Train's Clash (The Last Riders Book 9) (9 page)

BOOK: Train's Clash (The Last Riders Book 9)
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“You need something to eat or drink?”


The hairs on the back of his neck stood up when she licked a path from his neck to his ear.

“I need more action and less talking.”


illyama allowed
herself to become more comfortable. She wanted to switch the conversation from anything that concerned their emotions. Unsaid emotions couldn’t come back to haunt you. When they weren’t together anymore, she would eventually get over not having the sex, but feelings always came back to bite you in the ass.

He thought she was being shy, attending her first Last Rider party. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen it all before in the backseat of her car.

All the bitches were jealous. They had all wanted to come. Cade had put his foot down, though. Sex Piston had kept mumbling that Stud would divorce her if she ditched his race to go to a Last Rider party, and she had told Crazy Bitch she wasn’t going without her.

She let Train take over the kiss, knowing men liked that shit.

Killyama lifted one eyelash to see Ember had simply raised her short dress to her hips, sinking down on a condom-covered cock that Crash had readied.

“Holy Moses!” she said to herself, but Train had lifted his mouth from hers at the exclamation.

She hadn’t seen
in the backseat of her car. She would have bitch-slapped any of her friends who showed that fancy shave job to their current dickheads.

Killyama had never been brave enough to go completely bare for three reasons. Number one: it hurt like a mother to have a complete waxing. Second: she preferred the runway effect—it gave the dickheads somewhere to aim for. The final and most important reason: it seriously hurt like a mother.

She might have to reconsider. She didn’t want to be compared to Uncle Fester’s Thing when Train went down on her. A girl had to do what a girl had to do to keep her man happy. However, he had to pass the final test before she decided to keep him, and she was willing to bet the last dollar sitting in her wallet that he would fail. She had never wanted a man to prove her wrong so badly.

The scary part was she was falling in love with him, and she knew he didn’t feel the same. He didn’t tremble when she touched him, nor did he worry about her when she wasn’t there. When she had gotten shot, he had only come to the hospital with Lucky. She had even accepted that he would fuck around on her, which truthfully had never been a deal breaker with her.

Men could be faithful to a job, to their friends. Hell, they would even be loyal to their dog before they were faithful to their wives. That was why she had sworn never to get married.

She wiggled on Train’s lap when he squeezed her thigh before going back to her crotch. He took it as an invitation when, in reality, she couldn’t decide if she was into it or not. It was kind of distracting to see a woman get fucked a few feet away from where she was sitting. Therefore, she tried to focus on Train instead, but it was hard with the music blaring and the woman screaming, “Fuck me harder!”

She buried her head in his shoulder. “If I ever scream that loud, tape my mouth shut.”

Train gave a low growl. “It doesn’t bother me. I think it’s hot to know a woman is enjoying what I’m doing.”

“I don’t think it’s hot. I think it’s called self-control.”

“Don’t you ever just loosen up?”


“Try. You might enjoy it.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“You don’t have to take my word for it. I can show you.” He sprawled lower in the chair.

His hard body was always a source of temptation to her. Adding to that, his dark eyes turned slumberous, sending a tingle up her back. The possessive way he looked at her instantly made her wary to what he would do next.

He slid down one tiny strap that held her top up, lifting her up slightly to use his mouth to loosen the material and expose a nipple to his seeking lips.

Killyama wasn’t thrilled about letting the club see her. Her fingers went to his hair, intending to pull him away, yet she somehow lost the will when his teeth bit down on the tender nipple.

She promised herself she would stop him in a minute. Then another one passed, and she found herself saying another. When he moved to her other breast, she almost jumped off his lap, but Train forestalled her, pinching the sensitive nipple he had been torturing and holding her in place as he licked her other nipple

“That’s not fair,” she gasped.

“I don’t play fair.”

She couldn’t move, pinned like an unwilling captive. She was beginning to understand the draw of The Last Riders. They had the uncanny ability to make the women comfortable in their sexuality. They let the women know nothing was off limits. Hell, it was encouraged.

Killyama tried in vain to drag herself to solid ground again. She rose up, gasping out, which only drove her nipple deeper into his suckling mouth.

Staring down at Train with his mouth on her flesh, she let go of his hair to put her hands on his shoulder. She didn’t know if she was trying to get away or give him more. He made up her mind for her, arching his hips so she could feel the hard ridge of his cock against her butt. Wiggling, she tried to ease the ache that had her growing wet, when the snap of her jeans was released.

As she put her hand over his to stop him, she became distracted as Ember and Crash came. She was so hot she felt as if steam was coming out of her jeans.

Train let her hand remain still as she got herself under control, making no effort to continue the heavy petting. Then, when Ember moved away and Crash went upstairs, she forgot all about the others in the room. No one could really see them, not unless they were standing at the bar, and most of them were dancing and playing pool.

Train slipped out of her grasp, and she let him slide his hand down the front of her jeans until he covered her pussy. She locked her thighs together, not to keep him away, but to increase the pressure. Then he stopped, pulling his hand back. She thought he would stop altogether. Instead, he lifted one of her legs over the arm of the chair then put his hand back on her pussy.

His shoulders blocked anyone from being able to watch as he pressed down on her, making circling motions that took all her willpower away. She wanted to stretch out her legs, but he controlled her movements, using his biceps to pin her. Killyama felt as if she were on a rack, breathlessly waiting for him to put her out of her torment.

Train then lifted his lips from her red, sensitive nipple, trailing kisses to the curve of her breast where he sucked hard at a tiny bit of her skin. It sent a jolt straight to her pussy.

“Let’s go to your room …” she pleaded, unable to take his teasing any longer.

“Why? There isn’t anything there that I can’t do right here.”

“I’m not going to let you fuck me here.”

“We have all night to fuck.”

“If you’re not going to put me out of misery, then why are we fooling around?”


“You’re so fucking funny.” Her frustration had her snapping at him. “Hammer said you didn’t have a sense of humor. Now I believe him.”

As soon as Hammer’s name came out of her mouth, she wanted to slap herself.

Train’s lips curled up in a grin. “I never joked around with Hammer. We’re usually too busy trying to get our ass out of Dodge.”

Killyama narrowed her eyes on Train’s unsurprised face. “How long have you known?”

“That you know Hammer and Jonas?”

She nodded abruptly.

“A while.”

“Why didn’t you say something? To me or to them? Hammer and Jonas have been running around Jamestown, trying to avoid you seeing them.”

That fact caught his attention.

“Why wouldn’t they want me to know?”

Thinking fast, she tried to regain her composure. “I guess they didn’t want you to know they worked with a woman.”

Train stared at her skeptically.

“You know how He-Man he is …”

“I can’t say I’ve seen that side of him … or Jonas.”

“Well, he is. They both are.”

“I assumed he was your father.”

“Hell to the fucking no.” Lowering her lashes, she raised his mouth to hers.

“Do you know that you only kiss me when you try to change the subject?”

“I do?” She sighed. “Look, he’s not my father. He’s been in my life ever since I was a kid, and so has Jonas. They kind of became surrogate fathers.”

“Your father didn’t care that they took his place?”

“My father is dead.”

“I’m sorry, Killy.”

“I’d rather go back to making out than talking about it.”

“I can do that.”

He had continued rubbing her as they talked, not letting the desire inside of her die. Now she rode his hand harder as he finally gave her his mouth. Thrusting her tongue inside, she tasted heaven as she tried to clamp her legs together again.

“I’m not going to come,” she whispered against his mouth.

“Who you telling? Me or yourself?” Train murmured back.

Her body was stretched over his. There was no lying about it, even though she wanted to.

“Both of us.”

She brushed her hair out of her eyes. If he kept teasing her, she would be the one everyone was watching. He thought he could make her lose control and lay the foundation for more sexual experiences until she became as blasé as the other women in the room. Remembering the blowjob she had given him, she knew how she could get him to do what she wanted instead.

She deliberately wiggled her ass again. “You’re so hard.” She lowered her voice to a sensuous tone. Then, clamping her teeth on his lower lip, she nibbled it like a piece of candy. “You’re so strong.” She ran her hand over his bicep, feeling it flex under her fingertips. “Mmm … Rub me harder. Ooo, that feels
good, lover. You make me
horny. I could just eat—”

Train stood up so fast that Killyama almost fell to the floor. She hid her smile as he rushed her toward the steps.

“Killyama, have you had time to ask Sex Piston when …?” Beth started to ask as they passed her and Razer.

“She’ll talk to her later,” Train threw the comment over his shoulder as he kept walking, tugging her alongside him.

She laughed as they climbed the stairs. “That was a little rude.”

He kept walking.

Yanking his bedroom door open, he pushed her inside, and then pressed her back to the closed door. “I didn’t think you would want me fucking you in front of Beth. If she hadn’t been in there, my dick would have taken what you were begging to give me.”

“Dream on, lover. We gonna talk about it to death, or are we gonna do it?”

“Oh, we’re gonna do it.” Train tugged off her jeans, somehow leaving her stripper heels on. He slid a condom on, and then lifted her legs over his forearms as he raised her high up against the door. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’re going to think that door is tattooed on your ass.”

“Do it!” she whimpered, goading him on.

He positioned his dick at the opening of her pussy. With a lunge, he then buried himself halfway inside of her.

“God, that feels so good. Give it all to me.”

Train lifted her legs higher over his biceps then wrapped his forearms over her legs, flattening her tits with his hands. Using her to brace himself, he drove his dick so high that she came instantly.

“Faster!” She wanted to ride out her orgasm as he fucked her.

She bucked against him as he fucked her steadily, his hair clinging to the sides of his face, obscuring her from seeing him. Gently, she reached out to brush it away.

“You’re so tight … I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.”

“I’m not Humpty Dumpty; I don’t break.” She moaned. “Like that, lover. That’s the way I want your cock … Deep and fast …”

She met each of his thrusts with one of her own. When he stiffened, he took her hands, lifting them over her head and locking them in place as he ground out his climax in her spasming pussy, giving her the weight of his body when he finally stopped moving.

“You’re a dangerous woman.”

She rubbed her cheek against his. “You going to let me down or keep me here all night?”

“Give me a minute. I’m trying to decide. I kind of like where you are, but I have plans for the bed and the shower.”

“Can you let me use the bathroom first?”

“Do I have to?”


“Damn.” He let her down, releasing her hands. “Hurry back.”

“Dude, you won’t have time to miss me.” She started to open the door when she realized all she had on was her heels while her top was bunched around her waist.

Killyama pulled off her top then grabbed the one Train had taken out of a drawer. She started to take her heels off, too, when …

“Don’t. I like fucking you with them on.”

“Pervert.” She grinned, going out the door and leaving Train’s partially open.

In the bathroom, she did her business and washed off. When she came out, she came to a stop. In the bedroom across from Train’s, there was a woman she hadn’t seen around the club before. Rider was naked on the bed, and he was pulling her down on top of him. Crash was taking his jeans off when he looked up, seeing her staring at them.

“Want to join?”

Her mouth dropped open. The woman was going to do both men?

“No, thanks.” She turned, nearly bumping into a grinning Train.

She slammed the door shut when he started laughing.

“She is going to fuck them both, and he thought he could fuck me, too?” she stormed, tearing off Train’s shirt.

“Crash could fuck five women and have enough left over to give you.”

She had imagined Train doing other women every night they weren’t together, but she hadn’t even thought that he would do two or more a night. Or a day. The sobering fact had her wanting to get dressed.

She picked up her clothes, going to the side of the bed as if she were going to lie down. “Who was the chick? I’ve never seen her before.”

“That’s Sasha. She became a member before Aisha was born.”

“Did you give her your vote?”

“Beth told you about the votes?”

“Yes. And before you say anything, we won’t say anything.”

“Yes, I gave her my vote.” Train held her stare, waiting for her reaction.

Killyama didn’t react. She simply looked down at her clothes.

Sex meant nothing to him. It was about quantity to The Last Riders, not quality. She wouldn’t even be second best to Train. She would be third, or fourth, or fifth. Hell, he probably couldn’t remember which women he fucked the day before, much less the day before that.

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