Tough To Love (17 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Tough To Love
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“I wasn’t expecting to ever fall in love with you. For the longest time I saw you as the little girl who came to live with us, wearing the crooked glasses that never seemed to be able to stay on your nose. However, one day you walked into the room and everything around me went still.

“Somehow, the shy little girl had disappeared and she was replaced by this gorgeous, tempting young woman that I wanted. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the sudden change going on in my mind and body. I wanted you, but I felt guilty and torn by it.

“I made this promise to myself to marry a Shawnee woman, but I had fallen in love with you. I couldn’t go back on my word, so I made a stupid ass mistake by getting involved with Vanity. I knew she was wrong for me on the first date, but I stuck with her like an idiot.

“Days turned into weeks and months. I was so far in my misery that I never saw a way out. All of those times she insulted you I should have stopped her, but I was too caught up in my own personal hell. God, when I think about the times you turned to me for help and I did nothing it still saddens me.”

“Rally, it’s all right,” Sage said.

“No, it isn’t. Julian showed you more love and understanding that I was capable of back then. It took you turning to him to shake some sense into my head. Sweetheart, I can’t lose you. I’m in love with you. I don’t want any other woman to be my wife or the mother of my children.”

Tears streamed down Sage’s soft brown cheeks and he prayed they were ones of joy and not pain. He wouldn’t be able to take it if she had truly gotten over her love for him because of his bad decisions. Getting off the couch, Rally pulled a ring box from his pocket and got down on one knee.

“Rally, what are you doing?” Sage gasped in shock, placing her hands against her chest.

“Something I should have done at your graduation party weeks ago,” he admitted.

Flipping open the velvet box, he showed her the huge diamond on the inside. “Sage, baby, I’m in love with you. I want to watch you eat dry cereal on the couch and cuddle with you on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me for all of the pain I’ve caused you? Will you marry me?”

He held his breath while Sage stared at the ring and then finally looked at him. He couldn’t tell a thing she was thinking by looking into her beautiful brown eyes. God, he had truly ruined his future with her. Rally didn’t know how he could come back from the agonizing disappointment.

“I’ve spent so many years dreaming about this very moment,” Sage said, staring at him. “I used to have different versions of it each and every time, but none of them came close to hearing you tell me you were in love with me.”

Hope filled Rally, but he couldn’t allow himself to go too far until he heard the words. “Is that a yes? Are you agreeing to marry me?”

Sage nodded as tears poured down her face. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

His fingers shook as he took the diamond out of the box and slid the ring on Sage’s finger. Seeing it on there would be a sight that he would never forget. Standing up, he pulled her into his arms. Today was a day he would never forget.

“Darling, you don’t know how you just made me the happiest man in the world,” he whispered, then kissed her.

Moving back, Rally stared down in Sage’s face. “I want you. I thought I could wait, but I can’t.”

“I don’t know,” she whispered. “Do you think we should wait?”



Chapter Twenty-Two



Reaching out, he cupped one of her breasts in his hands. “Have you forgotten how I sucked and licked at your nipples back at
? They tasted so good in my mouth, like warm chocolate. I can do even more now since we are engaged,” he promised as he undid her shirt and bra, tossing them to the floor.

“Rally,” Sage moaned, running her fingers through his hair.

“Shhh…just let me show you how much I love your beautiful body,” Rally growled before he pulled a taut nipple into his mouth, sucking until Sage felt her legs give way.

Picking her up, his mouth never left her breast as he carried her through the door and down the hallway to his bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and covered her with his body. He let go of her nipple and started licking at the other one. “Tell me that you love me. I need to hear the words. I haven’t heard them in so long.”

“I love you.”

Green eyes locked with hers as Rally stood up and, before she could move, quickly stripped her out of the remainder of her clothes. Spreading her legs wide with one hand, he eased three fingers inside of her body. “You are mine forever, Sage. I’m not ever going to let you go. It took me too long to get you,” he swore, tracing her clit slowly and making her body burn for him.

“My body doesn’t want anyone else but you,” she answered honestly. Sage bit back a moan and lifted her body as Rally joined her on the bed.

“It shouldn’t because it knows how it belongs only to me.” He ran his tongue down the side of her neck. “You know that I’m just as much into this as you are.”

He was driving her crazy with his touches.

“Yes, I know.” She never doubted that Rally was attracted to her. Sage closed her eyes and got lost in the moment.

“Sage, look at me,” he uttered.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. “What?”

Rally cupped her chin and turned her head until she made eye contact. “Sage, I love you. You’re my world, and I’m going to do everything in my power to prove how much you mean to me.”

“Show me how much you love me. Wipe all of those bad memories out of my mind.”




Rally caught his breath because it felt like his heart literally stopped in the middle of his chest. Did he hear Sage correctly? She wanted him to make love to her? He couldn’t ruin this. It had to be perfect because Sage was everything to him.

“Are you sure?” he asked, placing small kisses along the side of her neck. The softness of her skin was almost his undoing.

“I’m positive,” she whispered, tracing the side of his face.

I swear I’m not going to blow this
, he promised himself.

Removing his body from Sage’s, he stood up and slowly stripped off his clothing. His shirt floated to the floor behind him, but he ignored it. He was only
focused on making this night as memorable for Sage as possible.

“You’re so beautiful,” she whispered, sitting on the bed. Her small fingers reach out to touch his chest but he jerked back before she made contact, and he saw the sudden hurt in her eyes.

Catching her hand before it landed on the bed, he placed it in the middle of his chest. “Sweetheart, touch me anyway you want. I want your hands on me.”

His body vibrated with need as Sage trailed her fingers down his chest until she stopped at the bulge threatening to spill out of his pants.

“Do you promise not to pull out this time or say anything to destroy it for us?”

Lord, he wasn’t an idiot.

“I swear the only thing I’m going to do is take it slow,” he whispered. Rally gently removed Sage’s soft touch before he lost control.

“Why did you do that?” she asked.

 “Baby, you’ve got to stop or I won’t be able to continue.”

Taking off the last of his clothes, he stood there naked and let Sage’s chocolate eyes travel over him. He felt his cock swell and grow even thicker. He was dying to be inside of her wet pussy, but he could handle this. She deserved to take all of the time she wanted.

“Are you nervous?” he asked, joining her on the bed.

The breath rushed from his lungs as her body connected with the warmth of his. He heard the small moaning sounds as they escaped Sage’s mouth as she wiggled underneath him.

“No, I’m not,” she finally whispered, caressing his back with the tips of her fingers. “Please, Rally, make love to me. I have been waiting
long for this to happen.”

“Oh, sweetheart, I’m going to make love to you like you’re the finest piece of china.”

Slipping his knee between her warm thighs, he gently eased them apart and placed the tip of his cock against her wetness. He felt her instant withdrawal. “Baby, don’t panic. I want you to get used to the feel of me. Remember I’ve been inside of you before.”

He didn’t want any misunderstanding. Now wasn’t a time for mistakes. Tonight was going to bind them on a deeper level than she knew. Cupping her face in his hands, he nibbled softly at her sensual lips. “You’re mine. I’m not going to ever lose you again.”

“I’m yours as long as you want me.” Sage breathed, then pulled his mouth down for a slow, soft kiss.

As much as he tried to hold onto his control, it snapped. Grabbing Sage’s wrists, Rally gently pulled them above her head. His eyes zoned in on how the position made her breasts perfect for his mouth. He kissed the valley between them and then took each nipple into his mouth, teasing and sucking at them.

Sage shocked him by throwing her leg over his. “Please, Rally. Baby, I can’t stand it. I need you inside of me.” She squirmed against the sheets, begging him to take her, but he held back, wanting her
crazy with desire for him.

Letting go of her wrists, he skimmed his hands over her sweaty body. Masculine pride filled him as he realized he was the one who brought Sage’s body to this point. Rally dropped his fingers lower and traced her wet folds to make sure he could give her everything that he promised and more.

“Oh, I need….something,” she cried in one breath and panted in the next. “Please….Rally.”

He kissed her, swallowing down her words, and thrust three fingers inside her pussy. Her body bucked and his erection grew another inch. He was beyond ready to make Sage his in every sense of the word.

Needing a few more minutes to get himself back under control, Rally kissed Sage, unleashing the passion he had been holding in for a while. Slipping his tongue inside, he traced every spot in there, foreshadowing how he wanted his hard body to mingle with her softer one. He slowly left her mouth and spread kisses all over her face, enjoying the feel of her hands as they roamed lightly over his back.

“Oh, Rally…love me. Love me tonight like this will last forever,” Sage pleaded, pulling at his hips. She reached between their bodies and stroked him.

Biting back a curse, he gripped her hand and pulled it from his throbbing body. Rally’s entire being trembled with the raw need to take Sage, but he didn’t. Instead, he worked his way down her body, pausing to cherish every part that he found sexy and worthy of his attention. However, he left the part she wanted loved the most alone.

Sage’s nails clawed at his back. She screamed as his body was about to give her what she finally wanted. He took a minute and settled his body between her silky thighs.

“Sage, look at me,” Rally whispered.

Soft brown eyes locked with his. “This is going to be different from the last time. You’re going to feel me to the deepest part of your soul.” Not giving her a chance to respond, Rally captured Sage’s mouth with his and entered her with one long, sure stroke.

Her body flinched at his sudden entry, but he held her to him and kissed her slowly, trying to ease the pain from her. “I’m so sorry, baby,” he breathed by her ear. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you okay?”

A single tear slid down Sage’s smooth brown cheek, making his heart catch in his chest. Her silence was scaring him. Sage was so vocal. He had hurt her and she was in too much pain to tell him.

“Sweetheart, answer me. As much as it would pain me I can stop.” He started to pull out when Sage wrapped her legs around his hips. The slight movement pulled him deeper into her moist body.

“No, I’m fine. I don’t want you to stop.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down and kissed him.

That was all the encouragement that he needed. Slipping his hands underneath her hips, he pumped his body in and out of hers, marveling in how perfectly they fit together. Sage tore her mouth away from his and her head fell back against the pillow. Soft cries left her mouth as he sped up his thrusts. He was determined to burn this memory into her mind forever.

He didn’t even flinch when Sage grabbed a handful of his hair and screamed as her orgasm rocked through her body. It only made him harder. Unwrapping her legs from his hips, he held them apart and plunged into her warmth as far as he could go before he erupted, pouring his seed deep into her womb.

Collapsing on Sage’s body from blindsiding pleasure, Rally couldn’t speak for a few seconds. He got lost in the feel of still being inside of welcoming heat and the sweet sounds of her soft breathing beneath him.

“That was fucking unbelievable,” he groaned, withdrawing from her. He pulled her to his side, planted a kiss on her temple, and then tucked her head under his chin.

“Sweetheart, I love you,” he whispered.

Leaning on his chest, Sage pressed her fingers against his lips. He gave them a quick nibble before she moved them away. “Can we not talk? I just want to savor this. I never thought it would happen.”

Rally nodded. It wasn’t like Sage was going anywhere. She was wearing his ring, but more than anything she knew now how much he truly loved her. “Alright, how about we take a nap and then we can talk later about our wedding?”

Sage stared at him. “Okay, we’ll talk about it after our nap, but not now.”

“Fine,” he agreed.

He quickly covered them with a black satin sheet and wrapped Sage up in his arms. He was never going to let her go again. “Sage, I love you.”

Seconds passed while he waited for Sage to acknowledge his statement, but nothing came. Glancing down, he noticed Sage was already asleep. “I’ll let you rest because I’ve plans for us later.” He gently pushed a lock of hair off her forehead and then joined her in a blissful sleep.



Chapter Twenty-Four



Rolling over in the bed, Sage looked at Rally sleeping peacefully next to her. One arm was thrown across his washboard stomach and the other one was by his head. Despite the fact the sheet was twisted around his hips, she could still see the outline of his erection.

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