Read Train Man Online

Authors: Nakano Hitori

Train Man (7 page)

BOOK: Train Man
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505 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 17/03/04 22:44


Thanks for the lines!

510 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:45


Sunday sounds good.

And when you ask her, she’s probably gonna say no at first coz she feels bad about it but just push for more and keep asking her to dinner!


519 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 17/03/04 22:46


I’m sure she’ll say ‘You don’t have to feel obliged’ when she says no.

Would that be the end?

And how do I push for more?

My mind is all crazy now

Anyway, I’m gonna innnnvite her to din-dins

522 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:48

>>519 Train

You’ve really . . . matured . . .

better yet . . . are maturing.

Damn. You is shining.

And so a little tug of war between Lady Hermes and Train Man begins. Will Train Man succeed in inviting Lady Hermes out?

530 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 17/03/04 22:49


531 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:49

Call from Lady Miss Hermes------!

538 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:50

Time to take the stage for real!

539 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:50

I’m praying like mad. Really.

548 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:51

I ask you God to provide Train Man with courage and to light his way!

549 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:51

If you want the courage I used in primary school when I pissed my pants for the first and last time . . . well I’m giving it away for free!

553 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:52

I’ve never sincerely prayed for a stranger ever in my life.

558 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:52

Even if it’s just us . . . let’s all try to stay calm

Why don’t we all join together in some deep breathing.

569 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:54

breathe in

and out

596 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:57

Man oh man, I wonder what they’re talking about.

I really want him to give it his all.

Train makes me want to be a better man.

600 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:58

Oh please please please make it all go well!!!!!!!!

605 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 22:59

Ten minutes on my clock


614 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 17/03/04 23:00


616 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:01

Ahyeah ahyeah

621 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:01

Why don’t you just say that you don’t know too many places and just buy some time?

622 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:01

To Sir With Love!!!!!!!!!

627 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:02

Just say you’ll look into it and that you’ll call her back

628 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:02

All rrrrrite!

629 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:02

First thing is to decide which train station to meet at.

You have till the day to decide on the restaurant.


641 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 17/03/04 23:02

Got it.

643 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:03


the realism is killin me

649 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:03


ahyeah ahyeah!

652 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:04

Train Man two-word post is for real

653 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:04

Sir Train Man Sir . . . serious respect

658 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:04


662 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:04

this kinda place is fairly harmless and the way to go methinks Tsuki No Shizuku is a fav of the ladies. whatchu all think?

686 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:08

No go with the ladies

When the place is too stiff it makes the ladies pull back and affects what follows, if you know what I mean.

Let’s say that food and drink will be split down the middle then it should be not-too-expensive not-too-cheap a place, nor can it be too fancy so basically we’re talkin about a so-so kinda vibe, yeah

690 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:08


Italian or French should do it

Quick search online should pull a couple up

Could ask a guy at work who’s popular with the ladies

Could check one of dem local message boards

Techies must act as techies do and use da puter for this!

691 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:08

kinda stylish, no

692 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:08

conveyor belt sushi, family dining, fast food, Korean bbq, yakitori, ramen places would all be no-go in this case – places that would work would be casual Italian.

693 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:08

I’m a girl and I’d have to say that French would be too fancy schmancy and could present unnecessary problems so Tsuki no Shizuku or slightly fancy Japanese tapas or ethnic dining could end up being the cool way to go.

722 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:11

You guys have probably forgotten that Train Man dresses like a techie.

Let’s take him shopping! – (’A`)

734 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:12

If they’re still talking, it’s been 23 minutes.

765 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:14

Girl here. I’ve overexcited myself and need to grab some tea. Laters.

767 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:15

All right then. Shall we begin our Train Man make-over?

But this Geek cannot be of much help . . .

Ladies, ladies, may we ask for you to step up


Finally, Train Man jumps over his first hurdle.

785 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 17/03/04 23:17

Just hung up.

We agreed to meet for dinner.

Thanks, e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y.

790 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 17/03/04 23:17

BOOK: Train Man
6.21Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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