Toxic (Addiction #1) (29 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Toxic (Addiction #1)
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“Where are the guys?” Maisy asked.

Kaid looked around as his brow crinkled. “I don’t know. Maybe they had some promotional things to do beforehand.”

“Maybe,” Maisy said, skeptically.

Quinn wasn’t even around. It was almost kind of eerie, being backstage and only having roadies surrounding them as they tried to set up the stage for Shattered Souls.

“Oh hey, there’s Landon,” Kaid said. “Hey dude.”

Landon looked at them with a look of disgust, which was very unlike Landon. He was always a happy go lucky guy, making people laugh and always staying as far away from the drama as possible. Unlike Cruz who thrived for a good juicy tidbit.

Landon walked over to them and stood in front of Maisy. He towered over her as he looked at her with disdain. The look in his eyes was startling, so she took a step back so she could regain her personal space bubble.

“I just want to let you know, you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us. Leave Rook alone. He doesn’t need you using him for your own damn personal growth. Figure it out on your own. We all did.”

Maisy didn’t get a chance to respond because Landon took off, grabbed a water and talked to a roadie about his drumming needs. Maisy’s heart fell to the floor once she realized what Landon was talking about. Somehow Rook found out about Pete’s fucked up plan and he took it the wrong way.

“Fuck,” Maisy muttered. “I need to find Rook.”

One of the production assistants came up to them. “You guys need to head back stage. Pete has some time-sensitive documents for you to sign.”

Maisy looked at Kaid, but he shook his head. “You can talk to Rook after the concert. We have to go, baby girl.”

Maisy conceded and headed back to where Pete was waiting for them. The last thing she wanted to do was look at Pete, but she knew she needed to be professional, so that was why she sat through their meeting, nodded her head in agreement as Kaid handled everything, and tried not to sneer at Pete whenever he looked at her.

Her heart was breaking as she thought about Rook out on the stage, thinking she used him to get ahead. That was not the case at all. Even if she wasn’t trying to launch her band’s career, she still wouldn’t have been able to keep herself away from Rook. No matter how much she tried to stay away from him, she knew she couldn’t and not because he was a famous musician. No, it was because they had a connection, one she never felt before, not even with Kaid or Willow. It was as if she was made for Rook.

The meeting with Pete dragged on and, before she knew it, it was midnight and they were finally leaving the building. They were going to take off for their next venue in a few hours, once the stage was packed and ready to go, so they had some time before they needed to be on their bus.

Maisy decided that she needed to see Rook and explain, even though none of the boys from Shattered Souls wanted her anywhere near them. She didn’t care, she needed to explain to Rook what happened.

Music blared in the air as she walked up to Shattered Souls’ tour bus. Worry coursed through Maisy’s body as she reached for the handle of the bus. She knew she should just go back to her bus, but she needed to talk to Rook and she needed to see what the hell was going on in their bus. She prayed it was just Cruz having a good time.

She opened the door and the bus was barely lit with just the track lighting that lined the floor. Music blared from the speakers, which was louder than being in a club. The smell of alcohol permeated the air and there were barely clad women everywhere. In the driver’s seat sat Cruz with a woman on his lap and her tongue down his throat. Landon was dancing with three women as he held a beer in the air. But what made her want to throw up was the sight that was on the couch.

Rook was sitting on the couch, with his arms lining the back of it, holding a glass of amber liquid in one hand while a bare breasted woman sat on his lap, giving him a lap dance. She swiveled her hips to the beat of the music as Rook stared at her tits, tits that were much bigger than Maisy’s.




“I hope everything is going to be okay with Maisy and Rook,” Willow said to Kaid who was out in the living room. She slipped a shirt over her head, brushed her hair quickly and then met Kaid to play some Mario Kart.

“I know. I like Pete and all, but he can’t be screwing around with our lives like that. Maisy had absolutely no intention of using Rook or any of the Shattered Souls for that matter to get ahead. She’s not like that. Now, if it was you…” Kaid trailed off with a smile as he picked Toad to be his driver.

Willow whacked his arm. “I resent that statement.”

“Please, the reason why we’ve gotten as far as we have is because of those two milk sacs on your chest.”

“Can you not call them that, please? The thought of another human being, besides a well-endowed man, sucking on them for anything more than pleasure is beyond disturbing.”

Kaid laughed. “You know that’s why God made them, to feed our children.”

“No, that is just something the hippy, hemp wearing moms came up with. Tits were made to get ahead in the world and spur on mind blowing orgasms. They are purely sexual.”

Kaid just shook his head at her.

Willow selected Peach as her driver because the noises Peach made annoyed the crap out of Kaid and because she was actually pretty decent.

“Come on, you know I hate Peach.”

“That’s why I chose her.”

“It’s Peach!” Kaid said in a high-pitched voice, mocking the annoyingly bubbly, pink princess. “Fuck, she’s irritating. We’re putting this on mute.”

“The hell we are. If I have to deal with your bulbous head of a driver, you have to deal with Peach. Now, pick a damn course so I can kick your ass.”

Willow was actually quite horrible at Mario Kart, but she still played because she knew one of these days she was going to surpass Kaid in his animated driving skills. They never had the luxuries of video games growing up, so when they saw that the label put a Nintendo Wii on their bus, they were stoked. Yes, they acted like teenagers when they played, but it was a part of their childhood they never got to experience so they didn’t care.

Kaid ruled all the high scores, but he was schooled when any of the boys from Shattered Souls came over to play. Willow and Maisy enjoyed when the boys came over because it grounded Kaid and put him in his place when it came to his Mario Kart skills.

Surprisingly, Cruz was the ultimate champion when it came to Mario Kart. His driving and backstabbing skills in the game were quite impressive. The guys complained that Cruz somehow bribed the game because he always seemed to obtain the good items from the transparent mystery boxes. He always got the star, the red shells or the bullet. It infuriated the other guys, which only made watching them play that much more fun.

Willow was blazing toward the front with help from a nitro mushroom when she said, “Thanks for telling the guys about my nipple rings, by the way.”

Kaid threw his hands up in victory and laughed. Willow tossed her controller to the side.

“Yeah, sorry about that, it just slipped. You should have seen the looks on their faces when I told them. They were also very much intrigued by your tongue ring.”

“I’m sure they were, horny bastards.”

“Grey seemed to be the most interested. What’s going on there?”

Willow blew out a frustrated breath. “Hell if I know. I told him he needs to stop looking at me the way that he has been and to focus on Quinn. He says he can’t get me out of his mind. It probably doesn’t help that I showed him my nipple rings, but I mean, what about Quinn…”

Kaid cut her off. “Excuse me. You showed him your nipple rings? What the hell possessed you to do that? You know he and Quinn are on rocky ground. You think that helped the situation?”

“I don’t know. God, Kaid. I like him so much and I’m so damn attracted to him. All I want is him for myself, but I can’t go there. Quinn is my friend and I don’t want to hurt her, but there was something that ran through me the other night where I needed to see what his reaction was to me. I wanted to see if he really found me attractive or if it was all talk. I also wanted to pay him back for helping us out and I thought a little tit show was good enough.”


“I don’t want to hear it.” Willow held up her hand to stop the brotherly convo he was about to unleash on her. “You should have seen his eyes the minute I stepped out of my robe and into the hot tub. It was as if his eyes were trying to eat me alive and don’t get me started on the erection he was sporting. He tried to hide it, but I saw it. It was clear as day. I know it’s wrong and I wouldn’t act on anything, but it felt good to be noticed by him, appreciated. It was good to see that my body affected him.”

“Willow, you’re playing with fire. Showing your tits to him, don’t you think that was wrong? If Quinn knew, she would be so upset and you know it.”

Willow put her hand in her hair and pulled at the strands from the roots. She knew Quinn would be upset; she knew if Quinn found out about their hot tub encounter she would never talk to Willow again and most likely make her wear peasant gowns for the rest of the tour, but that still didn’t stop Willow. She needed Grey’s reaction; she craved it. She promised herself she wouldn’t do anything with Grey, out of respect for Quinn, but God she wanted to so badly. Her feelings for him ate away at her at night. She couldn’t even try to take out her frustrations on Landon because she was so hung up on Grey.

Landon was in the same boat as she was, but instead of a friendship getting ruined, family ties were at stake. She couldn’t imagine the stress Landon was feeling. She was glad she wasn’t necessarily in his shoes.

“You don’t think I know that? I could have destroyed Quinn if she saw what I did, but when I was in the moment, I wasn’t thinking too clearly. I covered myself quickly and told him that was the end of it, but I still did it. That was where I went wrong. If I think about it, I can’t be held accountable for my actions when I’m around him. I lose my mind.”

“That’s not a good enough excuse.”

Willow shrugged. “I know, but at least it’s an excuse. Did you know that I was going to break them up and take what I wanted? But damn it if Quinn didn’t realize that and make an impression on me because there is no way in hell I could hurt her like that now.”

“You already did, by showing your tits to Grey.”

“No, she doesn’t know.”

Kaid patted Willow on the leg. “I get that, sweetheart, but the thing is, you probably have ruined Grey. I bet he can’t get the image of you in front of him, wet and practically naked out of his mind. With that kind of image running rampant in his head, how the hell is he supposed to focus on Quinn? Quinn might not have seen what you did, but you are still affecting her relationship by putting images and thoughts in Grey’s mind.”

Shit, she hadn’t thought about it that way. She just wanted to pay him back for his help and give him a little peek, mainly for her own selfish reasons. She didn’t put a thought toward how Grey would be afterwards.

“Hey, how do you know he still thinks about it? He could have completely forgotten.”

Kaid popped open a soda and said, “A hot, dripping wet girl with massive tits and nipple rings stands in front of me and shows me what she has to offer…yeah, that image is stuck in my mind forever. You royally fucked Grey over.”

Shit…she did.




Rook couldn’t feel one ounce of his body as he stared at the big-breasted blonde that sat on his lap. She was working his dick like it was her own stripper pole, swiveling her hips and thrusting at him, but he felt nothing, not even the slightest bit of interest arose. He wanted to punch himself in the face, scream at himself to wake-up and enjoy the moment, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t. Maisy’s betrayal took over his mind, cutting off any kind of pleasure he would receive from the bouncing jugs in front of him.

The boys made the plans for the bus party and Rook just tagged along. He had no clue where Cruz picked up the girls, but he did have to give his friend props, they were hot. The girl on his lap had fake tits, yes, but they were still awesome to look at, even though they were doing nothing for his dick.

The lack of excitement in his pants was alarming. He prayed that Maisy hadn’t killed him down there. A life without sex would be awful….a life without Maisy would not be worth living. Damn him.

She had the ability to crush him; she did crush him and he still wanted her. He still wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her all night, but another side of him wanted to hurt her, like she hurt him, hence the blonde on his lap and the Jack in his hand.

Someone came onto the bus and Rook didn’t need to look over to know it was Maisy. He could sense her presence the minute her hand touched the handle of the door. He knew Landon said something to her after their performance, but Rook didn’t think she would actually have the balls to come to their tour bus and dig herself a bigger hole than she was already in.

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