Train Man (2 page)

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Authors: Nakano Hitori

BOOK: Train Man
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779 Name: 731 Post Date: 14/03/04 22:52


It was really just like that . . .

I’m so lame.

The suit was so cool.

After a while the conductor turned up.

When the conductor told the old geezer ‘We’re going to have to release you to the police so you’ll have to get off at the next stop’ the geezer threw a fit.

Because of the police, me, the girl sitting next to me, the older ladies and the geezer all got off at the next stop.

Then the conductor said

‘I’m gonna go and call the police so hold onto him for me will you?’ and rushed off somewhere. Leaving me and the ladies with the old guy. How mad is that. So I grabbed hold of the geezer’s arm but he yelled back at me saying ‘Don’t you grab me, I ain’t going nowhere!’ and started making a scene. None of the posers that passed us by even offered to help . . .

So I just held onto the old man who kept trying to run away and finally 2 or 3 policemen showed up.

‘This old man?’ they asked me. As soon as I replied yes, they moved mad-quick dragging him into an office. So we all followed.

After we all showed them our IDs they asked all the women ‘do you want to press charges?’ and they all said ‘no, thanks’.

I told them I wasn’t hurt in the scuffle.

780 Name: 731 Post Date: 14/03/04 23:06

Even if it wasn’t handled as a proper crime there was a load of paperwork that needed to be filled out so we followed them to the police station.

On the way there:

‘I’m sorry, it’s my fault it snowballed into this.’ The older ladies had a while to go before their stop but they all laughed and said ‘No biggie, don’t worry’

At the police station, the old man got taken to a room in the back.

I heard him yelling and then an angry yap from a cop.

‘We’re gonna squeeze him dry wrwg’ The policeman laughed.

As I watched the women scribble out the police forms I felt guilty again, thinking about how I should have just kept my mouth shut. If I had, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I bowed to them and apologised.

‘There aren’t many young men like you out there you know’ said one of the older ladies. And I felt ten feet tall.

Just a bit more.

Tho you guys know how it ends already.

789 Name: 731 Post Date: 14/03/04 23:24

Don’t know why or how, but I asked the policeman ‘Um, am I allowed to go now?’

To which the policeman replied ‘Of course, you’ve given us all we need. Thank you so much.’ I mean, he thanked me. And then the ladies also bowed deeply and thanked me.

‘If it’s ok with you, could you give us your name and contact information?’ said one of the older ladies.

I wrote my name and address in her notepad.

‘Excuse me, could I also have . . .’ the girl who sat next to me asked.

And then added ‘I’d like to be able to return this favour soon’

To which I babbled like an idiot ‘no, god no, oh no thank you’ and then quickly added ‘right then, I’m sorry about all of this, the fuss . . .’ and promptly legged it.

That’s the end of it.

I realised later on how stupid am I for not asking for their contact information . . .

I’ve never been thanked by a woman before so . . .

I got so nerrrrrrrrrvousssssss

792 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 14/03/04 23:27


You gave them your address, right?

Then there’s no need to worry coz they’ll come over to your place with a thank you gift.

793 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 14/03/04 23:27

Well your address is probably one in a list of many guys!

Even so, you’ve scored quite big for a Geek


811 Name: 731 Post Date: 14/03/04 23:40

Man, I’m so exhausted from my day. It was filled with stuff I never ever do . . .

And guys, thnx for reading my terrible writing.

I’ll let you know if I hear from one of the ladies. Will definitely report.



I wanted to but it just so happened that there were only women in my car The suit looked to me like a g-o-d

If he hadn’t helped out I’d probably have been beaten to a pulp Would have been quite a scene . . .


812 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 14/03/04 23:42

I think it was pretty gutsy of 731 to go up against a drunk.

Maybe it’s weird of me to say when I wasn’t even there but . . .

Isn’t it kind of an extension from basic, social, common courtesy, no?

815 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 14/03/04 23:45


I think it was pretty damn heroic of you

Tell us as soon as something new develops


762 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 15/03/04 19:08

thanks for listening yesterday.

It’s only been a day so nothing new to report.

You’re asking about what the older ladies and the young woman looked like, any special features

I can’t remember very well so I’ll write without getting into the details, ok.

Older ladies

There were three in all and they were in their 40s

But all very classy-looking

Girl that sat next to me

Probably in her 20s. But looked older than me. Between 22 and 25.

Celebrity traits, well, I don’t know many celebrities . . .

She had longish brown hair, was a bit on the skinny side.

Wasn’t too flashy or too boring and seemed well put together in a pretty-pretty kind of way.

777 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 15/03/04 19:27


I’m your basic Akihabara roaming techie . . .

Age = how long I’ve been without a girlfriend

Definitely a no sexperience virgin

You know what tho, I’m gonna try.

I’m gonna try to use that courage that came to me on the train

But even if something did happen with that girl that sat next to me

No way . . .

No way could we walk around town together or anything

780 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 15/03/04 19:32

Putting the calling and no-calling aside, you’ve really stepped up dude.

I don’t have it in me to do what you did, Mr Godman

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