Toxic (Addiction #1) (10 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Toxic (Addiction #1)
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Willow pulled Maisy into a hug and held her tight. It was a comforting act of affection that Maisy missed out on growing up and whenever she received a hug, she made sure to revel in it.

“Don’t worry about us; we have talent and we can make it on our own. It may take longer, but we could do it. Don’t let the worry of us losing what we have now affect you. I can tell you were hurting earlier today. You can’t let him affect you like that. You need to be that confident woman I know and love. You hear me? Don’t lose yourself in his confusing bullshit. If you want him, take him.”

Willow was right. Maisy just had to find the confidence to get what she wanted. The new dress and hair was a start. They touched up their lipstick and went back to the table.

It didn’t even seem like they had been gone; everyone was engaged in conversation, even Rook. Maisy took her seat and smiled brightly at everyone, trying not to show the fact that she had a mini mental freak out in the bathroom.

“Everything okay?” Rook asked, while placing his hand on her thigh and whispering in her ear.

Maisy plastered on the brightest smile she could muster and tried not to think of the strong, firm hand that was gripping her leg and running slow circles along her inner thigh.

“Great.” She looked around and noticed Cruz was gone. “Where’s Cruz?”

A flash of disappointment crossed Rook’s eyes as he pulled away from her.

“He went to go see if the carpet matched the drapes.”

“What?” Maisy asked, confused.

“Don’t worry about it,” Kaid said laughing. “I ordered for you, kid. I hope that’s alright.”

“That’s fine. I know you know what I like. By the way, I didn’t get to tell you, you look good. Quinn really knows how to make you look like a decent human,” Maisy said jokingly.

“Back at ya. I think I can almost tell if you’re a lady or not.”

“I know, right? I’m almost as feminine as you.”

Maisy heard Rook chuckle to himself at her banter with Kaid, but refused to acknowledge him. If he wanted her, she was going to play hard to get. Plus, she hadn’t spent that much time with Kaid ever since they signed to go on tour, so she would spend her dinner entertaining herself with stories from Kaid, not worrying about the piercing stare she could feel coming from Rook.




Grey didn’t know how much more he could take. He shifted in his seat multiples times, thought about his mother, grandmother, and even tried to picture the nasty-ass-shits Cruz went into great detail about, but no matter what, he couldn’t get rid of the hard on he had ever since he saw Willow walk out of the studio.

She was a walking wet dream for any man, horny or not. It was as if Quinn was trying to torture him with the clothes she picked out for Willow. The dress she was wearing was almost lingerie it was so indecent. The neckline plunged to below her breasts, so he got a great view of what she had to offer. The fabric was so tight around her body that he could see indents where her hips met the V of her abs.

He wanted to run his hands up her dress and see what scantily clad underwear she was wearing underneath, if anything at all because when she bent over to get into the limo earlier, Grey got a good peek at her ass and there was not one panty line in sight.

Quinn looked good as always, sweet in a little bow dress. Her hair was twisted into a braid and she had a bow in the back. She wore her high heels that always drove him crazy, but for some unknown reason, they weren’t doing it for him this time. Maybe it was because the woman sitting next to him wore higher, sexier heels that were driving him crazy.

She didn’t even have to do anything, she just had to sit there and be Willow. He was ashamed of himself for not being able to control his feelings toward another woman, especially since he was so in love with Quinn.

The urge to go to the bathroom was hitting him hard from all the wine he was drinking, but with the hard on he was sporting, he was more apt to pee on his face rather than in the toilet bowl, so he stayed seated.

Quinn’s hand ran across his leg. “You seem tense,” she said, while leaning in. Her hand brushed against his crotch and he nearly jumped out of his seat from the friction it caused. “Oh my,” Quinn said with a grin. “I think I need to go to the bathroom, will you come with me?”

Knowing that relief was coming his way, he stood up and walked away with her. He looked back at Willow and saw clear disappointment run through her eyes. He knew the feeling.

Quinn opened the men’s bathroom and locked the door behind them.

“I knew these heels would get to you; they always do.”

She sidled up next to him and he placed both his hands on her narrow hips.

“You look good, doll.”

“Good enough to get you off in the men’s bathroom while our friends wait for us to return?”

The mention of their friends made Grey think of Willow and her tight, but luscious body. He felt himself grow harder and he nodded at Quinn’s question.

She started to undo his pants and he leaned his head back to enjoy the sweet release of his pent up passion for another woman. He knew it was wrong, so wrong, but for the love of God, he couldn’t help himself.

“You’re so hard. I should wear these heels more often.”

“Maybe in bed,” Grey squeezed out, as Quinn bent down in front of him.

Her breath caressed the head of his cock, making him beg for her lips on his raging cock. Fuck, he was so hard that if he didn’t find release soon, he was going to die of repressed orgasm. He reached down to start stroking his cock but was stopped by Quinn.

“Oh no you don’t. I’m doing this all by myself.”

She ran her hands up his thighs and slowly cupped his balls. He felt his cock surge and his hips flex forward. If she didn’t take him soon he was going to explode all over her face.

Finally, she stroked his length with her small hand and then placed her mouth over his cock, bringing him deep into her mouth. His knees went weak from the amount of pleasure she was giving him. Flashes of Willow’s body started rolling through his head as Quinn pumped him in and out of her mouth. Willow’s breasts taunted him as he reached down and placed his hands in Quinn’s hair to make sure she didn’t stop.

She licked the underside of his cock as he felt his balls tighten up. He was going to explode. He threw his head back once again and envisioned Willow getting into the limo one last time before he exploded. Quinn soaked him up as he stood against the wall, helpless. Quinn cleaned him up and put him back in his pants. He was panting like a dog in heat and he felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. Not just from the amount of pleasure that rolled through his body, but because he felt so damn guilty. His long-time, beautiful and sweet girlfriend just blew him in a public place while he thought of the girl that had been haunting his dreams for a week.

He was a dickhead of epic proportions.




The night seemed to drag on once Maisy started ignoring him. He thought he had her hooked until she asked where Cruz was. He was so damn prideful, he failed to realize that she was just being genuinely curious as to where he was and not upset that Cruz was not at the table. By the time Rook realized his mistake, Maisy had turned her whole body away from him and spent the rest of the night talking to Kaid.

Rook had a miserable night; the only good thing about it was the perfume Maisy was wearing that he was able to take in even though she was ignoring him. Thankfully, dinner was finally over and they were headed back to the studio that also had rooms for the band members so they didn’t have to stay in a hotel. It was one of the ways they liked to save money, plus they had access to a studio anytime they wanted.

Everyone was feeling pretty good, thanks to the wine, except for Rook. For once in his life he didn’t get lost in a bottle of alcohol and he knew it was because a melody kept running through his head and if he drank, he was going to lose it.

Once they got back to the studio, they all went their separate ways. Rook quickly changed into a pair of sweats and one of his favorite t-shirts and went to the studio. He needed some time with a piano to hammer out the tune that was floating through his head.

The sound was sweet, yet edgy at times. If he had to admit it to himself, it reminded him so much of Maisy, it hurt. She was beginning to be his muse and he didn’t like it. Whenever she was around, inspiration hit him and he itched for a pen and some paper. After smelling her all night, lyrics and tunes were floating around in his head that needed to be written.

He turned on one light in the studio that was over the piano and sat down on the black bench as he placed his fingers on the familiar ivory keys. The piano was the first instrument he learned to play. He didn’t learn on a grand piano like the one that was in front of him, no he learned on a stolen Casio his dad bought off of a man for a bag of weed. Rook tried not to think of how his dad got him the piano when he played it and, instead, focused on the music that flowed from his fingers.

Whenever he was feeling out of place or homesick, he sidled up next to a piano and played the first song he ever learned how to play, “Hot Cross Buns.” He was damn good at it too.

He started playing the familiar tune that he learned at the ripe age of ten as he lit up a cigarette from the pack that was on the piano. He was just getting into the meat of the elementary song when there was a big crash behind him. Jumping off the bench and dropping the cigarette in the ashtray, he looked into the dark to see a figure dancing around.

He walked over to where the figure was moving and saw Maisy jumping about, holding her foot in her hand and swearing to herself.

“You ok there?”

“Jesus!” Maisy screamed, as she flew back and hit the wall, holding her heart with her hands. “You scared the ever living fuck out of me. Why are you in the dark? Were you playing the piano?”

Rook tried not to laugh hysterically at the sight in front of him. Maisy was wearing little boy shorts and a matching tank top that had hearts all over it. She was still holding her foot while her hair was frazzled from jumping around everywhere.

“Yeah, that was me. What did you think it was?”

She looked around sheepishly, released her foot and tried to fix her hair. “I don’t know…maybe a ghost or something.”

Rook threw his head back and laughed wholeheartedly.

“A ghost? Really? Damn that’s so fucking cute.”

He took Maisy at her waist and lifted her up so she didn’t have to walk.

“What are you doing?”

“Bringing you to the bench so you don’t have to walk on your stubbed toe. I can be a nice guy at times.”

“That’s hard to believe.”

Like a dagger to his heart, her comment struck him hard. Normally he didn’t care whether or not people thought he was a bastard because most of the time he was, but when it came to Maisy, he wanted her to think highly of him, to think he was a good guy.

He set her down and then sat next to her on the bench. Their shoulders touched as Rook tried to ignore the burning heat that was running through his body from her touch.

“You play?” he asked, nodding at the piano.

“Not really. Willow and I used to play Chopsticks, but that’s pretty much it.”

“Let’s do it then,” Rook said, placing her fingers on the keys. “Start us off.”

Maisy looked at him confused, but then started playing her part. Rook joined in and soon enough they were playing the piano together, probably one of the most overplayed songs ever on the piano but they were together and that was all that mattered to him at the moment.

Rook free-styled his part, which caused Maisy to stop and look at him with a pondering look.

“You’re really good, you know that?”

“Eh, I’m no Elton John.”

“No and thank God because that would be depressing as hell.”

“And why is that?” Rook asked with a smirk.

Maisy took the time to look him up and down, spending more time staring at his chest and face. He had never felt himself flush before in his life, but God damn if he wasn’t blushing from her once-over. Maybe he did need to start taking Midol like Cruz suggested.

“It would be such a shame for a pretty face like yours to only entice the male audience.”

“Pretty face?” Rook asked, almost insulted that she referred to him as pretty and not ruggedly handsome or all male. No, he was pretty in her eyes. If that didn’t bring down his machismo level, he didn’t know what did.

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