Tough To Love (10 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Tough To Love
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“How do I usually act around you?”

“Distant, cold, and unfeeling,” she answered. “I have no need to move back to your house. I’m very happy where I’m living. Why don’t you go and find Vanity? I’m sure she’ll be glad to move in with you. Truthfully, I used to hold out hope you would change your mind about me, but I’m letting that go. For a while after I moved out, I hated you.” 




It would have hurt less if Sage compared him to something on the bottom of her shoe. How could she think she hated him? Yes, he had been hard on her in the past, but that was because he was trying to fight his attraction for her. Well, if she wanted to hate him he would give her something to hate when she was alone in her bed tonight.

His face hardened. “I’m glad you hated me. I think it was the best thing you could have ever done. Why don’t you keep it going? At least it will keep you out of my face. And don’t read anything into what happened inside the kitchen. I was trying to prove a point that even with Julian less than a hundred feet away, I could still get you to want me and it worked. You will never be over me. I’ll always have a piece of your heart, so don’t deny it.”

Sage reached out to slap him, but he grabbed her wrist. “You bastard,” she hissed, jerking her arm away. “I can promise you that you won’t ever get a chance like that with me again. I don’t want to see you. I can see why you ended up with a woman like Vanity. Both of you are mean, heartless people who like hurting others. I swear, if you see me walking down the street please turn and go the other way.”

Rally flinched at his cruel behavior. What happened to the sweet, loving Sage he knew? Her face would light up any time he walked into the room, and now she was looking at him as if she really truly hated the sight of him.

This wasn’t what he came over here to do tonight. He wanted to plead his case with her and make her see he could be a good man and the
man for her. He had to fix things with her. She couldn’t run to Julian and cry on his shoulder. It might lead to things he couldn’t even think about.


“Don’t even think about it,” she whispered. “Go away and don’t ever think about bothering me again. I’ll stay friends with Shawn, but I don’t want anything from you.” Reaching behind her, Sage opened the door and walked inside, then closed it in his face.

Rally touched the door with the palm of his hand, calling himself a thousand fools. “I’m sorry, Sage.” He wouldn’t let her toss what they had away like this. He knew she still cared about him. She wouldn’t have gotten this upset if she didn’t still love him.

Early tomorrow morning, he would make a trip into town and see her at
and beg her, if he had to, to give him another chance. She might be a little resistant at first, but after he pleaded his case she would have to understand why he pushed her away all of these years.

“Sweetheart, I’m going to win you back,” he whispered, touching the door one last time before walking away.



Chapter Twelve



Holding the newspaper clipping in his hand, a sad pair of gray eyes noticed how it was starting to get old and a tiny bit yellow around the edge. However, the memory of the horrible accident was still fresh in his mind like it happened yesterday.

Julian had spent so many years of his life trying to make up for his past, but he still felt like it wasn’t enough and never would be enough. If only he hadn’t made that dumb ass suggestion, his whole life wouldn’t have changed in an instant.

Back then, Rally never allowed himself to get talked into doing anything stupid, but he was always up for the challenge to prove someone wrong. Why did he even take the dare? Why didn’t he leave when Rally kept suggesting it over and over?

No, he wanted to be envied by others and have everyone else want to be like him. Confidence had never been his strongest quality. Most people thought his arrogance was a sign of high confidence. In reality, he constantly wondered if people really saw all of his flaws like he did on a daily basis. Anything he could have done back then to live up to the name Rally had on campus, he would have done it without a second thought.

“I can’t believe it’s time for another anniversary. What am I going to do this year? I’ve tried so many things to make up for my horrible mistake, but nothing seems to take away this pain.”

“Has this place finally driven you to talk to yourself?”

Julian shoved the paper inside his desk and slammed it shut as Sage came further into the room, carrying several bags. “No, I was just thinking about something out loud,” he answered. “Did you buy the store out or something?”

Grinning at him, Sage sat the bags on the floor and then came around his side of his desk. Taking a seat on the edge, she gave a cute wink. “I was out shopping for my apartment and I saw some things that I couldn’t resist. I swear I could win a contest on television for the ‘World’s Best Bargain Shopper.’”

He frowned. “Do I not pay you enough? If you need a raise, I can give you one without a problem”.

He might have a lot going on inside his head at the moment, but he didn’t want to be paying Sage less than what she was worth. She was an outstanding assistant and he always wanted to give her the best he could.

“No, you pay me more than enough. I just love to find deals anytime I can. It’s like my favorite thing to do. So, I went into a shopping coma at my favorite store,
Body Central
. They were having a sale, buy one and get anything else in the store at fifty percent off. I had such a good time.”

“I’m glad you had such a good time.”

Reclining back in his seat, Julian folded his hands on top of his stomach. He wasn’t dumb. He knew
happened between Sage and Rally when he was in the bedroom. However, whenever he brought it up to Sage she would find a way to change the subject.

“I thought the dinner party went well last night, don’t you?”

Sage’s eyes darted around the room and avoided making eye contact with him. “It was okay,” she replied, squirming on his desk.

Now he knew something was up. Sage never acted nervous like this. What did Rally do to her this time?

“I thought it was better than okay. You and Rally weren’t at each other’s throats. Do you think the two of you might mend some fences?”

Sage hopped off his desk and shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe he was on his best behavior for you, because I know it wasn’t for me.”

“You’re wrong. I think Rally was trying to extend an olive branch by coming to our dinner,” Julian said, trying to get a reaction from Sage.

“Nice try, but I don’t care if Rally came with or without Vanity. I have my own life to lead now and it isn’t about pleasing him.”

He wasn’t going to push the subject any further. Was he seeing something that wasn’t there? Why was he shoving Sage towards Rally anyway? He had wanted to date her for a while, and now he was getting his chance. Why was he trying his best to mess it up?

“Sage, I really like you. I’ve had feelings for you for a very long time,” he admitted, touching the back of her hand. He ran his thumb over the back, loving how smooth her skin felt.

Sage placed her hand on top of his. “I like you, too, Julian. I really do enjoy the time we spend together. You meant a lot to me before we starting dating and I hope our bond continues to become stronger.”

As a friend or a boyfriend
, Julian wondered. He wanted to be Sage’s man more than anything in the world, but could he put his baggage on her young shoulders? Rally might be a tough SOB, but he hadn’t done the things Julian had done in the past.

Julian couldn’t think about his situation any longer. He had to give his attention to Sage because she needed him.

“That’s good to hear,” he said, letting go of her hand.

Standing up, he gave Sage a quick kiss before she could move away from him. The kiss wasn’t mind-blowing, but it was nice and sweet, just like her. He really shouldn’t be expecting anything more since they were still in the beginning stages of their relationship.

Soft fingers touched his face as Sage moved back from him. “What was that for?” she whispered, leaning back from him as her soft brown eyes searched his.

“I couldn’t resist. You looked so kissable. Do you mind?”

She shook her head. “No, it was good. I liked it a lot.”

Julian took that as a positive sign Sage might be willing to give him a chance. “Enough to try it again?” He cupped Sage’s face in his hands and slowly lowered his head back down. “Let’s try and see if we can make it even better.” Wrapping his arm around her waist, he tugged her body against his and captured her mouth.




Both of them were so caught up in the kiss, neither Sage nor Julian saw Rally watching them from the open doorway. He watched as Sage wrapped her arms around his best friend’s neck and pulled him closer to her body.

How can they do this to me

Julian knew that he wanted Sage. He might not have spoken the words out loud, but another man knew the signs. Why was Julian doing this to him? He would never betray his friend like this.

Well, he wasn’t going to stand for it. Sage wasn’t going to push him into her past so she could build a future with Julian. They were meant to be together. Rally knew he had to find a way to make Sage see reason before things went too far and she wouldn’t be able to take her mistake back.

Turning on his heel, Rally walked away from the door, hoping if he came back later she would be alone and they would finally be able to talk the way he wanted them to do.



Chapter Thirteen



“Are you sure you can handle being here alone while I’m gone?” Julian asked her for the fourth time. “I can change my plans and stay here with you.”

Sage loved how Julian worried about her so much, but there was no need for him to do it. She would be perfectly fine if he left her for a few hours.

No one was going to come here and bother her. So, it was safe for him to leave for his lunch meeting. He couldn’t miss this lunch because he needed the extra investors to help with the additions he wanted for

“Julian, I think it’s wonderful that you want to add a GED program here. Now go to this lunch and work your magic on these people. Show them what their money is going to be used for. I know those stiff shirts won’t be able to tell you no once they hear your plans.”

“Have I told you how wonderful you are lately?” Julian asked, picking up his briefcase. “I swear I’ll try to be back before everyone gets back from the field trip at the art exhibit.”

“It won’t be a problem,” Sage told Julian. “I know where to send everyone if they get back before you. You seem to forget that I have been here a while. I can handle it. Besides, I have to start making calls about the upcoming charity event.”

He winked at her, then grinned. “I guess you do know what you’re doing. If I’m going to be late I’ll call and let you know.”

“Julian, stop worrying about me and get going. These people agreed to meet with you, so don’t make a bad first impression by being late.”

“Okay, I’m going.” He gave her a quick wave and rushed out the door.

Staring at the empty doorway for a few seconds, Sage made sure Julian wasn’t going to rush back in and ask her another question. When she saw the he wasn’t, she got down to work on the charity event coming up. She had to make about twenty calls and set up things for Julian.




“Are you and Julian sleeping together? Is that why I walked up on the two of you kissing earlier?”

The words were whispered so low that Sage almost didn’t even hear them. She glanced at the door and quickly got herself under control, then laid the pen down on top of the paperwork she had to finish.

“Why were you spying on me and Julian?” she asked instead of answering Rally’s question. She didn’t have to answer to him anymore. They weren’t a couple. Hell, she doubted they were even really friends in the first place.”

She was actually trying to give Julian a fair chance at winning her heart. Why did Rally have to show up looking sexier than any man had the right to without even trying? It wasn’t any of his business if she was sleeping with Julian. He wasn’t the person she got sex advice from.

“What did you just ask me?” Sage questioned. She doubted Rally would repeat the words to her.

“I asked if you were sleeping with my best friend,” he uttered loud and clear, looking straight into her eyes. “I want to know. Julian isn’t right for you. You shouldn’t be sharing his bed. I promise you whatever Julian is doing for you I can do it better.”

She was outraged. How dare Rally ask her something so personal? It was none of his business if she was sleeping with Julian. She wasn’t, of course, but he didn’t need to know. The only thing he needed to be concerned about was leaving her alone.

“Who I’m sleeping with isn’t any of your business. I think you need to turn around and leave.. You don’t want Vanity to find out you were here with me. She’d be so upset and I don’t have time to deal with her .” She waved her hand towards the door and gave Rally a look before picking up the pen again and getting back to the guest list for the charity fundraiser.

“Sage, you’re changing on me. The old you would have been so excited to see me, but now you’re acting like you can’t stand me at all. You’re even insulting to Vanity, which I find very surprising.”

Sighing, she placed her pen back down on the stack of papers. “How do you expect me to act towards you, Rally? I used to love seeing you every day, but you didn’t appreciate it. I mean, every chance you got, you found a way to toss my crush in my face. Hell, you didn’t even stop Vanity from insulting me all of those times. It finally dawned on me that I had to start standing up for myself because no one else was going to do it. I wasn’t going to keep on believing you might fall in love with me. I finally opened my eyes and saw you were never going to care about me.”

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