Toxic (Addiction #1) (47 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Toxic (Addiction #1)
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Rubbing his battered face with his hand, Rook’s dad shook his head. “Sorry, but, no can do. I’ve got my eye on her and I’ll have her. What’s yours is mine; you owe me from all the years you let your poor dad live on the streets while you’re put up in these swanky hotels. My money train has stopped and I need more. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can give me the money I want from you, or I can tell all my buddies that Maisy’s pussy is open for business.”

The sickening feeling Rook was feeling earlier increased to levels of being completely unbearable. Rook knew he should have left Maisy alone a long time ago and this was exactly why. His life was so beyond fucked up and now he was dragging her into it.

The scared look that crossed Maisy’s face earlier flashed through Rook’s mind. He put her in that position. He was the reason why she was so scared out of her mind, why she cried this morning. He promised himself that he would do everything possible not to hurt her, not to put her in danger when, in fact, he was putting her in danger by being with her. Rook’s past would always come back to haunt him and his past included his sadist of a father who had no problems with raping a girl, or telling his buddies to do the same.

Tamping down the feeling of throwing up, Rook said, “How much?”

Rook’s dad slapped the table indicating his victory. “That’s my boy. I want a $100,000…for now.” We will reconvene later. As for your little lady, I will back off my boys, for now, but they might get anxious, so I would keep her safe.”

“She’s not my girl. She broke up with me this morning. I didn’t know why, but now I do.” Saying the words broke Rook in half. He knew what he had to do. He knew he didn’t have a choice. In order for Maisy to live a normal life and stay away from the demons that lurked inside of her, Rook needed to let her go and there was only one way he knew he could make that happen.

“That’s so terrible.” His father fake pouted. “Oh well, she probably was good for one fuck anyway.” His dad clapped his hands together and got up from his chair. “It’s been good seeing you, even though you still look like a pile of worthless crap. I want cash, delivered; you know where to find me.”

Rook nodded his head and watched his father as he approached him. He reeked of body odor and piss. The devilish grin that spread across his face showed off his drug-eroded teeth. The fact that the man standing before him took part in Rook’s creation was such a sickening feeling. It was times like this that Rook wished he was never born.

“I’ll be in touch, dickhead.” Rook’s dad patted his cheek and left the room, leaving Rook feeling completely helpless.

Pain tightened in his chest as he realized what he had to do next. He grabbed the bag of drugs that were sitting on the table and pressed the down button on the elevator. It was time to take care of his problems and set Maisy free. She deserved better, she deserved to live a happy and healthy life, without the stress of Rook’s past bringing back her worst memories. She was talented and deserved to have a fruitful career and not be dragged down by Rook.




The morning had been a complete shit show. Landon sat on his bed as Quinn took a shower in his bathroom. Cruz informed the boys that Rook’s father was back, which meant they were all put on high alert because they knew what would happen once Rook’s dad left.

Grey was clearly not talking to Landon, even though Landon didn’t technically do anything and Willow and Cruz fucked all night long which only spurred on the anger that was boiling in Grey. The only person out of the two bands who was completely oblivious to all the drama was Kaid, who stood in the middle of the room after fending off Grey and swore at everyone for disturbing his slumber.

The confused look on Kaid’s face made Landon laugh out loud as he slipped back into bed. What a complete shit show. Landon could only imagine what would happen next, once Rook got back from his lovely family reunion.

There was a cloud of darkness that settled over all of them and Landon knew that the negativity that was spreading around wasn’t even close to being finished. He could feel that something terrible was brewing, he just didn’t know what.

Quinn popped out of the bathroom, fully clothed, thankfully, and sat on the bed next to Landon. They sat in silence as the morning events ran through both of their minds. Landon didn’t know what to say and didn’t know where to go from where they were now. He was too stubborn to approach his brother and Grey was too stubborn to actually listen to Landon, so he knew it was pointless. He wondered what this meant for the band and hoped it didn’t mean they were breaking up, because they were just hitting their peak now.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin things between you and Grey.”

“It’s not your fault,” Landon said, while wrapping his arms around Quinn. “It was wrong place at the wrong time. We both know we didn’t do anything last night. Let him cool down a little, hopefully things will get better.”

“Hopefully.” Quinn played with the mood ring that was on her finger. “Did you mean what you said last night? Do you really think I’m sexy?”

Why did she have to bring up last night? Why couldn’t they just move on and forget his most embarrassing confessions? He pushed his glasses up on his face and looked her in the eyes.

“I did, but that doesn’t change anything. Nothing can happen between us, especially after the reaction we saw from Grey this morning. He will absolutely lose his mind.”

“But you like me?” He more than liked her, he loved her, but he wasn’t about to open that can of worms, especially when his relationship with his brother was barely hanging on by a thread.

“Yes but that’s not the point…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence because Quinn captured his mouth with hers. At first, he went completely stiff and not in a good way. It wasn’t until her tongue traced his lips that he gave into the soft feeling of Quinn finally in his arms. She straddled his lap and grasped the back of his neck with her hands while she continued to stroke her tongue in and out of his mouth.

Jesus, she knew how to kiss. Landon started to stiffen under her but he didn’t care, he finally had Quinn in his arms and he was going to revel in the feeling for a little bit longer. He clasped the side of her face and felt her cheek with his thumb. She was so sweet, yet so incredibly sexy. She was everything he ever wanted and he finally was able to have her.

Shifting on his lap, she made herself more comfortable which sent alert signs through Landon’s head. This wasn’t right, this was Grey’s girl; she would always be Grey’s girl.

He pulled away quickly and tried to catch his breath. “I can’t,” he weakly said.


“No, you’re Grey’s girl. I can’t do this to him.”


“Please Quinn, just leave.”

A tear ran down her cheek as she got up and gathered her items. Landon’s heart broke in two as he watched her struggle to get out of his room as quickly as possible.

She turned back to look at him before she left. “I’m sorry.”

Turning her back on him, he watched her just about walk out of his room when he shouted, “Wait!”

Quinn stopped and turned around while Landon tried to think what to say. He walked toward her and silently gave his brother the old fuck you. He was taking what he had wanted for years.

He grabbed Quinn by the waist and brought her to his chest as his hand ran up the side of her body and finally cupped her soft breast. Jesus, he was going to be a goner before he even got her to his bed.

“What about Grey?” she asked weakly, as she granted him access to her neck.

“Fuck him. I don’t care, but I do have to warn you Quinn, I know what I like in the bedroom.”

“Okay…” she said, trying to decipher what he meant.

How was he supposed to explain this to her? She was so damn innocent, how was he supposed to tell her he had a dark side…that he liked his women to obey, they were not to speak and just do what he said? Knowing that he would never change his ways, he decided to be upfront with her.

“If you are going to share my bed with me, then you will do as you are told and obey every wish and demand of mine.”

Quinn smiled, actually smiled. He was not expecting that kind of reaction.

“Are you telling me you are into BDSM?”

“It’s the only way I fuck my women and I refuse to change. Is there going to be a problem with that?”

Quinn shook her head no as she attacked his lips again. Sweet Jesus, did she just comply with his demands? He didn’t think he could ever be more turned on.

Not being able to wait any longer, he tore Quinn’s lips off of his and ordered her to strip. She did as she was told, but did it incredibly slowly, to the point that Landon thought his dick was going to pop out of his pants if she went any slower.

She was wearing a sexy black set of lingerie that framed her body perfectly. She was no longer thin, she was curvy in all the right areas and filled out her bra completely. Landon’s mouth watered as he waited for her to show him everything, her entire body that he had been waiting to claim as his.

“Go any slower and I will have to punish you. Hurry it up, Quinn.”

She smiled at him…again. Damn, he was going to have to train her to take him more seriously because, right now, she was not taking him as seriously as he wanted her to.

Finally, she was naked and standing in front of him, waiting for his inspection. She had perfect little nipples that were tight from the cold air and she was completely bare down below which made his mouth water. Pleasing her orally was going to be a shit ton of fun, but he was going to wait on that, for now. He needed to bury his dick inside that sweet little cunt of hers.

“Stay put,” he said, while he took off his clothes. Her brown eyes took in his entire body as he stripped down for her.

The mere flash of Grey’s face went through Landon’s mind, but he quickly dropped that image. He loved his brother, but at the moment, he loved Quinn more and he couldn’t deny himself anymore. He needed her. He couldn’t control his wants and needs.

“Get on all fours on the bed, place your head on the mattress and stick that cute ass of yours up in the air.”

Quinn didn’t make a sound as she did what she was told. Damn she was a good listener and fuck, she was enjoying herself because she was turned on as hell. He noticed her slick folds were wet and ready for him as he pulled up behind her.

Her body was pure perfection. Grey was a moron for letting Quinn go. Landon would never give up such sweet perfection for anything.

Wanting to play with her a little, he grabbed a hold of his erection and ran it up and down her slick folds, spreading her essence up and down. She was so damn wet and she was about to be even wetter in two seconds.

“Landon, that feels so good.”

“I didn’t say you could speak,” Landon reprimanded her, as he smacked her ass.

She moaned from the contact of his hand and damn if she didn’t get even wetter. Landon knew Grey wasn’t into BDSM, so he knew the reactions he was getting from Quinn were all new to her and he fucking loved it. He might be a goof in everyday life, but when it came to his bedroom, he was the boss and his women did what they were told.

Not being able to take the pressure building up at the base of his cock anymore, he quickly retrieved a condom, put it on, and entered Quinn in one smooth stroke.

Damn, if she didn’t fit perfectly over him. She was warm, wet and fucking tight.

“Fuck me, this feels good,” Landon said, as he moved in and out of her. “I promise you in the future, I will have more finesse, but right now I need to fuck your brains out and make you mine.”

Quinn just moaned in response and thrust her ass at him. Landon took that as an okay and bucked his hips into her. The pressure building up inside of him was so intense that his lower half went completely numb. That was what he got for not having sex for a couple of months. He was going to explode in two seconds.

He quickly reached around and pressed his thumb against Quinn’s clit to spur her on more, which it did because she screamed out his name and came all around his dick. Her wild screams and the way she constricted around him sent him shooting every last drop he had into her.

That was it for him, he was a goner. He would never be able to be with another woman again. Quinn ruined him with her tight ass, perky breasts, and sweet cries. She was it for him and his brother could fuck off for all he cared. Landon just marked Quinn as his. He owned her now.




It had almost been five hours and there was still no sign of Rook. Maisy started to get anxious and couldn’t wait for him to come back any longer; she needed to find him. She threw on some clothes and went out to the living room which was occupied by Cruz, Landon and Kaid. They were stretched across the couches, tossing a football around while the cleaning staff picked up the empty cups and alcohol containers that were scattered around the room.

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