Touch of Love (2 page)

Read Touch of Love Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #romance, #love, #sex, #sex activities, #love relationships, #romance sex, #sex and friends, #contemporary romance sex

BOOK: Touch of Love
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“Fuck yeah. Did you see her? I need to
scoop her up before someone else does.”

“Good luck with that,” Roger said.
“She’s out of your league.”

I stood up and walked across the room.
I scanned the tables casually, looking for the girl with the
college t-shirt and the jeans. Her brown hair was soft and silky,
shining with a slight wave. Every girl I looked at paled in
comparison to her beauty.

“Looking for someone?”

“Huh?” I asked as I looked

“Maybe I can help,” she said with a
smile. She had blond hair, blue eyes, and a smokin’ body. If I
wasn’t on a mission I might talk to her.

“No, but thanks.”

“Well, you look a little

I decided to give it a shot. “Did you
see the girl standing at the counter? She was wearing a college
t-shirt and jeans. Long brown hair, white, attractive.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know
anyone by that description. But some girl just walked out the back

“Thank you,” I said as I walked the
opposite way.

“I’m Theresa,” she yelled as I

I ignored her and burst through the
doors. The campus was dark. Leaves had already fallen from the
trees even though it was early fall. No one was around. I felt
completely alone. My first thought was to head to the dorms, but
that girl told me to head this way. The theatre building was to my
left, but I couldn’t imagine her heading there. All the buildings
were locked. I walked around for a while, searching for the
beautiful woman that caught my eye the second I saw her. I
immediately had the desire to run my fingers through her hair and
taste her skin. Most of the time I just wanted to sleep with women,
but I had the strong urge just to look at her face again. It was so
perfect, it was painful. I had to look at her again.

I couldn’t find her after I searched
for an hour. I hoped I would see her when school started. Maybe I
would have a class with her or see her in the hallway, at a party,
or in the dorm hallway. I would keep an eye out for her.

“You look lost—still.”

I turned around. “Are you following

“Are you Sean Prescott?”

“How’d you know?”

“I recognize your picture. From
Prescott Technology.” I hated being recognized for my success, but
when I wanted to get laid it always helped. Women’s ovaries
screamed when they knew I was from money. Coupled with my looks, my
smarts, and my body, I had my pick of the litter. “Yep. That’s

“Well, that’s impressive.”

“Not really. I was born into

“It’s still impressive.”

“If you say so.”

“So, what’s your dorm room look

I’ve been with slutty girls, but this
girl was the queen of whores. “You wanna see it? It looks like all
the other ones.”

“I’ll be the judge of

I looked around the empty campus once
more, realizing I wasn’t going to find the girl I really wanted.
She disappeared from the face of the earth, taking her big dinner
somewhere. After seeing her gorgeous face and body, I was horny. I
may as well get laid. “I would love to give you a tour.”




The first day of school was
intimidating. Basically, my professors were geniuses and gods to
their own classroom. I was just a single person in the expanse of
the ocean, easily getting lost in the noise. It was hard to be
noticed in a class of over one-hundred students, especially when
the TA was the one who graded my papers and exams. My professors
pretty much did nothing. That was discouraging. I searched for the
guy that caught my eye but didn’t see him. Perhaps I would see him
again, and when I wasn’t dressed so casually. Today I wore skinny
jeans, a nice blouse, and dress boots. My hair was curled but I
still didn’t wear makeup. I just didn’t like it. That was something
I wouldn’t change for anyone.

Theresa didn’t come back to the dorm
last night. I assumed she hooked up with that guy. If that was the
case, then I was shocked how easy she was. I had a few friends in
high school who were on the slutty side, but this was still
surprising to me. Now I wished I had been arranged with a better
roommate. She would probably be screwing guys at the apartment all
the time.

When I had a break from class, I took
my novel and sat outside under the tree. My favorite thing about
college was the feel of independence. In high school, if you were
ever alone you were dubbed a loser. In college, you were pinned as
an introvert, intelligent, strong, quiet. It was a relief. I
preferred the company of books over people most of the time, except
when I was watching sports. Sports were never fun to watch

I didn’t see Theresa much during the
week. She didn’t come back to the dorm very often, and when she
did, she wasn’t there for very long. Eventually I did run into her
at the room.

“So, you hit it off with that guy at
the cafeteria?” I asked as she touched up her makeup in the

“No, I got bored with him really
quick. I found someone better.”

“Better how?”

“He’s cute, great in bed, and comes
from money. I’m here to get my Mrs. degree, not actual learn

I was starting to dislike Theresa real
quick. I guess you could call me a feminist, but I believed all
women should be independent and strong, not rely on a man for
anything. “So you’re just interested in him for the

“Why is anyone interested in

“Because you actually like

“Whatever. He agreed to be my
boyfriend so that’s that.”

“How romantic,” I said

“A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta

“If you got into Harvard, you must be

“I had someone take the SAT’s for

My mouth dropped. “That’s

“Yeah,” she said with a shrug. “Like I
said, I’m only here to get a husband.”

“Poor guy.”

“Excuse me?”

I looked her straight in the eye. “I
said ‘poor guy’.”

She rolled her eyes and continued to
apply her makeup. She left the dorm room again and disappeared. I
didn’t see her much after that, which I was grateful for. She was
definitely someone I couldn’t stand. I decided not to rat her out
to the admissions board because I didn’t have any proof that she
actually cheated, so I just let it go.

On Tuesday night, I was trying to
study in my room when my neighbor turned on their stereo, blaring
it really loud. I thought they would turn it off within an hour but
they never did. Frustrated and too nice tell them off, I fled to
the library.

“Theresa?” I asked in surprise when I
saw her sitting at a table, books scattered around her.

“Yeah?” she asked with a

“What are you doing?” I asked


I looked at the textbooks, not
recognizing any of them. “Did you change your major?”

“Business,” she answered.

“That was random.”

“Sean’s a business major. Now I spend
more time with him.”


“My boyfriend.”

“Oh. How’s that going?” I was hoping
the guy was a jerk so he got what he deserved, or he was smart
enough to see through this girl’s lies and get out of the twisted
relationship. Perhaps he was just blind by her beauty. I couldn’t
think of a better explanation.

“Good. The sex is good.”

That was too much information but I
didn’t comment on it.

“There he is,” she said with a smile,
looking past me.

I turned around and saw him approach
the table. His eyes widened when he looked at me, but I wasn’t sure
why. It was like he recognized me. It was the guy I was staring at
across the room weeks ago, the man that I thought was ridiculously
handsome. Maybe he saw me staring at him? I was pretty sure I was
discreet about it.

He stopped when he reached

“This is my boyfriend,” she said as
she hooked her arm through his. “He’s pretty, huh?”

I was speechless, suddenly feeling

“Sean, this is my best friend,

“Your best friend?” he said


I thought that was more than a
stretch, but I let it go. “Uh, it’s nice to meet you.” I extended
my hand.

He looked disoriented as he shook
mine, his hand gripping mine longer than necessary. He had a pained
look on his face, like I was hurting him. I quickly pulled

Theresa pulled him into the chair next
to her. “Join us, Scarlet.”

“It’s okay. I don’t want to

“Sit,” she commanded. “Friends can
study together, right?”


“Yeah,” I said as I lowered myself
into the chair.

Sean pulled out his belongings, eyeing
me every few seconds. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the

Theresa blatantly had no interest in
studying. Her hand was practically on his crotch, jerking him off,
while she kissed his neck every few seconds. Sean moved like he was
uncomfortable but didn’t verbally tell her to stop.

I was uncomfortable but I didn’t say
anything. The first guy that I was actually attracted to turned out
to be a sex-crazy idiot that was more interested in outer beauty
than the true beauty underneath. I was hoping he was a good guy,
deep and mysterious, but he was obviously nothing like that. He was
either with her just for the sex, or he was a total idiot. In
either case, he wasn’t right for me.

“Scarlet, what’s your

The sound of Sean saying my name made
my skin prickle. I wasn’t sure why. “English,” I

“Cool. What do you want to do with

“What everyone wants to

“What’s that?”

“I have no idea.”

He laughed loudly, a smile spreading
across his face. “At least you’re honest about it.”

“I’ll figure it out

“I’m sure you will. So you’re a fan of
the classics?”

“Each and every one.”

“What’s your favorite?”

“That’s a personal

He smiled. “It is?”

“That’s like asking me when I lost my

He laughed again. “Okay. I’ll go
first. My favorite work of literature is Henry V.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“That’s surprising?”

“I guess.” I wasn’t expecting a
business major to have any respect for the written world. I thought
they just understood numbers and percentages.

“So what’s yours?”

I was quiet for a long time. “That’s
impossible to narrow down. There’s no such thing as a favorite

“So I gave the wrong

“You didn’t give an answer an English
major would, so yes, it was the wrong answer.”

He laughed again. “So what’s the right

“All of them.”

“Even Animal Farm?”

“You didn’t like that?” I asked,

“Who did? It’s creepy.”

“How is it creepy?”

“When the pigs started walking on
their hind legs, I shut the book. I couldn’t handle the

“But that’s the best part!”

“To a horror fan, maybe.”

“Well, I do like Stephen

“And what’s your favorite novel by
him? Or is that a trick question too?” he said with a

“Carrie, obviously.”

“I liked Cujo better.”

“You read all of his

“Why is that surprising?”

I shrugged. “You’re a business

“Are business majors best known for
their inability to read?” he said sarcastically.

“I just thought they preferred
counting their money.”

“Not all business majors care about

Theresa had been bored until this
point. “Sean’s rich.”

“So I heard,” I said as I looked

Sean’s eyes lost their light. “My
family is rich—I’m not.”

“So you’re taking over the

“No. I want to start my own

“What?” Theresa asked, alarmed.
“You’re joking, right?”

Sean ignored her. “Scarlet, I’m not a
money-hungry entrepreneur.”

“I never said you were.”

“You implied it.”

“Then I misspoke.” I turned the page
of my book then followed the words with a highlighter.

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