Train's Clash (The Last Riders Book 9) (8 page)

BOOK: Train's Clash (The Last Riders Book 9)
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’s just go in and get him. It’s too cold to sit here freezing my tits off,” Killyama complained.

“You think it’s any easier on me? I have news for you; Jonas needs to stop playing that dumbass game on his phone. And will you please quit chewing that gum? If you pop it one more time, I’m going to rip it out of your fucking mouth.”

“I’m almost on level thirty-one. I need to kill one more zombie to level up, and then I’ll stop.”

Killyama leaned forward, placing an elbow on the back of each of their seats. “If he doesn’t come out in one hour, I’m going to go knock on the door and pull Carter out.” With little to do but wait for their bounty to come out, they passed the time trying to see who could be the most irritating. So far, she was winning.

Jonas closed the app, settling against the door so he could see her. “You’re looking tired today. Late night?” Trust Jonas to amp the voltage.

“I’m not tired; I just didn’t want to waste my makeup on you two.”

“It didn’t have anything to do with seeing Train’s bike parked out front of the Destructors’ last night?”

Belligerently, she stiffened. “You keeping an eye on me?”

“I was going to get a beer. Of course, I left when I recognized Train’s motorcycle.”

“He stopped by to say hi.”

“I bet he got more than a hi.”

“Does it matter?”

“I hope you know what you’re doing. Train’s one of two men I wouldn’t cross.”

Usually, it was Hammer who warned others about being stupid. Jonas was the more laid back of the two men. They were like uncles to her. Jonas was the cool one, while Hammer was the pain in the neck.

“I’m not a kid anymore; I can watch out for myself.” She deliberately popped her gum again. “Who else wouldn’t you cross? It’s not like I’m scared or anything, but I can keep them on my radar.”


“Shade? We’re friends.” She might be a tiny bit exaggerating.

Hammer and Jonas took their eyes off the apartment to cast her doubtful glances.

“Shade doesn’t have friends,” Hammer warned. “I raised you to stare into a man’s eye and see his soul. Shade doesn’t have one. If you don’t see that, I failed.”

“I saw it, but you haven’t seen him around Lily.”

“You’re not Lily.”

She dropped her arms, leaning back in her seat as she stared out of the window. No one was Lily. She had the extra special something that drew everyone around her into her world. Her sister, Beth, had the same capacity. They were charming and so nice they made you wonder which planet they had been born on. A woman like Lily could catch a man like Train, instead of taking leftovers.

She was the complete opposite. She could be refined or pleasant … if she had a knife to her neck.

Killyama perked up when she saw a car park in front of the apartment they were watching.

“Get ready.” Hammer’s low voice broke the tension-filled silence.

Killyama grabbed the door handle, preparing to jump out of their SUV, when a short, blond-haired man came out carrying a laptop.

“That’s him. Go!”

Killyama jerked the door open, sprinting toward Carter. He was halfway to the parked car when the man driving saw the three of them running. He backed up before peeling out of the parking lot. Unfortunately for Carter, he didn’t react as quickly.

“Jack Carter!”

The bail jumper dropped the laptop he was carrying as he ran back inside his apartment.

“Why in the hell do they run?” Jonas grunted, leaping to tackle the shorter man onto the ground.

Killyama and Hammer pulled Carter to his feet after Jonas handcuffed him.

“Let me go! I’m going to call the police.”

“We’re going to save you the trouble. The cops have been looking for you since you missed your court date.”

They ignored the litany of verbal abuse Carter hurled at them as Killyama shoved him into the backseat, buckling him inside. Then she took the seat next to him as Jonas slammed the door closed. She was tempted to elbow him in the fucking face when he leered at her.

Hammer got in the front, handing the laptop to Jonas.

She kept an eye on Carter as Hammer drove to the police station.

“Whomever you stole that computer from won’t be happy to get it back broken,” Jonas remarked as he opened the laptop.

“It’s mine.”

“Sure it is. You have a rap sheet as long as my leg. You should wise up; you suck as a burglar.”

“Don’t mess with it. It’s none of your business.” Carter had been sitting docile until Jonas opened the laptop.

“Why you getting so bent out of shape?” Killyama egged him on. Deprived of chasing him down, she had to get her kicks another way.

“Maybe because it’s none of your fucking business what I have on my computer,” Carter snarled, struggling against his seatbelt and the handcuffs Jonas had placed on him.

“It’s his. Dumbass has his picture on the log-in.”

“Let me see.” She scooted forward as Jonas lifted the computer high enough for her to see, which was close to Carter’s face. His face turned red as he tried to reach for it but couldn’t.

“Quit egging her on. Jesus, it’s like I’m dealing with two kids when I work with you both,” Hammer grumbled.

“You fuckwads don’t know what shit you’ve walked into. I have friends who can make you disappear.”

“Ooo, I’m so scared. Any of those friends bail your ass out of jail? Wait a minute. That was me, and I definitely don’t consider you a friend.”

“You fucking bitch, let’s see how scared you are when …”

Killyama raised her eyebrows, waiting for him to finish. When he didn’t, she rubbed more salt into his wounds.

“Couldn’t think of anyone? I’ll tell you what; I’ll add you to the Christmas card list I send to all the losers who think they’re going to screw me out of my money.”

“Cunt, I’m going to fuck you up so bad—” Carter started to yell out until she couldn’t resist the urge to elbow him the face any longer. “I’m going to have you arrested.”

“For what? You hurt yourself when you fell. You see anything, Hammer? Jonas?”

“No,” they answered.

“You’re going to be sorry.”

She became tired of the whiney pussy, ignoring him for the rest of the ride to the police station. Once there, Killyama climbed out as Jonas took Carter.

“I don’t suppose you want to give me your password?”

“Suck my dick!” As they drew closer to the side door of the station, Carter dug his heels into the pavement. “What are you going to do with my computer?”

“Wipe it clean and sell it,” Killyama lied. In actuality, Jonas would look it over and see if they could use any of the information on his drive. Sometimes their best clues on chasing other felons were handed to them when they were searching for another one.

“Hey, sexy lady, did you bring me a present, or did you finally decide to go out with me?” The booking officer was one she was familiar with.

“I brought you a present. I told you I don’t date married men.”

“I’d get divorced if I thought you would go out with me.”

“Roberto, your wife is six months pregnant. One night, you’re going to wake up, and she’s going to be holding your dick in her hand.”

“Nah, I sleep with one eye open.”

Killyama moved to the side, letting Hammer deal with Roberto. She didn’t flirt with married men. It grossed her out the way men could flaunt their wedding ring and brag about their kids, then hit on another woman in the same breath. She would cut out her tongue before she ever said, “I do.”

“All done,” Jonas said when Roberto led Carter away. “You sure you don’t want to take Roberto to lunch? Don’t let us stop you. Hammer and I can hang back.”

“You’re so freaking funny. Why don’t you take him to lunch? You keep turning down my suggestions on who to date, so maybe I’ve been searching in the wrong direction.”

“I’ve changed my mind.”

“About what?”

“About Train. I think you’re perfect together.”


“Because neither of you would know a joke if it came up and bit you on the ass.”

“Train tells jokes all the time.” She didn’t know why she was defending Train’s somber temperament. It was just the principle of it. She was the only one allowed to give Train a hard time.

“Tell me one,” Jonas requested as they got back in their vehicle.

“I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.”

“You can’t think of one joke? How many times have you been out?”

Killyama shrugged. “Three times. I wouldn’t call them dates, though.”

Hammer stopped the SUV in the middle of backing up, turning to stare at her. “What would you call them?”

“I don’t know. Boinking? Fucking? Take your pick.”

Hammer slammed the gearshift into neutral, raising his voice so he was shouting into the confined space. “I raised you better than that! The least he can do is buy you dinner.”

“I wasn’t hungry for food.”

“Hold me back, Jonas, or I’m going to give her the spanking I should have given her when I caught her smoking.”

“Try it. You didn’t do it then because you knew I would tell Mama. If you don’t quiet down, I’m gonna tell her you’ve got a crush on her.”

Hammer’s face went white. “I do not.”

“Yeah, right. She’ll get that sad look on her face and give you a long speech on how much she still loves my father, and then you get sad.”

“I have never considered her anything other than a friend, which is more than I can say for you and Train. You want to step into a minefield, go for it. Just don’t expect me to pick up the pieces when it explodes. You’ve always had to learn everything the hard way.” Hammer put the gear back in and backed out. He was closing her out, showing her she had hurt him.

Regretting her words, she tried to make amends. “You know I won’t say anything to Mama.” It was as close to sorry as she was going to get.

He nodded.

Jonas remained silent, too. She hated it when they were mad at her.

She deliberately popped her gum. When that didn’t get a reaction, she did it again.

“Jonas, taze her ass.”

“What’d you say?” He turned his head, popping his own gum.

Hammer turned the air condition up to high. “I’m in fucking hell.”


the last of the packages.” Train dropped the order he had finished boxing up into the cart that Rider would mail out on Monday.

“Whoop! Whoop! We’re done for the week. I’m outta here.” Ember cleaned her table off, hightailing it out of the factory so fast that Train winced at the sound of the slamming metal door.

Rider grinned at him, hopping onto a table as he waited for Train to clean up his table. “I wonder if she’s more excited about it being Friday and she has the weekend off or the party tonight.”

“The party. No one’s had time to do anything but eat and sleep all week since we had to get the orders out.”

The orders they had been working on all week had left two hours ago in their own truck, heading to the airport in Lexington. The supplies had filled all their waking hours, knowing it was going to a country that had suffered a catastrophic earthquake.

“Don’t know if I’m going to make it tonight. I’m tired as fuck.”

Train was surprised. Rider had never missed a Friday night party. The brothers always joked how he would fuck when he was half-dead, something he had actually done once.

“You’re never too tired to fuck. Something wrong?”

“Today’s Gavin’s birthday.”

Train had been busy, but he hadn’t forgotten. This morning, he had gone to the cemetery where Gavin had been buried. He had seen Viper leaving as he rode onto the property Cash owned.

Rider had been just as close to Gavin as he had. They both had lost a good friend because of Memphis. Even now, they couldn’t believe how a man they had considered a brother had betrayed them. Memphis had fooled them all. The Last Riders had taken the betrayal hard. Each of them would give their lives before another one would betray the club again.

Train wrapped an arm over Rider’s shoulder when he jumped down from the table. “Come on; Sasha told me she ordered a new outfit for tonight. You’ll get your stamina back when you see her in it.”

“The one she let me pick out?”

Train hid his grin. The box she had carried up the steps had been big enough that it probably contained several outfits.

“Yes.” He would stop by her room before he went to his own and make sure of it.

They raced up the steps to the clubhouse, taking the one hundred plus steps two at a time. Neither of them was out of breath. They used every opportunity to work out. Keeping their reflexes and body in shape was a way of life with them. Especially since some of the brothers contracted out to the military when their expertise was needed. He was one of them. Shade was another.

There wasn’t a machine he couldn’t fly in the sky or on the road. That was why he liked working on engines. If he or one of the brothers’ lives depended on what they were riding on, it had to work.

Train used the opportunity of Rider stopping to talk to Moon to slip away upstairs to talk to Sasha. He didn’t have to knock; she was standing by her bed, trying to put a necklace on.

“Need some help?”


Train moved behind her, gently maneuvering the two ends together before closing the clasp.

“The brothers will be keeping you busy tonight.”

The black halter accented the large swell of her breasts. It went around her neck, crisscrossing to dip in a deep V. Her midriff then tied behind her back, where he was treated to the sight of her ass cheeks peeking out from beneath her white shorts.

“That’s the plan.” She leaned back against his chest, giving him the cleavage she exposed.

“Is this the outfit Rider picked out?” Train let his hands rest lightly on her waist.

“How’d you know?”

“Lucky guess.” The clothes would take Rider a second to get her out of.

“I’ll wear the one you picked out next time.” She rubbed her back against his chest like a cat seeking affection.

“I’ll make sure you keep that promise.” He dropped his hands, stepping away, then giving her a pat on her ass.

“You’re leaving? I thought we could get the party started?”

“I can’t. I need to shower and get changed. I invited Killyama to the party tonight.”

Sasha gave him a friendly grin. “You going to leave your door open?”

“Not tonight. I want her to get used to us before I invite others to watch.”

“Scaredy cat. Stori says she’s fierce.”

“I’m not scared; just cautious.”

“Well, if you decide to let anyone join in, let me know. I’m up to the challenge. I miss being with you.”

“You’re going to have your hands full tonight without wondering what’s going on in my bedroom.”

“You never know. She might be into it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. See you later.” Train left, hurrying to get his shower before Killyama arrived.

He had been undecided about her coming. But if he had any chance of convincing her to join The Last Riders, he had to let her see the parties. He hoped the night went well. Otherwise, it was going to be a hell storm of massive proportions.

He took a quick shower and dressed with his eyes on his watch. He didn’t want her to show up without him downstairs. The Friday night parties started anytime anyone wanted to fuck. With the hard week they had, they would be ready to blow off some steam soon.

Train was coming down the stairs when Killyama texted she was there. Opening the front door, he went outside to stand on the porch and wait for her.

He had to hang on to the balustrade when he saw her coming up the steps. The white jean top she wore was made to look like a bikini top that cupped her breasts lovingly. The material ended under her breasts, forming into fringes that gave him a glimpse of her waist. The fringes tapered to the hollow of her belly, which was exposed by her low-slung jeans that were so washed out they appeared almost white. There were so many holes, his eyes kept dipping to see the golden tan revealed through the frayed openings.

“Woman, I was already hard thinking about tonight. Now I could come just seeing you in that outfit.”

“Slow your roll, lover. We need to get a few things straight before we go inside.”

“Like what?”

“I know how this train ride goes. I’m telling you now, I’m not watching you fuck another woman.”

Train tried to douse the raging fire in his dick as he got himself back under control. Leave it to Killyama to put the brakes on before the party started.

“I told you, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We’ll leave the party and go upstairs to my room whenever it gets too much for you.”

“Dude, as long I don’t have to watch you fuck another woman, I can handle pretty much anything.”

He smiled. “That’s some brave words when you don’t know what you’re walking into. I’ve been with The Last Riders for a long time; they still surprise me.”

He opened the door for her. The clubroom was already crowded.

“You hungry?” Train took her hand, leading her toward the kitchen.

“No, but I’ll take a drink.”

He stopped his progression, turning to take Killyama to the bar.

“What can I get you?” He stepped behind the bar, grabbing a cold beer for himself.

“Got any bottled water?”

“We have tequila.”

“I’ll stick to water for now.” Killyama slid onto a stool, turning to study the faces around her.

Train shrugged, giving her the bottled water.

From her choice of profession, he could understand her trust issues. No woman, no matter how much she trusted a man, should ever lower their guards until they grew to know a man better.

“I didn’t expect this many Last Riders to be here.”

He slid onto a stool next to her. “They aren’t all Last Riders. Members can invite anyone they want on Fridays.”

Train didn’t miss the dawning comprehension in her eyes.

“Only on Fridays?”

He nodded. “Unless you’re property, celebrating something, or a new recruit, the clubhouse is closed to anyone else.”

“That’s why you put me off when I wanted to come over the last time?”


“All you had to do was tell me. It pissed me off.”

“It didn’t show.” In fact, Killyama had sucked his dick as if it was her favorite sucker.

Shifting on his stool, he wanted to unzip his jeans and let her go at it again. The thought of fucking her mouth in front of the crowded room had him gulping down his beer to cool himself off.

She swung around on the stool to face him, one long leg sliding between his. “It’s not as bad as I expected it to be.”

“They’re being on their best behavior.”

“For me?” She shook her head at his nod. “Hell, tell them to have at it. The Destructors make The Last Riders look like kindergarteners.”

“You sure? I’m trusting you, Killyama. You don’t have the best record where the women are concerned.”

“I’ll keep my hands to myself if you do, too.”

It wasn’t exactly a promise to behave, but it was the best he was going to get.

“Moon, turn the music on!” he yelled out.

The brothers stared at him in silence. When he gave a nod, the music blared out from the expensive sound system Crash had installed.

“Sound of Madness” filled the air as Beth and Razer came out of the kitchen. Train saw Killyama’s eyes widen as she took in Beth’s clothes.

“Girl, you look hot.”

Razer’s wife gave her a self-conscious smile. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

Train kept his eyes on Killyama as the members relaxed their guard.

Moon was dancing behind Jewel, grinding his hips against her ass. His hands were plastered to her naked breasts, the top pulled down to her waist.

Crash and Ember were sitting on a chair, going at it hot and heavy. She was on his lap as he rubbed her pussy through her jeans.

Razer hooked an arm over Beth’s shoulder as he talked to Train about the week they had. Beth then asked Killyama what Sex Piston was doing tonight.

“Stud is racing in Illinois. Crazy Bitch went with her to cheer him on. Fat Louise and Cade promised they would stop by and let her mother see the baby.”

“T.A. didn’t go to the race?”

“No, she had to work late. If they had waited for her, they would have missed Stud’s first race. She called me an hour ago to tell me she was going to bed with a book and a bottle of wine.”

“A whole bottle?”

“You ever seen Stud race?”


“It takes a bottle of wine to get over missing that. He’s hell on wheels.”

Beth’s gaze became interested. “Does he win a lot?”

“Every time. No one has beaten him yet.”

Train and Razer stopped talking as Killyama bragged about Stud. Beth was practically fanning herself, and Train didn’t miss the way Killyama’s face became excited. Razer didn’t seem much happier than he was about another man getting discussed in front of them. Train wouldn’t describe what he felt as jealously, but it was close.

“When’s his next race? I could tag along with Sex Piston and give you girls a break.”

Razer and Train’s conversation came to a screeching stop as they stopped pretending not to listen.

“I’ll ask her and text you when I found out.”

“Let’s dance. I like this song.” Razer guided Beth to the back of the room.

“He likes this song? He must be tone deaf,” Killyama said with complete bewilderment.

“I like it, too.”

He slid his leg between hers until his knee was resting against her crotch. “Does watching Stud race get you horny?”

“That’s a leading question. You sure you want the answer?”

He pressed his knee harder against her. “Yes.”

“Talking about Stud racing doesn’t make me horny. What’s tripping my wire is so much closer to me.”

“Right answer.” Train stood up then lifted her from the stool. He saw the overstuffed chair next to Crash and Ember was empty. Heading over, he sat down, pulling her down onto his lap.

He didn’t pay attention to what everyone else was doing, unable to resist touching Killyama for another second.

“I’ve wanted to touch you since I saw you coming up the steps.” He kissed the silky smooth flesh between her breasts.

She brought her hands to his shoulders as she tautened on his lap. “Don’t you want to go upstairs?”

“Later.” He covered her mouth with his, driving his tongue into her mouth before she could say anything else and ruin his mood.

“I was going to get you to show me around the club,” she said when she was able to detach herself.

“You’ve seen most of it when you came over when Penni was here.”

“I was going to say hi to Lily and see how Winter’s doing.”

“They aren’t here.”

His kisses weren’t working. Deciding to go for it, he slid his hand over her flat waistline.

“Why aren’t they here?”

Train lifted his head. “I don’t know. Want me to call and ask?” He tried to keep the irritation out of his voice, realizing he failed when she shot him a withering look.

“Excuse me, but I ain’t exactly used to being surrounded by people fucking.”

Her humor drove his irritation away.

“I didn’t take you for being shy.” He glided his hand down to rest between her thighs.

“I’m not going to fuck you in front of everyone to prove I’m not shy.”

“I don’t expect you to. I wanted you to prove to me that being close to me makes you horny.”

“You’re always wanting me to prove shit to you. What about me?”

“What do you want me to prove to you?”

She didn’t answer.

“Just ask.”

“Okay. That you will trust me no matter what.”

Trust didn’t come easy for him. He never trusted anyone, except the brothers. However, she was out of her comfort zone, and she was trusting him with her body, so the least he could do was trust her. Within reason.

“I don’t trust anyone like that.”

“Not even The Last Riders?”

“Except for The Last Riders,” Train clarified.

“And I’m not a Last Rider; is that what you’re saying?”

“Not yet.”

“You don’t give up, do you?”

Train shook his head with a grin. “Not when I care about something.”

“Do you care about me?”

Train held her stare, not letting her look away. “Yes.”

Her body became limp as she twined her arms around his neck. “Do me a favor?”

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