Touch of Love (3 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #romance, #love, #sex, #sex activities, #love relationships, #romance sex, #sex and friends, #contemporary romance sex

BOOK: Touch of Love
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“Let’s go back to your room,” Theresa

Sean ignored her. “What else do you
like to do?”

I wasn’t sure why he was being so
attentive to me. Perhaps he was trying to butter me up since he
thought I was Theresa’s best friend. “I follow basketball,
baseball, and football. I have too many jerseys to

“What’s your favorite baseball

“The Mariners.”

“Cool. I’m a fan too.”

“Are you from Washington?”

“New York.”

“You aren’t a Yankee fan?”

“I am, but I like other teams too.
It’s makes bets more fun.”

“The mariners are playing the Yankees
tomorrow. Wanna make it interesting?”

He smiled. “I would.”

“How about twenty bucks?”

“How about dinner and a

“What?” I asked.

“He means a double date,” Theresa said

He glanced at her then looked back at
me. “Or a friendly get-together.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend, so I don’t
have anyone to bring along.”

“Sean could set you up with a

Sean looked uncomfortable.

“I can get my own dates, but thanks,”
I said quickly, slightly offended.

“Yeah okay,” Theresa said as she
flipped her hair. “You spend all your time alone, and I haven’t
seen you talk to a single guy.”

“My romantic life is really none of
your business,” I snapped. “I don’t need boyfriend to make me feel

Theresa looked at Sean. “Don’t set her
up with your friends. You can tell she hasn’t given up her V-card.
She’s practically a nun.”

“And what’s bad about that?” Sean

I looked at him, surprised by the
unexpected defense.

“Well, college is going to be pretty
boring, then,” Theresa said. “And finding a husband will be

“I don’t need a husband,” I said
quickly. I grabbed my things and stuffed them into my bag. “I’m
going somewhere quiet.” I stormed off and moved to a table in the
corner. I kept my back to them so I wouldn’t be distracted. After I
opened my books, I started to concentrate.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I offended you,”
Sean said as he sat across from me.

“I’m fine. I don’t mean to be rude but
please go away. I actually have to pay for my tuition.”

“What the hell is that supposed to

“Nothing,” I said as I looked at my

“I just wanted to say I was

I looked at him. “Sorry for what? What
did you do?”

He seemed speechless for a second. “I
don’t think you need help getting dates, and I didn’t mean to
overstep my boundary. I want to be your friend.”

I shook my head. “You don’t need to
butter me up, Sean. You can date Theresa. She doesn’t need my
approval for the guys she sleeps with.”

He leaned back. “I just don’t want to
offend her best friend.”

I wasn’t her best friend—nowhere near
it, but I wasn’t going to argue about it. That would just make him
talk more. “Go be with your girlfriend.”

“Have you dated one of her


“Like, have you dated someone she’s
been involved with? Is that normal for you two?”

I had no idea what the hell he was
talking about. “No, I’ve never dated someone she’s been involved
with, and neither has she dated one of my ex’s.”

He nodded, but his face had a saddened
expression. “So you don’t double dip?”

“What are you asking me,

He ran his fingers through his hair
then sighed. “Are we still on for tomorrow?”

“I can’t follow your

“The Mariner game? Let’s get some
pizza and wings and the loser pays for dinner.”

That sounded like a pretty good trade.
There was no doubt in my mind that the Mariners would win. “I’ll
take that bet.”

He smiled. “I’ll see you

“See ya.”

He stared at me for a moment before he
rose from his seat then left my table. I looked down at my book and
picked up where I left off, trying to get some work




I was so angry I could punch a wall.
Scarlet was Theresa’s best friend and now she was totally off
limits. Girls were weird about dating each other’s ex’s, and
Scarlet made it clear she felt the same way. This was so fucking
shitty. I didn’t even like Theresa. After I fucked her the first
time, I realized how good in bed she was, so I kept her around
until I got tired of her. I never expected her and Scarlet to be
friends. They were so different.

Scarlet was cool. She was witty,
smart, and beautiful. She actually liked sports. When I asked
Theresa if she followed sports, she told me she only watched the
swimming section of the summer Olympics because the guys wore
speedos. And not to be mean, but she was pretty stupid. It
surprised me she was accepted at Harvard. It almost didn’t make any
sense. Scarlet on the hand, was sharp as hell. One conversation
with her told me everything I needed to know.

The next day, I met her downtown at
the bar. She was already there, standing by the window. She was
watching the screen as the beginning of the game aired.

“Hey,” I said with a smile.

“Hi.” She looked around. “Where’s

“She couldn’t come.”

“Was she with you? She hasn’t been
back to the dorm all day.”

I shrugged. “I haven’t seen

She eyed me suspiciously then walked
to a table. I sat beside her and got a wiff of her hair. It
reminded me of spring flowers after a long rain. Her hair ran down
her back. When the light hit it in the right way, it had a tint of
red to it.

“Have you dyed your hair before?” I

“No. Why?”

“No reason. You want a

“You’re old enough to

“I have my brother’s old

“It’s not worth getting in

“They won’t even card me. I look older
than I really am.”

“Someone is arrogant.”

“I’m confident,” I said with a

The waitress came over and I ordered
the hot wings and two beers. The waitress didn’t card me and walked
away. I looked back at Scarlet. “You’re lucky we didn’t make a bet
on that.”

“She’s probably just too

She returned with the beers and placed
them in front of us.

Scarlet drank half of hers

I was impressed. “You like

“I love beer.”


“Why is that surprising?”

I shrugged. “Girls usually only like
fruity drinks.”

“I don’t. They are too

I turned to the television and watched
the game. She yelled at the TV, blurting profanities when the
referee didn’t make the right call. I smiled at her, enjoying her
enthusiasm. She was definitely a cool chick.

“So you aren’t seeing anyone?” I

“Why are you asking?”

“We’re friends, right?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Are you a virgin?”

“That got personal real

“Let me go first. I grew up in New
York and Connecticut. I lost my virginity when I was fifteen. My
family wants me to take over the business, but I want to start my
own career. I feel like you aren’t really a man until you find your
own way, stand on your own two feet. I’ve never been in love. I
have more sexual partners than I can count. I love sports more than
food, but I love food more than sex. I love my friends and my
family more than anything. I can be a jerk, but I would die for
anyone that I cared about.”

“That was a nice

“Now will you do me the honor of
telling me about yourself?”

“I lost my virginity when I was
eighteen. My best friend is my older brother, Ryan, who lives in
Seattle. My favorite author is Shakespeare. I eat everything and
anything, not caring how much I weigh according to a scale. I don’t
have any friends here at Harvard and I feel pretty lonely. I’ve
always been quiet and introverted, choosing to hide behind a book
than stand in front of a group of people. I’m a tomboy because my
brother raised me to be one.”

“I thought Theresa was your

She shrugged. “I guess.”

“I can be your friend.”

“You want to be my friend?”

“Why not? You’re a cool

“Well, you aren’t really my

“How do you mean?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never had a guy
friend before—one that was totally platonic.”

I didn’t want to be platonic with her,
but I didn’t know how to get around that. I could tell I already
ruined any chance I had with this perfect girl. And If I went for
her while I still had a girlfriend, I knew it would just make me
look worse. I wondered what would have happened if Theresa hadn’t
thrown herself at me that night. Would I be with Scarlet? Since she
was so awesome, I decided settling as her friend would be better
than losing the opportunity to know her altogether. “I can be that
platonic friend.”


“Yeah. I’m a really good friend. I
have references.”

“My brother says I’m an annoying brat.
I’m not sure if you want to be friends with me.”

“You want to know a


“I don’t have any friends

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“I have friends, but none that are
good friends. I can’t tell anyone what I’m really thinking or
feeling. Those types of friends are hard to come by. I could use

“So we need each other?”

“I think it’s a symbiotic


I stuck out my hand.

She smiled then took my hand.

I was sad that I lost an amazing girl
to my own stupidity, but it was better than losing her completely.
She was beautiful and sexy, too smart for her own good, and she had
a bit of an attitude. I liked it.

To my dismay, my team lost. I wasn’t
upset that I had to pay for the meal. I would have paid for it
anyway, but I was sad to face the music. My new best friend knew
more about sports than I did.

As the weeks went by, I spent more
time with Scarlet. I eventually confided everything to her, making
her my new best friend. Theresa and I didn’t last because I
couldn’t stand her after a while. I wasn’t sure why Scarlet was
friends with her. They were so different. As the dream of being
with Scarlet started to drift away, and I knew she was too good for
me, I started to get over her and really see her as a friend. I
started seeing other girls and told Scarlet about every encounter.
She never judged my asshole tendencies, but I knew it wasn’t a
lifestyle she approve of.

Scarlet was refined and elegant,
spending time with people that she actually wanted to be around.
She was too smart for her own good. I became so attached to her
that I couldn’t imagine being without her in any

I was in the accelerated program at
Harvard, on track to complete my bachelors and masters degree in
five years. Scarlet finished her degree in four years then stuck
around, still working on campus and juggling other jobs. When I
graduated, I told her to move to New York with me and she agreed.
She and I became a two person set. Where she went, I

Our relationship was still platonic. I
could tell Scarlet never wanted me in a sexual way. I didn’t think
she was even attracted to me. That bothered me for some reason, but
I let it go. I treated her like a friend even though I was still
attracted to her. Little did I know that everything would change
very soon.

The story continues….

Only for You

(Book One in the Forever and Always

Available Now

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