Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set (12 page)

Read Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set
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I kept turning Trace’s words over in my mind.

that perfection didn’t exist, but since my dad had always expected it, I strived for it.

My list was supposed to be my chance to make mistakes, so why was I holding myself back?

to mess things up, and live a little, but when you had worked so hard to be perfect, for so long, it was hard to let that go.

But I was going to, because if I didn’t, I would never find the
Olivia Owens.

We were back in the car but we hadn’t pulled away from the building.

“You may not be the next Picasso,” Trace grinned, causing me to smile in response, “but you tried, and that’s what really matters.”

He pulled a pen and piece of paper out of his pocket.

I quickly realized it was my list.

He carefully unfolded it and held the crinkled piece of paper out to me, along with the pen.

“Would you like to do the honor?” He asked, eyes sparkling.

I didn’t bother to reply, I took both items from his hands, crossing off smoking and learning how to paint.


Get drunk

Fly in a hot air balloon

Go to the carnival

Go to a concert (even if it’s

someone I’ve never heard of)

Go to a party

Lose my virginity

Dance in the rain

Go roller skating

See the ocean

Learn to paint

Get a dog…or a cat…or a rabbit. Any pet will do.

Sing in front of real people. Avery doesn’t count.

Make more friends

Shoot a gun


Get a tattoo

Learn to pole dance

Go skinny dipping

Pierce my belly button

Fall in love


It was so rewarding seeing two more things get crossed off my list. I had been too scared to do them on my own. But with Trace’s help, it was finally happening.

I was living.



“We’re going out,” Avery announced, bouncing into our dorm room.

“No,” I responded, even though it hadn’t been a question.

“Yes, we are,” she sang, stripping off her clothes, and changing into clean ones. “Luca invited me to go out and he said Trace would be there, so you’re going.”

I perked up at Trace’s name but I had a pile of homework. The professors were laying it on thick before Thanksgiving break.

“I can’t,” I frowned.

Avery sauntered over to me. She reached out and tweaked the corners of my lips up. “Stop frowning, it doesn’t suit you. Instead, smile and say, ‘Yes, Avery, I’ll go out with you, Luca, and Trace.’”

to get this homework done,” I whined.

“It’s not like it’s going anywhere. Do it tomorrow,” she shrugged, padding back across the small room, to her closet and flicking through the various items.

“And that’s the kind of philosophy that gets people in trouble,” I commented, pointing a finger at her turned back.

“Livie,” she pleaded, “please, for me?” She begged.

I sighed. I
been spending a lot of time with Trace and even though, we’d be out with the guys, Avery would be there. “Fine,” I conceded. “But I want to know where we’re going.”

“Just out to eat, I think Luca said he wanted to go to B-Dubs,” she shrugged, with a flip of her hand, “so that’s why you have to go.”

“Oh, I see,” I laughed. “Luca invited Trace so it wouldn’t be a date. But if I tag along, then it makes it a double date.”

“Exactly,” she smirked.

“You play dirty, Avery Callahan,” I shook my head. “Poor Luca doesn’t know who he’s dealing with.”

Avery laughed, throwing her head back. “You’ve got that right,” she winked.

I closed my laptop with a sigh and changed into something more presentable than sweatpants.

I ended up in a pair of jeans and a red sweater. Avery eyed me disapprovingly.

“What?” I squawked. “There’s nothing wrong with this!”

Avery rolled her eyes, crossed her arms over her chest, and looked me up and down. “It’s just so…boring.”

“You’re the one that’s dragging me away from homework which I
to do. I’m sorry if I’m not very concerned with how I look,” I snapped.

, make an effort Livie. Trace is going to be there, and you don’t want to go walking into the restaurant, covered up like that,” she gave me pleading puppy dog eyes.

outside and I want to wear a sweater. What’s wrong with that? At least it’s not a sweatshirt,” I snapped. “I’m not going to be walking around in booty shorts when there’s frost on the ground in the mornings.” Avery lit up, so I quickly added, “And I won’t be wearing booty shorts in the summer…or
for that matter.”

Avery frowned. “But you don’t always have to wear jeans and a sweater when it’s cold outside. There are other options. Please, let me dress you,” she pleaded, pouting her bottom lip.

“Fine,” I groaned, stripping off my sweater, and throwing it at her head.

“Thank you!” She shrieked, running across the room to her closet.

“Would you like to lay out clothes for me to wear in the morning, mother?” I snarled.

She laughed. “Maybe I should. You always look fabulous when I dress you,” she said flippantly, but with a grin. “Change into these,” she tossed a pair of black skinny jeans my way.

I made a face of disgust. I
skinny jeans.

“Olivia,” Avery scolded, looking over her shoulder, noticing my scowl. “Put the pants on before I force you to the ground and do it myself,” she narrowed her dark green eyes at me.

I knew she would. Avery was a woman of her word.

Reluctantly, I removed my jeans, and wiggled into the skinny jeans. I was really beginning to hate having a roommate that was the same size as me.

But then, when I turned, and saw the way the jeans hugged my curves, all hate was forgotten.

“Nice, huh?” Avery smirked, studying my reaction.

I groaned at being caught smiling. “They’re okay.”

“You’re such a liar. Don’t liars go to Hell?” She grinned saucily.

I threw a pillow at her. “I know sinners do.”

She caught the pillow and hugged it to her chest. “Then there’s a special place in Hell with my name on it,” she winked, “and a majority of the population of the world. Everyone is a sinner when it comes to something.”

“So,” I drawled, “I assume you’re going to give me a shirt to wear. I don’t think they’ll let me eat in just my bra.”

“Oh, right,” Avery shook her head and grabbed a lightweight sweater off of her bed. “Here,” she handed it to me.

It was oatmeal colored and the bottom of it hung in different lengths. I was surprised by how soft it felt, like a blanket you’d give a baby.

I pulled it over my head and adjusted it so that it hung right.

“Seriously, Olivia, you’re so pretty,” Avery looked me up and down. “It’s not fair.”

Avery was calling me pretty? What planet was this?

Avery was drop dead gorgeous with red hair that hung halfway down her back, pouty lips, and insane curves. She had the kind of body girls desired and guys drooled over. She wasn’t big but she wasn’t small either. I thought she was the perfect healthy size.

She grabbed a leopard print scarf off her closet door and fixed it around my neck.

“These will look great too,” she handed me a pair of brown leather boots that looked like the kind you’d wear to go horseback riding.

I sat down and pulled them on. They almost came as high as my knees.

“Almost perfect,” Avery appraised her handy-work.

In a matter of seconds, she had my hair hanging down one side in a fishtail braid.

“Now, you’re perfect,” she grinned.

I laughed, shaking my head at my best friend.

Avery had changed into a gray dress, with black tights, heels, and a red jacket. She looked gorgeous. No matter what we were doing, Avery always looked like a knockout. I don’t think I had ever seen her look rumpled or frazzled.

“Let’s get outta here,” she grabbed her gigantic purse and slung it over her shoulder. Sometimes I wondered what she smuggled in there. No one needed a purse that big.

“Right behind you,” I replied, taking a deep breath.



Avery parked her red Volkswagen Beetle in front of Buffalo Wild Wings.

Her phone chimed and she read the text.

“That’s Luca, he says that they’re already inside,” she tucked her phone in her purse.

I followed her inside, not saying a word.

I was extremely nervous and I didn’t know why. I had been spending a lot of time with Trace, but this felt different. Maybe, it was because we were meeting up to do something that wasn’t on my list. Or
it was because I knew he didn’t know I was coming and I was scared of his reaction. Yeah, I was pretty sure it was that.

Avery spotted Luca instantly, and what do you know? He was wearing a vest again, with a fedora perched atop his head. I was really beginning to wonder what he had against shirts, or maybe he just wanted to show off his impressive muscular physique. More than one woman was eyeing him appreciatively.

My eyes moved away from Luca and locked on Trace’s intense green stare.

He wasn’t checking me out like most guys would. Instead, he was looking into my eyes, as a smile graced his face. And not just a little smile either; it was a big happy one that showed me all of his perfect white teeth.

My heart leapt.

Trace was happy to see me.

Avery and I took the chairs across from the guys.

“Hey,” I smiled lightly at Trace, hoping the dim lighting of the restaurant hid my blushing cheeks.

“Hey,” he leaned towards me, his eyes glowing.

Trace’s eyes were always expressive. I was beginning to read his moods just by the variance in shade. The sparkle in his eyes told me he was feeling playful. I liked playful Trace…well, when he wasn’t making me blush.

“I didn’t know you were coming,” he tilted his head to study me, grin widening, “but I’m really glad you’re here.”

A gust of air fled my lungs.

“I’m glad to be here,” I spoke softly.

“Don’t go getting shy on me now, Olivia,” he smirked.

Avery, clearing her throat loudly, had me turning to face her. I blushed an even darker shade of red when I saw that a waitress was standing there, waiting for our drink orders.

I stammered that I wanted sweet tea and Trace ordered a beer.

I picked up the menu, using it to block my reddened face from Trace’s powerful gaze.

I settled on an order of eight boneless wings with sweet BBQ sauce. That seemed safe enough since I wasn’t a fan of spicy food.

When the waitress came with our drinks, I ordered my food quickly.

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