Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) (6 page)

Read Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) Online

Authors: Ashley Bostock

Tags: #girls with guns, #finance, #credit union, #dance competition, #Silver Slippers Saloon, #CEO, #Gun shy, #trigger happy, #handguns, #series, #sexy series, #concealed weapon, #contemporary romance, #accounting, #collections

BOOK: Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2)
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"Considering you think our past was a huge mistake on your part, what personal issue would I have to discuss with you?" she replied sarcastically. "I came here for business matters."

"Well, don't you?"

"Don't I what? Think the Silver Slippers Saloon was a mistake? Let me ask you something. Do you really care what I think about that night? I mean, aside from you being a jerk to me now, I have never thought of it as a mistake. So again, do you really care? Do you really want to know my thoughts about that night?" She spoke in a low tone, aware that his door was still wide open.

Gage pondered her questions.
he want to know her thoughts about that night?
Did he care?
Would it change the way he felt now? All this time he considered it a mistake, something he never should have done. However, he never dreamed in a million years that he would be face to face with her again, either. Ever. Now, he had too much animosity in his being to overcome what he believed to be a colossal mistake. It wasn't going to go away just because this stunning blonde was standing inside his office. Or wearing tight jeans that hugged her curves perfectly. Or because her smell penetrated his senses and had him reliving that night years ago.

They were alone now. The woman, having fulfilled her duties, left a short time ago. Now, she was on her back and Gage was leaning over her. He held her hands above her head as he nuzzled her neck. She was tiny. She fit perfectly into his hands. She smelled too good. It was a heady scent of femininity and sex. As he nibbled her, he tickled her with his five o’clock shadow along her neck and jawbone, making her laugh and squirm.

"You smell too good. It's irresistible. It reminds me of my childhood," he chuckled, "but my childhood never included a sexy woman like you. What is this? I can't get enough of you."

"It's the flower. Hyacinth, " she whispered.

"Mmmhmmm, that's what it is."

He moved down her neck, to her chest, never letting up on the kisses. He could feel her delicate hands sifting through his hair, pushing him closer to her, as if she couldn't get enough of him either. The feeling was definitely mutual. He was happy that he had all night. After satisfying both women, doing all of the things they wanted, he was free to focus on her alone. She had been his favorite from the moment he laid eyes on her. He found her slick folds with his tongue and began pleasuring her. Sticking his fingers inside of her, he prodded and licked and sucked. Her fingernails dug hard into his shoulders as her clit quivered in his mouth as the onslaught of an orgasm took place.

This woman drove him insane. How could he be thinking about her like that? After all this time he rarely thought about her. Somehow in a matter of a few weeks, she was able to weasel her way into his mind, unknowingly of course, nonstop. Now, if he stood up, she'd be able to see that she still affected him. God, he was acting like a teenager. He was disgusted with himself. What were his options? To get on with whatever she wanted from him. Which brought up a valid point: what did she want?

He was less than cordial when he went to the dance studio and he made his dislike for her clear. Yet, here she was wanting to meet with him about some sort of business matter. Which, considering his line of work, meant finances. What Gage was having a hard time grasping though was why she wanted anything to do with him after he had been a dick to her? Okay, he did feel a little bad about that now. But even so, it didn't make much sense.

Switching into business mode, he spoke. "We don't need to rehash something that happened so long ago. Why don't you tell me what I can do for you?"

Amber withdrew her financial documents and proceeded to tell him about her interest in buying the building. The strip mall's current owner was ready to sell because of an illness. She wanted to buy it. She had it under contract. She told as much to Gage.

"I am looking for a loan."

"Normally, I would have you speak with one of my loan officers, have you fill out an application - that sort of thing. Why don't you give me the documents you have and we'll go from there," he reached across his desk as she offered the papers to him.

Their hands touched as she handed over the papers. She immediately felt a reaction. She looked up into his eyes. His smoke colored eyes were already staring her down. Had he felt that too? She couldn't be sure with the look in his eyes. They were hard to read. They were definitely not the flirty eyes Marilyn so loved to tell her about! Blake had flirty eyes, Gage did not
. Okay.

Gage took the papers, moving his hand quickly so he didn’t have to feel her skin and the electricity she was emitting. He began looking them over. The numbers on these documents astounded him. She had this kind of money? Clearly, not enough cash to purchase the building outright, but the assets on paper showed she had quite a bit of money and if she wanted to, she could easily get cash. He was taken aback. He had no idea she came from such wealth. The last few pages he looked over showed him she was sitting on millions and millions of dollars. What would she want with a little mini-mall? Again, she surprised him. Again, he didn't really appreciate it. He cleared his throat.

He couldn't help the sarcastic voice that came out. "What's the deal, Amber? Where have you gotten all this money? And why did you really come to me? Why not go to one of those high powered banks to get a simple loan?"

"First of all, to get a loan from you, it's really none of your concern why I didn't go elsewhere. Secondly, it's not like I asked for all of this money, okay? It's from all of the oil wells all over town. All over town and all around town to be exact. Can you help me or not?"

"I guess. But I can't deal with you. I will refer you to Lisa Knight. She's great at what she does. She will have you set up in no time."

Amber was slightly frustrated, but only slightly. Nothing compared to how he made her feel during their last encounter at the studio. She could read between the lines though. This was his way of getting her off his back. So he wouldn't have to deal with her. She couldn’t stand that he disliked her so much. She really didn’t deserve it. For the first time in a long time, she actually cared what a man thought about her. Before, she could give a hoot what any guy said but for some reason, this animosity from Gage was killing her. Before she left, she had to ask him one question.

"Why do you dislike me so much? The one and only night we met, I thought we had such an amazing time. Do you remember all those things you whispered to me? All of the things you did to my body? The places you touched me with your fingers and your mouth? If it was a personal mistake on your part, why are you taking it out on me? Someone you don't even know."

At this moment, she hated herself for even entertaining the idea of wanting him in her bed. Especially when he made her feel this crummy feeling that she was feeling right now. She waited for an answer.

It was a staring contest and he wasn’t backing down. This was the first time during their entire conversation that she had succeeded in making him feel like a jackass. It didn't help that he could see the open look of hurt in her eyes, either. Nor that he actually
remember all the things he whispered in her ear. His mind remembered practically everything and his body definitely remembered it all. How did he respond to that? She was right, of course. It wasn't her fault he developed this whole regret issue. She was only a product of it, not the cause. And here he was taking it out on her. But the soldier in him nagged that he couldn't admit any wrongdoing without welcoming in things he didn't want to be asked.

"Look, I was and still am, very surprised to have run into you again. It was a one-night stand that I've since forgotten about and have put behind me. I am not that kind of man anymore who would sign up for something like that now. Nor, do I welcome that behavior. Whatever happened between us is long over. There isn't even a glimmer of hope to have any relationship with you or be friends with you for that matter. I haven't quite figured out your angle yet, but I know you have one. Quite frankly, I'm not into playing whatever game you’re trying to play. If you want a loan, fine. Talk to Lisa. If you're here because you think there might be something between us that could reignite, it's not happening, Amber."

She was befuddled! This arrogant jerk! Okay, he was exactly right about her having an angle, but he didn't know that and she certainly wasn't going to tell him. What a conceited man for him to just assume she wanted him! Where did he come from? As if that weren’t bad enough, watching him exert his tough talk onto her was such a turn-on, she could hardly focus.

Like a child, she finally found her words, "You arrogant son of a bitch! Who do you think you are?" she stood up. He followed her motion and got up too. Her legs itched to move and she walked out into the open area that surrounded his desk. He did the same.

"Keep your voice down," he warned.

"I cannot believe your nerve. You assume I want you just because you fucked me hard, one time?" Before she thought of the consequences, she went on, "I've had better sex than that, Gage. Way better."

He stalked up to her so that he was mere inches from her face. "You are really starting to piss me off. You are a liar. There is no way you’ve had better sex with anyone else. It shows all over your face. You know you want me. I would bet my paycheck on it," he whispered. "You and I both know that isn't true."

"You don't know that. You don't even know me, remember?" She could feel the heat rolling off his body. She tried with all her might not to show him the truth that must be present in her eyes. She swallowed the dryness in her throat.

"Maybe I don't know you. But I remember your body, and right now it's telling me that what you’re saying is a lie. There isn't anyone that's fucked you like I did. Hard like I did, or better than I have."

"Prove it," she dared him.


ith one glance over his shoulder, making sure he was somewhat out of sight from any one passing down the hallway, he turned back to Amber and proved it. One minute he was business-like and all common sense, and the next, he had her shoved up against the wall sticking his tongue down her throat. His right hand was wrapped around her neck, pressing her head into the wall while his other hand had ahold of her head. Her lips were soft, pliant in his mouth. He devoured her lips and tongue, seeking an answer he knew was there. Her scent invaded his nostrils; he could feel her hands tightening on his shoulders, needing more. That's what he gave her. He kissed her like he knew her, like he knew what she needed. He kissed her full on, as if this one moment was going to prove to him and to her, that he was exactly right. He was what she needed.

Amber was getting hot in places she hadn't been in a long time. Like, really hot. The minute Gage Alexander, CEO's lips touched hers, she was taken back to that single night long ago. His kiss ignited a fire deep within her belly that hadn't been put out by any other man she had since him. She could feel his hard-on pressing into her lower abdomen, making her wish they were someplace other than the credit union. That thought brought her back to the present. She pushed against Gage; taking all her might, she shoved him away. Her hand came up to slap his face but she wasn't quick enough and he caught her hand with his.

"You bastard," she told him. Her heart was beating tenfold.

Still holding her hand, he leaned forward again. "First of all, don't try hitting me. I know how to fight and protect myself. Secondly, are you mad, Amber, because I'm right? Don't play poker, babe. I can see it in your eyes, all over your face."

She was a mess. Her body was warring with itself on whether she should beg him to fuck her or try kneeing him in the balls. He did this to her all on his own. And she had fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. God, she was such an idiot. She couldn't believe she actually thought she could come in here and get him to want her again. Maybe that was the truth - he had never wanted her even back then.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she whispered. Tears burned her eyes. "Let me go, please. Just let me go."

Gage's heart stuttered. Her beautiful blue eyes were wet with tears he had put there. He was a complete ass. He hadn't meant to get so out-of-control with her, but those were the type of emotions she stirred in him. What could he say? He gently let go of her wrist, as if that would appease the tension in the room.

He began to speak, "Amber, -"

"Save it, Gage." And she walked, almost ran, out of his office and out of the credit union before he could see the tears streaming down her cheeks.

She got into her car and buckled her seatbelt. She was so naive! She truly thought she would be able to sashay her way into his office and make him want her. He was a guy after all, how hard could that be? She sashayed her way into plenty of men's beds. He shouldn't be any different. Oh, but he is, her conscience told her. She checked her face in the rear-view mirror, confirmed she needed a tissue to clean up her mascara and headed to her tiny tots dance class.

Dance class was a nightmare. She had never been so on-edge before in any of her classes and today, the kiddos were driving her nuts. Amber, who was usually patient as could be, could hardly deal with their wandering bodies. She almost snapped when little Vivian picked up her iPod and switched the music to foul-mouthed rap music. For her, that type of music was fine, but not okay for the kiddos. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the forty-five minute class was over.

As she packed up her things, her other BFF pounced into the studio. "It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you." Gabriella gave her a big hug.

"I know. That's because you're too busy working."

Gabriella Crawford or Gabbie, as all her friends called her, recently opened a high-end lingerie store in town. Now, she hardly had time to chill with her girlfriends because she was always busy dealing with the boutique.

"Hey, I'm here now. Let's go grab something to eat. My treat. When's your next class?"

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