Read TRI-SEXUAL Online

Authors: Girly G.

TRI-SEXUAL (5 page)

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Upon snapping back into reality the tears started pouring down her face. They were tears of sadness, pain, and disgust. “How the fuck could y’all do this to me in my bed? Bitch you supposed to love me. You supposed to be a fucking stud and you around here getting dick. I thought you were a lesbian? You are a fucking disgrace. You fucking dick dyke. You’re supposed to be my brother. My own flesh and blood and you would do this to me? Y’all are trifling. All these bitches out there that want to fuck you and you had to fuck mine. You know how much I love her. Neither one of you should have shit to say to me. I hate you both of equal measure. You supposed to like pussy. I guess that’s why you’ve been coming up short fucking me lately” she turned and said to Nore.


Kay turned around and headed out to her car. Dru and Nore both stood looking hurt and guilty. They didn’t have anything to say for themselves so they let her be. Kay with her tear filled eyes couldn’t believe what she just witnessed. “Damn I should’ve listened when Twan tried to worn me. My stubborn ass ways got me in this situation” she thought to herself.


She called Twan while on her way to the airport. She was in need of someone to confide in. She just didn’t want to hear those dreadful words I told you so. “Hello” her shaky and sobbing voice said into the phone. “What’s wrong shorty?” Twan asked. Kay went on to explain to him how she caught Dru and Nore fucking in her bed. “Damn shorty don’t cry. You can’t let this situation get the best of you” said Twan.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked wiping her tears. “I tried to tell you, but you weren’t hearing me though. I knew you would eventually find out for yourself. I just let you be because I knew there was no way I was going to be able to convince. It was one of those situations where you had to see it with your own eyes. I’m sorry that it had to come to that. So what are you gone do now shorty?” He asked.


“I don’t know. Right now I’m to the point where I’m questioning if I want them to live or die” Kay responded. “You don’t mean that” Twan said. “Once I calm down and get over it I probably won’t. I am about to do some serious soul searching it’s time to re-evaluate my life. I can’t believe this shit is really happening to me” she said. “I’m pulling up to the airport so I’ll have to talk to you later” said Kay. “Where are you going?” Twan asked. “I’ll be in LA for a couple of days. I have some business there” Kay responded. “Have a safe flight shorty. I’ll call every now and again to check up on you” Twan assured her. “Ok but I really have to go” Kay said before hanging up the line.


She arrived at the airport and parked. She hurried inside hoping they had delayed her flight. She rolled her bags up to the check-in counter. To her advantage they had indeed delayed her flight. After checking in she faced yet another obstacle at the security check point. The line was long and slow. She heard the now boarding announcement over the loud speaker. She had to run through the gates in order to make it on time.


By the time she made it to her seat she was relieved. She sat back in her seat replaying the scene over and over in her head. She was trying to make sense out of nonsense but had little to no results. She was completely overwhelmed with emotions of pain, sadness, and love. She knew she would never be able to find it in her heart to forgive them. She wondered what she was going to do. After all, she still loved them, but hated them with a passion at the same time.


Despite all that she was going through she owed it to herself to have the best time she possibly could. She set aside her feelings and took a cab to the hotel. The night had been overwhelmingly stressful so she wanted to leave it there and start the next day out fresh. She took some Tylenol pm and was knocked out like a light.


The next morning, Kay woke up ready to take on the world. She pampered herself before going to watch the rehearsals for the awards show. She hung out with a few of her Celebrity clients and their guests. Dru and Nore were blowing up her phone, but she continued to press the reject button sending them to the voicemail. She didn’t even consider answering it and was determined not to wear her heart on her sleeve.


Back in her hotel room getting ready for the pre-awards show party, she had almost 50 missed calls and 20 voicemails between the two of them. She checked the voicemails to hear who they were from. They were all from Nore crying on the phone. She was begging like Keith Sweat. Kay sucked her teeth as she erased all the other messages. She was disgusted by even the sound of her voice.


She planned to enjoy every bit of her vacation before going home. She had already made up in her mind that she was going to get her shit situated and making the move permanent. Kay arranged to have a limo pick her up. She was going to let it be known that she was in the place. She was a very well-known Designer which gave her access to all the exclusive events. She was wearing an all-white silk dress. It was diamond shaped in the front covering her breast with the back fully exposed.


Kay stepped out of the hotel lobby and into the limo and Nore was still blowing up her phone. Not wanting her to spoil her evening with the excessive calls she answered in an aggravated tone. “Why the fuck do you keep wasting your time and breath calling me? Do not fucking call me. I don’t have shit to say to you. By the way I hope his dick and your pussy fall the fuck off.


I’m about to answer every question you have make sure you pay close attention. First of all I don’t want to be with you. Secondly no we can’t work it out. Third I hate your fucking guts so stop fucking calling me. After my vacation I will be back. I’m going to come home, get my shit, and move on with my life. You are a closed chapter. You’re in my rear view as I continue to speed past. This is where the story ends and I throw the book in the fire. You can continue to spread your legs open like a bitch and get that dick. Trust me there’s no love loss. I regret ever loving you. I will get over you” Kay said and then hung up the phone.


She didn’t let Nore get a single word in. She didn’t deserve to speak. Nore felt like shit. She knew she was wrong and there was nothing she could say or do to make things right again. Her heart was broken into a million pieces. She knew she had lost a damn good girl. She knew she couldn’t talk or buy herself out of this situation. This was the final straw and she didn’t think she could live without her. None of that remotely compared to the hurt and betrayal Kay felt.


A few minutes later Kay had arrived at the star studded event. She walked inside with her chin up trying to keep her emotions intact. Oh was it a party. It was just what she needed. It was an open bar sponsored by Vodka. She knew the Liquor was going to be her date, bestfriend, and keep her sanity. The music was jumping, it was live but she was about to turn it up a notch.


She loved to dance and wasn’t too prissy or stuck up to do it. The majority of the women there were afraid to let loose and have fun but not her. She was going to enjoy herself and do what she loved to do no matter what. She needed to shake off some of the hurt on her heart. She stole the show with her sultry moves and her heavenly sculpted body. The sexy number she put together was the ice cream. Her bold personality was the cherry on top.


She was the life of the party. It wasn’t long before her Celebrity attention craving associates started to join her on the dance floor. They couldn’t stand to see her getting all of the attention. Her name was on the tip of every one’s tongue “Go Lavish go Lavish go Diamond go Diamond” they chanted. She stole the spotlight. All the men were sweating her down to earth ways.


Kay noticed a stud glancing at her from across the dance floor. That was something she would never have expected. She didn’t recognize her face. She had no clue who she was. What she did know was that she had to have some money to be rubbing shoulders with all of these A-list Celebrities. It wasn’t easy to get into these events. You had to either be somebody or be with somebody.


In return Kay glared back at her. She changed her location on the dance floor moving closer to the mystery woman. They locked eyes in a fuck me right here in this club stare. “Damn it” Kay said to herself as she felt her pussy thumping and moistening. She had never been attracted to another woman other than Nore. Kay started running her fingers through her hair while swerving her body like a snake to the beat.


The mystery woman seemed to be moving closer and closer in Kay’s mind. She closed her eyes imagining her lying her body down in the middle of the dance floor and making sweet love to her. She started tracing all over her body with her hands. She cupped her breast then slid her hands down her midsection and grabbed her cat.


Everyone watched closely while she caressed herself so seductively. She bit down on her lip. Her facial expressions showed that she was having a private sexual moment somewhere else in her mind. Kay snapped out of her sexual zone and noticed all the eye balls pointed in her direction. She didn’t care or mind them watching. She definitely didn’t care about them knowing her sexuality.


She walked step after step over to Ms. Mystery to get a better view of how beautiful she was. She had long neat perfectly twisted locks. She dressed very classy and stylish. She was wearing Gucci down to the floor. She was sexy as hell with her deep dimples and pink lips. Kay stepped up into her face first staring her up and down. She then reached her head towards her ear and moaned “Umm…” She then turned around walked through the crowd and left the party. She left Ms. Mystery flattered, horny, and eager to know and do more.


Once Kay made it back to the hotel she was horny and dripping wet. She just wanted to rip her clothes off and satisfy herself. She almost didn’t make it to the hotel. She was strongly considering playing with her pussy in the limo, but decided against it. As soon as she made it into the room she slung off her heels, stepped out of her dress and fell back onto the bed.


She opened her legs wide open pinched her nipples, and then ran her hand over her pussy. Kay teased her clitoris and stuck her finger inside of her sweet pot of honey. “Damn I’m wet. I wish I could eat my own pussy” she said, while sucking her juices off slowly savoring her taste. The taste of her own pussy always drove her wild. She ran the tip of her finger in a circular motion around her clit. She then pumped her finger in and out of her pussy pinching her nipples. She repeated those steps over and over until she climaxed her night away.


Kay woke the next morning, took a shower, and returned back to the bed. She was placing lotion on her silky smooth legs when she heard a knock on the door. “Room service” a woman’s voice said. “I didn’t order any room service” she thought to herself. “Room Service” the voice repeated. She started walking towards the door. “I didn’t order any room service” she said behind the door. No matter what she did she realized that the woman was not going to go away.


She opened the door slightly hiding her naked body behind it. She smiled at the sight of the person standing before her. To her surprise it was the mystery woman from the previous night. She was holding an empty silver platter in her hands. She had taken the liberty to find out which hotel Kay was staying in. To Kay that was thoughtful and impressive. “What’s on the menu?” Kay asked blushing and smiling. “You” she replied. Kay opened the door allowing her access and exposed her naked body.


Mystery admired her body. She licked her pink lips as her eyes traveled over every inch of her. “Damn” she said. She then walked over to the bed placing the silver platter down on the mattress. “Come here” she said to a naked Kay still standing by the door.


Kay hesitated for a quick second. She was indecisive. She didn’t want that to taint her image and perception of her. She didn’t want her to think of her as someone that sleeps around. Kay knew she wasn’t that type but she didn’t want Tiree to think less of her and get shit twisted. She thought about her situation for a minute and then realized just how much she needed it. She decided to just let life happen and enjoy the moment for what it was. She took a deep breath then approached her.


She kissed her lips and pulled her shirt over her head. She then unbuttoned her belt and slid down her shorts. “Umm…” Kay moaned sucking on her sweet tongue. “What’s your name?” Kay asked in between the kissing. “Tiree, but you can just call me yours” she replied. Kay exhaled as Tiree picked her up placing her ass on top of the silver platter.


Kay opened her legs wide for Tiree. Tiree then climbed on top her. She palmed her breasts and sucked each nipple one at a time. She pushed both breasts together placing both nipples in her mouth. Tiree then traveled down to her midsection. She kissed around her navel and rubbed her nipples. Kay squirmed with anticipation of the pleasure she was about to receive. Between her legs she was burning with desire. She anxiously and impatiently pushed her head down to her pussy. Kay wanted to feel her mouth on her pussy now.


Tiree first started at her asshole. She licked around the hole before sticking her tongue inside. She swirled it around in circles then in and out. “Oh… oh…” Kay moaned. Tiree started making her way higher sliding her tongue deep into her pussy. She smacked her lips and made slurping sounds she sucked and swallowed all of her sweet juices. “Eat it up” Kay screamed. She was already almost near climax. Tiree stuck her tongue as deep inside her pussy as her tongue would allow. She scraped along her walls.


“Umm… umm…” Kay continued to moan. Tiree then ran her tongue up to her clit. She licked her clit so soft and slow from left to right. All Kay could say was that it was feeling so good. It was so intense to be slow head. She then entered two fingers inside of her. She moved them in and out at a steady pace.

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