Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set (167 page)

Read Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Tags: #Contemporary

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I didn’t bother saying goodbye as I slipped from the truck since I’d be seeing him so soon. 

Jude waited by the curb in his truck to make sure I got inside okay.

Before I could open the door Tristan came running out, screaming, “Jude! Jude!”

I looked behind me and upon seeing the little boy running for him Jude had gotten out of his truck. He let Tristan tackle him to the ground and they rolled around playfully. 

The door opened and Rowan poked her head out. “Tristan! Leave Jude alone! He has to go home!”

The boys stopped rolling around and I noticed a few strands of grass stuck in Jude’s hair. 

“I can stay for a few minutes,” Jude told her. Then to Tristan he said, “I have to go home and shower, but we can play for a little while.”

“Yay!” Tristan cried, throwing his arms around Jude. “You’re the best! Wait till you see the remote control dinosaur daddy got me. It’s so cool.” Tristan clapped his hands together excitedly and climbed off Jude’s lap. He ran for the door, barreling by me and inside. “Come on, Jude!”

Jude chuckled, smiling as he headed past me after the boy.

Tristan led Jude upstairs to his bedroom, clasping Jude’s large hand in his much smaller one. I had to admit, it was absolutely adorable watching them interact together. 

Rowan closed and locked the door, shaking her head. “Boys,” she muttered, as if that was the answer to everything. Maybe it was. 

We headed upstairs to the bedroom she shared with Trent. When we passed Tristan’s room we could hear them both making dinosaur noises. I happened to look inside and burst out laughing when I saw Jude impersonating a velociraptor. Day made.

Inside Rowan’s room she dragged me to the bathroom and set about doing my hair. She curled my hair and braided the pieces that normally framed my face. She then took bobby pins and secured the braided pieces. I’d been nervous about letting her do my hair and makeup but so far she was doing a stellar job. She kept my makeup light and shimmery. When I looked in the mirror my skin appeared to glow. 

“Dress time,” she took my hand, leading me to her closet.

She searched through the racks for something suitable for me to wear.

“Hmm,” she tapped a finger against her lips, thinking. She pulled one out and held it up for my inspection. I shook my head no. “What about this one?” She asked, grabbing another.

It was a pretty pale yellow color, simple in cut but it would expose the barest peek of my breasts. She turned so I saw the back. My mouth fell open. The back was completely exposed except for a tiny strip of fabric at the top that connected the straps. The length was daringly short.

“Uh…” I paused, searching for what to say. “I think that’s so short my vagina would show.”

Rowan laughed, shaking her head at me. She thrust the dress against my chest and I was forced to grab it. “At least try it on. The color would be so pretty with your hair and tan.”

I sighed. There was no point arguing with Row. She always got her way.

I went back into the bathroom and closed the door, slipping into the dress. It was a little longer than I thought, but if I happened to bend over everyone would get a flash of my panties. That sounded like a great way to get everyone’s attention and be the talk of the town. 

I opened the door to show Rowan. 

“Ooh! That looks so pretty!” She jumped up and down excitedly. “You have to wear it.”

“Rowan,” I groaned, tugging on the hem as if by sheer willpower alone I could make it longer. It wasn’t working. “It’s too short.”

“No, it’s not,” she assured me. 

I groaned. There was no way she was going to let me out of the dress now. 

“Fine, I’ll wear it,” I agreed, “but if anyone that’s not Jude sees my vagina then you better sleep with your eyes open.”

She laughed so hard her face turned red. I wasn’t trying to be funny. I was dead serious.

“Oh, Tate, you’re something else.”

“Mhmm, you tell me that when I’m in jail and you’re missing an eye.”

She started laughing again. 

“I notice your dress isn’t this short.” I pointed to the pale pink dress she’d changed into. The top hugged her chest and flared out at the hips, stopping above the knees.

“I’m a mother,” she answered simply.

I shook my head. 

“Let me freshen my makeup and then we can go.”

“Lily’s already here?” I asked, referring to Trent’s mom.

Rowan nodded. “Yeah, and Jude left.”

My face fell, but I knew I’d see him soon. Besides, I knew he wanted to get home to shower and change before the party started. However, a part of me had hoped he might wait for me to get ready so we could leave together. 

Rowan swiped mascara onto her lashes and a pink gloss on her lips. Fluffing her naturally straight hair she said, “Ready.”

We headed downstairs where she said goodbye to Tristan and Ivy. Trent stood in the family room playing with his beloved ferret. 

Rowan hugged Lily and thanked her for watching the kids. 

It was amazing how easily Rowan had become a part of Trent’s family. It had been a struggle on her end, but she’d finally allowed herself to embrace them completely. I knew she was particularly close with Trent’s older brother, Trace, who’d helped her through a rocky situation when things had gone to shit between her and Trent.

Trenton put Bartholomew, the ferret, back in his cage and washed his hands. Running his fingers through his black hair he kissed Ivy on the cheek and hugged his son and mom. “Love you guys,” he told them. Then he turned his gaze to Rowan. The love between them…it never ceased to amaze me. They were perfect for each other. 

We took Trent’s Dodge Challenger again and like last time had to park a block away—and I was wearing heels. Great.

We entered the townhouse and my eyes immediately started searching for the only guy I wanted to see. I also steered clear of the bowl of gummy bears. I wasn’t going to have an episode like last time.

I separated myself from Trent and Row, moving through the dancing bodies as I searched for Jude.

I squeaked in surprise when a hand grabbed my wrist. I was pushed against the wall before a large body blocked me in.

I smiled, thinking it was Jude. But the guy staring back at me wasn’t Jude. Oh no, because I had the best luck in the whole world I was staring at Tyler, the doucheknozzle I gave my virginity to. He was nothing but a jerk and piece of scum.

My heart sped up—not from fear, but from anger. Tyler was the last person on the planet I ever wanted to see again. 

“Let me go,” I squirmed against his hold but he was too strong.

“Nice to see you too, Tatum.” He grinned, flicking his blond hair out of his eyes. 

“There’s nothing nice about seeing you,” I spat venomously. I knew when he looked at me he could see the hate shimmering in my eyes. I’d never loved Tyler and our relationship had been based solely on sex—and it wasn’t even like we’d done it that much—but it had ended on a sour note when I caught him having sex with another girl in his car. In retaliation I’d taken a crowbar to his prized possession, a Chevrolet Camaro, and left a huge dent in the side. He could never prove it was me, but he knew anyway.

“Still got the same fiery personality, I see.” He smirked, lowering his head as if to kiss me. I clawed at his chest, trying to get enough space between us that I could get away. 

“Go away, Tyler,” I growled. “I don’t have time for your bullshit.” I wondered why he was even back here. I thought he was away at one of the fancy state schools.

“Why don’t we finish what we started so many years ago,” he sucked on my neck.

Oh, he was so getting kneed in the balls the minute I could get in proper position.

I decided to give him a warning though. “If you’d like to have children one day, I suggest you let me go right now.”

He didn’t listen.

I pretended to be giving into his touch so he’d relax his stance.

He believed it.


When he least suspected it, I brought my leg up and leveled my knee with his groin.

And down he went, howling like a wounded animal.

I crouched down and tilted my head, glaring at him. “If you ever put your hands on me again I will press charges Tyler. I mean it.”

He was too busy rolling around on the ground, clutching the family jewels, to pay attention to anything I said. 

By now people were staring and I really didn’t care.

I straightened the dress I wore and when I looked up my eyes connected with furious brown ones. I froze in fear, unsure if he was pissed at me, or the crying mess on the ground.

Even in my frazzled state I couldn’t stop my eyes from perusing him. He wore a pair of tan pants with a simple white v-neck t-shirt that clung to his muscular chest and arms like a second skin. His dark hair was still damp from the shower and I itched to run my fingers through it.

He might’ve been pissed off, but he was still the most beautiful man I’d ever laid my eyes on.

Jude marched up to me and positioned my body behind his. I peeked around his shoulder to see him glare at Tyler. 

“Don’t you ever fucking touch my girlfriend ever again, Tyler. So help me God I will put you down like a dog.”

Tyler didn’t have the common sense to be afraid. Instead, around gasping breaths he grinned and said, “Fucking my sloppy seconds now, Jude? Interesting. She’s a great lay, isn’t she?”

I reached out, grabbing his arm and dug my nails into Jude’s flesh in an effort to hold him back. It was futile. He dropped to the ground and punched Tyler in the face. Tyler seemed to recover from his ball smashing and started to fight back.

Oh, shit.

“Jude!” I screamed.

People around us screamed, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” What was this? High school? Honestly. You’d think college kids would have enough maturity to stop this ridiculous display, but noooooo.

“Jude!” I kept yelling his name in the hope that my voice alone would break through to him.

He punched Tyler in the face and stomach, over and over again. Tyler got in a few punches too. They rolled around on the floor like wild animals. 

I knew better than to try to break them apart. I’d only end up hurt in a scuffle like this. 

“Jude! Stop it! He’s not worth it!”

Either he couldn’t hear me or he didn’t care. I wasn’t sure which.

I tore at my hair, groaning. What the hell was I supposed to do?

I finally looked up and saw Trent and Row breaking through the crowd.

“Oh thank God,” I sighed in relief. “Trent!” I called and his eyes connected with mine from across the hallway. “Can you stop them?!”

No one else was going to do anything. Trent was my only hope.

He pushed to the front of the crowd gathered watching the two men fight. He reached down and got ahold of Jude’s shoulder. Before he could yank him away Jude got another good punch in. Trent wrapped his arms around Jude, pulling him away from the writhing form on the ground. Jude was like a wild animal, clawing at Trent in an effort to get away.

“Calm down, man.” I heard Trent tell Jude.

Jude breathed heavily, nostrils flaring. I’d never seen Jude lose his cool, ever, and he’d completely lost it now and over me of all things.

Tyler clutched his nose, rolling around. “Vuck! Vou vroke vy vose,” Tyler said in a garbled voice.

“You’re lucky I didn’t break everything!” Jude yelled, pointing at Tyler. “Get the fuck out of my house and if you ever set foot in here again, so help me God I will rip you to shreds!”

Someone, one of Tyler’s friends I assumed, came out of the crowd and picked him up, dragging him away. 

When Trenton was sure Jude wasn’t about to go after Tyler he released his hold on him.

Jude still breathed heavily and a bruise was forming on his cheek. Once everyone saw that the show was over the party returned to normal.

“Tate?” Jude turned to me and his eyes were full of worry. He was afraid I was mad, and I was to an extent. 

“Thank you,” I told Trent before grabbing Jude’s hand. Jude said nothing as I dragged him upstairs and to his room. Just like last time he unlocked the door, and then made sure to lock it behind us so no one could get in. 

This time I felt giddy at the prospect of being alone in Jude’s room. 

I turned on a light and frowned at the bruise forming beneath his eye. 

I went into the bathroom and he followed behind me, not saying a word. 

I grabbed a washcloth and wet it with cold water since I didn’t have access to an icepack. 

Jude sat down on the closed toilet lid and I gently pressed the cold cloth to his eye. 

“Are you mad?” He finally asked.

I twisted my lips, shrugging. “A little.”

“A little is better than a lot.” He reached up, putting his hand overtop the one I used to hold the cloth.

“I had it under control,” I whispered, eyes lowering.

For some reason my heart rate picked up at our closeness and the thought of the bed only a few feet away. My body craved his touch. It was like I was starved for him.

“I know you did,” Jude agreed, “but then when he said that stuff about you I…I lost it. Obviously.” His shoulders sagged.

“I don’t need you to defend me,” I breathed. I ran the fingers of my free hand lightly over the side of his face that was uninjured. His eyes closed and a content sigh escaped his lips.

“I know,” he agreed once more. He grew quiet and his eyes were angry and dark when he looked at me. “Was what he said true? Did you sleep with him?”

I flinched and that was all the answer he needed, but I still replied. “Yes.”

He let out a growl. “I hate him.”

“Me too.”

“He’s a jerk, Tate. Why would you be with someone like him?” He asked, his eyes pleading with me to explain. 

I sighed, shaking my head. “I was young and stupid. I wanted to feel cared for. I just picked the wrong guy.”

“What happened with you guys?”

I narrowed my eyes. “Is this something you really want to know?”

He nodded.

I took a deep breath. “We only had sex a few times, and that’s all it ever was. I will admit to being stupid and hoping for more. It ended when I caught him in his car with another girl.”

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