Tolerance (Heart of Stone) (9 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Tolerance (Heart of Stone)
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I caught Masons eye as Rebecca and Delaney were talking
between themselves “Thank you” I mouthed and he smiled oh so softly, his eyes
were full of longing and adoration “I love you” I mimed and he lowered his head
to hide his grim. I saw him swallow and lift his face “And me, you” he replied
and my heart beat rapidly, swelling to twice its size. I blew him a kiss and
put my arm through Nates bent one “Let’s go” I said and Nate huffed
“McDonalds?” he asked with high eyebrows and I grinned “I love you” I giggled
happily and he chuckled “A burger and you’re all mine. Does this mean I can
look up your skirt?” he winked “Throw in fries and I’ll think about” I retorted
and Nates hearty laugh cheered me up no end but it was Masons gaze that had
made me happy. His love for me so highly evident in his beautiful eyes and I
settled my hand on my tummy and sighed happily. “Hurry up!” I told Nate and he
chuckled “Good job I’ve got a damn Ferrari then isn’t it?” he grinned.


Settled on the sofa, a humungous portion of chicken pesto
pasta salad resting on my knee that night, I was half reading a book as the TV
was on low in the background. I couldn’t concentrate and kept losing my spot in
my book so flinging it to one side I rolled my head round my neck and decided
to torture myself by looking through the photos on my phone from when me and
Mason spent the weekend in France.

Smiling widely and chuckling at the stupid faces we had
pulled on some, I gasped as I came across a photo I hadn’t seen. Frowning
deeply and wondering when this had been taken I smiled sadly and traced my
finger across his stunning happy face. Mason had taken the snapshot of himself,
obviously holding my phone away from him but what took my breath was the large
piece of paper he was holding in front of his chest with the words ‘I LOVE YOU
AVA’ written across it with a small doodled
heart and a smiley face. His eyes were radiating the love he had
declared on the paper and they were twinkling with delight. A sob escaped my
throat as a huge beam erupted at the same time. Damn him! Why couldn’t I let
him go?

I quickly closed
my phone and plonked it angrily on the table and as I stood to take my empty,
finger cleaned plate into the kitchen the TV caught my attention. Scrambling
for the remote I turned it up as Masons and Rebeccas’ picture erupted from the
screen. He had his arm around her as she looked up at him with a huge smile
plastered on her fake face

“… Commissioner Robert Delaney’s daughter Rebecca Delaney
and multi-millionaire businessman Mason Fox announced their engagement today.
The happy couple are expecting their first baby at the end of March” Rebecca’s
ugly pouty face exploded onto the screen as a journalist stuck a microphone in
her face “We are so excited, Mason proposed yesterday and I immediately
accepted, no deliberating needed” she beamed and I wanted to smash my fist
through the screen and claw her deceitful, false face to shreds “When are you
planning to wed?” the journalist asked “Oh early June. That’s the only time
next year when we have a gap in our diaries and no specific engagements” she
sneered at the camera and I knew immediately that that statement was for my
benefit as my babies were due early June “And can you tell us how Mr Fox
proposed?” Rebecca’s evil eyes twinkled at the question and she smirked at the
camera “Well I couldn’t possibly divulge on television what we were doing at the
time Mason proposed” she gave a little false giggle and my fury bubbled
furiously to the surface “You fucking bastard” I screamed and flung my plate at
the TV, smashing the screen into tiny pieces.


I slumped sobbing on the sofa and my phone rang but I
ignored it and curled into myself in the sofa, crying uncontrollably. “Why
Mason?” I cried “Why?” I couldn’t understand anything anymore. He seemed
determined to thoroughly break me and the fact that he hadn’t informed me
before it was splattered all over my TV screen angered me.

My phone rang again “Shut the hell up” I picked it up and
it followed the plate, crunching against the remaining glass and immediately
silencing. I held my arms against my belly “Well we really are on our own now
peanuts” I frowned as I heard my front door unlock and the next second Courtney
rushed through the room door closely followed by Greg. She took one look at the
TV and then one look at me with sad eyes and I knew she had seen the TV
announcement too.

“Oh Babe” she lifted my head, sat down and placed my head
back down on to her lap as she stroked my hair tenderly and cried with me whist
Greg sat silently in the chair opposite, never moving his sorrowful eyes from
my desolate ones.


The rest of the week passed in a blur and Saturday night
I was squeezing myself into a pale green maternity cocktail dress. It had a
fitted lace bodice with a corset style lace up back, a low sweetheart neckline
and had a long, silk sweeping skirt down to my ankles that gently hugged my
bulge. I had fallen in love with it immediately. I had been quite shocked to
discover the large selection of beautiful dresses, expecting a few but was
happily greeted by at least twenty.

I had swept my hair up and worn only a light dusting of
make-up, covering my grazed cheek with bronzer and was ready to go as Kade


“Wow Ava. You look stunning” he breathed and his eyes lit
up as he kissed me gently on the cheek. I grinned quite hungrily at him. He
wore a simple black tuxedo with a small bowtie and a crisp white shirt, he
looked absolutely yummy. I straightened his tie for him and kissed his cheek in
return “Are you okay Ava? You know…after the…news?” he asked cautiously and I
placed a finger against his lips, silencing him “Not tonight. Tonight is about
us Kade. Me and you” I told him and he nodded but his eyes were full of
concern. “Ready Miss Stone?” he asked cheekily as he held his arm out and I
placed mine in the crook of his elbow “I’m all yours Sir” I grinned back and he
sighed and closed his eyes “God, I hope so” he breathed as he escorted me to a
chauffeur driven Bentley.

He held my door open and tried to hide his laughter as I
struggled to climb in. I narrowed my eyes on his and scowled and he sucked in
his lips. He climbed in the other side and grasped my hand as soon as he was


We chatted as we drove there and I was horrified to learn
the party was at one of the most exclusive Stately homes in London “Oh my god
Kade. I’m so out of my depth here” I whispered as he escorted me up the sweeping
steps into the mansion/castle, I couldn’t quite distinguish between the two. He
frowned at me “What do you mean by that?” he looked quite angry at my statement
“Kade, I lived on the street for three years, I swear like a sailor and I can
knock out a 250lb bloke. Do you really think I fit in here?” I asked and he
laughed “Well the way you put it no, but you are a very beautiful, high
spirited and bright young woman Ava so yes, I’d say you fit in here better than
most of the tarts you will have the displeasure of meeting tonight” he said
seriously and my eyes widened at his description but I couldn’t hold back the
beam “You really see me like that?” I asked shyly and he scoffed “Damn right
and so much more Ava” he said tenderly and I squeezed his arm “Why, Thank you
Sir” I tipped my head in mock acknowledgement “It’s only cause I wanna get laid
tonight Ava” he said so earnestly that I thought he was serious until I saw the
wicked twinkle in his eye. I laughed loudly as we entered the great ballroom
and he beamed at me and winked “I’m not fucking joking Sweetheart” he gave me a
slow grin and the need in his eyes halted my breath and I exhaled and he swept
his arm around my waist and pulled me against him as our gazes locked.

He held my eyes intensely and I was starting to think
about pulling him back in the car and riding him hard when a familiar screech
resounded in my ears “For fucks sake” We both groaned together

“Well Well, look
it is?” Rebecca trilled loudly and I turned my head to
see her with her arm linked in Masons, her hand rested on his arm possessively.
I rolled my eyes and Kade pulled me closer “God, how wonderful!” I sighed
grumpily and her eyes widened at my ridicule “Well you two look quite cosy” she
smirked and squeezed Masons arm and I flicked a swift glance his way. His
expression was completely detached and he wouldn’t meet my eyes but to be
honest I was sick of deferring to his feelings “Oh we’ll be even cosier later”
I winked exaggeratedly at her and Masons eyes shot to mine, the cold glint in
them made me shudder as Kade pulled me even closer and slipped his hand down to
rest on my backside.

“I hear congratulations are in order Rebecca. I’m really
pleased for you both. You thoroughly deserve each other” I declared with a
sweet smile “Thank you. Yes Mason and I are so excited aren’t we darling?” she
smirked and my eyes swung to his face. His eyes still held the cold glint but I
could also see the guilt, pain and remorse in them

“I’m happy to see you managed to fill your empty bed” she
sneered as she eyed Kade and I saw Masons lip curl at her. “Can I just say
Rebecca” I smiled sickly and leaned further in to her “You won’t be fucking
pregnant forever” she scowled at me “And what’s that supposed to mean?” she
asked and I raised my eyebrows at her and then turned to Kade “You were right
Darling. There really are some obtuse tarts here tonight. Have fun you two” I
tipped my head pleasantly and pulled Kade onto the dance floor

“Fucking dance with me before I get arrested for flooring
a pregnant woman” he tipped his head back and howled “God, I love you” he said
as a joke but we both shot a look at each other when he said it. He shrugged
“Well it’s not like you haven’t heard it before Ava” he said sheepishly and I
gave him a soft smile and palmed his face “Kiss me” I whispered and I heard his
breath hitch.

He closed his eyes
“Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that Ava?” he breathed and
then bent forwards and gently brushed my lips with his, his warm breath wisping
across my mouth and then he groaned deeply as he took me in an intense
passionate kiss, controlling and owning me with its fierceness and it suddenly
felt like we were the only two people in the room as his hands slid around me,
one held at the back of my head as the other dropped to the base of my spine,
pulling me in further.

“Wow” he grinned as he pulled away “Please
me that wasn’t for Masons benefit” he said and my eyes
! I had forgotten he was
watching and I took a horrified glance around but couldn’t see him. “Well at
least that reaction to my words proves that no, that wasn’t for Mason’s
attention. But I must say it’s nice to know you forget all about him when I
kiss you” he beamed at me and I couldn’t hold back the grin from my face at his
obvious pleasure “No Kade, I didn’t kiss you for Masons benefit. I
you to kiss me and I’d really
like it if you did it again” I said with a fire in my eyes. He grinned and
swept down but this time instead of a demanding kiss it was soft and slow and
exquisitely tender.

He held his lips against mine as he ended the kiss, his
forehead resting on mine as we danced slow and erotically. He ground up against
me and I could feel his hard erection against my thigh. I groaned and cupped
the back of his head as it was my turn to control the kiss and I took him
vehemently and forcefully and he growled deep in the back of his throat “Please
tell me you’re coming home with me tonight Ava” he asked, his eyes closed in
anticipation “No” I said and his eyes snapped open and the desperation and
rejection in them stopped me from tormenting him further “You’re coming home
with me” I informed him with a small chuckle. His hands cupped my backside and
hitched me further against him “I am so fucking hard right now Ava, I am gonna
fuck you into next week” he rasped in my ear as he rested his mouth against my
cheek. I groaned and closed my eyes in need as I swallowed heavily “Please tell
me we don’t have to stay long” I whispered back and he chuckled “Soon Ava. I
will make it worth the wait, I promise sweetheart” I opened my eyes to pull
back and say something to him when I caught Mason’s eye. He was dancing with
Rebecca and she was nibbling on his neck as he rested his hands on her backside
and a fierce jealousy raged through me. Obviously a revenge action and I shook
my head in dismay at him and swung Kade around so I had my back to him. Let the
two men glare at each other instead, I couldn’t be coping with his jealousy
tonight. He had been the one to break our relationship, setting me free so he

I knew I had to be honest with Kade though, I didn’t want
to hurt him again “If tonight happens Kade, I need you to know…” I whispered
against his ear and he pulled his head back to look at me “What is it Ava?” he
asked quietly “Well I need you to know, it’s just gonna be sex Kade. I need to
be honest with you. I care about you deeply but we can’t ever…” he smiled
softly “I know that Ava, I go back to Italy in two weeks. Let’s just have fun
while I’m here” he smiled and stroked his thumb across my cheekbone.


Luckily we were sat well away from Mason and Rebecca for
the dinner and we didn’t see much of them through the night. We were constantly
bombarded with Kades friends and acquaintances and while I was grateful to the
diversion, I was dismayed not to have Kade to myself for any length of time but
his arm never moved from my waist or shoulders and he was frequently landing
kisses on my cheek or mouth.

I did notice however that nobody had approached Mason and
Rebecca; every time I spotted them they were sat alone but whenever Mason was
alone there were people around him, chatting or laughing; it was apparent that
nobody liked Rebecca and that knowledge thrilled me.

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