Total Control (5 page)

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Authors: Desiree Wilder

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Total Control
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I spread her legs and put my head between them. I couldn’t get where I wanted to be
. I grabbed her hips, and as I rolled to my back, I pulled her up over me. She still had me in her mouth as she squatted slightly over my face. I put my hands on her hips and guided her sweetness to my waiting mouth. As I pulled her tight against my tongue, she moaned and took me out of her mouth. She worked me with her hand as she had to take a look at what I was doing to her. I put two fingers into her, slid my thumb to her sensitive spot, and looked back down to her. She put her mouth back over my cock and sucked as she moaned. It felt as amazing as she looked doing it. Her breasts blocked my view every so often as she moved her body up and down. The rhythm she was keeping told me she was getting close.

I kept watching her as I ran my free hand over her stomach and up to her nipple. I squeezed firmly and she moaned louder. I
wanted to be inside her, I wanted to look into her eyes as she came. I took my fingers out of her and as I tried to sit up, she turned around and straddled me.

“I want to be on top,” s
he whispered. She slid over my cock and rocked against it as she sat up straight. She took my hands and put them on her breasts and we squeezed them together.
Fuck! She’s sexy.
Watching her take control and do with me what she wanted made me fucking crazy.

“Where are your condoms?” I asked
. She gasped and immediately stopped rocking.

she said, and I realized she didn’t have any. “Are you clean?” she asked.

” I told her. I’d never had sex without a condom and I’d had a physical recently.

She reached down between her legs and pulled my
cock upright. She slowly lowered herself down over me.
I’d never been inside a woman without a condom on. The warmth, wetness and sensitivity were overwhelming. I was plenty horny from all the foreplay and I was ready to come. I tried to hold back but Gia was on top of me, riding me with a quick rhythm. Her head was back and she reached her hand down and touched herself. I couldn’t stop.

I moaned loudly and held her hips still for a moment. I was releasing inside her, something I’d never done before for fear of getting someone pregnant or catching some disease. But with Gia it was beautiful
. I wasn’t scared of either of those things—in fact, they were the last things on my mind.

I opened my eyes and she was smiling at me. She slowly rocked
again. I hoped I’d stay hard long enough for her to reach orgasm. I got nervous for a moment, but as I laid there, and looked up at the most beautiful woman I’d ever met, who was smiling and easing my cock in and out of her, my nervousness dissipated quickly.

I smiled back and reached up to her breasts a
nd squeezed. She leaned down, kissed me, and slid her feet under my ass. That pulled her tighter to me and she rubbed her sensitive spot against me while she took me in and out. She seemed to be quite satisfied with how that felt. She threw her head back and her rhythm became short and fast. I pulled my head up, sucked on her neck, and when I bit her earlobe, she came. It was intense, as it had been building up for a while. She collapsed on top of me. I rubbed my hands up and down her back as she caught her breath.

.” She nuzzled into my neck as she slid her legs down alongside mine. It made me shiver and I hugged her tight. She straightened her arms and raised her upper body over mine. She smiled a very satisfied smile and I gave her one right back. She slowly eased the rest of her body off mine and I realized where all the cum goes when you don’t have a condom on.

“Shall we hop in the shower?”
she asked.

” I said as I took her hand.




After we showered, I made Gia’s bed and then watched some TV while she did her hair and makeup. I couldn’t concentrate on the program because my mind was racing with all that had happened and all that I still wanted to happen. I was going to be lost without her for the next month. If I could at least talk to her once a day, it would make me feel better.

“Thanks for the flowers
, baby,” Gia said as she strolled past me and got a glass of water for them. I whistled at her. She looked sweet in her shorts, tank, and ponytail.

“You’re welcome,
” I told her. “Thanks for inviting me tonight. I’m looking forward to meeting the rest of your family. Lilly is great, so are the kids, and they all adore you.”

“Well, I adore all of them
, too. I’m glad you liked them. You and Pete are gonna hit it off, I just know it.” She seemed really happy and that made me really happy. “We should get going, are you ready?”

Ready.” I turned off the TV and held the door open.

As she passed by me she ran her fingers across my stomach and gave me a wink and a shy smile, her face
even turned a little red. I was curious, because I knew by then that she wasn’t shy in front of me.

“I’ll drive!”
she said as we got to the bottom of the stairs. She hopped out the doorway excitedly, like she’d just gotten her license or something. I smiled and shook my head.

When she turned the key
, “Kickstart My Heart” blared from the speakers. She reached up quickly and turned it down as she gave me an apologetic look. I laughed. “It’s okay, Gia, this is your car and you like it loud. Don’t apologize for that.”

She looked at me w
ith a puzzled expression. I got the feeling no one had ever let Gia be Gia.
What a shame!
When Gia was being Gia, she was alive and fun and sexy. Those were the times she outshined every star and cast out every doubt. She leaned over and kissed me. “You’re a sweetheart,” she said.

As we headed across town I had to ask, “Why did your face turn red when you looked at me in the doorway?”

She smiled and her face turned red again. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, no…” I laughed
. “You know exactly what I mean!”

She laughed nervously. “I’ve never done what we did today
. I guess when I thought back about it, I felt naughty and a little embarrassed. I don’t know why, I guess I’d thought about doing that with someone before but it seemed too, well, too

Her face was still red and she squir
med in her seat. It excited her just thinking about it. She liked being naughty, I could tell, and I liked it. “I’m assuming you’re talking about the sixty-nine position?”

She nodded, still smiling.

“Well, from the looks of you right now, you really enjoyed it, right?”

Another nod, but with a crimson face

I chuckled
. “Maybe you’re naughtier than you thought?”

Her smile grew even broader.

“I had a first today, too,” I said.

Her eyes got big and she turned her head
slowly to look at me. “Tell me,” she whispered.

“Gia, you act like I’m a
gigolo or something.” She raised her eyebrows. “Okay, well back to my first…I’ve never had intercourse without a condom on.”

She gasped. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously, I’m a responsible guy. What’s so surprising about that?”

“I don’t know. I didn’
t mean it like that. I know you’re very responsible and I appreciate that, especially about an hour and a half ago.” She paused, as if she was having a daydream.
She’s so sexy.
“Anyway, how was it?”

“It was so good I couldn’t wait for you
,” I told her, half embarrassed myself.

face lit up with a huge smile. She stared straight ahead, even though we were stopped at a light. I smiled too as I stared at her and wondered how I’d gotten through life so far without her.




“Home sweet home,” she said as we pulled into a long driveway. It led us to an older, yet very well kept two-story white house with matching over-sized two car garage. I noticed the big front porch with the porch swing and white wicker chairs with padded seats in them. The big tree to the left had a tire swing and flowers bloomed everywhere.

“Are you sure your name’s not
?” I suddenly felt a little nervous about meeting a normal, loving family.

She noticed my hesitat
ion. “They’re going to love you,” she told me. “And they’re very supportive of me, so even if they don’t, they’ll act like they do!” She laughed and kissed me. “Sorry, just kidding. We’re a very normal, easy going, and accepting family. All my family wants is for me to be happy and to be surrounded by people who respect and care about me. You respect and care about me, right?”

“Very much,
” I told her.

She smiled and we got out of the car.
“I can’t imagine anyone they’d love more than you.” She took my hand, entwined her fingers with mine, led me up the sidewalk, and through the front door.

It was very
homey and welcoming. Just like where you’d want to be raised if you had a choice, and then where you’d want to raise your own family someday. It smelled of food cooking and fabric softener. I loved it. There were family pictures everywhere. I couldn’t wait to look at all of them and see Gia as she was growing up. The floors were old oak but had been redone nicely and I could imagine Gia sliding down the hearty oak banister which lined the stairway.

“Your favorite daughter’s here!” Gia called out.

“We’re in the kitchen!”










Chapter 6




“Mom? Dad?”
I thought they said they were in the kitchen.

“Right here
, Gia.” Mom came through the back door. “I had to run something out to your dad.” She saw Ethan and beamed.

“Mom, this is Ethan Lockwood. Ethan, this is my mom
, Ruth.” Mom grabbed him and gave him a huge hug.

“I’m so glad you could make it
, Ethan! It’s very nice to meet you!”

“Thank you for having me
, Mrs. Anderson. You have a beautiful home.” He seemed a little nervous and I felt bad for him.

“Thank you
, Ethan, and please, call me Ruth,” Mom said. “Honey, come in and meet Ethan!” she hollered toward the back screen door.

Dad came in with a huge smile on his face. He held out his hand to Ethan and I introduced them.

They did the usual meet and greet. Dad grabbed them a couple of beers and out the back door they went. “Well, that went well,” I said and we chuckled. Mom just stood there smiling at me. “What?” I said.

“Gia! He’s gorgeous!”
she whispered loudly, pushing her hand against my arm.

I laughed a
t her. “Yes, Mom, he’s gorgeous.”

“Wow, nice body
, too.” She was looking out the back window.

“Mom! Stop it!” I rolled my eyes.
“Honestly, why are all the women in this family such horn dogs?”

Mom laughed
. “That includes you, ya know!”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Auntie G! Grandma!” Carly and Joey came running in and hugged us. Right behind them were Lill and Pete, hand in hand. They were a great example of how a couple should be together.

“Hey guys!” I said as I
grabbed Pete and gave him a huge hug. “How’s my favorite brother? I haven’t seen you since the last family day. Every time I come to the house you’re at work!”

“I know
. It’s been crazy lately, but I think things are slowing down a little. How are you? Did you have fun at the Rock Festival?” He was such a sweetheart. I loved him like a brother, and if anything ever happened between him and Lill, it would break my heart. He was quite the looker, too. In fact, if Lill hadn’t snatched him up, I probably would’ve tried.

“It was great! C’mon, there’s s
omeone I want you to meet.” I grabbed his hand.

“Hey! Where are you going with my husband?” Lill teased.

“Don’t be greedy, sisters are supposed to share, remember?” I teased right back.

We went out the back screen door and Ethan and
Dad looked up from the grill. Dad smiled and grabbed Pete. “Hey Pete, good to see ya, son.”

“Ethan, this is Lill’s husband
, Pete. Pete, this is Ethan,” I said.

Pete looked at me
. “And who is Ethan, Gia?” He was such a shit. He wanted to embarrass me by making me say Ethan was my boyfriend, but I wasn’t going to give in that easily.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I started, “Etha
n is the owner and operator of The Lock and Wood Campground—you know, Pete, where we go to all the great concerts.” I raised my eyebrow to him as if to say, “Are you sure you wanna mess with me?”

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