Read Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Tags: #Contemporary

Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set (174 page)

BOOK: Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set
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“This isn’t a joke, Tatum,” he sobered, “he could hurt you.”

I bowed my head and my shoulders fell slack. “Yeah, I know.” It was easier to make a joke and pretend the situation wasn’t as serious as it was. 

Jude hopped out of the truck and grabbed his backpack. I did the same, following him inside.

Inside we found Dylan and a guy I hadn’t met yet playing Xbox in the family room. Neither of them looked up when we entered the room.

“You’ve met Dylan,” Jude said, “and that’s Grant,” he pointed at the other guy. Grant had a sweet face, floppy brown hair, and wore thick-framed black glasses on the end of his nose. “He lives here too.” To the guys he asked, “Where’s Jacob?”

“Who knows,” Dylan replied with a shrug, his eyes never leaving the video game.

Jude shook his head and we headed upstairs to his room.

It was only eight o’ clock in the evening, but I felt like I could sleep for years. All the studying, paper writing, and the event with my dad had zapped my energy. 

“You want to call Rowan?” Jude asked, stripping his shirt off and working on his belt buckle as he head towards the bathroom. “It’s getting kind of late.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called her. The shower started and then Jude reappeared, kicking off his shoes and jeans.

His boxers soon joined them in a pile on the floor and I instantly became distracted by his naked body.

“Hello? Hello? Tatum? Are you there?”

I shook my head and turned away. Jude chuckled, knowing he’d succeeded in distracting me. 

“Oh, sorry. Uh…” I couldn’t remember why I called. Oh. Clothes. Right. “I hate to ask you this, but I was wondering if I could borrow some of your clothes?”

“Of course, but why?” She sounded worried, not curious.

I bit my lip and mumbled, “Um, something happened with me and my dad so I’m staying with Jude for a few days while it blows over. He doesn’t want me going home to grab any clothes, so you’re kinda my only hope right now.”

Rowan laughed. “I’ll bring stuff over within an hour.”

“Thank you so much,” I told her, and meant it.

I didn’t know what I’d do without Rowan as my best friend—my only friend, but when one friend was as amazing as her you didn’t need anymore.

“You don’t need to thank me, Tate, but you’re welcome.”

We hung up and I tossed my phone on the bed.

I jumped when a hand came around my stomach. I thought Jude had already gotten in the shower.

I was pulled against his body and I leaned my head back against his chest, letting out a happy sigh. He pulled my shirt off my shoulder and kissed the exposed skin there.

My body relaxed against him and my mind began to float away. It was like with each kiss he took my breath away.

His hands slid underneath my shirt, pulling the fabric away from my body. He pulled it up and over my head and tossed it in the corner.

“Jude.” I wasn’t sure if I was pleading with him to stop, or to keep going. I guessed it didn’t matter.

He drew lazy circles on my bare stomach, still kissing my neck.

His body was warm against mine and I found my eyes closing.

My bra fell to the ground and soon my shorts and panties joined them. I protested no more.

I needed him.

He turned me around so that we were front to front. His hot skin seared the palms of my hands where they rested against his chest. 

He lowered his head and gave me a heated look before capturing my lips.

My legs went out from under me and he carried me into the bathroom.

“Screw the shower,” he growled as he set me down.

He reached over and turned the water from the shower to the faucet. He reached down and pushed in the plug so the water would hold in the bathtub.

“Girls love baths, right?” He asked, his brows furrowing as if he suddenly seemed unsure. 

I nodded, letting out a giggle. “Yeah.”

“Good,” he grinned. He moved closer to me, as if he was going to start kissing me again, but stopped himself. “Bubbles. We need bubbles.” He looked around the bathroom, coming up empty. “Shit,” he cursed. “What’s a romantic bubble bath without bubbles?” He put his hands on his hips, unembarrassed to be standing in front of me completely naked. Then again, I wasn’t trying to hide my nakedness either. Jude made me comfortable in my own skin. I didn’t feel like I needed to hide from him. Suddenly he snapped his fingers together. “Grant’s girlfriend stays here a lot. There might be some in his room.” 

He started to walk out of the bathroom, but I called him back. “Jude?”

“Yeah?” He turned around.

“You might want to grab a towel,” I laughed.

He looked down at himself and grinned. “Oh yeah. That might be a good idea.”

I grabbed one of the fluffy white towels and tossed it at him. He tied it around his waist and it should’ve been illegal how good he made that towel look.

I closed the bathroom door just in case someone besides Jude showed up, and waited for him to return.

It didn’t take long.

“Aha!” He chanted, opening the bathroom door and holding up a bottle of lavender scented bubbles proudly. “Found some.”

He poured a generous amount into the steaming water and it started to foam. He hung the towel up and reached for my hand.

He climbed in first and I sat down in front of him. He pulled my back against his chest as the water sloshed around us. 

“You know what would make this better?” I asked, suppressing a laugh.

“What?” He asked as his fingers glided over top of the skin on my shoulder.

“A rubber ducky.”

He laughed heartily at that. “I’ll remember that for next time.”

“Next time?” My brows rose in surprise.

“This is kind of nice,” he wiggled around, “we should make it a rule that we take a bath together once a week, sort of like the no pants thing—which I have to add, we haven’t done yet. What’s up with that?”

“You are…” I shook my head, at a loss for words. I finally settled on, “One of a kind, Jude Brooks.”

“What’s the point in being like everyone else?” He asked, leaning back and pressing a hand to my stomach so I went with him. Water sloshed out the side and I reached up with my foot to shut it off before we made an even bigger mess. “I like being me.”

I tilted my head back and lifted to place a light kiss on his heavily stubbled jaw. “I like you too.”

“You do, Tate?” He grinned, his hands sliding up my body to cup my breasts. “Do you really like me?” He gave them a squeeze and I let out a moan I couldn’t contain. 

I nodded my head.

“Say it,” he growled, nipping my earlobe. “I want to hear you say it.”

“I really like you,” I panted, unable to catch my breath. It was completely unfair that with a few simple touches he could make me want him so much. In fact, it scared the crap out of me just how much he affected me. 

“I really like you too, Tate,” he whispered in my ear.

Suddenly his hands were gone from my body and he started playing with my hair. “Let’s talk,” he said, bringing the blonde strands up and rubbing his fingers against the back of my neck.

“Talk? About what?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” I felt him shrug. “Anything. I haven’t seen you much this week, we’ve both been so busy. Don’t get me wrong,” he whispered low in my ear, “I love having sex with you, but you and I…we’re so much more than the physical.”

His words made me feel giddy and I couldn’t help smiling. “Well, for starters, I love my job.”

“That’s great.” He started rubbing my shoulders, which were tight with tension from all the stress of the past week. “You should make me a cupcake with gummy bears.”

I laughed. “Lucinda won’t let me make cupcakes yet, I’m still learning that part, but they don’t have a gummy bear cupcake anyway.”

He tsked. “That’s not cool. Gummy bears deserve a cupcake.”

“I’ll let her know.” I relaxed my head against his chest and lifted my eyes to look at him. I reached up and ran a finger along the strong line of his jaw.

“You do that,” he grinned down at me, “and I expect to be the test subject that gets to try every single one until you get it right. Gummy bears deserve no less than perfection.”

“Deal,” I smiled. “You know, this is really nice.”

“I’m glad you think so,” he agreed.

“Can you believe graduation is in two weeks?” I asked. “It seems so soon and finals aren’t even over yet. I think they’re trying to kill us.”

Jude laughed. “Yeah, it feels that way. But it’ll be worth it when we stride across that podium and get our diploma. It’s time to start the rest of our lives.”

“It scares me,” I admitted, picking up some bubbles and blowing them away.

“What does?”

“Life,” I whispered.

He chuckled. “I think everyone is scared of life, at least a little. Although, I think it’s less about life and more about failing. We only have one chance to live our life and if we don’t do it right, it’s gone. That’s a scary thing to think about.”

“I’m scared I’m like my dad.” The moment the words left my lips I started to cry as the fear consumed me. I was so terrified of being like him, of hurting the ones I loved, and letting my anger get the best of me.

“Oh, Tate,” Jude wrapped his arms around me from behind and more water sloshed over the sides. We were going to have a mess to clean up. “You’re nothing like that man. You’re stubborn, true, but being stubborn is nothing like being an asshole and that’s what he is. But you’re so much more than that feisty, tough girl. You’re brilliant. And kind. And caring. And loving. And beautiful. And a million other things that make you, you.” He lowered his head and nuzzled my neck before kissing the skin there. “You’re amazing. Don’t ever doubt that. Everyone has faults, but that doesn’t make you a bad person.”

The tears came harder now and I flipped around so we were facing each other—and there went more water over the side.

I reached my arms up around his neck and clung to him. He wrapped his arms around me and let me cry, kissing the top of my head before resting his chin there. 

When I’d cried all my tears, I pulled away and wiped at my damp face.

“Thank you. Thank you for always making me feel better when I’m at my worst.”

He reached up and cupped my cheek. “I’d do anything for you, Tate. 

Sincerity shown in his eyes and I knew his words were the truth.

“Back at ya, Brooks.”

THE NEXT DAY WAS spent going to class, and studying. Study. Study. Study. If I never saw another textbook again, it wouldn’t be soon enough. I was tempted to chuck the one I was currently reading from at Jacob’s head. I wasn’t sure why Jude had thought studying at his place was such a great idea. As promised, I was staying here again tonight, but I swore I was going back home tomorrow. Jude had pouted at me when I told him I couldn’t stay here forever. His adorable pouty lip had started to crumble my defenses, but I stood strong. 

It was weird though; while our relationship was new I couldn’t help feeling like I’d known him forever. Jude and I shared a soul deep connection that many never found. It was the kind of connection I’d been envious of Rowan and Trent having. 

“Jacob, shut up,” Jude slapped his hands against the kitchen table where we were gathered.

Grant and his girlfriend were in the living room and I heard the sounds of her giggles. 

Dylan slammed the lid of his laptop closed and thrust his fingers through his hair so it stuck up wildly around his head. “Dude, we’re all fucking exhausted. I think we should take a break and go out for a while. I’m so done with this.”

“Yeah,” Jacob agreed. “We can only study so much, and I swear after graduation I’m throwing the biggest party we’ve ever had. I need a little fun in my life.”

Jude sighed and looked at me. “What do you say? Should we take a break?”

The sensible part of me knew I should keep studying until I fell over, but I honestly couldn’t take another minute of it. “Let’s go.”

“Yes!” Dylan and Jacob high-fived.

We didn’t waste any time in leaving. The guys wanted to go to a bar, so that’s where we ended up.

I was finally introduced to Grant’s girlfriend. Her same was Anna and she seemed nice enough, but maybe a bit of an airhead. Then again, maybe she only looked that way because she was googly-eyed over Grant. I looked over at Jude who sat beside me at the large booth. I really hoped I didn’t act like that around him.

The guys ordered a bunch of food, everything from nachos to potato skins to barbeque wings. They dug in and I quickly grabbed enough for myself before it disappeared.

The bar was loud and the crowd was a mix of young and old. Most people looked a little…rough…and I would’ve been uneasy if it wasn’t for Jude and the guys.

Jude finished eating and wiped his hands on a napkin. Pointing across the room to an area I couldn’t see from where I sat, he asked, “Wanna play a game of pool?”

I looked up at him and grinned. “Can we play against each other?”

“One on one?” He clarified and I nodded. “Sure, but do you know how to play?”

I tamped down my smile. “A little. I’m not that good, but I don’t want you to use this as an opportunity to rub up on me while you pretend to teach me.”

BOOK: Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set
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