TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2)
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Petra that is enough
” Her mouth gapes, opening and closing like a goldfish at her companion
Ladies I do apologise, it seems my fian
é has taken everything in to that air head of hers and believes herself to be something she is not. Quite frankly I am sick of her behaviour, but you were the first people to put her well and truly back in her place. If you can do it, I can too. Your meal is on me, my way of making amends on Petr
s behalf
” And with that he turns his attention towards his stunned bride to be without giving us the chance to respond.

I look to Lottie in amazement, part of me wanting to stand and applaud, the rest wanting to collapse to the floor and roll around in laughter. We hold each othe
s stare, unsure of how to proceed after that turn of events. The waitress thankfully makes her way back to us and asks if we would like anything else. The pair of us shake our heads at her, barely able to mutter a no.

As she turns to walk away from us, I gather myself together
Erm, sorry, can we just have the bill please
” Movement from the table beside me captures my attention again
s fine, I have this. You ladies have a pleasant day

I smile at the man, who appears quite a bit older tha
’ Body wise, he seems to be in good shape, not an ounce of fat can be seen through his suit, i
s the hands that show his age though, no matter how much money you have, the hands will always give you away, deep wrinkles and sagging skin. His grey hair is brushed to one side of his head, and a simple pair of black rimmed glasses situated on his face. He is just your average old man who looks after himself, but quite clearly has a hefty bank balance, and with the way his fian
é was throwing his name around, I would assume i
s a name of power too
Thank you, that is very kind
” I tell him gratefully, now that we have his attention for a few moments.

He waves my comment off, as if buying two strange
s their lunch is no big deal, even if his fian
é was a mega bitch
No thanks needed, have a nice day the pair of you


We gather our belongings, ignoring the daggers being thrown towards Lottie and myself by Petra beside us
You ready
” I nod
Yep, where to

I follow Lottie to the entrance, where she removes her phone and fires off a quick text
I need to pick up some files from work. You okay to go home?
ll pop over and see the kids later
” Oh, I was
t expecting our gir
s time to be over and done with so soon
” I fail miserably at trying to remain upbeat. I was enjoying myself and assumed we would have a little longer to catch up. Whatever happened whilst I was in the toilets has really spooked her.

s Tonyout the front waiting. Le
s get back, you can sort out the ki
s things, I can pick up my files and then we can hang out later. Film and some munch sound good
” Tha
s more like it, the kids love Lottie, and will be over the moon at the prospect of seeing her.

Tonyopens our door, avoiding total eye contact with us and garnering an eye roll from myself. Honestly, anyone would think he ca
t stand the sight of me, because I sure as hell do
” I mutter, and situate myself in the back, buckle my seat belt in and get comfortable as we head back.

Eeeek time to get ready to see my babies.










Thankfully, the drive back to the complex was pretty quick, with no heavy traffic holding us up. Lottie left me in the lobb
apparently my hobbling was taking to long for her- and rushed directly up to her apartment to gather the files she needed to swap over at the office. Despite needing to hurry, she waited with me to enter the lobby from the car park and practically ran to the elevators, obviously it was pretty urgent or she would have left it until she went back the following day.

I jump back suddenly, when an unfamiliar face presents itself from behind the concierge desk, a young, scrawny looking, and redheaded male
m sorry, I did
’ mean to give you a fright. I was coming to make myself known to you,
m assuming you are Mrs Jacobson
” He sticks his hand out for me to shake
Mr Jacobson showed me your photo and informed me I was to make myself known to you and call him the second you entered the building. So, here I am. Please, call me Dexter
” I take his hand and shake it with apprehension, he may, very well be a young, harmless looking man, but
m not taking too many chances
Nice to meet you
” His words about being Hunte
s wife sink in, forcing my heat to skip a beat at hearing the wor

Mr Jacobson is not my husband, h
s my, m
… erm, yeah h
s my partner
” Boyfriend just sounds so childish, and not at all like what Hunter and I have, it feels like a partnership in every way.

Right, I apologise. I was informed at orientation that Mr Jacobson had a wife.
m sure the records just need to be updated to reflect a recent divorce.  You are Connie though, am I right
” His face suddenly appears panicky, the worry evident, as if he has somehow put his foot in to it. H
s only a kid, and i
s an honest mistake to make.

s fine, do
t worry about it. Mr Jacobson is
t divorced, yet at least. Although he is separated. I should head on up anyway, and please, do call me Connie
” I attempt to put the poor kid at ease.

He looks me over sceptically, and I wonder just how many times they see rich married men with play things on the side, full of false promises. Mine is different though, he truly is separated, and
m not just a play thing. Well, I hope not anyway.

I need to call this in to Mr Jacobson, it was nice to formally meet you. If you should need anything at all, please either call down, or stop off at my desk
” I nod, already aware of how things are run, but not wanting to come across as rude.

Thank you
” I call behind me, as I turn and hobble to the elevators. I have
t done much today, but the little I have has taken its toll on my body. My ankle is throbbing and my ribs are aching. My head, apart from the huge egg on the back, feels fine.

I enter Lotti
s apartment, just as she is running out of the door, with several files in hand
Catch you later sweetie, running really late
” She throws out breathlessly.

s gone before I can respond, so I do the only thing I have the energy to do. Walk to my bedroom, and crash on top the of the covers, just about having enough energy to grab a fist full of duvet from either side of me and pull both bits over myself to meet in the middle. My bag thumps on the floor as it falls, quickly forgotten as my eyes droop and I give in to sleep.


I awake to male voices down the hall. It takes me a few moments to get orientated and realise I am in bed at Lotti
s. The voices begin sounding my name, and I immediately recognise Hunte
s. I go to sit up, but as I do my bedroom door flies open, and stood in the doorway is one very angry looking Hunter. Relief at seeing me briefly passes across his face before the anger makes a return
Fucking hell woman, why the fuck did
t you answer your phone?
ve been calling non-stop for the last hour and a half
” I shuffle to the edge of the bed, and feel around with my hand until I locate my bag. Pulling my phone out, I soon spot the thirty one missed calls and eleven text messages, all from Hunter.

m fine, I came back from lunch and crashed. I think being out and about was more than I was ready for,
ve been asleep for the las
…” I look at the time, 4.40pm ..

Oh crap, over two hours

You gave me the scare of my life, everybody reported in and let me know you were safe and in the building, but then you do
t answer your phone and nobody could tell me which apartment you entered. Fuck Connie, I had every scenario running through my mind, and none of them pretty
” His hands tug his dirty blonde hair at the roots.

I do
t even see him coming, before I know it he is sat straddling my waist on the bed, check me over with his eyes. He drops his forehead to mine, his breathing erratic, and his body shaking. God I really did scare him, I feel awful.

m sorry
” I tell him, my voice husky from sleep
I did
t hear it, or you know I would have answered it

He leans in and kisses me, his tongue stroking mine softly and expertly
I know
” he pulls back and kisses me on the nose sweetly
can you do me favour though? When you arrive anywhere, be it out or at home, can you send me a quick text to let me know you are there safe, tha
s all I need. At least until Dan is out of the picture

I mentally kick myself all over his bedroom, the poor man has been through so much because of me, and
m still causing him stress
Of course,
m sorry
” I repeat.

” his fingers grip my chin gently and tilt my face up so I can look him straight in the eyes
Stop saying sorry. I
s done, okay


Good, now do you want to rest a bit longer whilst I start to get your things together, or do you want to make a start with me
” My heart skips a beat. I do
t think I have ever come across a man as selfless, and amazing as this one here.

I feel better, rested and ready to crack on. We have
t got long now and I want things ready for them both

” My head shoots to the side, taking in Harry stood in the doorway with a grin on his lips and his hands on his hips
ll see you later mate, got some loose ends to tie up. Laters Connie
” And with that h
s gone.

Taking my lips, Hunter kisses me slow and sensually, causing the blood to heat in my veins. His fingers tease the bare skin on my stomach, goose bump raising across the surface in response.

Just as I begin to think h
s going to take it further he pulls back and winks down at me. A grumble beaks free from my throat, the man is a tease
t stop
” I whine.

He laughs, sucking my bottom lip in to his while I respond with short, sharp pants
Sorry baby, we have too much to do
” A pout makes it way on to my lips, followed by my eyes narrowing in displeasure at him. I need him to get rid of this sexual tension in my body, after that kiss I need a release and the bastard is holding back on me.

m sure you can wait. The built up tension will make it so much more pleasurable when I bend you over and sink myself in to your heat
” Oh god, he would have to place that image in my mind now, just when I feel ready to combust
Put those puppy dog eyes away baby, we have
t got the time to do what I want to you now
” I did
t even realise I was giving him puppy dog eyes, my body responding on its own to the pent up sexual feelings.

Fine, le
s go then
” I bite back, attempting to push him off of me. I know h
s right, and I really do need to get my arse in gear, but my body has other needs, needs that he has caused.

His arms come down and restrain mine against my head, his arousal pressing down hard and heavily against my throbbing clit
Uh, uh. Not so fast, yo
re not going anywhere until you put a smile on that gorgeous face of yours
” I ca
t think, the sparks flying around my body from the pressure alone of him being pressed against me is almost too much to take. I could come just like this, if he would just grind down a little bit more I could get the release I am so desperately seeking.

Hunter please
” At my words he pulls his waist back slightly, taking away all pressure from clit, and causing me to cry out in frustration. No, n, no. If I could move my arms I would beat his chest in frustration right about now.

I promise, it will all be worth it
” He pulls back again and steps from the bed, one arm outstretched to help me up. I lie still, glaring at him and crossing my arms across my chest stubbornly. I do
t care how good it will feel, I want it now instead, no scratch that, I need it now
Connie up. Unless you want Alex and Lily to come home to an empty bedroom
” His eye brow quirks in question at me.

I grumble beneath my breath, calling him several not so lovely words. He pulls me up, giving me a devastating grin
Now, where is that smile I love so much

I refuse to do it,
m too horny to think straight, let alone smile, and himwithholding that huge cock has just made it worse
” I respond, throwing him the filthiest look I can garner up.

He laughs again, infuriating me further. H
s just as turned on as me, the evidence is clearing protruding through his trousers, so how on earth can he act as if nothing is wrong?

s evident we are at a standoff, him refusing to satisfy me, and me refusing to put a smile on my face. His next tactic I did
t see coming until it was too late. His finge
s find my neck and begin tickling, not too hard that I will hurt myself, but hard enough that I struggle not to smile and giggle lightly.

s that beautiful smile. Now do
t lose it, or I will be forced to tickle you again
” He kisses my forehead
I love you baby

Meh, the stubborn bastard has me, he knows just the right thing to say to butter me up
Yeah, yeah. I love you too
” I respond, unable to lose the goofy grin on my face.

BOOK: TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2)
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