hand and snapped it backwards with force “Fuck” he cried “Okay,
okay” his friends all laughed loudly and I let go and he slid back out of the
booth and bumped into Mason’s solid chest as he stood.

Mason was glaring at him, that familiar malicious glint
in his eyes “Don’t.
Again!” he snarled and Blondie held up both hands “Sorry mate” he cowered and
stalked off “Thank you Darling” I grinned at Mason, fluttering my eyelashes at
my hero.

“Why didn’t you tell him to fuck off?” he snapped,
narrowing his eyes on me. I blinked, wide eyed at him “I did” he slammed my
drink on the table “Before he sat down?” he demanded, placing both of his hands
on the table and leaning into my face. I flicked a glance at Courtney who was
staring at Mason, her eyes wide and bulging “I didn’t get the chance” I upheld
with a cock of my head. He glared at me and I shrank back slightly at the
coldness in his eyes but then they softened a little “Next time tell them to
fuck off
they sit down” he
barked at me.

“Dance” Courtney said and grabbed my hand, pulling me out
and across to the floor as she waved Marcy over “What the hell was that?” she
asked as we started to move to the music “He gets like that” I admitted, a
little embarrassed “Jesus, control freak or what?” she shouted in my ear and I
shrugged “He just gets a bit possessive” I shouted back and she scoffed “A
bit?”. I scowled at her and shook my head, telling her to leave it as Marcy
joined us and we danced like lunatics.


An hour later I was hot and exhausted “I’m going to find
the loo” I shouted. Courtney and Marcy nodded as I teetered across the room on
my impossible, now regretful heels. I found the toilets easy enough and was
amazed they were empty, expecting a queue a mile long because I was busting.
Locking myself into a cubicle and relieving myself I closed my eyes for a few
moments, utterly shattered.

This pregnancy was tiring me out; god knows what I would
be like at nine months. The outer door opened and closed and I frowned when I
didn’t actually hear anyone enter. Shrugging, I flushed and straightened my
dress out and opened the door to be shoved back harshly into the toilet wall by

He grabbed my face roughly “Hey bitch” he snarled and I
felt myself freeze, he really was a picture of pure viciousness; his blue eyes
glinted in anger, his veins pulsed in his temple and his jaw was clenched.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!! Think Ava!

“Have I pissed you off?” I asked between my squashed
teeth trying to buy some time to think. He laughed coldly “Oh yeah, I think you
need to be taught a lesson in manners” he slid his hand down to my throat and
tightened his grip.
Shit!!! He was gonna
choke me to death in a fucking toilet of all places!!
He pressed up against
me and licked my cheek, as his other hand grabbed my breast roughly.
What was it with men assaulting me every
time I was pregnant? Think Ava!!

I closed my eyes and took a huge breath “Remove your
fucking hand now!” I growled out and he sneered and squeezed my boob harder “I
will ask once more…move your hand” I warned and his hand tightened on my throat
this time “And what you gonna do whore?” he laughed.

I brought up the rage that I had been managing to control
since Katie’s revenge,
it up inside me and
felt it course through me and empower me. Bringing my knee up sharply into his
groin I grabbed his hair and slammed his face into the heavy porcelain toilet
cistern and smashed it again for good measure.

He roared at me and I sprinted to the door but as I
opened it he slammed it shut from behind me.
He grabbed my hair and dragged me over to the sink unit,
pushing me against it and bending me over “NO!” I shrieked as he held my head
down on the vanity by the back of my neck and started lifting my dress at the

I was wearing a thong and as soon as he got my dress over
my hips he chuckled merrily “Merry fucking Christmas Tom” he praised himself. I
was struggling and trying to ram my shoe heel into his leg but he gripped both
of my legs between his thighs, clamping my legs tightly between his, as he ran
a finger up me, his intimate touch turning my stomach “NO!!!” I screamed.

The door opened
and a startled Courtney froze, wide eyed in the doorway “Courtney, get Mason” I
yelled and she screamed “SHIT!!!” as she flew out of the door.

Tom wasn’t waiting for no-one, he unzipped his fly and I
fought and thrashed as he tried to enter me “Keep fucking still Bitch!” he
grabbed my hair and held my head down further into the unit just as Mason
charged through the door, closely followed by Greg and Sam.

He froze in the door and Tom whined at the sight of the
pure vehemence and ferocity displayed on Masons face, Hell! Even I whimpered.

Mason stood very still and closed his eyes against the
scene before him “Let.
Go” he said slowly with an
eerie calmness, but the level of ice, vehemence and malevolence in his voice
froze every single drop of blood in my body, my bones cracked under the sheer wrath
rolling off him. I stand corrected; it was
who was the epitome of evilness.

I swallowed heavily and everything in the room appeared to
still as the air seemed to be sucked from the room under the rage and pure fury
of my man.

Mason opened his eyes slowly and I recognised the white
haze over his eyes, the twitch in his tight jaw, the white knuckles in his
clenched fists and the rhythm of his ultra-steady heavy breaths.
Oh Fuck!!!

He took one step forward, his cold eyes rooted to Tom,
who was still stupidly holding me against the vanity. Mason took another step
forward and I heard Tom gulp. Greg and Sam were now blocking the toilet door,
hands fisted by their sides and feet spread apart and I now realised why these
men were the most feared men in London. Even I was terrified and they were near
enough my family

“I said Let her go” Mason repeated and I begged for Tom
to release me but it seemed the senseless man had frozen to the spot. Mason
shook his head slowly from side to side and took another step. He placed his
hand over the one Tom had on my hair and wrapped his fingers around it. I
winced as I heard Tom’s bones crunch under the sheer force of Mason grip. Tom
started making a high pitched rasping noise and the crunching went on and on
until he started screaming.

“Go” Mason snapped
to me without even glancing at me, his eyes fixed hard and cold on Tom.
I nodded quickly and Sam held the door open
for me as I hurried through to find Courtney and Marcy on the other side of the
door. My knees buckled and Courtney caught me as Greg exited the bathroom and
stood at the door, in guard mode again.

I swallowed the bile as I heard Toms piercing squeals
“Take her back to the table” Greg said to Courtney, as she and Marcy held an
arm each and practically dragged me back to the table. We weren’t getting any
funny looks so I didn’t think anyone had noticed anything.


I was numb, scared and nauseous and after about ten
minutes Greg came over to the table “There is a limo picking you up in five
minutes. We’ll meet you back at the cabin” he informed us and I frowned “Why
aren’t you coming?” I asked but he shook his head “Mason wants to take care of
him” I sighed “No Greg! He’s not worth the risk” I pleaded, highly aware that
they got caught then it was over for Mason “You can’t…not in a nightclub toilet
for God’s sake” I shouted and he narrowed his eyes on me but shook his head
“Mason will take care of it Ava, He
to take care of it” he articulated bluntly “For Fucks sake!” I raged and
snatched up my bag and made for the exit “Ava” Greg shouted and I turned to
him, eyes blazing and my fists clenched painfully by my side “If he doesn’t do
this he won’t be worth living with, do you understand?” he asked in my ear and
I shook my head “But here?
Right in the fucking middle of a
I scoffed and he shook his head “No, he’ll be taken
elsewhere” he informed me but I still shook my head “This is fucking suicide” I
declared but turned and left, my own rage still swirling my veins at rocket
speed with Courtney and Marcy trundling along behind me.

I slammed my fist into the wall and then did it again and
again to get rid of some of the adrenaline, my knuckles cracking and crunching
under my own strength “Come on babe” Courtney begged her eyes full of pain and
worry. I sighed and nodded and clambered into the car, all of us silent on the
ride home, all of us thinking about our men, but in the end, I knew which man
it would be that finished Tom; just for revenge that the sick bastard had dared
to touch his woman.


I curled up in bed three hours later after a slug of much
needed vodka and a swift apology to my babies. Courtney and Marcy had gone to
bed a couple of hours earlier but the men still hadn’t returned and I was sick
and tired of waiting for them. I had curled up in the bedroom chair two hours
ago waiting for Mason to return but after waiting for three long hours I
climbed exhausted into bed.

BOOK: Tolerance (Heart of Stone)
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