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Authors: Alice Lingard

Toxic (15 page)

BOOK: Toxic
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Chapter 20



The Warnes agreed to look after Ben until Suzy returned. The dog's howls sliced through her heart as she climbed into the cab. Would she ever see Ben or Todd again? After the first few miles, the driver gave up all attempts at small talk. Suzy wasn't in the mood.


The driver had called ahead, so Lacey was already waiting outside the Commodore when the car pulled up. Suzy threw herself into her friend's arms.

“Are you okay?” Lacey said.

“No, not really.”

“Let's go up to the penthouse. Raw and Carol are there.”

Suzy pulled away. “Have you heard from Todd? Is he okay?”

“We haven't heard anything.”

“We have to call the police.”

“Let's get upstairs first.”


“Was it the same men from the hotel?” Raw asked, as soon as Lacey and Suzy stepped out of the lift.

“Let us get inside first” Lacey pushed past him, and led Suzy to one of the leather sofas. “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

“I'm okay,” Suzy said. “I didn't see who took Todd. I was at the village store. All I saw was the car that took him away.”

“How do you know which car it was?” Carol asked.

“Hardly any vehicles travel along that short stretch of coast road. It's no more than a narrow track which doesn't really lead anywhere. The car came past me as I walked to the village, and then again on my way back.”

“You must have seen who was inside it,” Raw said.

“Don't you think I'd tell you if I had?”

“I don't know. Would you? You didn't bother to tell us where you were.”

“Raw!” Lacey said angrily.

“It's okay, Lacey. He's right. We should have told you. It was selfish.”

This was a side of Suzy which Lacey hadn't seen before.

“Let me guess.” Raw said. “You were both too smashed to think about letting us know you were safe.”

“Raw.” Lacey yelled. “This isn't helping.”

“Todd didn't have a single drink all of the time we were there.”

“Sure.” Raw scoffed.

“Whether you believe it or not, it's true. None of that matters now. All that matters is finding Todd.”

“We're waiting to hear from Jason,” Carol said.

“Who is this Jason?” Suzy asked.

“He's—” Carol always got stuck at this point. Who was he? Her friend? Her lover? “He's helping us. He should be here any time.”

“Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?” Lacey asked.

“There is one thing I could eat.”

“Anything you like. There's a restaurant downstairs.”

“I'd love a pizza.”

“Done.” Lacey grabbed her phone. “I'll give Carlos at Chipmunk a call. Anyone else?”

“Not for me,” Carol said.


“Not hungry,” he grunted.


Thirty minutes later, the lift lights lit up.

“Looks like the pizza is here,” Lacey headed towards the lift doors.

It wasn't the pizza delivery.


“You must be Suzy,” Jason said.

“Have you found Todd?” Suzy asked, before either Raw or Carol could ask the same question.

“No, but I know who has him.”

“Is he okay?” Suzy said.

“I don't know.”

“What do you mean you don't know?” Raw jumped into the conversation.

“It was Goldie who took him.”

“I thought you said he worked for the Gordons,” Carol said. “They've been paid haven't they?”

“Who are the Gordons?” Suzy asked.

“Todd owed them money,” Jason said. “The debt's been cleared now, but it seems it was too late for them to call off Goldie.”

“But they can call him off now, right?” Carol said.

“I hope so.”

“You hope so?” Raw moved closer to Jason. “Is that the best you can do?”

If Jason was troubled by Raw's aggression, he didn't show it. “I spoke to the Gordons just before I came here. They're trying to contact Goldie.”

“What if it's already too late?” It was Suzy who asked the question which was on everyone's lips.

“All we can do is wait.” Jason said. “They're going to call me.”

“You'd better hope for your sake he's okay.” Raw thumped the boardroom table.

“That's enough, Raw!” Carol yelled at her brother. “If it wasn't for Jason, we wouldn't even know who had taken Todd.”

Just then the lift doors opened.

“Hiya, Lacey.” Tony said. “I've got the pizza you ordered.”


Tony pocketed the ten pound tip which Lacey had given him. “Thanks.” He could hardly miss the strained atmosphere in the room. “Is everything okay?” he whispered, as she walked him back to the lift.

“Everything's fine. Thank Carlos for me, will you? See ya.”


They were all seated at the table, waiting for the call. Suzy took a couple of bites of pizza, but her appetite had disappeared.

“Drink anyone?” Lacey said.

Before anyone could answer, Jason's phone rang.

“Yes? Where? Are you sure? Okay.” He put the phone onto the table.

“What's happened?” Suzy demanded.

“Todd's okay,” Jason said. “A few bruises—that's all.”

“Where is he?” Carol was on her feet.

“They brought him back up here. The Gordons told Goldie that they had their money, and he could let Todd go, but Goldie took it upon himself to give him a few slaps anyway. He enjoys his work a little too much.”

“Are you sure he's okay?” Raw said.

“Positive. We can collect him from A&E now.”


Raw, Lacey and Suzy took one car. Carol and Jason took another. They arrived at the doors of A&E within a few seconds of one another.

“Can you see him?” Suzy asked, as she looked around the huge waiting area.

Lacey shook her head.

“I'll check with reception,” Carol said.

“Hey honey,” Todd called from behind them. “Where have you been? Thought you were never going to get here.”

Suzy ran over to Todd, and threw her arms around him.

“Steady on, honey. Watch the ribs. They're a bit sore.”

Lacey ran her gaze over Todd. Apart from some swelling under one eye, he looked okay.

“What are you two doing here?” Todd glared at Raw and Carol.

“They helped to get you out,” Lacey said.

“I wasn't talking to you, sweet pie.”

“You ungrateful piece of shit.” Raw lurched forward, but before he could grab hold of Todd, Jason stepped in between the two brothers.

“Get out of my way.” Raw spat the words.

Jason had his hands on Raw's chest. “This isn't going to help. Why don't we all get out of here?”

“We can go back to the penthouse and talk there,” Carol suggested.

“Forget it,” Todd said. “I'm not going anywhere near Raw Towers.”

“Todd.” Suzy took his hand. “We have to.”

“Like fuck we do. Come on.” He began to lead her away.

“Wait!” Carol made to follow him.

“Leave it,” Raw said. “He isn't worth it.”

“We shouldn't let him go,” Jason said. “He isn't safe. Waverley is still after him.”

“You've seen what he's like. There's no talking to him.”

“I can follow him,” Jason said. “He won't know I'm there. I'll make sure he doesn't come to any harm until you can talk some sense into him.” He turned to Raw. “If that's okay with you?”

“Do what you like.”


Carol travelled back to the penthouse with Raw and Lacey.

“Remind me why we bother?” Raw poured himself a Scotch.

“Because he's our brother,” Carol said.

“I'm done with him.” Raw took a drink. “His debts are paid. It's up to him what he does now.”

“We can't abandon him. Not while Waverley wants him dead.”

“We can't make him accept our help. If you or Jason can persuade him to take a new identity, then go ahead—knock yourself out. I'm done trying.”

Chapter 21



Todd and Suzy had booked into the first hotel they came across after leaving A&E.


“Let me see your face.” Suzy ran a finger along Todd's cheek.

“Don't fuss.” He pulled away. “What happened to Ben?”

“I left him with the Warnes. He'll be okay there until we can pick him up. I was worried out of my mind when I got back to the house and you were gone. What happened?”

“Hang on a minute while I order some food. I'm starving. Do you want anything?”

“Just a sandwich. Anything will do.”

“I'm having a drink,” he said. “Do you want one?”


“Hell yeah. I've been kidnapped, and I've just had to listen to my self-righteous brother. Figure I deserve a bloody drink. And a big one too.”

“I'll just have a coke.”

“Suit yourself.”


“I heard the car pull up outside while I was washing the dishes,” Todd said. “I thought it was tourists who'd lost their way. Next thing I know, two of them grabbed me from behind, and dragged me to the car. Goldie was waiting for me in there. I thought my time was up, I can tell you.”

“It might have been if Rawhide hadn't paid off all your debts.”

“Huh.” Todd shrugged.

“Is that all you can say?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“If someone had coughed up a few million pounds to save my life, I think I might at least manage a 'thank-you'.”

Before Todd could respond, there was a knock at the door.

“Put it over there,” Todd instructed the waiter.

BOOK: Toxic
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