Transparency (13 page)

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Authors: Jeanne Harrell

BOOK: Transparency
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“Hi, sweetie…”

“Hi, yourself, cutie…” They smiled at each other wondering what the other might be thinking. “Are you all right?”

“… Now that you’re here, yes.” He took another sip of coffee. “How did you get here?”


“What about her?”

“She fished you out of whatever bar you were in and called me. We had a nice chat actually.”

Bryce blinked. “What?”

“She was curious about our relationship.” Beth grinned at him. “I had no idea you were such a carouser…”

He had the good grace to look embarrassed and shyly looked down at some spot on the covers. “Those were days long ago and best forgotten. I never could get past you, Beth.” He searched her eyes for understanding and found it. She nodded.

“Do you want to hop in the shower first and get that brewery smell off you, or do you want to talk now?”

“… Shower…” He gave her a sexy grin. “… Join me?”

“Nope. Sorry, mister. Shower, then talk, then we’ll see…”

He shrugged and finished the coffee.

After showering and putting on jeans and a tee shirt, Bryce headed downstairs for the kitchen. Beth handed him two aspirin and a glass of water, which he gratefully accepted. He swallowed them and hungrily reached for her. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, she breathed a relieved sigh that he was all right again. He smelled like soap and shaving cream… Dipping his head down, Bryce’s lips found Beth’s and soon all seemed right in the world again. She kept up her part of a juicy kiss, and then he sat down at the kitchen table where she joined him. Beth smiled at him, tugged playfully on his hand and leaned over to kiss him again.

“I have a few questions.”

“… Right…”

“Sylvia said to ask you why you got drunk… What does she know that I don’t?”

“Sylvia just had to reassert herself, I see…”

“Maybe so, but what happened, Bryce. You just flew into town yesterday.”

“It all happened so fast, I didn’t have time to call you, honey.”

“What happened so fast?”

He got up to pour a new cup of coffee. Glancing over at her, he pushed the damp hair out of his face.

“A Congressional committee called me this morning.”

She blinked and her eyes widened.


“They want me to testify about fraudulent practices within investment companies. I mentioned to you that what I did at the Gardnerville plant got around the street and I’d become high profile.”

Beth knit her brows. “What Congressional committee?”

“It’s the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. They’re investigating hostile takeovers of small companies and fraudulent business practices.” He blew out a breath.


“I’ve actually been subpoenaed.”


“Yes, meaning I have to testify.”

“… That made you go out and get drunk?”

He laughed. “… Hardly. But Nick called not one hour later. God knows how that man gets his information…”

“Probably from Sylvia.”

“You may be right.”

They looked at each other for a long minute.

“… What did Nick want?”

Bryce pushed his damp hair back again and looked at her nervously. “He told me he’d take me back in the company and make me a vice president. That salary is astronomical…”

The other shoe just fell…

“In exchange for what?”

“… If I don’t testify.”

“I thought you
to testify.”

“… I could plead the Fifth Amendment and not say anything because it might incriminate me.”

Beth’s mouth dropped open. “He’s offering you a bribe for your silence?”

“That’s one way to look at it. A Senate inquiry and subsequent legislation could finish off many investment companies like Nick’s, or make them change their ways, at least.”

“How fast did you tell him to get lost?”

Bryce paused and took another sip. He knew she wasn’t breathing just waiting for his response.

“I knew you’d see this in black and white, Beth.”

“You don’t?”

“I wanted to think about it instead of giving him a knee-jerk decision.”

Her eyes popped wide.

“Knee-jerk? Like the one I just gave you? I suppose going out and getting drunk helped you to clarify the situation…”

Beth glared at him. Bryce put down his cup and looked back at her. He rubbed his forehead hard. This was going to be tough…

Beth tried again. “You told me recently that one of the reasons you needed me was because I saw things in terms of right and wrong. Now my advice is to be given due diligence but discarded?”

“Now Beth…”

“So why did you need to get drunk?”

Bryce swallowed hard. “I’m not so sure what to do here, Beth. Nick is offering me one hell of an opportunity. It’s what I’ve been working for…”

“You’re confused?”

“… In a word, yes.”

“Well, allow me to clarify it all for you…” Beth was getting wound up and Bryce braced for what was coming.


“A financial opportunity that involves swallowing more small companies like the one in Gardnerville? Wrecking more people’s lives like in Mesquite? How can you even entertain the thought?” She shook her head. “What’s happened to you in the span of one day?”

“I’ve never been a rich guy, Beth, but this would make me one. And it would set us up in a very fine fashion. It would…”

“… Us? As in you and me?” She stood up shaking her head and poured her coffee out in the sink. “I’d rather be just a lowly musician doing an honest day’s job, than a financial wizard who makes money off other people’s misery.”

She looked over at him. “Where did my beloved Bryce Barron go?”

“…Nowhere, Beth…”

“And you got drunk because…”

“I knew you’d hate it, but I wanted at least to think about it before I called you.”

“That still doesn’t really explain the drinking, Bryce.”

“Okay, yes. I had too much to drink. I was sort of celebrating, a little…”

Beth wasn’t sure whether to weep or be angry.

“So if you were celebrating, that means you’re taking Nick’s offer…”

He didn’t say no. “Beth, if you’d…”

She blew out a huge breath right before she exploded. “I can’t believe it!” She started pacing and her hands talked with her.

“What?” His eyes widened and he sat back in his chair. Her eyes blazed at him.

“This is exactly what happened to us in high school.”

Bryce just stared at her. “What are you talking about?”

“You kicked me to the curb when things got tough then and you’re doing it to me again.” She lightly hit the side of her head with the palm of her hand. “Damn, I’m dumb! Apparently, when it comes to you,” she gave him a heated look, “I don’t seem to learn from past mistakes…”

“Beth, what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that you don’t have the courage to face what’s happening to you now, just like in high school.”

She started gathering the various items she’d brought with her.

“That’s not true.”

“Yes, it is. Your dad died and so did you. I never saw you again… You couldn’t face what was happening to you.”

“I just went to school, Beth.” He started following her around as she was picking up her things and repacking her suitcase. She turned to face him.

“You disappeared, Bryce. I had to ask your mother where you went.” Beth’s eyes filled and there was suddenly a lump in her throat. “You… you broke my heart…”

Bryce reached for her, but she dodged his grasp. “I’ve apologized a million times, Beth. What more can I do?”

“Have the guts to face your problem now. Stand up and do the right thing – Testify…”

“…Um…” He looked at her.

“And have the courage to stand by me. I can already feel you becoming transparent again.”


“But don’t worry about it. I’ll disappear before you do this time.”

“Beth, please…”

She reached for her jacket and put it on.

“… I really thought it would be different with you this time, Bryce. We’re both big people now, but I guess I was wrong.”

“… Don’t leave, Beth, please…”

She headed for the door and turned around, looking deeply into his beseeching eyes.

“Then make me want to stay…”

He swallowed. “I… I’m just not sure what to do about the job, Beth.”

“Then you’re not sure about me either…”

“Honey, wait…” That made her tear up more.

“You’ve got my number, Bryce, but don’t use it until you know what you want.”

He put his hand on her arm, but she didn’t shake it off this time. They looked at each other – His look was pleading, hers was angry. Beth swallowed hard and her gaze softened…. She took a breath… She loved this man more than anything, but they were heading right off a cliff…

“Where are you going?”

“Back to San Francisco. I’ve obviously stayed too long…”

Beth leaned up to kiss his lips lightly and to caress his sweet face. Tears glistened on her cheeks as she opened the door. He tried to stop her but she shrugged off his hand. “Let me go…”

And she was gone…



* * *





Bryce just stood there with a confused look on his face… Which slowly became a weary look with tears springing to his eyes. He rubbed them and then hurriedly stepped out his door. Beth was getting into a cab… Running out after her netted him exactly nothing – He watched as the cab pulled away and she was definitely gone…

Bryce sat down on the curb until he started breathing again. He’d just lost the one person in his life that he truly loved… Beth had come back to him again and loved him unconditionally… He knew that.
What the hell was the matter with him?

He walked back into his condo, into the kitchen and poured another cup of coffee. Then he spied his cell phone on the counter and called her. The call went straight to voicemail. He called continuously until her mailbox was full and wouldn’t accept any more calls. That was that…

Walking around his living room, he saw a few pieces of clothing that she’d left. He picked up a scarf he’d seen her wear… Jesus… Catching a breath was getting harder to do. He’d lost her twice now and both times were his own damn fault. Bryce put the scarf around his neck and he collapsed in one of the living rooms chairs… He needed to think… really think and seriously for the first time in a long time.

God… Beth…

He heard a plaintive wail come from his own throat…

Thinking was damn near impossible when all thoughts kept coming back to her. The feel of her in his arms, her soft lips on his… Just being together felt so good…so natural. The way she looked at him…a future without her? Unthinkable… He wanted her back, so he was going to have to figure this out. Just chasing after her wouldn’t win her back…

Bryce went into the kitchen and poured out his now cold coffee. He checked through the contacts of his phone and called Sheriff Ibarra. Dan would help him sort through this mess and do it truthfully.


* * *


Bryce and Dan had been on the phone for hours now, going through the options… And they were few.

“Let’s go through it one more time and you need to make a decision, Bryce,” said Dan. Bryce could tell from Dan’s voice that he was getting tired of going round and round and round with him.

“Thanks, Sheriff.”

“Okay… If you take Nick’s offer, you’ll have a glitzy lifestyle with all the money you’ve ever wanted. The proverbial street is paved with gold, right?”

“That sounds about right.”

“Option two is trickier. If you decide to testify against your own company about their fraudulent investment practices, you’ll not only lose your job, but you probably won’t be able to work in the financial field again. Right?”

“That sounds right too.”

“As I see it, son, the first way is the easy way but it’s not very honest. Could you live with yourself if all you have is money?”


“I know it sounds fabulous maybe, but is it really? And you won’t have Beth, that’s for sure.”

“… No…”

“And the second option basically means you have to run a dangerous gauntlet. Not many in your field will step up to testify and it’ll kill the career you’ve worked hard to build. About right?”

Bryce swallowed hard and nodded.


“Yes, sir.”

“… But it’ll make you an honest man who will have a life with Beth waiting for him. You’ll have to rebuild that life, son... But after all, is there a price tag for a clear conscience?”

Bryce already knew the answer to that one. “No, sir… Sheriff?”


“What do you think my dad would do?”

“Remember your dad was one of the little guys who got smashed by the big wig financial guys like you. You’ve put yourself in your dad’s competition’s shoes. If I were a shrink, this might be an interesting case.”

Bryce smiled but couldn’t manage a laugh. “So…”

“It’s not important what I think or what your dad would have done. It’s what you think that counts. You’re the one who must live with your decision… And Beth…”

Oh, God… Beth. Just thinking about what he had done to her was causing a deep pain in his chest.

“And Bryce…”


“I know it’s going to take a great deal of courage here to do the right thing.”

The right thing… What Beth had said.

After they’d hung up, Bryce tossed around their conversation again. He remembered what Beth said to him on her way out the door -- That they were in high school all over again and he was making the same mistake. She was right, of course. She usually was and he decided then and there that he was going to do it right this time.

Since he couldn’t reach Beth, he called the San Francisco Philharmonic and left a message for Eva. She called him the next morning…



“Yes, this is he.”

“… Eva here.”

“Thank God, you’re speaking to me.”

She laughed. “Yes, but my good friend Beth isn’t. Instead, she’s spouting mad one minute and sobbing the next.”

Bryce felt that familiar lump in his throat. “Is she all right?”

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