Total Control (3 page)

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Authors: Desiree Wilder

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Total Control
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“Carly and Joey
, I want you to meet my friend Ethan,” Gia said. “Ethan, this is Carly, she’s the most fantastic seven year old gymnast in the world, not to mention my very favorite niece. And this is Joey, he’s the best four year old artist in the world, not to mention my very favorite nephew.” The kids were smiling as I knelt down to meet them.

Nice to meet you, Carly and Joey,” I said, but they held tight to Gia.

“They’re a little shy,” Gia said, “but they’ll be hangi
ng all over you in no time.” I could tell they thought the world of her. She reached in her purse and pulled out the bag from the candy store. They both jumped up and down as Gia asked them, “Have you been good for your mommy and daddy?”

“Yes! Ye
s! Yes!” They repeated as she peered into the bag, teasing them.
She would’ve been a really great mom.

“Okay, but you have to give me
something first.” She bent down and each of them kissed her on the cheek. She was smiling ear to ear as she handed out their treats, telling them how they needed to pace themselves and not eat it all at one time or they’d get a tummy ache. I was smiling just as big as I watched her. She was so alive, so much like she’d been all those times I saw her at The Lock.

Lilly came out of the house
and Gia introduced us. “So nice to meet you, Ethan,” Lilly said as I reached out to shake her hand. She gave me a disapproving look and hugged me instead. “We hug in this family,” she said with a smile. I liked her immediately. She had a very welcoming personality and contagious smile. She was also beautiful and I saw the resemblance to Gia right away.

“Nice to meet you too
, Lilly.” I wanted to say something about the good genes in their family but couldn’t come up with anything quick enough. She grabbed my hand and we all went into the house.

“Great home
,” I told Lilly as I looked around. It was bright and cheery and I wondered if Gia was in on the decorating as it reminded me of her place.

, Ethan,” she said. “What can I get you to drink? Do you like iced tea?”

“That’d be fine
.” She poured three glasses. The kids were showing Gia artwork that they’d done and then dragged her to their rooms to show her more stuff. She gave me an apologetic look as she followed them. I was happy to see her like that, so I gave her a big smile and a wink.

“So, Ethan, Dana has told me a little about you and I’d like to thank you for keep
ing an eye on Gia over the weekend and helping out last night. I know she must care about you from what Dana told me and I’m thrilled she’s opening up to someone finally.” She was getting emotional.

“I want what’s best for Gia. She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and I want to help her however I can. If there’s anything you know she needs, please call me
, anytime.” I felt weird saying it, being as I’d just met Gia face to face less than a week ago, but it was the truth and I thought Lilly deserved that.

“You’re right, she
amazing. I’ve been worried sick about her for a long time and I’ve been praying every day for her to get the help she needs. I have a feeling that you’ve had something to do with the fact she’s finally decided to take that step. Ethan, thank you for showing her, somehow, that she’s worth it.” She seemed relieved and it warmed me to think that I’d helped Gia.

“Okay, time for a quick chat before the kids get t
he art project done I gave them,” Gia said as she joined us at the table. She sat beside me, looked at her sister, and got very serious. “Lill, I’m gonna to go to California for a thirty-day treatment program. I know it sounds harsh but Dana and Jo think it’s-”

Lilly reached over and took
Gia’s hand. “I know all about the place, G. I’ve talked with them about it and I agree, it’s the best. I couldn’t be happier you’ve decided to go. Can I help you make arrangements?”

, please.” Gia looked relieved and they smiled at each other, still holding hands. I could tell they were extremely close. I wished I had a sibling to have a bond like that with.

As they went to the computer
, Lilly was telling Gia about all the things she’d found out about the place and the various treatment methods they offered. Gia looked excited about some of what she heard, but hesitant about others. I didn’t like some of the things Lilly told her, like no outside contact whatsoever for the first ten days, but it was okay if that was what was best for her. I saw a patio out back and decided I’d make some phone calls and give the girls some privacy.

I called Trey and checked up on how everything was going. He sa
id all looked good for the weekend and not to worry because he had it under control. I didn’t doubt that at all. He asked how Gia was and I assumed Dana had filled him in on what was going on.

“She’s decided to go to California for a month
, and as much as I hate the thought of that, I know she wouldn’t do it if she didn’t feel she had to, so I’ve got to back off and hope she doesn’t forget about me while she’s gone.” My head dropped and I stared at the ground.

“Shit! Is this what I’m gonna have to put up with for the next month?
You moping around feeling sorry for yourself? C’mon, man. According to Dana, Gia’s got it bad for you and this thirty day separation won’t be shit compared to the ten years you’ve already got invested in her, so focus on the good. Maybe there are some things you can do for her while she’s away that could help her when she gets back. I know you, if you keep busy and have a goal in mind, you can overcome anything. I’ve watched you do it.” My head popped up as ideas started running through me. Trey was right! There were so many things I could do and plan for Gia to keep me busy.

, man, you’re right. Thanks for that, I needed a swift kick in the ass. You know you’re as close to a brother as I’ve ever had, and I appreciate it.”

“You too
, bro. Call me when you get back here, I’ll have some beers chillin’. Later.” He hung up. He hated it when I got all sappy.

So many things ran
through my head.
When would Gia leave? Would she be back for the Fourth of July? Would she let me take her to California? Could I visit her after the ten days were up? Could I send her stuff? What could I do for her while she’s away? Would she even want me in her life when she gets back?
I thought about that last one for a while and it scared me. I had to focus on the good, as Trey had said, and not let the negative pull me down.

, you.” Gia joined me on the patio. She sat in the lawn chair across from me. “The arrangements have been made. I fly out Friday and check in on Monday morning. Dana and Jo are going to go with me and fly back on Monday.”

“That’s great
, Gia.” I didn’t know what else to say at that moment. We just sat in awkward silence for a while. “When will you be back?” I finally asked.

“On July third, just in time for Independence Day!” That made me grin. “Maybe we could
make a plan to spend it together?” That made me smile from ear to ear.

“Thank you
. I know you don’t like to make a lot of future plans.”

“My parents always have a barbeque that day
. I’d want to be there, of course, but then maybe we could go watch the fireworks somewhere. How does that sound? Do you think you’ll be up to the dreaded ‘meeting of the parents?’” She said that last part in a deep, low voice that made us both laugh.

“Of course I’l
l be up to it—I can’t wait, actually.”

“Good, then it’s a date!” It was music to my ears. “Let’s go in and say good-bye
—I have a lot of stuff to take care of before I leave.”

watched the kids finish their projects for Gia and Lilly showed me around the rest of their home. The way she treated me made me feel like I was a part of their family; I loved that feeling. I couldn’t wait to meet her husband Pete and their parents. We said our good-byes and headed back to Gia’s.

“I have to call Mr. Evans right away
. I hope he understands and will allow me to take a leave of absence so I can have my job when I get back.” She seemed anxious about calling him.

“I hope he understands and it works out the way you want it to
, Gia.” I didn’t want to talk about that stuff. I wanted to talk about us. I wanted to be assured that we were together, and as soon as she got back, we were going to pick up where we left off. I wanted to be with her until she left, doing fun things like we were doing at The Lock. I was thinking selfishly and I knew it, so I just tried to be as supportive as I could.

, Ethan. I want to see my mom and dad, too, and I need to talk to them alone. I think you should head home. We can see each other tomorrow.” I could tell she was being cautious with her words so she didn’t totally break my heart. It gave me a sinking feeling.

” I said as we pulled up to her place. “Call me later?”

,” she said as we walked over to my truck. “Thank you for everything, Ethan. I know you’re wanting so much more from me right now and I wish I could give it to you, but I only have a day and a half to get ready to leave for a month, so I’m just trying to focus on that right now.”

I know, and if there’s anything I can help you with, please tell me.”

She took my hands an
d stared into my eyes.
God, I’m going to miss those eyes.
“Believe it or not, you’ve helped me so much already. What I’ve shared with you in the short time I’ve known you is really amazing and it’s shown me how good it could be, if I’m able to let it. It’s shown me what I want in my life, something I’ve never had before.” Her eyes got teary.

I pulled her to me and held her. “You’ve done the same for me
, Hotness. Please don’t forget that.”

“I gotta get going.” She looked up at me. “I’ll call you later and we can make a plan for tomorrow, okay?” I nodded and she gave me a soft, sweet kiss.

I felt better after what Gia had just told me, but I still had an aching feeling inside. I knew I’d never find anyone else like her. Hell, I’d never find anyone even close to what I’d found in her. I just had to have faith that what we’d shared would be enough to get us over this hurdle. I had to think of something special to give to her before she left. Something that would remind her of me and make her remember how she felt. When I realized what it had to be, it was obvious.










Chapter 4




Poor Ethan.
I could tell how much he was worrying when he drove off, but I had to concentrate on this trip and getting treatment before I could consider giving him what he wanted from me. I knew how I thought I felt about him, but having only known him such a short time, it seemed unrealistic. I had to focus. I had to get my shit together.

I called Mr. Evans and told him I was having some personal issues and that I’d like to take a thirty day leave of absence to take care of them. I didn’t go int
o any details, of course, but he and Bridget knew about the miscarriages and that I’d had a ‘breakdown’ after one of them. I didn’t think they knew about the suicide attempt and I wanted to keep it that way.

“Of course
, Gia. I’ll get a temp to come in and Becky can pick up whatever else needs to be done. I hope you’ll come to me if you need anything. Bridget and I care about you and we’re here for you if you need us.”

“Thank you so much
, Mr. Evans. You don’t know how relieved I am to know my job is secure. I really enjoy working for you and I hate to leave you in a bind like this, but I’ve put it off for too long and it’s catching up with me.”

“Don’t worry about a thing. Just concentrate on what you need to and know that you have friends willing to help you. I’ll talk to you in about a month. Good luck
, Gia.” I thanked him again and we hung up. I felt so much better after getting that call out of the way. Now I had to head over to Mom and Dad’s.




When I got there, Dad was in the garage tinkering with the weed eater, so I went in and pulled up a dusty stool.

“Gia! What are you doing here? Are you still off work fo
r building repairs?” he asked as he gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

, Dad, they’re still working on it. I just came over to talk to you and Mom about something. Do you want to take a break and come in the house?” His face turned to worry. “Don’t worry, Dad, it’s a good thing.” I gave him a smile to ease his mind.

Okay, then. Let’s go in, I think your mom was making some cookies earlier, we can be the taste testers.” He put his arm around me and we walked up the sidewalk to the front porch.

“The yard looks beautiful
, Dad. And the porch swing! You painted it—I love it!” I ran up and plopped down on it and pushed back with my feet, making me swing back as far as it would allow. Then I leaned my head back and put my arms out, just like Lill and I did when we were kids. The chains made noise as it went back and forth and I smiled at the familiar squeaking.

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