Tolerance (Heart of Stone) (12 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Tolerance (Heart of Stone)
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I sighed happily and watched my babies wiggle, kick and
turn in my belly “Amazing” Mason whispered and I looked up at him and squeezed
his hand “Yes” I whispered back and his eyes shot to mine as he grasped I was
talking about him. He smiled softly and brushed my knuckles with his thumb
“Everything’s fine Mum and Dad. Both peanuts are growing healthily” Ethan
smiled and proceeded to print off two pictures.


Mason cleaned my stomach again and helped me up off the
table, pulling me craftily against him as he pulled and he brushed his hand
over my stomach and leaned in to my ear “I have to go, I’m sorry Ava. I have an
appointment but didn’t want to miss this” he said softly. I smiled up at him
and nodded as he kissed my mouth gently but left his lips against mine a
fraction too long to make it chaste and I sighed dreamily against him “I’m
sorry about that Saturday night” he whispered but I placed my finger against
his lips and shook my head slowly “Don’t be” I replied and he shrugged but
smiled “I love you” he whispered quietly so only I could hear him “And me, you”
I whispered back and he closed his eyes as if relishing my words but then
pulled back “See ya later” he said to everyone and then he left.


I was nibbling on my finger contemplating the change in
him when I caught Courtneys glare “When the hell is he gonna make his damn mind
up?” she said angrily “Don’t Courtney” I sighed and then shot wide eyes to
Ethan, I had completely forgot he was still sat there. He smiled softly and
shook his head “Hey, we all have relationship problems Ava” he said kindly and
Courtney snorted loudly “Not like Ava’s fucking love life!” she snarled.
Okayyyy she was a little pissed and I closed my eyes in dismay “Courtney, for God’s
sake. He was just apologising for Saturday night” I tried “Bollocks!” she
scoffed and now I was getting embarrassed in front of Ethan “He was all over
you. That wasn’t just an apology. He won’t ever let you loose Ava” she glared
and I chose to ignore her and turned to Ethan and rolled my eyes. He seemed to
finding the whole thing amusing and his eyes twinkled as he smiled at me “No
worries. Well have a good Christmas you two and we’ll see you at the end of
January” he grinned “And you Ethan, thank you” I said as I grabbed Courtneys
hand and pulled her from the room

“Well that was embarrassing” I grumbled at her and she
“Yeah I know, I’m sorry.
How the hell did he
know you were here anyway?” she asked as we entered the elevator to the ground
floor “He was with me last time when I made this appointment” I told her but I
was surprised he had remembered it because he hadn’t written it down.


The next morning I was sat in the back seat of Greg’s car
as we headed up to the cabin for Christmas. Sam and Marcy were meeting us there
and I was quite excited at spending Christmas with my friends in a picturesque
little setting. I had been surprised to find that Kade had left me a Christmas
gift on my bed when I had returned from the hospital and I was now glad I had
secretly put mine in his bag before he left. It was just his favourite
aftershave and long sleeved t-shirt from his favourite brand; I hadn’t wanted
to get him anything personal as to not give him the wrong signals. I had
everybody’s gifts in the boot of Greg’s car and had had to sneak them past
Courtney because she was a terrible snoop as Greg had discovered much to his
horror when she had rummaged through his bag to find her gift from him.


We approached the cabin in early evening and I gasped at
the sight of it. It was a pure log cabin and it was large, stunning and
completely rustic “Wow Greg” I breathed, mesmerised by its beauty. He grinned
at me “Great isn’t it” I nodded “It’s even got a Hot tub Ava” Courtney squealed
with delight and we rolled our eyes at her.

Greg carted my bags in, refusing to let me carry any and
Courtney and I stood in shock, gaping around us as we stepped into the cabin.
Sam and Marcy had already got a fire going, and there was a huge Christmas tree
in the corner of the room, which the staff had decorated ready for our arrival
according to Greg. The kitchen was full to brimming with food, luxuries and
alcohol ready for the festivities and the whole cabin was simply stunning

“Hey Ava” Sam beamed with a twinkle in his eye and I
regarded him cautiously “What?” I asked but he just grinned and shook his head.
I frowned at him but Marcy pulled me into a hug “Merry Christmas Ava” she
smiled and handed me a hot chocolate and a jar of peanut butter and I beamed at
her “Don’t thank me Hun, it was Greg that ordered you a huge supply of the
stuff” my mouth dropped and I turned to Greg with a sloppy look on my face “I
love you even more now Mr Chambers” he winked at me “Merry Christmas Ava.
There’s also Gherkins and curry paste” A small sob erupted from my throat and
everybody laughed. Curry paste was one of my new cravings and I had it with

“There’s no soap anywhere though” he smirked and my smile
fell. I had been secretly hoping that the other guests had brought some and I
could sneakily steal it “Hustled” Courtney laughed and I pouted ‘Bitch’ I
mouthed to her but she just stuck her tongue out and Greg pulled her into an embrace
“I can’t wait to get you up those stairs” he growled at her and she giggled
like a school girl.

I turned to Sam and Marcy to roll my eyes but they were
already in a passionate clinch. I was already starting to regret this holiday.
I was gonna be ‘piggy in the middle’ all the time or ‘The spare part’ and I
sighed softly to myself, standing looking lost in the middle of the gigantic

Sam broke free and winked at me “Better show you to your
room Ava” he grinned, what was with him? “How many rooms are there?” I asked
“Three” mumbled Greg from Courtney’s neck “Well where are the other couple
sleeping?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t gonna be plonked on the couch, my belly and
back would not put up with that.

Greg shot me a questioning look “What other couple?” he
asked “I thought Courtney had said someone else was coming” I stretched my
back; it was aching from sitting in the car all the way up the motorway. Greg
shook his head “No other couples Ava” he smiled cheekily “Come on Ava” Sam said
as he lifted my case for me “Wow, you are all gentlemen” I said happily and Sam
laughed “Well, there is one of us here that’s definitely not going to be
gentlemanly with you” Sam smirked and I frowned at him “What?” I mumbled as my
phone trilled a text message and I scooted about in the bottom of my bag for it
whilst following Sam. It was George telling me to have a good holiday; he had
felt awful not to be spending Christmas with me but his new girlfriend had
wanted him to spend it with her family and I had told George it was fine as I
was spending it up here with my friends

“So what are you hoping Santa brings you Ava?” Sam asked
with a twinkle in his eye. He was starting to worry me now and I wondered if
he’d been on the whisky. I sighed “I don’t think I’ll be getting what I asked
for this year Sam” I sighed sadly and he could read my face as he nodded
sombrely outside a door I presumed was mine then he smiled

“You sure about that Ava?” he grinned widely and opened
the door.

A sob choked in my throat at the sight of Mason sprawled
out on my bed, a huge smile on his face and completely utterly stark naked
“Merry Christmas my little warrior” he beamed.


My legs gave way and Sam’s arms shot out to catch me as
Mason jumped off the bed and rushed over to me, completely unabashed at his
nakedness. He took me out of Sam’s arms and carried me in the room, kicking the
door shut behind him.

“Mason” I rasped “What’s going on?” he looked down at me
and brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers “Shush, we’ll talk later.
First I want to make love to my beautiful woman” he breathed and I whimpered. I
must be dreaming, or someone had put something into my hot chocolate.

I put my hand on his cheek just to check he wasn’t a
vision and a tear slipped free when I felt his beautiful face under my skin “Oh
Ava” he snuggled into my hair “I love you, I love you, I love you” he said
softly and I choked out a sob “Oh god Mason, are you real?” I rasped and he
laughed, a huge rattling laugh that stole another piece of my heart “Yes Ava,
just for Christmas though but we’ll see what happens after. We’ll talk later”
he said as he laid me gently on the bed and sprawled over me, careful of my
round tummy.


We gazed at each other for eternity, saying everything in
the silence. I stroked his cheek “I love you so much Mason. I can’t live
without you” I revealed and then I wept as he held me “Oh Baby, I am so sorry
for everything Ava” he said into my hair as he rocked me. I controlled my tears
and cupped his face, bringing his mouth down to mine and I kissed him; kissed
him with love, devotion, rawness, softness and with the very essence of my

His mouth trailed across my jaw and down my neck as he
gave me the usual love bite, marking his ownership and his possession. I
grabbed his hair and pulled him further into my skin, wanting his signature all
over every part of me. He moaned against me as he understood what I needed and
his fingers skated across my shirt, over my heavy breast and against my hard
nipple. “Mine” he growled into me and I moaned loudly, intensively aroused at
his dominance “Yours” I breathed.

He unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it from me and he gazed
at my pale pink lace bra and then buried his head between my breasts and bit
each of them “Mine” he repeated and I groaned again and pushed further into him
“Yours” he gently lapped at the bites and then took my nipple lightly
in-between his teeth and he gazed up at me, under his long eyelashes. I knew
what he wanted “Yes! Bite me!” I demanded and he closed his eyes in ecstasy as
he gently but firmly clamped down. I bucked off the bed “Mine” he rasped and I
literally growled at him “Yours!” I near shouted at him.

I was in paradise with my man beside me “I need you
inside me, now” I begged and he started fumbling with the button on my trousers
“Hurry” I pleaded desperately as he yanked them down my legs with my knickers
and was soon positioning himself.

He was inside me in one swift thrust and we both cried
out at the bliss of been joined again. He held still, stretching me wide around
him as he held my face and stared at me “You are so fucking beautiful Ava.
So fucking amazing.
So fucking hot.
So fucking delicate and so fucking mine” he growled the last words and ground
his hips in a circular motion, rubbing his pelvis against my clitoris. “Oh
Fuck” I cried and orgasmed immediately in an intense near painful climax “
Jesus, Ava
” he cried as he drove into me
twice and was exploding brutally inside me, shouting my name loudly and


I was laid on my back with Masons head on my chest while
he stroked my baby bump “I can’t wait to see them Ava.
hold them!”
I could feel his grin against my skin. He kissed my stomach
twice and then sat up “We need to talk” he said solemnly and I nodded “I think
it’s best if I tell the others what’s going on as well” I frowned at his grim
face “It’s serious isn’t it?” I breathed as I knelt in front of him on the bed and
cupped his face. He nodded “You’re not gonna like it Ava but I want to talk to
you privately later about something, okay?” he cocked his head and stroked my
jaw with his thumb. I smiled softly and leaned in to kiss him. His hands cupped
my face as he kissed me back “I love you so much Ava, I can’t seem to live
without you. I miss you all the fucking time. I can’t stop thinking about you;
what you’re doing, what you’re wearing, what you’re eating…which actually gives
me some hilarious thoughts” he winked and rubbed my tum and I grinned.

We both got dressed and as I went to open the door he
turned me swiftly, pushed me against it and kissed me tenderly and lovingly. “I
love you so much Ava, so damn much” His hands settled on my bum and he lifted
me as I swung my legs around his hips “We’re not gonna be able to do this for
much longer” I said as my stomach was stuck like a small boulder between us. He
grinned and kissed my nose “I’ll just have to keep you here for a bit longer
then. Hold on” he grinned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he opened
the door and carried me downstairs still clung to him.


“You haven’t eaten each other yet then?” Courtney grinned
and winked at me as we walked into the cosy lounge. Sam and Marcy were sat on
the rug in front of the fire and Greg was sat on a sofa with Courtney leaning
in to him. Mason sat on a huge, soft armchair and settled me on his lap as he
took my hand and gripped it tight

“We need to talk” he told them and they all swung their
eyes to him “It’s about fucking time” Greg huffed and Mason narrowed his eyes
at him “Don’t start Greg” he warned and Greg shook his head in dismay “Do you
actually know what you’ve put Ava through? It’s not been you sat listening to
her fucking sob in her room when she thought we couldn’t hear her Mason! The
and Courtney would go into her house and
she would be howling and calling your fucking name and we just had to turn
around and leave her to it…Alone!! You broke Courtneys fucking heart as well as
Ava’s” I looked away, nibbling my finger rapidly as Greg barked. I had no idea
they knew all this and my eyes shot to Courtneys but she just gave me a soft
smile and shook her head marginally.

Mason lowered his eyes guiltily “I know” he said softly
and brought my hand to his lips. He sighed heavily then looked at me, his eyes
deep and worrisome “Rebecca’s father is blackmailing me!” he said bluntly but calmly.
I frowned at him as his arm slid around my side and pulled me closer into him
“WHAT?” I gasped.

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