Transparency (9 page)

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Authors: Jeanne Harrell

BOOK: Transparency
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“You’re getting pretty good at this,” she whispered in between ear nibbles.

He nodded while suckling her other breast. Her hands skimmed lightly down his stomach finally finding what they were seeking. His erection rose to meet her and she pulled him down between her legs. With ragged breaths, Bryce slipped inside as her hips moved up to meet him. Holding onto each other tightly, they danced the lovers’ dance. In… one-two… Out… three-four… Up… five-six… Down… Seven-eight. Again and again and again…until their crescendo of raw sensation and feeling filled them with rapture. Their senses were overloaded as they came together, coming down with uneven breaths and unsteady movement. Spent, Bryce collapsed beside Beth on the bed.

“Whew… We’re both getting pretty good at this…” Beth kissed his closed eyes, nose and all around his face.

“Jesus, Beth. All I really… want to do in this life is… stay in bed with you.”

“There are other surfaces we can try, you know,” she teased.

She snuggled up to him and he put his arms around her. Pulling the covers over them, Bryce kissed the top of her head.

“Get some sleep, sweetheart. The next few days might be a little difficult for us.”

Beth snuggled in closer and kissed his arms.

“I’m here for you, honey. Lead the way…”

Bryce happily sighed, closed his eyes and fell asleep while Beth lay awake for a while longer
. What did he have in mind? How do I fit into the picture here?

The butterflies in her stomach wouldn’t quiet down right away. Finally, she fell asleep, but her mind was busy and preoccupied. It was an uneasy sleep.



* * *





Bryce spent the next day at the office going over and collecting all the paperwork he’d need for his flight to Reno and subsequent travel up to Gardnerville. He was meeting with the owner of the manufacturing company that they were taking over and Nick came in twice to make sure he was doing it.

He’d made his own travel arrangements this time, instead of going through his secretary. She wondered about that, but he just laughed it off, saying he had a surprise for his girlfriend. She smiled and nodded
. Nice guy

Bryce was deciding what he was going to do… And whatever it was, it would have to be a gutsy move and pretty much ensure that he would be fired. But his conscience was up and working overtime and there was nothing to do now, but go for it. With Beth’s help, he figured he could pull it off. Remembering his last trip out like this, the visit to Mesquite, he gave a short laugh. His whole world had been turned upside down since that trip and Bryce marveled that he was still upright.

Beth was deep in rehearsals all that day with the other members of the Quartet. On breaks, she had to give a few details to Eva about what was happening with Bryce. Eva smirked, smiled and grinned at Beth and said, ‘
I told you so’
at least five times. Beth just blushed every time she said it.

The night’s program would be the same as their first one in town. Everyone agreed that Beth should finish the program like always with ‘
’ by Johann Sebastian Bach. She was thrilled because she loved the movement so, and Beth also knew it was Bryce’s favorite piece in the program. He’d even requested that she play it for him sometimes at night because he thought it was the most beautiful music he’d ever heard. It had become their song…

The evening’s performance was their best yet… Three encores. The four musicians stood and bowed over and over. Eva and Beth received flowers from many people in the audience, including Bryce. He was in the front row again smiling broadly and happy that their expertise was highly valued. Bryce was so proud of Beth and her work as a musician – He always had been…

He felt she was exquisite – Something rare. Taking good care of her was high on his list… In fact, she was the list. She was what really mattered most to him and he was going to do it right this time.

They all went out for dinner afterwards that became more of a celebration for the successful tour. After a few toasts and a wonderful dinner, several of them were happily spooning crème brule.

“So, what’s next for the Quartet?” asked Bryce. He’d finished his dessert and wiped his mouth with the napkin.

William looked over at him. “We’re off for a few months.”

“…Not quite, William. We have the fundraiser to play with the Philharmonic in a week,” said Eva.

“Yes, that’s right,” he replied. “I forgot about that.”

“Are you all heading back to San Francisco?” asked Bryce.

“No,” replied William. “James and I are going to travel some before heading back home. We’re still on leave from the Philharmonic until the fall.”

“What are you doing, Eva?”

“I thought Beth and I were going to head back together,” she smiled. “But I think I’m going alone, aren’t I?” She grinned at Beth who blushed.

“…Ah… Maybe I’ll see you there a little later.” She glanced at Bryce. “Aren’t we flying to Reno tomorrow?” He nodded.

“Eva, Beth is joining me on a business trip, but it will only be for a few days.”

“So then, Beth, are you coming to San Francisco after that?”

Beth swallowed. “Can I get back to you on that?” Eva laughed.

She and Bryce hadn’t discussed what was going to happen to them as a couple after the Quartet’s tour was completed and their last performance in Las Vegas was over. Well, they were there now and they’d need to talk. But not here… Not now… Later…


* * *


Back home that night, Beth was lying contentedly in Bryce’s arms after they’d made love. He kissed her soft lips again and pulled her closer to him. He knew she had questions for him and he was waiting for her to ask. Finally…

“…Honey… Go ahead…”

Beth pushed away from him and propped her head on her hand so she could see his face.

“I have to ask you some things.”


“First, what’s happening tomorrow in Gardnerville? Am I going with you or staying in Reno? What’s my role here? I’m confused.”

“… I know you are, Beth, but please let me explain everything to you on the plane. We’ll have time and it’ll help settle my nerves.”

“So you’re nervous too?”

“Like a cat on a hot tin roof…”

They looked at each other and laughed.

“All right… How long are we staying in town?”

“We can stay in Reno for a few days, if you like. I won’t need to rush back, I’m sure.”

She knit her brows and looked at him in confusion.

“I don’t understand.”

“… I’ll explain it on the plane. It’ll take a few hours.”

“What will?”

“What’s going to happen tomorrow.”

“Okay. Apparently, I’m getting nowhere with that subject. Let me try another…”


“What’s happening with us, Bryce?”

“We’re rediscovering our relationship and I think it’s fairly fabulous so far. What do you think?”

She smiled. “I think it’s fairly fabulous too, but Bryce…”

“What, honey?”

“This is where the floor dropped out from under me the last time. Is something going to make that happen again?”

“I hope not.”

“I’m not sure I could take it a second time. Once was bad enough.”

“… No, I’m not going to leave you, Beth.”

She visibly relaxed. “Okay.”

“Anything else?”

“Is our relationship going anywhere? And what about San Francisco? I have a condo there in the Marina area… I’d kinda like to see it again.”

“Where do you see us going?”

She blinked. “…Marriage, of course… Children. You know, the house with the white picket fence and the whole nine yards.” She looked hard at him. “Am I wanting too much from you?”

“No, of course not…”

“… But…”

“Can I get through tomorrow before wrapping my brain around anything else? I promise I won’t disappoint you, sweetheart…”

It wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear, but it was all right for now. Tomorrow could change everything… She wasn’t sure what he had planned but it must be that unusual step she told him to take.

So Beth smiled at him as he reached for her. He gently laid her head back on the pillow and kissed her with such passion, that she forgot her own name for a minute. He did have this way of making her forget things.

And when he whispered, “I love you, Beth,” she forgot everything else they’d been talking about. What mattered was that they were together and happily, now, at this very minute. It was a defining moment…



* * *





The next day, they made it to the airport just in time to make the flight to Reno. Beth hadn’t known what in the world to pack since Bryce gave her so little information to go on. In the end, she’d packed lightly, as had he. She figured if anything unusual came up, she’d buy what she needed.

Bryce thought he would have about two hours to discuss the options with Beth and let her help him choose the best one. It had become a natural progression to seek out her advice. Beth had always been more grounded than he was and he wanted to sound her out.

Once the plane took off, Bryce brought out some papers from his briefcase.



“There are a few options and I want you to help me choose the best one.”

“Okay…” She glanced into his studious face. “…But you do realize I know nothing about business, right?”

“This has more to do with right and wrong, than business deals.”

“I can do that…” She smiled at him and he smiled back.

“I love you…”

“…Now I can really do that.” She kissed him lightly.

“All right. Option one – I need to give you some background information first… Congress passed the Williams Act in 1968 requiring companies to disclose to the Security Exchange Commission how they plan to takeover another company.”

“Disclose how?”

“Well, the acquiring company – mine – has to reveal the funding source and how the acquisition of the company – the manufacturing plant in Gardnerville – will be accomplished.”

“I still don’t understand.”

“It means I have to tell them where the money will come from to buy them out, why we’re doing it and how it will be done. Every step has to be revealed, chapter and verse. It has to be very transparent.”

“That sounds good. What’s the problem?”

“…It doesn’t stop the deal from going through. The company still loses out.”

“So… What if you don’t tell them everything?”

“Exactly… That was my first thought, but there’s a major problem with that option.”


“I’d be lying to them by omission, which I don’t want to do. Also…”


“I would go to jail probably for violating the Williams Act. Nick too.”

“I couldn’t care less about Nick, but I sure don’t want you going to jail. Next option…”

He laughed. “Thanks, sweetie. That’s what I was thinking too.”

A flight attendant came by for drink orders but they declined anything. There was too much to accomplish right now and no room for sodas on the tray tables.

“Okay,” said Beth. “What’s next?”

“There’s the White Knight strategy.”

“That sounds good… What is it?”

“This Gardnerville company could seek an alliance with another investor, one they want to do business with. They ask the White Knight investor to acquire them instead of us. It happens a lot actually to ward off hostile takeovers.”

“What’s wrong with that idea then?”

“There’s not enough time and probably no takers. It’s too small a company to even have a White Knight to help them out.”

Beth bit her lip. “This doesn’t sound good for the Gardnerville company.”

“Wait… There’s a few more options.”

“Good…What now?”

“My company is interested in taking them over for several reasons. The biggest reason is that they have too much cash on their balance sheets.”

“And that’s bad? It just means they’re profitable, right?”

“…Too profitable. That cash makes them vulnerable. They would need to reinvest that money to look less vulnerable.”

“Boy, that sure sounds crazy – That they can be too profitable.”

Bryce shrugged. “I didn’t make the rules.”

“What’s wrong with that option? Can’t they reinvest that money?”

“Yes… So that could work. Let’s keep that one in mind.”

“… There’s more?”

“One more.” He smiled at her. “How are you holding up?”

She laughed. “I’m sure getting an education in the world of high finance. I can’t wait to start you with Beginning Music Theory…”

“You’re on. I’d love to learn music theory.”

She raised her eyebrows. “I’ll remember you said that.”

He shuffled a few more papers on the tray table.

“Okay… Last option. I could explain to the company owner about how to establish an employee stock ownership plan. It’s a tax qualified retirement plan that gives the employees ownership of their company. If the employees owned the majority of the stock, they would probably vote with the current management and not allow a company like mine to muscle their way in.”

! I love that idea!”

“So which option do you think I should pursue?”

He looked at her expectantly. Beth’s opinion was important… He’d already thought about which he’d prefer, but he wanted to make sure it was the right way to go. Beth would know…

“The last option is hands down the best. With employee ownership, it seems like a company would do so much better… The employees would make many of the important decisions and productivity would be higher.”

He laughed. “Are you sure you don’t have a degree in business? That was a very astute comment.”

“Nope, but that option gets my vote.”

He looked at her admiringly. “I adore you, Beth Lane. Have I mentioned that before?”

“Yes, but you could keep mentioning it. It’s very pleasant to hear…” She laughed. “So… Which option are you choosing?”

“You just confirmed for me that the last one was the way to go. I was favoring the employee ownership plan myself, but I’ve been wobbling of late. I needed your sounding board.”

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