Transparency (7 page)

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Authors: Jeanne Harrell

BOOK: Transparency
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“Jesus, Beth… I can’t get enough of you.”

He slanted his lips across hers to kiss her deeply and with incredible feeling. His tongue tangled with hers as his hands tangled in her hair.

“Really? I couldn’t tell.”

She laughed at him until he slowly slipped inside her making her cry out. Her body arched as he went deep and filled her completely. When they began to move and sway, his lips stayed on hers ensuring that she knew exactly how he felt. His lips moved to her throat as they slowly crested and sank down together. From the warm circle of his arms, Beth nibbled at his chest.

“…No biting…”

“Are you trying to starve me?”

“No, sweetheart. I just can’t seem to move far away from you.”

She gently pushed him back to look into his handsome face. He was smiling at her while his possessive hands claimed her hips and his lips started for hers again. She put up a hand between their mouths.

“What?” he said into her soft hand.

“I need a little more time before round three. How about those eggs?”

“I could stay this way all night, Beth.”

“And we will, honey. Let’s take a little break first.”

She sat up and finished buttoning his shirt. Bryce sat up by her and ran a hand through his tousled hair before giving her a sexy look.

“You look good enough to eat…”

She laughed. “Let’s try those eggs first…”

He grabbed his shorts and laughed. “Yes, ma’am…”



* * *





They were sitting at the kitchen table in his breakfast nook munching on some scrambled eggs and toast. Bryce had cooked while keeping up a running commentary about his life and also asking questions about hers. They went back and forth…

“So what really happened with Sylvia?”

Bryce swallowed and shrugged his shoulders. “She found your card and it all came out.”

“What came out?”

“She knew things at work weren’t going well for me and she was also seeing a new guy – from my company, I might add.”

“Wait a minute. There’s a couple of questions in here. What’s going on at your work?”

Bryce looked hard at her and began. “I’ve been instructed to conduct a hostile takeover of a company up north. My firm wants to buy it, so we can sell off the assets to another larger company coming in.”

Beth took another bite of her eggs, chewed and swallowed while thinking that over.

“And a hostile takeover means…”

“They don’t want us coming in to buy them out. It’s called a leveraged buyout meaning the smaller company will have to borrow a great deal of money if they want to fend us off. It won’t work because it’ll be too expensive and they could lose their shirts trying to pay down the debt.”

“That sounds illegal…”

He shook his head. “Unethical maybe, but not quite illegal.”

“And that’s the kind of business you’ve been doing all this time?”

“Pretty much…”

She leaned over to wipe some crumbs from his lips and then kissed him.

“Oh, honey… You’re losing your soul.”

“I know it, Beth. The whole house of cards started falling in on me when Sheriff Ibarra found my dad’s logbook.”


He explained the whole story to her about the sheriff, the logbook and the subsequent reappearance of his conscience.

“And that’s when I bumped into you or fate brought you…”

She smiled. “I see. So you think your dad’s reaching out to you, trying to steer you back to the straight and narrow.”

“Beth, I always thought he was such a poor businessman, but it’s pretty obvious that I’m the one who’s sorely lacking.”

“So what are you going to do now? With this company?”

“… Can you stay a while, sweetheart? I need to talk your ear off. Would you please stay and listen to me? I really need to talk this out…”

“Oh, Bryce. Once again, I would do about anything for you.” She smiled at him. “You always were my Achilles heel.”

“I’m not going to say I’m sorry for that.”

“Nope. Don’t bother… It’s my problem anyway.”

“It’s not a problem. It’s wonderful…”

They’d finished their eggs and just sat, gazing at each other. Beth pushed some hair out of her face.

“I always thought you were this Marlon Brando type guy – Larger than life… Maybe Brando in ‘
On the Waterfront’

He laughed at that. “Does that make you Eva Marie Saint? You know she co-starred in that movie with him.”

“Am I co-starring in a movie with you, Bryce?”

He took her chin to lift up her face to his. “Please do. Using all my powers of persuasion, please do…”

Bryce’s lips pressed firmly against Beth’s. He brushed hers again and again planting little kisses until she parted her lips. The kiss deepened... He put his arms around her and tightened, pulling her closer. Soon he’d pulled her into his lap and the kissing continued. She ran her fingers through his dark hair and then wrapped her arms around his neck. Long, sweet kisses with no beginnings and no endings… She began moving her lips along his jaw and down his throat. She used her tongue to outline his ear… Opening his shorts, she moved to straddle him as he gasped.

“Wait, honey…” He shifted to accommodate her and she straddled him more firmly before beginning to move slowly with him. He clung to her hips as she picked up the pace… Faster and faster… higher and higher… His breathing was ragged as the exquisite movement continued and continued… Suddenly, she ground her hips against him – They lost themselves in one another at the same time, while fireworks went off in the kitchen around them.

Calming down, Beth got off Bryce’s lap and sat back in her chair. He ran a hand through his own messy hair and leaned over to cup her face for a sweet kiss.

“Thank you for coming back into my life, sweetheart.” He kissed her again. “I’d forgotten how wonderful love could be… with you.”

He gazed into her shining eyes. Her kisses were sweeter than honey.

‘May I ask you something?”


“Did you love Sylvia?”

“No… And what’s more, she told me that I was fun…”


“Yeah, just fun…” She laughed and then he caressed her face. “May I ask you something?”


“Why didn’t you ever marry?”

She sat back in her chair and took a sip of her water.

“… Oh, boy. You had to ask that, didn’t you?”


She looked at him, exhaled a breath and decided on complete honesty.

“… Bryce, you wrecked me. I didn’t want anyone else if I couldn’t have you.”

That brought tears to his eyes. “Jesus, Beth. I don’t deserve you. I walked out…”

“I know… I was there. But I also knew how desperately you felt about losing your father. It’s just a shame you couldn’t talk about it to me.”

“…Or to anyone else.”

He smiled at her, got up and held out a hand.

“Let’s go back to bed, sweetheart. I have to work in the morning and a little sleep would be good.”

They stood up and walked to the staircase together. Bryce kissed Beth’s hand and they went up to the master bedroom. He lay on the bed and pulled her close to him. Spooning with Beth, he lightly kissed her soft hair and shoulders. She closed her eyes, gave a contented sigh and snuggled deeper in his arms.

Bryce closed his eyes. Just before Beth fell asleep, he heard her whisper, “Please don’t leave me again…” He choked up and his eyes smarted.

“Never again, sweetheart…Never again…” He hugged her tighter and then they were asleep.



* * *





Work the next day was difficult. Bryce knew he was stalling for time…for something… Until he could figure out what he needed to do. He’d even contemplated quitting until Beth talked him out of that idea.

This morning, after they’d made sweet love again, he’d really opened up to her about the company and the business deal in play. He knew she sensed his hesitancy, yet she told him to come up with a different plan – Do something unusual… unpredicted. His head was totally immersed with Beth… with this company in Gardnerville. Bryce knew he had to have her with him – That this company needed her as much as he did.

Around five o’clock, Nick stuck in his head in Bryce’s office. He looked excited.

“Hey, Bryce…”

“Nick. Come in…”

“How’s the deal going?”

“… It’s going…”

“How about we take off for a drink this evening? Got plans?”

“No, not really. Where do you want to go?”

“Let’s head over to that little corner bar at the Bellagio…”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you there in what? Fifteen minutes?”

“…See you there.” And Nick left his office.

Bryce immediately picked up his cell to call Beth. She answered on the first ring.

“Hi, sweetie. How’s your day?”

“Pretty good. The Quartet has been brainstorming what to do after our Las Vegas run.”

“Sounds wonderful… Where are you?”

“I’m at your place. When are you coming home? Want me to cook something?”

He laughed. “Can you?”

“Ha ha… Yes, I can cook, if it’s nothing too fancy. I’m pretty good with spaghetti.”

“Spaghetti it is then. Listen…”

“… What?”

“Nick’s asked me out for a drink just now, so I will probably be home in an hour. That okay?”

“Of course. I won’t start cooking for a while…”

There was a catch in his throat. It was all so domestic and so familiar… He’d never had discussions like this with Sylvia. They’d gone out to eat almost all the time – She hated staying home and she hated cooking even more. The differences between her and Beth were too numerous to count, and he was so damn thrilled that it was Beth waiting at home for him…


“… Hmmm?” she purred.

“I love you, as you’ve probably figured out.”

She laughed at him. “Yes, it’s become obvious…”

“You always could see right through me.”

“Yep, you’re pretty transparent,” she laughed again.

“… So I’ll see you later.”



“I love you too…”

“… I was hoping to God you’d say that.”


“Bye, sweetie…”


* * *


Armed with Beth’s love and little else, Bryce met Nick at the Bellagio bar. It was a gorgeous place with plush seats, crystal vases on the bar, deep mahogany tables and low, recessed lighting. It seemed like an interesting place for Bryce to meet his boss for a friendly drink, but he was willing to go with it.

“Bryce!” Nick waved at him from a low table off to one side. The music was low and sensual, making Bryce uneasy. He waved back at Nick and went over to sit across from him at the small, round table. Nick had already ordered them a couple of drinks.

“Bourbon, right?” Nick asked as he handed Bryce a drink.

“Yeah, thanks.” Bryce took a quick sip and set the glass down in front of him.

“How are you?”

“Good, Nick. How are you?”

“I’m good, but I’m beginning to lose some sleep at night.”

“Sorry to hear that. What’s up?”

Nick was a tall man with dark, sandy hair. He had penetrating eyes that could look right through a person.

“I’m worried about you, Bryce.”

Bryce took another sip of his drink. “Don’t be…I’m fine.”

“What’s happening with the Gardnerville project? Making any headway?”

“Sure. It’s about time for me to make a visit there.”

“Really, Bryce? You’re about to wrap it up?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, that’s good news. I was beginning to worry.”

“What would you be worried about?”

Nick looked at him long and hard. “About you joining the unemployment lines.”

Bryce blinked and looked over at him. “Say again…”

“We’ve been together a while now, but I get the feeling this deal is not going down too well with you.”


“Let me cut to the chase here, Bryce. Finish the deal soon or you’re fired.”

Bryce’s eyes popped wide. “You’re firing me?”

“It could happen and remember…”


“If you don’t work for me, I can make it damn difficult for you to work anywhere else in the financial field.”

“Jesus, Nick… You’re threatening me too?”

“Call it what you want. I need this deal, so you need it too.”

Nick and Bryce stared at each other – Neither speaking. Nick broke the spell by looking at his watch. “Got to go, buddy. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision. Leave the day after tomorrow for Reno and get this deal done.” He smiled at Bryce as he threw some money down on the table. “You’re the best!”


He thought long and hard on the drive home. Pulling into the garage, Bryce turned off the ignition and just sat there for a few minutes thinking. He looked over at the Harley and slowly smiled. It might be a good night for a ride. His smile became bigger as he got out of the car and went into the condo. Beth was waiting for him. Beth…Thank God…

“Beth?” he called out.

“…Kitchen,” came the reply.

Bryce found her in the kitchen wearing an apron and stirring marinara sauce. The smell was heavenly and faintly reminiscent of his mother’s cooking. He came up from behind, grabbed her around the waist and held on for dear life. She set down the ladle.


“Hi, yourself…”


Bryce nuzzled her neck as Beth reached up to softly stroke his face. She turned around in his arms and greeted him with a grin.

“Good day at the office, dear?” she kidded him.

He smiled at her. “…Later…”

Bryce didn’t want to talk about what had just happened – Not yet. He wanted to kiss her until they didn’t feel like kissing anymore. Beth was becoming his own personal panacea for making everything better. Instead of feeling hopeless or helpless, with this girl in his arms, Bryce felt… no, he knew he’d be able to figure out what to do with the job… with his life. But right now, kissing was all he had on his mind.

He pressed his eager lips firmly against hers and kissed her with all he was feeling. Her lips parted and the kiss became more serious. She raised her head for him to kiss up and down her throat, coming back to replenish his batteries with another out-of-this-world kiss. Beth’s knees were getting shaky and little contented sighs escaped her mouth when Bryce finally released her. Inches from her lips, he looked deeply into her eyes. She grinned at him.

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