TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) (13 page)

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My body reacts instantly to him, a slow burn starting in my core. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, rubbing my thighs together to relieve the tension building between my legs. The bastard keeps doing this to me, he says or does something suggestive, gets me worked up and then pulls back. I could throttle him.

My face drops, and I bite the inside of lip, pissed at him for having this control over my body, and pissed at myself for being unable to do anything about it. My focus should be on Lottie, not Hunter and his manhood.

s phone rings from his pocket, both of our attention goes to the device
Any news
” He looks to me as he says this, nodding to inform me the call is about Lottie. My heart is pounding in my chest, his silence seems to drag on for ages, before he finally speaks again
s fine mate, we will see you when you get back then

The call disconnects and his phone gets placed back in to his pocket. I stand from my stool, eager for him to give me some news, any bloody news.

Lottie is being discharged soon, we can expect her back in the next half an hour, depending on traffic
” Well that was quick. The relief is instantaneous, my whole body sags and plops on the stool behind me. Thank fuck for that.

He comes to stand by my side, placing his arm around my shoulders and kissing my temple
She has mild whiplash, but other than that she appears fine. The doctor has recommended she stay with someone for the next twenty four hours
“ That makes sense, but I do
t know how it is going to work.

Maybe if I ring my Mum she could have the kids for another night, I know Alex and Lily will be disappointed, but Lottie is going to need me
” I think the words aloud, not realising until Hunter growls at me.

” He snaps, rather petulantly.

” I repeat, baffled by what he could mean.

s right, no. Yo
re not going anywhere Connie, you are in no state to be looking after Lottie when you ca
t even go to lunch without passing out in exhaustion after
” He has a point, but this is
t his decision, Lottie is my best friend, and she needs me.

m sure
ll be fine. Anyway, Lottie would do the same for me without a momen
s hesitation
” I reply stubbornly. He is not going to get me to back down on this, no way!

I do
t care, Lottie has Harry to take care of her.
m not taking any chances with you, and I do
t think Harry will with Lottie either
” He ca
t know that, no way did all of that get said in the whole thirty seconds he was on the phone.

I foldmy arms across my chest, and raise one eyebrow
m sorry, but I do
t believe you. You ca
t possibly know that Harry is staying with Lottie, the call was
t long enough

He leans in to my face, placing his hands on my thighs
I know Harry well enough to know that he has it bad for her, and he will not leave her alone. If for some reason he decides not to then she can come and stay here with us
” H
’ on the end, as if he has just won and got his own way.

Hunter no. Yo
re telling me, you are going to help take care of my two children, my best friend and me should I need it? That is just ridiculous,
ll stay with Lottie tonight, and tomorrow, if she is fine then I will come and stay here for a few days
” Now he looks really pissed, his eyes flare with anger, and his jaw ticks.

How many times do I have to tell you? You are not going anywhere! Does it look like I have you set up here for a few days
” He pauses, waiting for me to answer, but I stare, acting unaffected by what he says
No it does
t. I want you and the kids here
” The words are said between clenched teeth.

If Dan were to behave like this, I would cower and do as he says, but I know Hunter would never hurt me, h
s just being a stubborn bastard. And what does he mean he wants me and the kids here? He ca
t mean indefinitely, he has made quite a few changes around his apartment for them, but we have only known each other a few short weeks, there is no way I could move myself in this soon, let alone my children who have yet to get to know him properly and see if they click. Mine and Hunte
s needs come last in this, they will always be first.

Surely he ca
t mean that anyway.

s temporary, I know that, maybe
m just over reacting again.

Can we just go and make sure Lotti
s place is ready for her to go back to? We can talk about the rest later
” I say on an eye roll. I seem to be doing that alot lately.

Hunter picks up my bag and his keys, before holding his hand out to help me down from the stool
We can talk all you want baby, but my answer is still going to remain the same. Now I have you here, you are not going anywhere

ll see, I think to myself and follow him out.














m feeling really rather proud of myself, I cannot quite believe how easy it was to take that bitch down a peg or two. The cunt saw my face, but fuck it, she has no way to prove it was me.

I slap the steering wheel, not even trying to stop the laughter from surfacing. The car swerves a bit, taking me in to the next lane and causing cars all around me to press their horns
Fuck off
” I laugh, shouting the words out of my partially open window and correct the car.

I ca
t believe my luck, I never envisioned getting to Lottie so fast, she walked straight into my plans just half an hour in to me sitting around waiting for her.

Dean came up trumps with his end of the deal, we have three, boring arse, small white transit vans. All vehicles nobody would bat an eyelid at. I do
t know how he got them, and I do
t particularly care, so long as they are lega
ish, wo
t get me pulled over and wo
t come back in my name then it is all fine by me.

To think, I was sat at the end of the road leading off of that shitty complex, ready for a long arse wait on my gir
best friend
’ If she was truly Conni
s friend, she would have been supportive of us, and not stuck her oar in at every opportunity that arose. Two face bitch always had a smile for me when I saw her out, trying to make me believe she was there for us as a couple. Just goes to show does
t it, she drags my girl out to a bar to meet other men, gets her to lie to me, and then has the fucking cheek to text me and tell me what to do. Bitch had this coming a long time, it makes me wonder what she had my girl doing behind my back for all those years we were together.

The look of horror on Lotti
s face as I drove my car in to the side of hers repeatedly flashes through my mind, offering up an immense amount of pleasure. The timing was perfect, quiet side road, red light just turned and no other cars around, allowing me the perfect opportunity to keep my foot down, drive at speed till I was level with her door and turn sharply to the left, smashing directly in to her, reversing a bit then hitting the accelerator, marginally clipping her door again, mainly hitting the back passenger door instead.

Someone is looking down on me today, everything has gone above and beyond anything I could have ever expected.

Realistically I was prepared to leave the van at the scene of the crash, but the thing is still going, pulling a little bit, and has a nice big dent to the left hand side of the bumper and bonnet, but still moving all the same.

The only thing I am pissed about is not knowing just how much damage I did to Lottie. If I could have got away with more, I would have done it. It was just too risky to take it further than I did, a car could have come along at any second, then I would be fucked. I do
t want to push my luck, if lady luck is shining down on me then I will take whatever I can get without going too far.

Hopefully that fancy car she drives is a write off too, the bitch does
t deserve to be driving around in a BMW X5 when I work my arse off and ca
t even afford a shitty runner.

I love the fact that she also knows it was me who attacked her vehicle, but cannot prove it, I hope it drives her fucking crazy, sleeping with one eye open and scared to get behind the wheel in case I come for her again. If she comes between Connie and I, then I will have no choice to, but this time I will make sure she stays gone permanently.

Dean is going to be pissed again, but there is fuck all I can do about that now, it was
t feasible for me to grab Lottie. It is one thing crashing in to a vehicle and not being seen, another thing entirely to take said driver of the car you partially destroyed, and throw her in to the back of yours. The thought makes me laugh again,
m sure it would create quite a scene.

The more I think about it, the more I know driving off as I did was the right move to make. Her car door was bent inwards, meaning it would
t have opened and I would have had to go to the passenger side and drag her across. The possibility of being caught out, most likely a certainty at that point.

m sure he will get over it, he can hit the pub later tonight and find some bird to have his way with. He ca
t make out i
s all about the pussy anyway, the sick fuck loves planning shit like this, I swear he gets off on the idea of causing someone pain alone.

Everything is falling in to place, I have one more person to see to then I can do whatever needs to be done to get Connie back. And once I have her back there will be no fake friends or little rich boys to take her away from me. She will be totally and irrevocably mine!





What is taking so long
” I ask aloud, to an empty room.

Hunter told me half an hour, and that was an hour and fifteen minutes ago.
m on edge, wanting to see Lottie to see with my own eyes that she is okay. I am so thankful she drives a beast of a car for someone so tiny, even without being told any details on the collision, I know that car probably stopped her from being hurt.

My head is thrown back on the sofa, my eyes are closed and legs spread across the seat. I am bored senseless, the apartment only took twenty to tidy up. Well, you ca
t really tidy up a tidy apartment, we sort of fluffed pillows, and moved things an inch or two. Even her room was tidy, which was surprising, all of which made me believe she has a cleaner. I know for a fact Lottie would
t keep the place this spotless, they would be an abandoned wine glass on the side, or a pair of shoes in the doorway. But nope, not one thing was out of place.

Which takes me back to, god I am so bored I could scream.

A hand on my shoulder scares the life out of me and forces a squeal to escape my lips. I snap my eyes open and look in to Hunte
s amused ones. He did that on purpose, the bastard
You scared the crap out of me. What are you playing at? You Muppet
” I scold him, feeling my heart bounce around in my chest.

” His raised eye brow only serves to piss me off further.

Yes, Muppet

And what exactly does a Muppet have to do with me
” Does he really not get this?

s what you are for scaring me! You Evil prat
” God, I really am in such a bitchy mood tonight. This boredom has really taken its toll on me.

Okay, so just to clarify, I am not just a Muppet, I am also an evil prat now too
” The corner of his mouth twitches, and I can see the laughter dancing around in his eyes
Any other names you wish to call me while I stand here

Hmm, I can think of plenty, but I am not going to give him the satisfaction of responding, the sarcasm was ringing clear enough in his last comment
” I say instead, and turn my head back to resting on the sofa and close my eyes again.

A yawn breaks free from my mouth, and fatigue takes over again. I am getting so sick and tired of being, wel
… tired. It hits at the most ridiculous and inopportune times.

The sofa moves beside me, and my legs are lifted and placed on to a lap. I crack one eye open a touch, catching Hunter staring at me with a small smile on his lips
You are so beautiful
” The words are a whisper, so low
m not sure I was meant to hear them. I do
t react either way, I reclose my eyes and await the sound of my frien
s front door. She better hurry her arse up before I pass out on her sofa.


The knock to the front door comes after what feels like literally ten seconds after shutting my eyes. I know I must have drifted off, I feel groggy and my mind is fogged with sleep, taking me a few moments to remember why I am on the sofa at Lotti
s, leaning in to Hunter in the first place.

The second it all comes back to me, I shoot upright, turning to watch my tiny five foot four best friend walk in on the arm of Harry. Aside from a tiny cut above her eyebrow, she appears normal, walking a little stiff, but otherwise okay
Oh my god, Lottie. I have been so worried about you
” My mind becomes alert immediately, and my legs carry me to Lottie without even really thinking about it
What the hell happened
” I watch her look to Harry, seeking his approval to speak. I would, in normal circumstances jump all over her for that, but she is not herself, so I leave it be and wait for her to speak.

It was Dan
” She tells me, after clearing her throat.

The room spins suddenly, and I stumble back in to Hunte
s arms. I did
t even know he had got up from the sofa.

Wait a minute, what do you mean Dan
” If she says what I think she is going to say then this is all my fault. Everything Dan has done, I am in some way to blame for, all leading back to the way I left him.

I know what you are thinking and do
t, you ca
t ever believe you are to blame for his actions. You did the right thing by getting yourself and those kiddies out of there
” Conni
s eye flit briefly to Hunter
she needs to know, it will do more harm than good keeping this from her


what? Now who is she talking about? Did Dan or did
t Dan do this to her?

s chest vibrates against my back as he speaks
No, i
s too much to take in so soon
” He snaps back.

She can handle it, stop wrapping her in fucking cotton wool, she has a right to know

I rub my temples, a headache forming between my brow from the stress and confusion of everything that is going on. I tune the pair of them out for a moment, trying to work out what the fuck they mean. I
s no use, Lottie has one hand to the side of her neck, wincing every time she raises her voice at Hunter. And Hunte
s voice is so low i
s coming out like a growl.

” I scream, ignoring the shooting pains in several parts of my body. The pair of them are acting like children, and being utterly rude
One of you tell me what the fuck is going on before I walk out of this room and refuse to speak to either of you until tomorrow. I am not a child, and if this somehow affects me then I have every right to know what is going on

I remove myself from Hunte
s arms, turning and stalking back to the sofa, without waiting for them to follow but expecting them to.

Dan did this to me, he has also been threatening Diane
” Woah, what the fuck? How has all of this happened since yesterday? Oh fuck, this is all my fault, regardless of what Lottie says. I brought them in to this, none of this would have happened if it was
t for me.

I feel sick, immensely, and have to keep swallowing to avoid puking all over Lotti
s posh floor. I will not throw up, I will not throw up, I repeat to myself like a mantra, attempting to quell the sick feeling and hear the pair of them out. I know for a fact that I will not like what is said, regardless of that, I need to hear it anyway.

t beat around the bush or anything
” I hear Hunter grumble as he lowers himself beside me and picks up my hand.

I do
t have to beat around the bush, Connie would much rather prefer to get it over and done with as fast as possible, the waiting for answers will be killing her
” Her eyes narrow on Hunter as Harry helps her lower to the separate seats beside me.

And Connie is sitting right here and can answer for herself, so can we please get down to what the fuck is going on before I throw up all over your lovely Italian themed front room please
” Lottie has probably been through the shock of her life, and part of me feels like a bitch for being so snarky with her, but the pair of them are infuriating and talking about me as if I do
t exist.
m not some helpless child.

Harry pipes up, talking over Hunter and Lottie as they both begin to speak. He seems just as edgy as I am
Connie your ex has completely lost the plot. You know from his behaviour and kidnapping of you that he has become desperate and is
t in a clear frame of mind. He is annoyed at you for leaving him, but he really blames your friends and Hunter for you doing just that, he feels that they took you from him. His reasoning, or so we can work out from the threats he sent Diane, is to remove everyone from your life until he is the only one in it, his ultimate goal is to have you back
” It does
t make sense to me, I mean, he always wanted me around, as a possession, not because he truly wanted me, so I do
t understand this attacking my friends all of a sudden.

My head flops down between my knees, and I attempt to suck in several deep breaths down in to my lungs. All aches and pains forgotten, my body itself feels numb, my mind is going ten to the dozen, and my chest has tightened incredibly.
m on the verge of a fucking panic attack, I just know it.

Breathe, just breathe baby.
ve got you
” Hunte
s hand rubs my back as he whispers the words in to my ear. My body reacts to the sensations immediately, his touch like an anchor, pulling me back in to the here and now, and out of the panic zone.

My breathing slowly calms, allowing me the energy to lift my head back up and give everyone my attention again
Okay, I got this.
m fine, i
s just a huge shock is all

Nobody moves to speak, so I try again
Please, do
t stop or my mind will conjure up the worst, and I do
t think I can handle that right now
” I Plead with them all.

I was driving to the office, not even really taking note of any of the other vehicles on the road. I had literally just pulled to a stop at a set of traffic lights, when
m not even joking, but out of nowhere a small white van speeds up behind me, and swings his car in to the lane beside me as he reaches my level, it all happened so fast from there. Dan was staring at me, just staring at me with the most sinister expression I have ever seen on somebodies face, then the front of his van smashed in to the side of me. I was forced over slightly, before he reversed so quickly and drove in to me again. Thankfully he mainly hit the back of the car, I was told if he had
t there is a bloody good chance he would have seriously hurt me. As it was I had to have the door cut off to remove me from the vehicle
” Her voice pauses, and she takes a deep breath, absently rubbing her sore neck
Connie he came from nowhere, i
s not even the crash that has me spooked, i
s the way he came at me and then drove off like nothing hadhappened

A tear rolls down my cheek, and a lump forms in the back of my throat making it difficult to swallow. That bastard, that sick, twisted fuck. I hate him so much, I did
t think it was possible to want to hurt someone as much as I want to hurt him. I lean in to Lottie and place a kiss on her
m so sorry
” I tell her solemnly as I pick up her hand and squeeze it.

Her eyes move to the side, but her neck remain still and stiff
t. What did I tell you? This is in no way on you, and you thinking that is beginning to piss me off. I have never been happier than when I was seeing you finally break free from that twat. I would
t change a thing if it meant you and my gorgeous god babies ended up happy and free from his clutches

I am so lucky to be surrounded by these amazing people. After all those years of being locked away, and seeing Lottie only a handful of times, I now have my children happy, my friends can be seen whenever I decide to, an amazing, selfless man, and my Mum and Dad back in my life full time. But the pain I am causing the people I love by being away from Dan is so hard to take. I hate being the cause of their suffering, and say what they want, they would
t be going through all of this if I was with Dan in the first.

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