Tough To Love (8 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Tough To Love
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“This isn’t funny, Rally,” she said, shoving him back from her.

“Sage, I wasn’t─”

“No, don’t even try to tell me you weren’t laughing at me. I shouldn’t have come here while you were at home. It was a mistake that I won’t make again. I can pick up my clothes later.”

Spinning on her heel, Sage walked back towards the front door. It took Rally a minute to realize she was actually walking away from him.

“Sage , damn it. Wait a minute,” he yelled, hurrying after her. He couldn’t let her leave like this.

“Go to hell, Rally,” she yelled over her shoulder, then flung open the front door and almost ran smack into Vanity on the other side.

“Hey, Little Spice,” Vanity’s voice taunted.

Sage stopped and stared down at Vanity. “Stop calling me Little Spice, bitch. It isn’t my name. And if you can’t, I’ll make sure that you do.”

“Sage, don’t you dare leave. We aren’t done talking,” Rally said, stopping behind her.

Turning back around, she glared at him. “Stop bothering me and keep a tighter leash on Vanity. She has one more time to insult me. I’m so tired of the both of you. I’m beginning to think Shawn is right. The two of you do deserve to be together.”

Sage shoved past a shocked Vanity and continued out the door like he hadn’t spoken one word to her. Where had that sudden change come from? He would think about it later. Right now he had to stop her from leaving.

“Sage…Come back here. We aren’t finished talking.” Rally tried to get past Vanity in time to stop Sage, but she got into her car and drove off before he could.

! He hadn’t wanted things to end like that. Sage wasn’t the problem,
was, and the sooner he came to grips with that the better off he would be.



Chapter Nine



A month later the sounds of kids fighting, and chairs being knocked over, had Julian and Sage racing out of his office to find out what was going on. She stopped running and watched as Julian broke up a fight between two boys.

Coming up to the younger boy, she touched him on the shoulder. “Jay, what is going on?” she asked. “Haven’t I warned you that if you got into another fight Julian could kick you out for good?”

“Bitch, you better keep your mouth shut,” the other boy, Mario, screamed at her. “I’m going to kick his ass and there’s nothing you or Julian can do about it.”

“Mario, that’s enough,” Julian shouted. “You’re out of here. It’s best if you leave on your own before I toss you out. I won’t tolerate you disrespecting Ms. Nicole.”

“Julian, it’s okay. I know he’s upset and didn’t mean anything by it,” Sage said, quickly jumping in.

She knew Mario loved coming here. If Julian kicked him out, he would be out on the streets with his older brother in a gang. Something must have happened to make him fly off the handle off like this.

Mario calmed down instantly and stared at her. “Ms. Nicole, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I don’t want to get kicked out. I love coming here after school. If I can’t, I won’t have anything else to do after school.”

“See, Julian?” Sage said, making eye contact with the man standing next to Mario. “I’m sure Jay and Mario will be able to work things out. However, if the two of you get into another fight with each other or anyone else, both of you will be banned from coming back, understood?”

“Are you sure, Sage?” Julian questioned. “I can give them both a two-week suspension. They both know that no fighting is one of the top five rules.”

“NO!” Both boys screamed and then looked at her for help.

Sage hated to punish both boys so harshly for their first mistake, but they did need to be taught a lesson about breaking the rules.

“I don’t think they need to be suspended; however, I think they should have kitchen duty for an entire month. They still need to learn that breaking the rules is wrong.”

“I think that’s fine, but if the guys don’t agree, we’ll go with my plan.”

“We’ll agree,” Mario and Jay said at the same time.

He glanced at both young men. “Good, now go and find something constructive to do before I change my mind,” Julian said, picking up the fallen chairs.

The boys took off so fast to the back room Sage was surprised they didn’t trip over their own two feet. She was glad Julian listened to her instead of allowing his temper to take over.

“What are you going to do when they find out your secret?”

“What secret?”

“How you’re really a nice guy and this tough man routine is just an act?”

“Hopefully never,” Julian laughed. Coming over to her, he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Care to tell me how you got so smart after only working here for a month?”

Jabbing Julian in the ribs with her elbow, Sage laughed when he dropped his arm and held his side. “I’m wounded. You’re kicked out for two weeks.”

“Do you think you can really make it without me for two whole weeks?” she teased.

“Nope,” he grinned. “You’re the person who keeps me calm. I couldn’t do it without you.”

For a moment, Sage had a momentary lapse in judgment and thought about Rally. She wished just once she heard those words from him. But that wasn’t going to happen because he hadn’t spoken to her since she raced out of his house. She had gone back to the house later that day and surprisingly he was nowhere to be found.

“Earth to Sage.” Julian waved his hand in front of her face, regaining her attention.

“Stop it,” she mumbled, swatting his hand out of her face. “I’m listening to you.”

“I think your mind was a million miles away on Rally. Is he still giving you the silent treatment?”

She sighed, tired of discussing Rally. “Can we not talk about him?”

“Stop avoiding the question. I knew that you had a crush on him for a while. Is it still there?” Julian asked cautiously. “I mean would any guy have a chance at getting to know you better?”

Sage’s breath caught in her throat. Was Julian asking her out on a date? She liked Julian a lot, but she wasn’t sure if she ready to date himHe was a wonderful friend. She wanted a man to love, but she didn’t see him as that man. She would rather have him as her good friend.

“Hmm…Julian, I like you a lot.”

“But you’re still in love with him,” Julian finished for her.

“Honestly, I don’t know how I feel. Rally is such a complex man. He tells me one thing and does another. I wouldn’t say I’m in love with him. I’m just torn about how I feel,” she admitted honestly.

“I have a suggestion.”

“What?” Sage would love to hear how she could finally purge sexy Rally Teveare out of her system.

“How about we just date and see where it leads us. I’m not really looking for anything serious myself, but I’m tired of being alone.”

“You can’t be serious.” She gasped. “Julian, you’re a gorgeous man. I know you don’t have to be alone. You never have any problems attracting the opposite sex. I have seen how some of these kids’ moms look at you.”

Julian groaned. “I know, but I’m not interested in them. You’re like a breath of fresh air and I need that right now. Let’s do it. You know it’s a good idea. We can go out and have fun while trying to get our minds off our problems. I love the guy, but if Rally is
too dumb to see you then why waste anymore of your time on him?”

Sage tried to think of a reason to say no. It would be nice to have someone to do things with besides Shawn. He hung out with her when he wasn’t with Lara.

“Okay…I think it’s a great idea.”

Julian gave her a huge smile, making his gray eyes even more amazing. “Good…how about we have our first date tonight? I’ll pick you up after work.”

“I live right across the hall from you.” Sage laughed. “You don’t have to travel that far to get me.”

Julian chuckled. “I’m glad you were able to get the place. Sometimes the waiting list for my building can be over six months long.”

“All right, Mr. Messener. I guess I can play along with you, but remember I don’t want any funny business.”

“I swear I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Scout’s honor.” Julian held up two fingers and smiled at her.

“You were a Scout?” she asked, doubtful.

“For about two days and then I got kicked out,” he answered.

“Do I even want to ask why?”

“It’s better if you don’t. How about we go outside for the picnic and have some fun?”

“Let’s go.” Sage replied, walking next to Julian. She was happier than she had been in a very long time.



Chapter Ten



Thank God, it’s finally over!

Rally thought the meeting would never end as his employees filed out the door. He was working so much now that even Vanity was showing genuine concern for his well-being, which surprised him. He was doing what he loved, yet it wasn’t as fulfilling as it used to be.

During his last year of high school he’d decided to become a stockbroker and, and nothing held him back from achieving it. He had taken all the classes he was required to: economics, business, finance and accountancy. He still remembered the night he stayed up late studying to make sure he got the best grade in the class. His parents had been so proud of him when he graduated at the top of his class landing a job right out of college.

Three days after graduation he started out as a trainee with a firm of stockbrokers. The recruitment process, with the psychometric and aptitude tests, about did him in, but like always he passed them with flying colors along with the interviews.

It was almost time for him to go through another training course so he could keep up-to-date with all the new procedures and regulations coming out next year. However, this year his mind was on other things─

She was the only thing he was constantly thinking about nowadays. He was stupid. He knew that she was intentionally avoiding him. The last time he saw her was at the grocery store but he had been with Vanity. Since he didn’t want them getting into another fight like the one at his house, he turned and walked the other way.

Yesterday, he was having dinner with a client and saw her coming out of a restaurant across the street, holding hands Julian. The sight of them together bothered him so badly. He almost left his meeting; however, he got his jealousy under control just in time.

How could she be around town with Julian like he didn’t even exist to her anymore? Resting his head back against the leather seat of his chair, Rally drummed his fingers on the conference room table. He had been fighting a losing battle for a while when it came to Sage. Her sweetness called to the deepest part of him, making him want to cherish her forever, but could he go back on his word?

Years ago, he made a promise to his grandmother that he would marry the woman she saw in her dream. His grandmother said this woman would love him like no other had, despite problems they may face, and keep the Teveare heritage going.

Closing his eyes, he blew out a deep breath and tried to make himself believe he could spend the rest of his life with Vanity, but he didn’t see it happening. His need for Sage grew daily and he was fighting a losing battle. It was time for him to give it up, break things off with Vanity, and admit defeat. Hopefully, Sage would be in a giving mood and not make him beg for too long.

“Are you working so hard now that you have to take a nap at work?” A soft familiar voice joked from the doorway.

Rally’s eyes opened and peered to the left. He couldn’t keep the grin off his face at the sight of her standing in the doorway. She looked gorgeous in her dark purple dress. It displayed her hourglass body perfectly.

There wasn’t any time like the present to see where things stood with Sage.

“You’re always so concerned about me,” he said. “I like that. So, what brings you by here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” He hadn’t given up on finding a way to make Sage come back here and work for him.

“I’m at lunch and I wanted to stop by and see if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. Julian and I are having a small get-together at his place. You can ask Shawn, but I doubt he’ll come. He spends all of his free time with Lara.”

“Why are you having a party with Julian? What do the two of you have to celebrate?” He stood up and slowly made his way over to Sage. He wanted to be up close and personal when he got this news.

Sage seemed all confident until he got within touching distance, and then she took a step back from him. He tried ignoring the pain that shot straight to his heart.

Had he hurt her so badly that she no longer wanted him close to her?

“Julian and I are going to try and give it a shot.”

“Give what a shot?” Surely, she wasn’t about to tell him something stupid.

“Dating. We’re both single and decided why not.”

How can you date him when you want me
? Rally thought bitterly, but he didn’t say it. Instead, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks, pulling the fabric tight across his thighs.

“Whose idea was this?” he asked.

Sage frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Did you come up with this fictitious relationship or was it Julian?” He couldn’t let Sage ruin her life with Julian. Julian had too much baggage from his past to be placing on her.

“I like him a lot. Julian is an amazing man,” Sage told him. “Why wouldn’t I want to give dating him a shot? What do I have to lose? My God, I can’t do anything right in your eyes, can I, Rally? You tell me to get out of your life and I do it, but it isn’t fast enough. I start trying to build a relationship with another man, yet you think it’s a lie.”

“Sage, I didn’t mean it like that,” Rally said, trying to apologize.

She was such an optimistic, friendly, and upbeat person. If she stayed around Julian too long, Sage would lose that part of herself while helping his friend through his trials and tribulations.

“Julian is too old for you,” he said, trying to go a different angle with her.

“You’re older than Vanity, but you’re dating her,” she tossed back.

“Five years and ten years are two different things. Julian has lived through so much compared to you. I just think it would be better if you didn’t start anything with him.”

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