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Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright

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Finger Action for G-Spot Pleasure

The “G” (as in Give-Me-More-of-That) Spot
When experimenting with G-spot stimulation, consider any of the fol- lowing moves:
  • Thrust your fingers in and out of the vagina, exerting pressure up- ward to stimulate the G-spot when withdrawing
  • Simultaneously stimulate the clitoris with the hand or tongue
  • Slowly slide your fingers rhythmically from side to side across the G-spot, applying the most pressure with your middle finger
  • Rock your fingers from side to side across the spot, always using a firm touch
  • Gently but firmly squeeze the G-spot



Let go.
Don’t try to be in control as you’re being pleasured, even if you’re the one in charge. This acts as a resistance to your orgasmic response. Relax the same way you would at a hair salon while your head is being kneaded during a good shampooing: Close your eyes, relax, and savor the sensations, wishing you could
have somebody pamper you like this every day. Look at G-spot stimulation and orgasmic response the same way—allow yourself to get sucked into the moment instead of thinking about what’s going on and worrying about how you should be reacting.
Don’t expect your fingers or your partner to do all the work. Simply lying there isn’t going to help your cause. Get into it, especially as things start to feel good; doing so gives off nonverbal signals that your lover is making some progress. For ex- ample, move your pelvis so that it makes better contact with the fingers during stimulation.
Don’t forget the clit.
Stimulate your own if you’re masturbating, or, if you’re the pleasuring partner, have her stimulate her own clitoris with a hand or sex toy while the G-spot is being attended to. This will help her arousal level, making her even likelier to react to G-spot efforts.
Get lost in fantasy as your G-spot is being stimulated. Pretend that you’re having sex with your favorite star, or pretend that you’re a star and your lover is a fan will- ing to do anything for you, or pretend that you’ve been made a sex slave and your love can do whatever they want to you. This will help you take the focus off the spot and relieve you of any pressure to find it. In diverting your attention elsewhere, you may find your nether regions suddenly pulling you into a terrific O!
Bring in the reinforcements.
Try using a dildo or G-spot vibrator, especially if you’re having difficulty locating and stimulating the spot or simply want more stimulation. Toys also help when your fingers tire or you need a break.
Be a terrible tease.
Go back and forth between the clitoris and G-spot, bringing each to the edge of orgasm, until you or your lover can no longer stand the sexual tension.
Try strength training.
Practice strengthening your pelvic-floor muscles (see Chapter 4). Doing so will maximize your G-spot’s response, making it more sensitive and giving you more control over your orgasmic reaction. The sexual enhancers covered in Chapter 13 will help you work this area of the body even more.
Acupressure Points

For More “Ohmigod” Gasps
You can hit acupressure points at the same time that you’re stimulating the G-spot. Place your other hand or your mouth over her lower abs, mas- saging or kissing this area with light pressure to stimulate the three Sea of Intimacy acupressure points that are located between her belly button and pubic bone. They are located two, three, and four finger-widths below the navel (see Figure 3.2). Stimulating the area right below her navel will also help to send energy to her sacral chakra, nurturing her reproductive system and cultivating more energy throughout her body. Considered the center of the human body by the ancient Chinese because the inner me- ridians that originate in the genitals pass through this area, these points are believed to restore, secure, and supplement sexual intimacy when stimulated.


FIGURE 3.2: The Sea of Intimacy acupressure points




Beyond finger action is fisting action, where one partner gradually puts their entire hand into the vagina. (This can also be done to the rectum.) Whether the hand is made into a fist or the fingers are straight and/or overlapped (not curled), this is an activity that should not be attempted unless it is done safely and properly, and preferably with an experienced partner. For those who find this sex act enjoyable, it can be a very intense, pleasurable feeling for both the giver and receiver. Fisting can, however, cause severe tissue damage and pain. Although it requires a great deal of trust, communication, relaxation, and patience—and tons of lubricant— fisting is one way some women fulfill the desire they have to be completely “filled up.”


Sexual Health Considerations


To help protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when stimulating the G-spot or other parts of the vagina, consider wearing a latex glove, which will help to reduce the risk of transmission. Although manual-stimulation activities are considered low-risk sexual behaviors for infections like HIV, there is a chance of transmission when vaginal fluid comes into contact with any cuts or sores on the hands.



The A-Spot


anterior fornix erogenous (AFE) zone,
is the area on the front wall of the vagina midway between the cervix and G-spot (see Fig- ure 3.1 on page 35). It plays a role in vaginal lubrication. Felt as a spongy, wrinkled swelling, the A-spot is so sensitive to stimulating touch that a special technique was developed to help women who experience vaginal dryness during sex, though couples who simply desire more natural vagi- nal lubrication can benefit from its practice as well. Some couples can also benefit from yet another of this hot spot’s perks: The combination of vagi- nal lubrication and the A-spot’s erotic sensitivity can result in orgasm(s) in some women!
To engage in the following exercise, a woman should be sitting down, leaning back on a support, with her legs bent and pulled in toward her
body. Or she can squat. For optimal results, this technique should be prac- ticed for five to ten minutes every day for at least one week.

The AFE-Zone Stimulation Technique
  1. Making sure that she is aroused enough for comfortable penetration, insert one of your index fingers all the way into the vagina.
  2. Gently, rhythmically, and patiently, stroke the inner, upper half of the front vaginal wall. Using a circular motion, whether clockwise or counterclockwise, may be more lucrative. You’ll know your efforts are paying off as she begins to get wetter and wetter.
  3. As she becomes more lubricated, bring your finger out a little way to stroke both the G-spot and the AFE zone. Use a long, repeated,
thrusting motion, moving up and down the entire length of the vagi- nal wall, for the best results.


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