Toxic (Addiction #1) (43 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Toxic (Addiction #1)
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“Nope, only women coming. I told you though, if you need that itch scratched, I can take care of it for you,” Cruz said, while grabbing Willow around the waist.

Fury buried itself deep in Grey’s stomach, what would be worse than Willow fucking Landon, would be Willow fucking Cruz. The man was a walking condom and Grey didn’t want to think about Cruz’s slimy hands running up and down Willow’s body.

“Forget it Cruz,” Willow said, as she gently pushed him away. “I’m too much for you to handle.”

“I doubt that.”

Willow smirked at Cruz then said, “I’ll see you two a little later tonight. Bring your drinking pants.”

They both watched her walk away and join up with Maisy as they walked toward the dressing area to get changed.

“I think I came in my pants during that photo shoot,” said Cruz. “She’s so fucking hot. What woman has real tits like hers? I would give anything to bury my head in her cleavage. And her ass is just calling for my dick.”

“Shut up, fuck head. God, can you think of anything else?” Grey said, as he started to walk away.

“Just because Quinn is giving you the cold shoulder doesn’t mean you need to take it out on us, fuck stick,” Cruz shouted, as Grey walked away. Just what Grey needed, Cruz spouting off his big mouth again.

Grey went to the dressing area and started changing out of the starchy clothes he was wearing. He looked good in them, but they were uncomfortable as hell since they hadn’t been washed. Plus the jeans that Quinn made him wear most of the time really gave no room for his package. He always enjoyed a little bit more room for his man parts to breathe.

“You telling everyone we don’t fuck?” Grey turned around to find Quinn leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Not now, Quinn.”

“Don’t you dare think about going after her.”

Grey blew out a frustrated breath and counted to ten before he looked up at her. He didn’t need Quinn riding his back at the moment, when he was trying to rein in the emotional turmoil he was going through. He wanted Willow, so fucking badly it hurt his dick, but he didn’t want to lose Quinn. She was his comfort, his home, she was what he knew. He loved her.

Looking up at Quinn, Grey walked toward her and pulled her into a hug, even though Quinn was reluctant.

“The only person I’m going after is you, sweetheart. I know that photo shoot was hard for you, but honestly, nothing happened; you were there, you saw. If anything, readers are going to think Willow and Cruz are boning from the way Cruz was hanging all over her.” The thought made Grey’s stomach do another turn.

“She wants you, you know.” Grey knew, he could see it in Willow’s eyes. He knew from the moment he first met her that she wanted him. That’s why his life had been so painful since they started the tour because every time Willow looked at him, she looked at him like she wanted to eat his dick for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“That doesn’t matter. What matters right now is getting changed and then hitting up the Jacuzzi tub in our suite. Come on.”

He finished changing as quickly as possible and then took Quinn by the hand and led her to the waiting vehicle that would take them to the hotel. Grey didn’t want to go to the party in the suite they were having; he decided that he would sit back, turn on some light music to drown out the partiers and hold his woman in his arms while watching water fall over her body from the Jacuzzi.




Their room was lit only by candles, the faint sound of everyone getting drunk and having fun filtered underneath the door and Rook stood in the middle of the room, holding a single rose as Maisy approached him.

She had to spend a little extra time answering questions for the magazine, so Rook took off without her. She was a little upset at first that he didn’t wait for her, but now she understood why he took off so fast. He wanted to surprise her.

Her heart melted at the sight in front of her. The candlelight played off of Rook’s sharp features, giving him an insanely gorgeous look about him, not that he wasn’t gorgeous every day, but under the dim light, he looked dark, mysterious and delectable. She still couldn’t believe that Rook was all hers. The amazingly complex, sometimes brooding and gorgeous man with so much passion was all hers.

“Hey, ace. What’s going on?”

He stepped closer to her, wrapped his hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her in for a deep, electrifying kiss. His lips shot through her entire body as he maneuvered around her mouth. She felt her legs start to go weak as he pressed himself up against her body.

It was mystifying to Maisy that she could turn on a man like Rook, that whenever she was around him, he lost control and had to have her at that moment. She was always fascinated by Rook and never in her life did she think she would actually be his, that she would own his soul and could touch him anytime she wanted.

“You were gone too long,” Rook whispered in her ear, as he kissed her along her neck and jawline.

“It seems like you missed me?”

“Unless I’m deep inside of you, I’m always missing you, boo.”

He pulled away and handed her the single rose as he smiled down at her.

“Thank you.” She looked around the room and took in the candles, massive bed and…were those sex toys on the nightstand? She gave Rook a suspecting look. “What are those over there, mister?”

Rook turned around and feigned shock. “Heavens to Betsy, how did those get there?”

Maisy playfully swatted his chest. “Please tell me those are all new.”

Throwing his head back and laughing he said, “Of course, babe. I’m glad to see you have such a high opinion of me.”

She shrugged as she took off the shirt and pants that were confining her body. Rook stared intently as she moved about the room, taking in her every move and groaning when she bent over to take off the thigh high leggings she was wearing. She rolled them up and tossed them to the side.

“Much better.” Rook eyed her expectantly.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re just going to undress in front of me and not come over here and let me help you? You can be punished for such behavior.”

“I’m not using any of those items over there,” Maisy said, while pointing at the nightstand. The thought of Rook trying to make her come with anything other than his very own body was a turn off to her.

“We don’t have to. I just wanted to make sure you were fully satisfied. I don’t want you to get sick of me,” Rook said tenderly. Maisy’s heart broke for him.

She went over to him, grabbed him by the shirt, and made him look her in the eyes.

“Believe me when I say, I will never get sick of you and I would much rather have your tongue, lips, hands and dick all over my body than those cheap plastic contraptions. I want the real thing, I want you.”

Rook’s hand caressed Maisy’s cheek and went to the back of her head where he ran it through her hair. His touch was so incredibly gentle, it almost brought her to tears. He was so hard on the outside, always putting on a front for everyone, but around her, he let his defenses down and showed her the real man that he was and she couldn’t get enough of that man.

“You’re so beautiful and I’m so damn lucky you’re in my life.” He kissed her lightly on the lips, then the forehead and looked down at her. “I love you, Maisy.”

His words stopped her in her place and it felt like the room was spinning. He loved her? Did he even know what love was? She sure as hell didn’t. How did he know he actually loved her and did she love him back? She knew she couldn’t be without him, couldn’t stop thinking about him and needed him every moment they were breathing. Was that love?

“You don’t have to say anything back,” he reassured her. “I just had to tell you that because it’s been sitting on my tongue for a while. I don’t know what love is and frankly it scares the living shit out of me, but if love is this all-consuming feeling of not being able to breathe unless you’re near me, then I’m hopelessly in love with you, Maisy.”

A tear fell down Maisy’s face as she listened to the most beautiful words she had ever heard. She entwined her fingers with his and pulled him down for a kiss. He was so sweet, so beautiful, so amazingly honest and so beyond perfect for her that he had to be right. If love was an all-consuming feeling of not being able to breathe unless he was near, then she was hopelessly in love with him as well.

“I love you, Rook. You’re everything I’ve always wanted and I’m grateful every day that I’m in your life.”

Rook swept her up into his arms and brought her to the massive bed that was in the middle of the room. He quickly undressed, laid next to her on the bed and gently stroked the curves of her stomach. She knew he meant it to be an intimate touch but the light, almost feathery touch of his finger along her skin was driving her crazy.

“How did I get so lucky?” Rook asked, as he stared into her eyes.

“I think the same thing.”

“Please don’t let me screw this up, baby. Please help me make this happen for us.”

He was always so insecure about their relationship and she finally realized that it wasn’t that he didn’t trust her; it was that he didn’t trust himself. He was always saying he trusted only his boys and had to work on trusting her, but that wasn’t the truth, he trusted her with his heart, the most important thing he could ever give her. He didn’t trust himself and his actions.

She caressed his cheek. “Just come to me, remember? You need to remember to talk to me and we can work out your demons together.”

He nodded as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I don’t want to fuck this up, Maisy. I love you so damn much it fucking hurts. When you’re not around, my chest constricts and it’s hard to function. I need you to live, Maisy.” He pressed her palm against his heart. “I can’t stand to lose you. Please help me.”

“I will.” She kissed him gently to sooth his anxiety. “I love you, Rook.”

She let him consume her body as he worked out the demons that were resting heavily against his chest. She gave him her entire body and showed him that she was his and only his. There was no one else she would rather be with. He owned her, completely.

Chapter 21


“Shots!!!!” screamed Willow, as she danced to the music that blared through the speakers strategically hidden around the hotel suite.

There were about fifty people in the room, mainly girls…actually all girls. Cruz didn’t invite one guy and, if Willow wasn’t so wasted, she would put up a stink about it, but she was too far in the bag to even care that there were women everywhere.

“Raisy” was in their own private room, doing who knew what; Quinn and Grey actually stuck around and were sitting on the couch together, despite their recent fighting and Cruz, Landon and Kaid were all being groped and grinded by the many women who were trying to get a piece of the famous Shattered Souls and the male portion of Twisted Perfection.

The label really put them up in a great suite. Everyone had their own room; the living space was enormous, decorated in modern fixtures and there was a Jacuzzi that looked over the skyline of Dallas. The suite was the definition of swanky; a place Willow always dreamed of, but never thought she would actually be able to stay. The suite was kind of a congratulations from the label for such a successful tour so far. If this was what life was going to be like if she was successful, then she was going to do whatever it took to stay successful. There was no way in hell she would be giving up such a lifestyle now that she had a taste of it.

Willow got off the coffee table that she was dancing on with a couple of the groupies and grabbed a shot from one of the girls preparing them at the bar. Cruz came up next to her, grabbed her waist and clinked his shot glass with hers before they downed them in one swift movement.

“Oh, that burns,” Willow said, while shaking her head. “What the hell was that?”

“Who cares?” Cruz shouted over the music. “Dance with me.”

Willow complied since she was drunk and, frankly, horny as hell, so if she got a little dry hump action, she was all for it, even if it was from Cruz.

She put her hand around his neck and let the other one dangle as she gyrated against his pelvis. She looked up into his eyes and had to admit, Cruz was an extremely attractive guy. He had all the dark features of a Latin man as well as the dance moves. He knew how to shake and move his hips to the music, which drove her crazy. He was cut just like every other guy in Shattered Souls; they had a serious training regimen and, at the moment, Willow was very grateful for their dedication to their bodies.

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