Toxic (Addiction #1) (13 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Toxic (Addiction #1)
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“You’re so damn hot, you know that?” He looked her in the eyes. “I think about you all the time and it’s slowly eating away at me. I think about you while my girlfriend sucks my cock and I think about you in the shower while I try to relieve the pressure you build up in me. You’re trouble with a capitol T and you know it. I can’t do anything about it though because I’m with Quinn and I love her. So I’m asking you to please let me be because I don’t have much will left in my body to resist you.”

His confession was exciting, but also heartbreaking. She didn’t want to leave him alone, especially not after he just told her he thought about her all the time. No, she was going to get what she wanted. She’d had a shitty life up until this point and it was high time she started cashing in all her I.O.U’s from life. She was going after Grey.

Instead of backing down, Willow ground her hips against his, forcing him to exhale sharply from the movement, causing heated friction between them. She maneuvered her hips so they were grinding against each other to non-existent music. She was doing all the work, but she didn’t care because it felt so damn good.

Chills ran up her arms at the harsh breaths that were coming from Grey, from his control slowly slipping away. She wanted to push him, she wanted to see how far he would go, and she wanted to see if he would lose his mind and finally take her mouth in his like she so desperately wanted.

She continued to grind against him as he stood motionless, just enjoying the ride. There was no touching besides where their hands and hips met. A light sheen of sweat spread across Willow’s body as she shifted her body harder against his, reveling in the firm erection she rubbed against. She forgot where she was, what was going on around her and what a night she had, all she could think about was rubbing against Grey and driving them both crazy.

Her body couldn’t take much more. She could feel herself start to tighten up and never did she think she could orgasm from dry humping but she was seconds away from it.

“Fuck, what are you doing to me?” Grey asked in a strangled voice as he slightly thrust for the first time against her.

She didn’t say anything. Instead, she wrapped her leg around Grey’s waist, hooking him closer to apply more pressure to her center and continued to grind as he stood above her, holding her hands. The minute he groaned in the back of his throat, she lost all control and finally released the tension that built up in her body the minute she met Grey in person.

She moaned uncontrollably as she dry humped the shit out of Grey. Before she could get him off with her own maneuvers, he pulled away and turned around so she couldn’t see him finish pumping away. She knew he finished when a strangled moan escaped from his lips. She would have helped him pleasure himself if she wasn’t so spent from her own orgasm.

When she finally caught her breath, she looked over at Grey who was hunched over with his hands on his knees. She went over to him and put her hands on his back. He instantly stood up and turned away from her as if she was an incurable disease.

He looked at her with those perfect blue eyes and she felt herself starting to melt. Then his eyes went stern and his jaw tightened. Whatever he was going to say next, she wasn’t going to like.

“Leave me alone, please Willow,” he said, while his hand was on his forehead, as if he couldn’t believe what just happened, that she just got him off from some light petting.

“Why are you denying this?” she asked, while waving between the two of them.

“This…can’t be anything. What just happened was nothing and can never be anything, you hear me? I’m in love with Quinn. I’m not in love with you. I’m just…I’m just…I don’t know what I am, but this can’t happen again. If you cared about me at all, you would just leave me alone.”

Willow felt like her heart was ripping in two from his words but she didn’t let it show, she wouldn’t.

“I don’t want to.”

“Please!” he practically shouted. “I can’t stay away from you, Willow. All I want is to bury myself deep inside you, but I can’t. Please do this for me, Willow. I can’t resist you and I don’t want to hurt Quinn. Please just stay away until I can figure out what the hell is going on.”


Grey came up to her and stroked the side of her cheek with his large, callused hand.

“Please, beautiful. Do this for me.”

Willow turned into a pathetic puddle from his touch. How could she deny him what he wanted when he talked in such a soothing tone and called her beautiful?

“Okay,” was all she said.

He nodded and walked out the door, leaving her alone but completely satisfied. He liked her and couldn’t resist her. She would leave him alone for now, but hell if she wasn’t going to mind fuck him. She belonged with Grey, not Quinn, and Willow was going to make damn sure Grey realized that.




Maisy tossed and turned in her bunk. They were incredibly small spaces so every time she rolled over, trying to get comfortable, she found herself banging the wall or the ceiling. By the end of the tour, she was going to be completely black and blue from unintentionally abusing herself in her bunk.

She was on a high from the concert and didn’t think she would ever come down from it. Their set list kept running through her head, the praise from the label and the screaming crowd. She knew when they were finally able to play at a legit venue, it was going to be one of the best feelings in the world, but she didn’t know she was going to feel like she was untouchable.

The label was extremely happy at the reviews critics were giving Twisted Perfection. They were planning on launching a huge media campaign once the album was ready which was priority number one. Luckily, the next couple of venues the bands would be touring at had corresponding studios that the label either owned or had a partnership with. The producer for their album, Harper Wiggins, was being flown around to different locations to make sure their sound and vibe was consistent.

Luckily, the label was very happy with the songs that Twisted Perfection already had, so they didn’t have to change much. The label had two songs they wanted to add to the album, which surprisingly, the band was able to tweak a little to make their own. Shattered Souls gave them the rights to their song, “You Don’t Know Me” to put on their album as an extra track, which was amazing because the song was already a hit.

Maisy could feel things happening for her and her friends. The excitement was almost too much to contain, leaving her sleepless. Instead of constantly abusing herself in the small bunk, she tore her blanket off, threw on her fuzzy slippers and tiptoed out to the front of the bus where the only breathing human in the vicinity was the driver, Al.

She pulled out the leather notebook that Kaid had given her and started writing down how she was feeling. Even if no lyrics came to mind, at least she could release some of the excitement she was feeling.

Normally, when an exciting thing happened in a person’s life, they had the privilege to call their parents and share the excitement with them, but that wasn’t an option for Maisy. Her mom was dead and her dad was in jail, so instead, she wrote her life away.

The dull hum of the bus driving down the vacant highway ran through her ears as the pen in her hand floated across the parchment paper in her notebook. She wasn’t even sure if what she was writing made any sense, but as she continued to write, she felt at ease. Music and writing were the two solid things in her life, not even Kaid and Willow fell into those categories. She knew they would always be a part of her life, but she never put her trust fully into people because they could very rapidly change with the snap of two fingers.

She trusted herself and herself alone. She did put some trust in Willow and Kaid, but she knew there was always the slight possibility that, one day, they could turn on her. If her own father could take away the love a child craves for and abuse it instead, then anyone could do that to her.

“What are you doing up?” came that deep baritone voice she was way too familiar with.

She nearly flew out of the bench seat she was sitting in and screamed. She held her heart and breathed heavily as she looked up at the piercing blue eyes that haunted her dreams. He looked damn good. He rubbed one eye as he looked down at her with the look of a sleepy boy. He was shirtless, which made Maisy itch to feel his skin to see if it was as hard as she thought it was.

“You need to stop scaring the ever living shit out of me.”

“I would prefer not to scare the shit out of you because, frankly, that’s mortifying to think about.”

Maisy flushed at his comment. It was mortifying to think about. If she ever accidently shit in front of Rook, she would retire herself as a human and just walk away. Her life would be absolutely over.

Changing the subject from bodily excrements, she asked, “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Nah, I never sleep through a night unless I’m completely trolled.”


“Wasted, fucked to a bliss, half in the bag…drunk.”

“Got it,” Maisy said, while holding up her hand.

“What were you thinking about before I walked in. Your brow was all crinkled,” he said while pointing to her forehead.

“Nothing much, just my parents.”

Rook nodded his head as he looked around. “You close with them?”

A maniacal laugh escaped her mouth. “No, my mom is dead and my dad’s in jail.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’m not.” Maisy closed her notebook. “The sick bastard deserves it.” She didn’t know why, but she felt like she needed to explain her life to Rook, as if he would understand. “My dad used to touch me when I was little. He didn’t start until after my mom died. His abuse was finally reported to officials after a couple of years and he was put in jail. That’s why I ended up in the foster care system and luckily met Willow and Kaid.

“Yeah, I meant sorry about your mom.”

“Oh…” Maisy felt mortified that he showed absolutely no emotion toward her story.

“I hope that fucker gets what he deserves in jail,” Rook said casually.

Alright, she would take that. He was a man of little worlds, but the words that he did happen to share with the world did have an impact. She could tell by the way he looked at her that he truly was sorry for her family’s shortcomings.

“Why were you thinking about your parents?”

“I thought how it would have been nice to share tonight with them, if they were still around. I feel like I’m on such a high from the concert that I wanted to tell someone but…really have no one to tell.”

Rook shifted in his seat and all of a sudden looked visibly uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and said, “You guys were decent tonight.”

Decent? Well, that was a slap to the face. Decent was a backhanded way to compliment a band that you didn’t particularly care for. Decent was a way to say hey, you did it, but you could have been a whole hell of a lot better. Decent didn’t top the charts. Decent didn’t win Grammys. No, decent sent you packing back up to go play in the skank bars where men groped waitresses as their wives waited for their return at home.

Maisy tried not to get offended, but she had a hard time hiding her feelings.

“Decent? Really, that’s all you have to say?”

“It was your first show. What else do you want me to say?”

“You’re such an ass. I thought that maybe you were being a dick just to avoid me because, for some odd reason, you like to torture yourself when you like something but no, you’re just a giant ass with a huge amount of wasted talent.”

“Is that supposed to insult me?”

Frustrated, Maisy slammed her book on the table and looked Rook in the eyes.

“You’re infuriating. You think you’re so much better than everyone…”

“That’s where you’re wrong, boo. I know I’m not and I know I’m the piece of crap you think I am; you don’t have to tell me. I can see it all over your face. You don’t care about me as a person, so don’t even try to act like you do. I’m just a pretty face to you, an infatuation you’ve had ever since we came out with our first hit. I get it; that’s how everyone sees me. So don’t sit there and try to act like you have some interest in me, when I know all you want is my dick.”

Maisy had no clue what she was doing until her hand made contact with Rook’s face, breaking the dull silence of the bus with a giant smack of flesh meeting flesh.

Rook didn’t even flinch when her hand made contact with his face, as if he expected the reaction. Like he knew it was coming, like he was actually fishing for the physical contact.

“Maybe if you actually opened up to people so they could get to know you instead of using your dick as a cure-all, then people would actually care about you as a person.”

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