Train's Clash (The Last Riders Book 9) (21 page)

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She pursed her lips but laid down.

Train sat down next to her hip. He considered telling her to take the bandana off, yet decided not to press his luck.

“I’ve never been submissive to any woman, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do it if she wanted me to. Sexually, I’m pretty laid back.”

Train bent down to lick her nipple, laving it with his tongue until it tautened. Then he slid his tongue between her parted lips as he used his fingers to tug and shape her breast, winding half the chain around it before he released her lips to suck her other nipple into his mouth.

She gave a soft moan, arching under him as he switched to her mouth again, now winding the other half of the chain around her other breast.

His cock was hard, the head riding her belly as he bent over her.

“If I have something made for you, will you wear it?”

She had to clear her voice before she could answer him. “Depends on what it is.”

Train fiddled with the chain until it was exactly where he wanted it. Then he kissed the flesh on the underside of the chain, licking down to her bellybutton and playing with her navel ring. It only took her a couple of seconds to agree.


Train lifted her legs over his shoulders, licking his way down to her cunt. He found her so wet and needy he had to grip her legs to keep them on his shoulders. His tongue slid through her slit to find her clit, laving it, twirling his tongue, before sliding back down her slit to find her opening.

He savored her before breaching her defenseless pussy, thrusting his tongue inside of her carefully and watching her abdomen muscles react to what he was doing.

The muscles in her pussy tried to clench his tongue to keep it still, but he used his teeth to rake her clit, loosening her hold, and then driving his tongue higher inside of her.

“Lover, please …”

Hearing that word out of her mouth again was like a firecracker to his nuts.

Using his shoulders, he pushed her legs higher until they were beside her tits. Reaching for the condom he had placed on the nightstand, he covered his cock, angry at himself for not already having it on. He almost climaxed before he could sink his dick inside her pussy, each thrust driving his climax closer.

“Damn, I don’t want to come yet,” Train groaned.

Looking at her through the strands of his dark hair that she had loosened, he took in every detail of her expression.

He’d had so many women through the years as a Last Rider, and even before that. In fact, he had lost count of how many women. He had watched as they climaxed, learning what they liked and didn’t. But he had never seen the response or emotions Killyama expressed when he touched her.

When his hand brushed her cheek, she turned into his hand. When he thrust hard, her lashes would quiver. When his chest flattened her chain-covered breasts, her lips trembled. Every nuance of her expressions was a new experience for him.

When he sped up, driving them both to an orgasm, he held his breath, not wanting it to end, and wanting to see the breathtaking love shining through her eyes. He then watched it all disappear in an instant when she realized he was watching her.

“Dude, you can get off of me now.”

Train didn’t slow his movements. He drifted his fingers to the chain at her breasts, slowly unraveling one then the other as she sucked in a deep breath before screaming as she reached another peak.

Massaging the blood back into her breasts, he whispered in Apache a phrase his grandfather used to say to his grandmother every night.

“When you sleep at night, dream of me, as I will dream of you. So even in our dreams, we will never be apart.”

“What did you say?” With a curious expression, she twined a stand of his hair around her finger.

All of The Last Riders’ women would want to be held at night, yet Killyama scooted away, maintaining her own space. When he tried to pull her closer, she rose to go to the bathroom. The only time he had seen her accept a display of affection had been from her mother.

“I said, sweet dreams,” he told the empty room.



“Come on, Viper. All I’m asking for is a favor. I don’t know why you’re complaining; it’ll solve your problem, too.” Train handed Viper another package to be loaded onto the delivery truck.

Rider gave him an encouraging nod when Viper still didn’t look convinced.

“How does inviting Sex Piston and her crew to a Friday night party solve any problems for me? It will only add to it when they tear it apart.”

“They won’t cause a fight,” Train reasoned. “And it’s not like they’ll be sneaking in … We’re inviting them. Plus, it’ll get you off the shit list with the wives, and some of the brothers, too. None of the wives are putting out since you laid down your order not to have anything to do with Killyama and her crew. Even though you rescinded the order, they’re still pissed and say they won’t put out until she comes back. I’ve asked her twice. She’s not coming. She makes me drive to Jamestown. The way it’s going, neither you or any of the married men are getting any anytime soon.”

“Winter and I aren’t having sex because she’s mad at me; she’s getting over Aisha’s birth.”

“Really?” Train rolled his eyes at Viper’s delusional comment. Aisha was six months old now. Even Train knew Winter was well passed the convalescent stage. The president of The Last Riders had more experience with women than most of them had, but where his wife was concerned, he was a sucker every time. “How about you, Razer? Cash? You two getting any?”

Razer tore his work gloves off, shoving them into his back pocket. “No.”

Train dodged a box Cash threw into the back of the truck. “No, and I wouldn’t ask Shade that question either when he comes out to check the boxes off.”

Viper put his hands on his hips, his stance becoming aggressive. “Don’t blame me if you pussies can’t control your women. They
coming to the party.”

Train’s shoulders fell. He would have to wait until Shade was in a better mood to ask him for his advice on how to turn Sex Piston around. He knew she was the reason Killyama still refused to come over. When he went to the Destructors’, she could maintain the image that what was going on between them was a casual hook up. If they went to The Last Riders and saw they were a couple, then maybe Sex Piston and her bitches would thaw out and get off Killyama’s case.

“It doesn’t matter to me, Viper.” Rider placed the smaller boxes to fit between the larger ones. “But seems to me that, if Sex Piston came, she would bring Stud, and Stud could keep the bitches in control. Everyone would get what they want. If Train and Killyama get serious, and we all know that he wants to, then we’re not only making Train suffer, but the other men, too. You can’t tell me that having Shade snapping heads off is for fun. And Knox has practically ticketed the whole town for jaywalking. He even gave Willa a ticket the other day.”

Cash and Razer looked away from Viper’s hard stare.

“Go ahead and invite them. But I won’t be there, and if Lucky doesn’t agree to be in there, it’s a no go.”

“Thanks, brother!” Train held out his hand to Viper.

Viper shook his head, not accepting his hand. “That’s not all. If there are any damages, it’s coming out of your pocket.”

“They’ll behave,” Train promised. “I’ll talk to Stud, and Cade will come with Fat Louise. The only two I have to worry about is Crazy Bitch and T.A., and with a clubhouse of men to keep them occupied, they won’t want to leave.” Train tried to be upbeat to ease Viper’s fears.

“That’s what I’m worried about.” Viper frowned, but he did finally take his hand. “So, did you come up with this bright idea yourself?” He glanced accusingly at Razer and Cash.

“It was Rider’s idea.” Train believed giving credit where it was due. Besides, he could always blame Rider if his plan went haywire.

“I better go get the other cart.” Rider hightailed it into the factory.

“You took advice from Rider?” Razer straightened a stack of boxes to make room for the ones Rider would bring out. “If he gave you the idea, he must have an ulterior motive. Rider doesn’t do anything unless it benefits himself.”

Train didn’t mention the promise he had made to Rider. It didn’t matter, anyway. It was only conditional on Killyama’s agreement, and there was no way Killyama would let Rider watch. If Train was honest with himself, he wasn’t sure he wanted Rider to. He was beginning to understand why the married men didn’t share their women.

“Be careful, brother. Rider has a way of stealing the women’s heart. He’s their favorite. Hell, he eats at Lucky’s house more than he does here, and even Rachel will fry extra fish for him when he goes to her house. If I hadn’t made a play for Beth first, Rider would have been the one married with two kids.”

Train laughed, seeing Razer had Shade bring out the other cart. “Now you’re exaggerating. Beth was too scared to give any of us a second glance.”

“Go ahead and laugh. When Killyama is cooking breakfast for him, I’ll remind you I told you so.”

“The day she makes breakfast for Rider, we’re going to need more than a factory full of supplies to survive, because that means the world has come to an end. She doesn’t even make me a coffee of cup when I stay the night.”

“You’re not cute. Rider acts cute. It gets past their guard,” Cash gave as his own warning.

“Watch it, Shade. That box is heavy,” Viper snapped out, going to help him when Shade made to lift the heavy box himself. “Rider hasn’t gotten past Winter’s guard,” he grunted out.

Train eyed the man who was walking toward Viper’s house. “Is that Rider going to your house now?”

Viper turned to see Winter opening the door and letting Rider inside. He made a production of looking at his wristwatch.

“Shade, you take over. I’m going to see if Aisha is awake from her nap.”

The men watched as Viper strode toward his house.

“Ten to one, Winter’s fixing him lunch.”

Razer’s comment had Train worried, but he was positive Killyama wouldn’t be taken in by Rider. The men were only trying to rile him up, like they used to do to Lucky before he married Willa.

“What in the fuck are you all jabbering about?” Shade snarled.

Train decided to put Shade out of his bad mood by telling him the plan that Rider had suggested, finishing by telling him the men were giving him a hard time about Rider. “… So Razer and Cash say Rider is the women’s favorite. Who do you think is?”

Shade stared at him as if he was a card short in a full deck. “Me.”

* * *

you bring me my mascara that you borrowed?” Crazy Bitch wiggled to adjust her short skirt that had ridden up when she had slid into the backseat.

“I didn’t borrow it. You put it in my purse because you didn’t want to take your purse.” T.A. rummaged through her purse then gave Crazy Bitch her mascara back.

Using her elbow to make T.A. give her more room, Killyama was growing more nervous the closer they drove to The Last Riders’ clubhouse. She wished she hadn’t let Sex Piston talk her into driving their car. Sitting between T.A. and Crazy Bitch made the twenty-minute drive seem longer.

Sex Piston rolled down the window in the front seat. “T.A., how much more of that cheap perfume you going to spray? We can’t breathe up here.”

“Try to breathe back here,” Killyama complained, waving a hand in front of her face. “I don’t know why you’re spraying so much. it’s not like you’re going to be able to get close enough to any of The Last Riders for them to get a whiff. Stud already read us the riot act to behave.”

“I don’t know why you are allowed to fuck Train, yet me and T.A. have to keep our hands to ourselves,” Crazy Bitch protested as she skillfully put her mascara on despite the moving car.

“Stud doesn’t want it to be a habit,” Sex Piston told her. “He’s only going because I promised we would behave.”

“He’s become a stick in the mud since he married you,” T.A. chimed in. “I take it back; if you get arrested, Stud’s on his own.”

“I’ll make sure to tell him.” Sex Piston slowed as they neared the sheriff’s office, blowing the horn as they passed. “You think Knox will be upset if we didn’t stop by to say hi?”

“No.” Killyama smiled despite her nerves.

Knox had probably taken the night off to bunker down with Diamond. If Sex Piston did anything to make the club angry, her brother-in-law would want to be as far and inaccessible as possible.

“That’s a cool corset. Can I borrow it the next time I go out with Slim?”

“No, your tits will stretch the leather out.” Killyama had lost too many clothes to T.A. to let her borrow one of her favorites.

When they parked, the women took the time to give each other a once over. Then they waited as Stud and the Destructors Stud had asked Viper if he could bring along drove up.

Now that she was outside the car, she could breathe again. She adjusted the four buckles on the front of her corset, cinching it tightly until her breasts nearly spilled over the top. She took the lint roller from Sex Piston, making sure none of Gollum’s hair was on her leather pants.

“Thanks,” Killyama said, giving the roller back. “Sex Piston, I …Do …?”

“Bitch, I ain’t stupid. We’ll behave.”

“Okay. Then let’s have some fun,” she said as Stud, Cade, Calder, and Pike got off their bikes.

“Looking good tonight, Calder,” T.A. flirted as they climbed up the steps.

“You’re all looking good tonight. Why don’t you all look this good when you’re hanging out with the Destructors?”

“Because there aren’t any Destructors we haven’t done or want to.” Crazy Bitch’s caustic reply had them taking a couple steps faster to get between her and Calder.

At one time, they had seemed attracted to each other … That was before another woman had come between them, offering him more than Crazy Bitch was willing to give. Candi had led them both down a road that Calder was damn lucky to get off of. He had chosen drugs over Crazy Bitch, and she had every intention of rubbing his nose in it.

Their eyes met as they took the steps together. Killyama felt bad for her. She had sworn off men, and other than the occasional hook-up T.A. had talked her into, she had stuck to it.

Moon was standing on the porch with a trampy blonde who had a cheap dye job and shorts up her crack.

“Hey, Killyama, ladies. Come to see how The Last Riders roll?”

“I see you’re already enjoying yours, Moon. Viper know you’re out here doing guard duty with your own party going on?”

The blonde blew the smoke from the joint she was enjoying into T.A.’s face as she crowded up the last step. The porch light shining down highlighted the flush she felt at the disdainful look the ho was giving them.

The night was starting off just the way she had expected it to. She didn’t know why she had let Train convince her to come and bring her friends. She was dreading having to put up with the men when she knew they despised her because of Sasha, which was why she had made excuses when he had wanted her to come over. When he had invited her friends, however, she knew he wanted to get on friendlier terms with them because of her. Plus, she wanted them along as a buffer.

“I’m giving Crash a piss break, so no, Viper won’t mind.” Moon didn’t seem insulted by her smart-ass comment as he opened the front door, stepping aside so they could enter. “Save a dance for me.”

She had to give the ballsy man kudos for not being afraid of her temper. His provocative attitude was one she could appreciate.

The club was packed, so it wasn’t until a couple of women moved from around the crowded pool table that she saw Train.

Sex Piston saw him, too.

“You need backup?”

“No. You get yourself something to drink. I’ve got this.”

“You need me, just yell.”

“I won’t be the one yelling.” She maneuvered around Cade and Fat Louise, weaving through the crowd until she was standing next to the two bitches. She didn’t have to be told to know they were hanger-on’s. The sluts wore dresses to get laid, which didn’t bother her, as long as they kept their hands and tits off Train.

When he sank the eight ball in the front corner pocket, he caught sight of her. Laying the pool stick down, he immediately came over.

“I didn’t expect you for another ten minutes.”

“I let Sex Piston drive. That way, if we got pulled over, Knox could take care of the ticket.”

“Good thing she wasn’t pulled over, then. Knox has been writing so many tickets lately that the county gave him the okay to hire another deputy.”

“She’ll be riding home with Stud. She’s planning on getting shit-faced.”

“I stocked her favorite brand of tequila.” Train took her arm, moving them away from the pool table. “You want a drink?”

“No, I’m good.” She saw the two bimbos’ disappointed gazes move to Moon who had taken Train’s place.

“I see T.A. and Crazy Bitch are making themselves at home.”

Killyama looked over to see they were dancing with two men she didn’t recognize. Both of them loved to dance. With a room full of men, loud music, and a free bar, they were giving the two bimbos a run for their money.

“They’re not shy.”

“I wouldn’t use the word shy to describe any of you.” Train’s mouth lifted humorously. “I’m going to grab a beer. You want to save me a seat on the couch?”

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