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Authors: Girly G.

TRI-SEXUAL (6 page)

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“Umm….umm…umm…oh my god…it feels so good” Kay moaned. Tiree flicked her tongue up and down on her clit faster and with more pressure. Then she increased the speed of her fingers as she finger fucked her. Kay’s moans grew louder “Oh shit… what are you doing to me?” she asked. Tiree latched on to her clit and pumped her fingers in and out of her. Kay felt something building up inside of her that she had never felt before.


“Ah… ah…umm… umm…umm… stop” she screamed as Tiree fucked her faster and sucked her clit harder. “Oh…oh...oh…ah…ah… please stop I can’t take it…” Kay continued to scream as her orgasm quickly approached. She tried to push Tiree’s head out away, but she was not having it. “Fuck…fuck…ah…oh shit…ah…ah…” she cried out as she climaxed. “Damn… girl what are you trying to do to me?” Kay asked.


Tiree turned around on her back. She instructed Kay to face her feet and put her pussy on her face. Tiree smothered her face into Kay’s pussy. Her nose, mouth, and chin were all covered with her juices. Tiree was sucking her pussy so good. Kay hadn’t eaten pussy in a while. Nore never allowed her to since she was fucking her brother. She missed the taste of it. She missed the way it felt on her tongue.


Kay couldn’t resist her pussy which was in her face so she started to lick it. This made her become wetter and more aroused. It was nice, clean, and shaven. She moaned courtesy of the feeling she got from Tiree eating her, and from the way her pussy tasted on the tip of her tongue. Tiree inserted a finger into Kay’s asshole as she catered to her clitoris. Kay wasn’t expecting that and jumped with excitement.


Kay was eating her pussy like it was her first time. She was so into it taking her time with every lick. She was really trying her best to do a good job. Tiree took her mouth off of Kay’s pussy, but continued to finger her as she came on Kay’s lips. That alone sent Kay into the clouds. Once the sensitivity faded Tiree was ready to get back to work. She placed her mouth back onto Kay’s clit and proceeded with the double sensation. Kay was already near climax from how she made Tiree cum. As soon as she got back on her pussy Kay felt a massive explosion tingling throughout her body.


“Oh my god…oh my god…ah…ah…oh shit…shit…fuck…fuck…fuck…ah…ah…oh baby…” she released and exhaled out of energy. She felt totally drained. “Miss Tiree I must say that was more than I imagined it being last night” said Kay. Tiree blushed and chuckled not expecting her to be so bold and blunt. “What is your profession? That is if you don’t mind me asking” Kay said. “Not at all I’m actually glad that you asked. I’m a photographer, film director, and a writer for several TV shows. I live out here in Hollywood and I’m very single” added Tiree.


Kay smiled like she had just found her Misses right. She had so many things going for herself. She was well educated and successful. That was already a step above the gangster Dick Dyke Nore. She didn’t really know her but the little that she did know she really liked. She was really interested in her, and instantly fell in love with her personality. “What about you Miss Diamond are you seeing anyone of significance?” Tiree asked. “I just recently got out of a long relationship with my first love. It’s completely over now” Kay clarified.


“Are you sure that it’s over?” Tiree asked. “I am 200 percent sure. I’ve never been so sure about anything” Kay informed her. Tiree could see the certainty in her face and hear it in her voice. She didn’t want to force the discussion so she changed the subject. “So what do you like to do for fun?” Tiree asked. “I like to travel, exploring new and different things, and to live in the moment” Kay responded. “So do I” Tiree added.


They cuddled up in bed talking and laughing all day. They felt so comfortable with one another. It was almost as if they had be friends forever. They really enjoyed each other’s company. Kay hadn’t smiled so big in a long time. It was pure happiness.


Before they knew it, it was time to get ready for the awards show. “Shouldn’t you be going so that you can be ready for tonight?” Kay asked Tiree. “I have my things in the car” said Tiree. “Oh really how did you know I was going to let you into my room?” Kay asked. “It was written all over your face last night” Tiree replied. Kay laughed “I guess it was. I can’t deny it” she said.


Tiree went into the car to get her things. They took showers and got dressed together for the big event. Kay was still going to go to the event solo until Tiree insisted that she ride with her. They got into Tiree’s Ferrari switching lanes driving 100 miles per hour. They pulled up to the front of the event and hopped out. The paparazzi were having a field day snapping pictures of them.


Once the awards show started they separated and went to their seats. They watched the performances and the Celebrities giving their winning speeches. They kept trying to find one other in the packed house. They flashed smiles, flirted, and eye fucked from across the room.


At the after party Kay was standing and speaking with a group of women. They were admiring her dresses. They were inquiring about having their own personal dresses made. In the middle of her conversation Tiree snuck up behind her. “Pardon the interruption ladies. May I speak with Miss Diamond please?” Tiree asked. The ladies all paused but didn’t utter a word. “Please do excuse me ladies” Kay announced.


“What may I do for you Miss Tiree?” Kay asked. “Come home with me. I’ll cook us a wonderful meal” said Tiree. Kay looked at the gentle woman and just couldn’t resist her charming ways. She gave the ladies her information so they could contact her for business. She apologized that she couldn’t stay and network. They then turned and left the party together. She turned her phone off and enjoyed the pure bliss shared with Tiree.


Tiree set the table with candles, champagne glasses, and flowers all around. She prepared them a steak dinner with corn and mashed potatoes. Kay was very impressed with her cooking ability. Nore never did anything romantic. She thought spending money was considered being romantic, but Tiree was different. She actually knew the meaning and didn’t mind teaching it to her.


She enjoyed every minute of being pampered and catered to. Every second she amazed her. Every minute was better than the last. It was like she was in a real life romance movie or a fairytale. After dinner they made sweet passionate love until moonlight turned to sunlight. She spent the rest of her days in California with Tiree. She showed her around the city. Kay didn’t want to go home, but she knew she had to get back to business and face the music.


Once Kay got onto the plane the whole situation started to play over in her head. She didn’t understand how she could be so in love with Nore, and hate her so much in the matter of minutes. It’s a very thin line between love and hate which both Dru and Nore had crossed. By the time she made it to her car rage started to fill her heart.


While she was on her way home she turned on her phone to see if Tiree had left her a message. The first message she heard was from Nore she erased it. The second message was from Dru. The next one was from Twan. She decided to listen to Twan’s message. “Get at me shorty” he said in a serious tone. She called him to see what was going on. She was lost because she had extended her stay and left her phone off for the remainder of the trip.


Twan answered the phone on the first ring “Damn Shorty where you been? I’ve been calling you for the last couple of days. Listen, some niggas hit up one of the spots” he said. “Where are you going with this? Tell me what happened Twan” said Kay. She felt a sudden rush of panic. “They wet it up man. Dru and Nore was in the crossfire they got hit” he said. She couldn’t believe her ears. “So what are you telling me? Are they ok? Tell me they’re ok Twan” said Kay. “They’re gone” said Twan.


She couldn’t cry any tears. She was too in a state of shock. “Where were you?” Kay asked. “I was on my way there, but when I got there it was too late” He said. “When did this happen Twan?” asked Kay. “Three days ago” he replied. “Three days ago what did the police say?” Kay asked. “They didn’t find any evidence or anything. They just labeled it as another drug related robbery gone badly” said Twan.


“So they don’t know who did this?” asked Kay. “Not from what I heard on the news and on the streets” Twan replied. “Where are you?” Twan asked. “I was on my way home” Kay replied. “Well look why don’t I come over and we can finish talking about things. You don’t need to be alone at a time like this” Twan suggested. “Ok sure” Kay agreed.


When she got home all the emotions hit her at once. She still couldn’t believe they were gone. How could they have been dead for three days? She thought. Everything was happening so fast. She walked around the house full of pictures and memories of the happy times of their relationship. She then looked in the closet filled with Nore’s clothes and shoes. She nodded her head in disbelief.


She heard a car pull up outside and wished it was Nore coming home. She knew she had to face the harsh reality that she was never going to see her again. She started to think about their last conversation. She thought about how she would never hear her voice again. She then regretted deleting her messages. Twan rang the doorbell and waited for Kay to open the door.


She opened the door falling into his already open and inviting arms. Her eyes were red and full of tears. That was right up his alley. He held her soft body tight indulging in her sweet perfume. They walked into the house and sat down next to one another on the couch in the living room. “Are you ok?” he asked in such a sincere tone. He held her close to him taking advantage of her vulnerability.


“I have to see the bodies. I just can’t believe that this is happening. I won’t believe they’re gone until I see it with my own eyes” she said. Twan took a deep breath “They got shot up really bad it’s going to have to be a closed casket. Their faces are shattered” he said. Kay turned her head away trying to fight back her tears, but was unsuccessful.


She knew if this was true she had to pick a funeral home and a church for the funeral. She also knew that it wouldn’t be easy. She and Twan fell asleep on the couch together. They had stayed up for hours crying and reminiscing on past times. For the moment she had forgot about what they did to her. Although they had put a big dent in her heart she still loved them both very much.


The morning after she and Twan went to start the painful process. They picked out the caskets, obituary, tuxedos, tombstones, funeral home, and church. She was happy to have Twan standing right by her side. He offered her the support she needed to get through the situation without having a nervous breakdown. They were closer than they’d ever been. Going through this tragedy had bonded them together.


Twan stayed at the house with her every night leading up to the funeral. They were each other’s support system. She had always saw Twan as a brother. He was now showing her his more sensitive side. Getting dressed for the funeral Kay looked in the mirror at herself as everything she’d ever loved faded away. Twan and Kay shared a limo. There was complete silence the entire way there. Kay couldn’t believe she was burying them as silent tears rolled down her face.


The funeral was a huge turnout. People which she had never seen all showed up to pay their last respects. She walked up center stage to say a few words on their behalf.


“Nothing I say or do will ever bring them back into my presence. There’s nothing on earth that will ever fill the emptiness in my heart. They were my everything and more. It’s going to be beyond hard to find a way to continue on with life without them by my side. Hopefully with strength from the man above there has to be a way. Thank you all for coming out to give your love and support. Regardless if they crossed your path in a good or bad way I appreciate you coming. They had the kind of personalities and charisma that made you want to be around them. Although I can’t see their faces or touch their bodies physically, when I close my eyes the memories will forever live on inside of me. Thank you all once again for coming” she said before returning to her seat.


Twan held her in his arms as they returned to the limo for the burial services. At the grave site Kay tossed flowers in their graves. She cried a river as they were lowered down into the ground. Twan was right there to wrap her up in his arms and provide comfort. Their tombstones read R.I.P for you are only sleeping and will live on forever in my heart. After they left the burial grounds Kay went on to sulk in her bed for the remainder of the day.


She looked at her phone to see that Tiree had called her multiple times. She couldn’t find the strength to talk to her. She was just too broken up about everything to talk. Twan had left to handle some business and she was all alone to think about everything. She held onto her pillow tight thinking and missing her brother and lover until she cried herself to sleep.


Twan returned the next morning with a moving truck. They were going over to Dru’s house. Kay didn’t want to do it, but she knew it had to be done. She had to pack up all of his things. All of his assets were in her name being as though she was the only legal one of them all. He had over a Million dollars spread across her accounts. They had packed up his things and put them in the truck.


She took all his Jewelry valuing at One Million dollars itself and kept it with her just in case she wanted to liquidate it. She had gotten a storage for all of his and Nore’s belongings. Twan went on to unload the truck at the storage while she went home to pack up Nore’s things. She went into the safe Nore had up in the attic. Nore didn’t know she knew the combination. She just never had the urge to go inside of it until now. She anxiously turned the knob on the combination lock to the numbers of the code to unlock it.

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